GM Toothy's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Sir Longears

HP, Sanity and Conditions:
Darrien - 17/22 - Grazed (-0*) | Sanity 31/33 (2 thd) |
Edril - 15/15 - Healthy (-0) | Sanity 35/38 (3 thd) |
Finja - 5/20 - Critical (-3) | Sanity 31/32 (2 thd) |
Ivanna - 9/17 - Grazed (-0*) | Sanity 36/36 (3 thd) |
Jiao Feng - (-1)/22 - Critical (-3) | Sanity 33/33 (2 thd) | disabled
Matheus Critchton - 16/16 - Healthy (-0) | Sanity 36/36 (3 thd) | (1 Str dmg)

Anevia 17/17 - Healthy (-0)
Aravashnial 35/35 - Healthy (-0)
Horgus 18/18 - Healthy (-0)
Isa 2/2 - Healthy (-0)

Battle Map

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Silver Crusade

a quote from darrien, "A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."

G. K. Chesterton, good quote!
I read Father Brown when I run out of Sherlock Holmes :)

@GM: Two more questions arose as I was pondering future options - firstly: how will you deal with Bonus Feats 'replacing' picked Feats?
e.g. Heritor Knight gains Vital Strike/Improved Vital Strike at Level 6 of the PRC - if I were to previously pick up Vital Strike with a regular Feat, would I get to re-pick that Feat slot freely and inmediately?
What about Feats that allow a choice? If I pick up e.g. Skill Focus(Intimidate), then at Level 8 get to pick a Skill Focus from Focused Study, could I 'choose' Intimidate and free up the previous Pick?

Second: Is retraining, in general, a thing? You mentioned some downtimes would be available. Not that I plan for it, but if it is not, I may prefer to pick certain options with Fighter Bonus Feats to enable the class-internal retrain option just in case-

MordredofFairy wrote:

What about Feats that allow a choice? If I pick up e.g. Skill Focus(Intimidate), then at Level 8 get to pick a Skill Focus from Focused Study, could I 'choose' