Lyon Dawnguard |

Would it possible to hit the three on us without hitting the people they've grappled? Using Scatter shot, so 30 foot cone.
Also can I switch ammo types as a free action since I can reload for free or is unloading more time consuming?

The Harrow GM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

When you grapple someone, you end up adjacent to them, so I don't think it's possible to hit all three chokers without also hitting an ally. I think you could angle to hit the non-grappling choker and one grappling choker, though.
You can 'unload' as a move action, or you can fire, but you shouldn't be able to just freely switch ammo types (This is subject to change, I haven't really thought of "unloading" ammunition before as something that you do during combat but I wanted to give you a quick "right now" answer).
Also, bronze discussion star to Aisha for the 200th Discussion post.

Lyon Dawnguard |

Would angling to hit the non-grappling and one grappling require a move action or just the way she's aiming and if it does require movement would that provoke an AOO?
Sounds good

Lyon Dawnguard |

Since Lyon goes after Lu and Aisha should I wait to post in case they move?

The Harrow GM |

If what you're doing depends on what they do, then... maybe? But if you have a conditional like "If either of them gets out of the way such that I can actually shoot all three of them, then I do that" then you can just include that 'ooc' in your post and I will make sure it happens when your turn comes around.

Lyon Dawnguard |

Just don't want any friendly fire because someone moved before she shot, Lyon would rather skip her turn than hit an ally if she can help it.

Lyon Dawnguard |

Sounds good, edited mine in as well as a conditional that she'll use warning roar vs the next attack against the party.

Aisha Spark |

One is an unconscious unsplodedhead longarms
One is a conscious splodedhead longarms that is in negative HP
and One is a dead splodedhead longarms.
If, instead, there are two dead sploded head longarms, and one unconscious splodey-head longarms, please transition my post to going to help the centaur, and still using eldritch fang on the choker grappling her. The last post was very hard to fully follow for me!

Aisha Spark |

The Harrow GM |

Also, apologies for the unclear description.
The big one is just bigger, stronger, and tougher than a normal one. It is essentially a double-giant advanced HD version of the other chokers (since it is Large and normal chokers are Small).

The Harrow GM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

When people share the results of Knowledge checks (even if they don't verbally say everything in the Knowledge check) you may feel free to look at the Knowledge spoiler in question yourself and act on the knowledge contained within. This is so that you don't have to go back and forth just in case someone's wording is unclear.
Furthermore, when you have abilities that require you to only use them "before the results of the roll", you may ignore that clause. Because there is no way for me to really monitor whether you actually decided to use that ability at the proper time or not, there is no difference on my end whether or not you do.
As such, you may preview rolls and then decide whether or not to use buffs like Arcane Accuracy.
Please, please don't preview rolls and then choose not to use the roll in the first place (like, for instance, if you want to use parry and riposte but you rolled poorly, don't go like "eh I won't roll that because I don't want to have spent the resource, so I'll just delete that roll"). But you can say 'well, I don't think a 21 is enough, so I'll say I used that +3 bonus I have to get a 24'.
However, using the swashbuckler example, even if you know that you only failed by 2 and you get a +2 bonus from Charmed Life, I'm okay with you spending the panache for Charmed Life after you see your roll instead of having to be like "I will use Charmed Life on this saving throw" for every saving throw.
Does that make sense? Do you understand where the new line is?
It's basically there to make your abilities more consequential, but also to ensure a lack of clutter.

The Harrow GM |

Think of it like this:
The purpose of Arcane Accuracy from a narrative perspective is to be able to say "well, I would have missed, but I can blend magic and my martial skill together such that actually my strike goes through!" As-is, it's only applicable on 15% of rolls, and even if you use it perfectly there's no way you're spending that resource every time you miss by 3 or less. So let's say you're spending that point every 20 melee attacks... that's still very infrequently to be able to say "my cool ability that I chose actually did something consequential" and to be able to write about the actual effects of how your ability works.

