Vissiall Aedaed |

Vissiall's likely relationships - no offence meant, just how I think Vissiall would see people based on what they have written about thier personality:
Ishana: Vissiall would admire Ishana's celebration of individuality, even if she would sometimes exasperate him. He wNikolaould also appreciate her love of history and its parallels to his study of ethics, for it is impossible to study ethics without knowledge of history.
Nikola: Appreciate his drive, but his recklessness would rub Vissiall the wrong way.
Juventis: Vissiall would mainly see Juventis as a foolish young man without drive. He would probably attempt to guide Juventis to a more productive outlook, but I suspect he would be unsuccessful in this.
Krulg: Vissiall would see Krulg as the perfect brute. Guideable and with a clear motivation, Vissiall would seek to mould Krulg into his bodyguard and sargeant. Additionally, explaining ethics to the gun-barian could very well lead to some hilarious hijinks.
Kaussek: Practicality in his companions is something that Vissiall would greatly appreciate. Additionally, considered and calm conversations with Kaussek could be very interesting.
Setan: Setan's drive and focus would impress Vissiall. His protective nature would suit Vissiall just right.
Marcus: Marcus could act as a very interesting mentor figure for Vissiall. As someone who has had great power but abused it, Marcus offers an example to Vissiall of the risks of leadership. The rising star and the burnt out flame working together. Additionally, ethical discussion with the man undergoing redemption could be very interesting.
Lorien: Taking the time to get to know Lorien, Vissiall would understand the more complex nature behind the seemingly uncomplex woman.
Nilehtah: While she would likely frustrate Vissiall with her lack of drive, he would look for the good in here and attempt to foster it, focusing her skills in a productive way, but i have my doubts how successful he would be in this.
Faluhann: Lu's optimism in the face of adversity would impress Vissiall, as would his accepting nature.
Aisha: Aisha would fascinate Vissiall. Her unique life experience and the wealth of stories she can tell would draw Vissiall to her.
Lyon: I could see Vissiall taking the less experienced Lyon in under his wing, showing her the realities of the world through a lens o fethics and morals, while also gaining for himself a companion and protector in the more physical Lyon.

Simeon |

Ha, love the term gun-barian. It's worth noting that Krulg isn't unethical, but I will agree that trying to explain most academic concepts to him will be something of an uphill battle. Krulg would be a bit confused by the little man with the tiny sword, but likely warm up to him. Until he becomes a bit more intelligent, Krulg probably wouldn't even realize that Vissiall had any type of supernatural abilities.

O. N. Tesla |

Okay, finished up stats, other than gear/spellbook. If you really want it before making your selection, I can try to find time, but it's what also takes me the longest. Was there anything else you wanted to know?
Also, just for the record: Tesla isn't exactly reckless per se. He's just... a little overconfident at times. And stuff has a tendency to blow up around him. It wasn't intentional at first, but it is useful for fighting.

Kaussek |

All right, let's see if I've got everyone:
Ishana: Kaussek would be sympathetic to her not feeling like she belongs, after spending half his life away from his people. But they'd likely clash on the subject of tradition, given his stubborn desire to maintain as much of his people's ways as he can.
Tesla: Kaussek actually knows a surprising amount about magic, but he'd frown on Tesla's absolute obsession with it. Magic is a means to an end, not an end to itself... and definitely something that demands respect and caution when dealing with it.
Setan: Kaussek understands the tension between tradition and the need for innovation all-to-well. They would probably get along well, as long as they could find a way to accomodate the needs of both their peoples.
Marcus: Kaussek might well have consulted him about his ruined reflexes, without success. He would be curious about the man's past but would not pry into it. Without knowing what's really going on with Marcus, however, Kaussek would be polite but not particularly involved with him.
Lorien: Kaussek would appreciate her empathy for its value in making alliances and friendships, as he prefers that to bloodshed. He'd think her a little naive for her romantic ideas of adventure--years of mercenary work have left him with few illusions about fighting bandits and beasts.
Nilehtah: Kaussek would probably find her too flighty to really rely on, though he'd appreciate her skills and rapport with nature.
Faluhann: Kaussek would appreciate the Kellid's dedication to his remaining people, but his attitude would rub him the wrong way. Kaussek doesn't trust those who enjoy combat or boast of their skills.
Trace: Kaussek doesn't trust what little he knows of Hermea, but he would enjoy the occasional historical debate. It'd depend on just how Trace treated Kaussek whether or not they'd get along well.
Yuki: Kaussek would appreciate her efforts to cheer people up, though he's not very humorous himself. He'd probably treat her with a certain amount of bemusement.
Vissaill: Again, Kaussek doesn't like those who come across as too self-assured. He's not the type to be 'charmed', either. It'd probably take them some work to come to understand one another.
Aitha: Kaussek would be curious about this strange being, though cautious about her enthusiasm for travel.

