About Aisha SparkResources Used:
Active Stance and Element:
Rapid Adjustment Pool:
Magenta Prism Bonuses:
Alignment: True Neutral. While Aisha means well, her interactions with the world have not been truly noble, altruistic, or even life-changing for most. She shares what she knows, often freely, and disdains lies, but she also doesn’t believe overtly in the restrictions of freedom, and ultimately views her own goals as being beyond morality. Race: Android
• Alert: +2 to perception.
Size: Medium
Spells Known (Bard CL1; Concentration Bonus +4) 0th: DC 13. Cast Defensively DC 15 Prestidigitation
1st: 2/day DC 14. Cast Defensively DC 17 Maneuvers Known (Aegis) Phantom Sun Stance: Aisha can make perfect copies of any thrown weapon or ammunition that she carries, save that they do not carry any of the material properties of what is copied. Ammunition does not retain magical effects, though weapons may still imbue magical effects to the weapons, and thrown weapons retain their magical properties. Eldritch Fang: Boost: Add 1d4 Force damage to your next attack, which automatically overcomes damage reduction. If the attack hits, the target must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or become staggered for one round. Elemental Strike: Strike: A strike whose effects vary based on her current element. A: Reflex DC 17 or Prone, E: Reflex DC 17 or 2d6 acid next turn, F: Reflex DC 17 or blinded for one round, W: Fort DC 17 or Nauseated for one round. Reactive Reversion: Boost: Mark current location, and for one round, you may teleport back to the space as a free action. Using the ability ends the boost. This can negate attacks that cannot reach your former position. For every 2 PP spent, the boost lasts one additional round, alternately, you can return to the space one additional time. [limit level PP used] -----------------------------------------
Str: 11, Dex: 18, Con: 12, Int: 16, Wis: 10, Cha: 09 -----------------------------------------
CMD: 18 (10 Base, 3 BAB, 5 Dex ) Hit Points: 42 Saves:
+4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun
Move Speed: 50 ft CMB: +3 ( 3 Base + 0 Strength ); +8 with Weapons ( 3 Base + 5 Dex ) Attack Routines:
Aisha has two faces. The face that she wears to hide from the world, and the face that she hides from it. She doesn't fundamentally view this as a mistruth, nor does she often reflect upon it. She simply feels more comfortable when she's pretending to be someone that isn't her. She uses prestidigitation extensively to maintain her own cleanliness and appearance. The first face is sleek lines and sharp edges, whirling curves, the psychoactive skin formed by her nanites covering her modest frame with armor, to warn the world of danger. Her movements are fluid and perfectly timed, her suit punctuating her movement with impossible grace. While the layer of nanites shift and harden into a solid second skin that shields her body and face from the outside world, the suit itself is too soft and malleable to really make a difference in her speed. Touching the suit is like touching a normal person's skin. Despite the hard outer shell and angles, the suit is soft and warm. The colors change almost as Aisha wills them, and the scent that the suit gives off tends to be clean, or punctuated by the scents of local flora. Her suit is quiet, though not silent, her movements punctuated by some hidden metronome housed deep within. The bits don't creak or groan as a suit of leather might, nor does it bear her forward with the clacks and clanks associated with ill-fitted full plate, it simply is, and only the being housed inside is truly responsible for those sounds that are born from within. Her nanites almost always have an acrid taste, like that of a copper coin, though the taste is unlikely to deter any beasts that actually do gain purchase with their fangs. The second has one thing in common with the first. The voice from inside is placid, almost to a fault, and as soft and delicate as an unspoken new idea. Aisha's outer voice is unable to bear the internal nuance and fluidity of her inner one. She is quick to speak when she has information to share, or when she finds a perspective to be faulty, but much slower to speak simply to voice her own opinions on things. Even when her armor is down, Aisha subconsciously places a layer between herself and the world by wearing a pair of thick black glasses and allowing her straight hair to fall around her face, framing it in a shifting spectrum of color that adjusts by her whims. Her chocolate brown irises float in a pool of black and silver, further accentuated by glowing burnt sienna tattoos that run all across her face and skin. Her clothing is always made to smell as something soft, delicate and sweet - vanilla, honeysuckle, rose petals - because she finds the scents to be appealing. Her pale skin is much more firm than her astral suit, like the weathered skin of a beast of burden, not hard, but not easily pliable. Like her face, the rest of her modest frame is covered in the glowing burnt sienna lines, broad swaths running up her arms, along her back, and down her legs in an interweaving pattern. The majority of these lines are covered by carefully chosen clothing with adventuring aesthetics. She has several prized possessions: A suit of mithral chain, elven-made and as delicate as a whisper, yet sturdy as untested faith, which hangs easily over her body. She has worn it since her early adventuring days, and as a result even sleeps in the armor, regardless of where she is. Her backpack is well-traveled, having been used by someone long before she gained purchase of it. The black leather pack has several buckles and straps to help her carry her burdens. Her Wayfinder, a tiny magical compass, has a small magenta gemstone housed within. Though fractured, she