Kaussek |

All right, makes sense. I just realized I forgot to subtract a point of eldritch pool anyway. XD

Aisha Spark |

I also sort of expected them to *spray* acid like some demons, not *erupt in it*. :O
Totally wasn't my intent, nor Aisha's to mislead.

Lyon Dawnguard |

I just realized I forgot the grazed penalty on Lyon's attacks so both are at -1 to hit, sorry.

Lyon Dawnguard |

Just to double check: There were three chokers grappling the dwarf. Lyon killed one, Kaussek hurt one and made it use the acid, and the other one is still grappling her?

The Harrow GM |

Hey guys, the Mythic Character Codex just got released. It was a Kickstarter project to add a lot of additional mythic options.
I've just downloaded it, and will add it to my Drive soon to share with you guys as potential options for you to use in addition to the Core options. It contains new mythic class abilities, mythic spells, mythic feats, three new mythic paths, and more.

Lyon Dawnguard |

Neato, if we like the new paths more than the ones we applied for can we switch to those or would you prefer we take dual path to get them?

The Harrow GM |

Since I chose two people from the Champion list anyway, I was just planning on allowing people to choose whatever path they wanted to be the primary one. So! You can totally choose whichever path suits you best.
I'll upload it into my Drive and put it in the Campaign Info tab in a couple hours.

Aisha Spark |

It's alright, Aisha is also being bait :p

The Harrow GM |

I added a link to the Campaign Info tab underneath "rulings and houserules". I also added a link to ERTW's Beguiler conversion, an Intelligence-based 9-level casting class that also gets good skills and roguelike abilities, which I will allow if it comes up at any point.
There are three new paths: The path of the Bound, which is for people who get their mythic power through a mysterious patron that they can make deals with, the path of the Mystic, which is for psychic casting classes, and the path of the Reluctant Hero, which is a survivable mix of other path abilities to replicate basically Bilbo Baggins or Han Solo. Check it out!

The Harrow GM |

That new mythic book has a really nice section on Mythic Marvels and Trials, which is all about things that you can do incidentally or accidentally when you use your mythic power, and the kinds of challenges that you will be overcoming in order to exercise and gain your mythic power.
I thought I would post some of them here, so that you guys can look and think about the kinds of things your characters will one day be capable of.
Change Important Laws: Change an important government policy, reform an entire government, or overthrow an enemy government to make way for a better one. At low tiers, the government might be a single city council whose rules and laws are changed indefinitely or a baroness who is convinced to pass down new policies and ideals to her heirs. At high tiers, this should be a high queen or national assembly.
Change the Waters: Build or destroy a dam in a dangerous region or end a source of extreme pollution such as corrupting monsters. Opened waterways bring long-lasting trade and prosperity and revive a parched land. Blocked waters can choke the resources of an enemy or might expose forgotten traces of an earlier time.
Destroy an Ancient Stronghold: Conquer and raze a stronghold that has stood for long years. It might be an ancient monster’s lair, such as a dragon or a lich. At low tiers, it might simply have been built before living memory or impose upon a single barony, but at high tiers, the target should be a stronghold from a previous age and/or shape the future of a nation.
Found a Government: Create a lasting new settlement or found a government to replace one that has collapsed or been overthrown. At low tiers, the government will probably be local. At higher tiers, it is more fitting to establish or reform a nation. This trial be quick or complex enough to span a whole campaign, so consider how many steps are required when deciding how many trials to break this into.
Found an Organization: Found an organization and equip it to last beyond the present day. At low tiers, this might only be a force in a single large town beyond the current generation. At high tiers, it should influence a whole region, probably for centuries to come.
Interact with a Deity: Any interaction with a deity or other world-shaking entity might be a mythic trial, depending on your campaign. At low tiers, simply getting a deity’s attention is likely to be a mythic trial in itself. At middle tiers, a more appropriate trial might be to resolve a tense dispute, change a god’s mind on something, or violently dispatch a deity’s herald. At high tiers, you might face a demigod directly or raid a deity’s realm for an important treasure.
Make a Discovery: Rediscover or invent a spell, magic item, or technology that changes the course of history. Learn a secret important to many, such as a god’s origin or a grand organization’s secret goal. At low tiers, this might tip the balance of power in a city or radically improve a tribe’s economy. At high tiers, this might be the key to defeating a seemingly immortal foe or revolutionize world trade.
Make War or Make Peace: Ignite a war or other major conflict or make peace from such a conflict. During a war, survive helping decide a battle that history will remember, even if you lose. At low tiers, the sides might be small tribes or petty lords. At high tiers, they are likely mighty nations, cosmic interlopers, or vast coalitions of varied peoples.
Open New Vistas: Make the world appreciably better connected. Make safe new ways to travel between separated regions, such as discovering an ocean crossing, blazing a trail across a region, or negotiating a long-term treaty between distant groups.
Seal a Timeless Evil: An evil that is beyond your power to destroy might still be possible to contain. Banishing or capturing a foe beyond your power is usually a mythic trial, especially if the foe is mythic.
Spread a Philosophy: Alter the dominant worldview in an area somehow. At low tiers, the area might be several frontier settlements; at high tiers, it might be a whole nation.