Hotaru of the Society |

Lyon: The girl with the annoying gun will likely rapidly change Aisha's mind in regards to the tools... if someone else's gun doesn't do so first. Aisha prefers her bow because it doesn't spoil her location and doesn't take time to reload, but maybe you could tutor her to be more capable with their use. Beyond all of that, Aisha will likely annoy you in much the same way she would annoy Caillean - if you share your background with her, Aisha will have a hard time believing you aren't delusional... at least for now (same with Caillean).
Vissiall: Your tale is unfortunate, and a warning. If you share it with Aisha, likely she'll point out that we need to avoid repeating the evils of Razmir in this land. She would probably push you to come up with ways to do things that didn't make us the conquerers and our foes the conquered.

Simeon |

Hm, here's a few more interactions. I think that Krulg would quite like having Lu about. First, he makes good food, which Krulg always enjoys. Secondly, he's another Kellid, so Krulg can speak in Hallit and express his ideas slightly more intelligently.
While they might butt heads on the specifics of firearms, Krulg would love having another firearm wielder in the party. Being able to show a true expert the Boom-axe would overjoy Krulg.

The Harrow GM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey guys! I dunno about your guys' timezones but tomorrow is the 18th for me, so I'll be selecting my party and making the first posts probably tomorrow night (which will be early morning on the 18th for my American board-goers). Here are the characters that are up for selection. I have removed Nilehtah because she was never finished.
I'm excited to finally get started, but thanks to all of you for your time and your attention.
Archmage: Ishana Tamanna (half-elf brown-fur transmuter), Nikola Tesla (human (Hermean) wizard (primalist evoker))
Champion: Juventis Axilla-Cailean (human (Chelish) mighty godling), Krulg (human (Kellid) barbarian 3/gunslinger (gun scavenger) 1), Kaussek (lizardfolk magus (eldritch scion)), Lyon Dawnguard (human (Taldane) gunslinger/warder (hawkguard))
Guardian: Setan, Maker of the New (human (Shoanti) druid), Marcus Cowl (human (Nidalese) antipaladin/VMC oracle)
Heirophant: Lorien Lightbringer (human (Brevic) cleric (herald caller)), Lu Windborne (human (Kellid) brawler/shaman/VMC barbarian)
Marshal: Trace Maru (human (Hermean) oracle of battle), Yuki (kitsune rogue (kitsune trickster)), Vissiall Aedaed (halfling rajah),
Trickster: Aisha (android bard (chronicler of worlds, studious librarian)/aegis (trailblazer))

The Harrow GM |

OK well! It's time for me to select, as I don't really see another reason to delay and I've gotten the threads all ready.
I had to adjust who I allowed myself to choose based off of who was the best fit for the adventure. I considered taking seven or eight, but... that's really just too many. Thanks everyone for your time.
Joining me on a peaceful farm with absolutely no adventure except catching a runaway cow, we have:
Ishana Tamanna, an arcanist orphan from Kyonin with the power of an unknown bloodline fueling her magic.
Marcus Cowl, a frontier doctor living in a shack in the middle of nowhere who definitely does not have a dark past.
Lu Windborne, a displaced Kellid chief betrayed by his enemies, set adrift, seeking a new home.
Aisha, a Mendevian android inspired by the writings of the multiverse's greatest chronicler.
Lyon Dawnguard, the child of Taldoran nobility, guided by visions she doesn't understand into a lifetime of heroism and adventure.
Kaussek, a lizardfolk who accidentally abandoned his people to plague, returning after many years to rediscover the lands of his birth.
The game threads are already ready. Head in and populate them.