still views the pairing as one of her most valued possessions, the first as a sign of her connection to something greater than herself, and the second as a lifesaving instrument that helps her to adjust to suit her own needs. The compass itself is primarily formed of dark woods and brass fittings, suiting her typical attire. Her eyeglasses are far from necessary in her everyday wear, simply being aesthetically pleasing to her. The circular black frames are small, but thick. Her scarf changes colors as rapidly as her hair and armor, typically matching it precisely. She values the aesthetic that it provides, leaving a small trail behind her, flowing and delicate. She enjoys the fact that it keeps her face and neck a little bit warmer, and she enjoys the myriad pockets that it provides her to house objects that she readily needs access to. Finally, her journals are guarded from the elements as a parent guards their child from the predations of the world, rarely letting the full books out of their sight until they're fully formed enough to be handled by other adults. She isn't contrary to sharing them, and in fact, if asked will readily do so... but she will stay close for as long as you have her current work, and keep tabs on any of her older works, allowing the juvenile collections a bit more freedom. Completed works are typically set free into the wilds to make their own place in society. -----------------------------------------
Aisha was ‘born’ in a Pathfinder lodge tucked away within the walled city of Drezen, though born is an operative term, as Androids are not born as such. The android’s previous incarnation, also Aisha, had lived and worked with the Pathfinders until she had reached the centennial mark which would ordinarily spell the end of an android’s life. Due to their position in life, this was simply understood as something that would happen, yet the end of one person’s life left many things unfinished, and worse… left one person with no place in life. Aisha’s body had shifted and settled into a different form than its predecessor, a cold comfort for those who had known Aisha in its past life - at least they wouldn’t confuse the newcomer with their old friend, but this left a great gap: An adult android, fully realized, and fully capable of life… but without one. Taking the path of least resistance, Aisha began to learn. The first three years of Aisha’s life was spent in the libraries tucked away in the lodge. While Aisha was technically not the Aisha, Aisha technically had a membership with the Pathfinder Society and as such, enjoyed specific advantages, such as access to the books housed within - at the very least, those that were not banned from impersonal use by the lodge’s proprietor. Aisha had been introduced to its first, and greatest joy: knowledge. The young android’s mind did not distinguish between genres or topics, but instead simply absorbed as water to a sponge. This could have perhaps gone on for a lifetime, Aisha simply becoming a scribe and continuing to grow laterally, had it not been for the happenstance discovery that they made. Within an unassuming book, a catalogue of herbs and spices, a page had been tucked, one from a very different book, or rather: The notes of someone who had been reading a very different book. The page itself was ordinary, but the prose and descriptions were far more vivid and detailed than anything Aisha had ever read. The page described with careful detail… a balcony. A balcony within the Midnight Isles, tucked within the palace of the Redeemer Queen, herself… if the page were to be believed. And aside from the fiction section, Aisha had never been given reason to doubt any of the tales that it… she had heard. Though Aisha did not know it, her personal identification as a she had been determined in this precise moment, when she conceptualized the original writer’s voice within her head, and never again was Aisha genderless - this would not be the last time that what Aisha had absorbed would transform her. Aisha did not sleep that night, instead searching through every tome she could find in an effort to find more of this mysterious writer’s notes… but none were to be found. She found nothing for the following week, anywhere within the library. The seed had been planted; the android now knew that there was more in the world than the walls and the pages and the people who needed offhand advice. There was everything to see, and hear, and feel directly. And her first stop was the Midnight Isles. Or rather, it would have been, if upon reaching the central gate of the Material Plane’s entrance to the Endless Vigil she had not been met with the rebuffing of several Mendevians… and had it not been for the many stops along her self-induced pilgrimage. Travel across Sarkoris was made somewhat safer by her alien appearance which resulted in unusual kindness - or perhaps deference, among the locals alongside the awakening of her nanites. The sojourn across the slowly morphing lands was not entirely safe, but company made it safe enough, and with the lack of safety came new experiences and more importantly, growth. Were it not for that growth, when Aisha met with her first great hurdle, she likely would have simply tried another avenue, a more dangerous avenue that would not have lead her down this path. If she could not gain entrance to the Midnight Isles to experience this location firsthand, then she would go elsewhere, discover other small wonders and beauties, and write of them. Most of the corners of Golarion had been seen, and those that weren’t… were dangerous. The nearest unmapped land was only a short trip away, however, and happenstance was that the Stolen Lands were looking for heroes to help it be settled… and to Chronicle the untamed world that she found there. |