Ishana Tamanna |

So many exciting Trials!
Am I right in saying that that some of those things would be less common because they are more high tier Trials?

The Harrow GM |

I have encounters planned out to approximately level 10/tier 4. During that time, you will do... at least 5 of those things (although at varying levels of 'epic mythicness') and that's only those encounters which I have planned 'on the railroad', so to speak. HOWEVER whether your characters actually accomplish things like this is just as much up to you and your own goals and ability to make your goals happen as it is up to me planning encounters that involve them.
For example, if you want to Found an Organization, whether or not that happens is not something I will do for you, you know? If you want to make major political or geographical changes to a region, those aren't ideas that I'm going to give you.
But I mean, also: Yes, you're right. Some of those will be less common. You will probably be "Holding a Stronghold" against monster attacks and "Changing Local Laws" before you get to "Destroy an Ancient Fortress" or "Interact with a Deity".

Ishana Tamanna |

Excellent, so we can drive for our own mythic trials. That Make a Discovery Trial for instance looks pretty awesome for Ishana to put a focus on (whether it happens is another matter).
GM, in that document, there were some cool looking Mythic Kingdom / Settlement powers (like Knowledge). Are they available for selection?

The Harrow GM |

Yes! In general, the powers in that book are available for selection by any of you. I actually particularly like the Mythic Kingdom rules and considered giving them out for free at key STORY POINTS if nobody was interested in using them because I like them enough to make them a part of the story.

Aisha Spark |

Are... are we going to build a Dam around Sharkoris, to prevent its Rise from overcoming the world?
Also, I was eyeing Knowledge -and- Doors with Aisha. :P (Doors, first, though. Who doesn't like being able to get to the Library from anywhere... and to anywhere from the Library? Her followers must be able to get from location to location to be the best spies, after all. :P)

The Harrow GM |

Marcus, I need you to make a post about what it is that you're actually doing. I understand your intent to be the bait, but not the specific implementation, because I really doubt that you're going to do the same thing as Ishana did.
Ishana - can you update your spells header to be accurate?

Ishana Tamanna |

I don't mind if they are Story awards either, I'm just wondering about flavorful Mythic abilities for Ishana. Too many path abilities are about whats mechanically good (like beating spell resistance or bypassing immunity), and less about mythic flavor. A Knowledge Mythic Settlement sounds pretty awesome.
Also spells header updated.

The Harrow GM |

Mythic nerfs added to the Campaign Info tab.
Also, I have an additional mythic rulebook: Legendary Games' Mythic Heroes' Handbook, content from which I will be allowing. If you wish to look, please check out the new link under "rulings" which I will add in a few moments.
Mythic ascension is at the end of the chapter, which is quite awhile off (I believe). HOWEVER I want everyone to have a nice long time to ponder mythic abilities before the first tier is gained, which is why I'm adding this information now.
The Mythic Heroes' Handbook has a bunch of new options for all paths and some for classes, as well as feats and items and such. In addition, it has three new paths - the Genius, a utility path made for innovators, creators, rogues, and trickstery types - the Living Saint, a domain-tied path for divine characters whose destiny is fought over by competing deities - and the Stranger, a shadowy figure of mystery who darts in and out of the limelight.

Aisha Spark |

YAAASSSS, So many bronze stars. Eventually, they stop mattering in the grand scheme, but for now, they are OUR ACHIEVEMENTS.
Before you get excited about Living Saint, Marcus, it pretty much requires Domain to be anything really interesting, and also hyperfocuses on 'the entire pantheon wants -you-'. :(

Ishana Tamanna |

Hey, theres always Divine Source :)
GM, will Ishana learn IC how her unknown bloodline relates to her Mythic ascension? Its a bit of a way off, but I'm checking to see if its going to clash or influence her mythic choices.

The Harrow GM |

Yes. If you're still alright with me deciding and would like it to be surprise, she will find out IC eventually. If you don't want it to be a surprise, I can PM you my idea: I do have something specific in mind, and at least one Ishana-related quest planned.
She will receive a clue upon the moment of ascension, as well.

Ishana Tamanna |

I'm happy with it either being a surprise or learning what it is OOC (basically I don't mind). I'll probably take Mythic Eldritch Heritage (as my Mythic feat) to expand my Shapeshifter bloodline further when we ascend. As long as that works with the idea, I'm happy.

Lyon Dawnguard |

Still looking over all the new mythic stuff, Beguiler looks neat but I don't think it would fit Lyon very well from what I saw.
I do have a few questions about the mythic nerfs and some other things:
Does Mythic Rapid Shot count as one source for the attack cap?
Does Discipline Focus apply to all damage when wielding a chosen weapon or just attacks made with that weapon?
Since I don't have gunsmith what skill would be fitting to craft/repair firearms and ammo?
Does the new Foe-biting bane ability take effect after a single hit or a single round, like if I had 3 attacks could I apply it after the first hit to give the other two bane?'
Will we be considered mythical creatures for the new critical rules?

The Harrow GM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Lyon - Yes, because Mythic Rapid Shot changes how Rapid Shot works and doesn't add additional attacks of its own accord.
Discipline Focus only applies to damage rolls made with discipline weapons.
Knowledge (engineering) is probably the most appropriate choice - you may also take Craft (machinery) if you like. Both are usable for other things.
Looks like it's a free action, so you can do it after one attack. If you already have a bane weapon and you want to increase it to +4/+4d6, then it will take a swift action (which you can't take in the middle of a full attack) so you'll have to wait for the next round. I'm wrong! Swift actions can be performed mid-action! So yeah, you can activate the "foe-biting" thing mid-FRA.
Yes - if you have Damage Reduction, it counts as 2xDR fortification as well. However, the last two clauses (about increasing your DR/resistances and avoiding death) only apply to mythic enemies.

Kaussek |

I'll be getting on a plane shortly, so my posting may be sporadic for the next few days.

The Harrow GM |

So, I thought I'd poke you and let you know specifically what I need right now:
From each group, I need: Rest now? Or rest later?
Go to meet each other? Go specifically where? (I'm okay with fate magically reuniting the two groups, I just need some specific direction that the group is heading)
Do anything specific before leaving your current location?
@Ishana - You're right that the time didn't match up completely - I figure that scene took a couple of hours in between everything, but I just wanted time to basically match up between the groups so I waggled my reality-bending wand and made it so.
I'm looking to see a little bit more discussion as you work out these few simple decisions and then to make a post that brings everyone together to today's afternoon, so that we can be refreshed and reset for the next scenes of adventure.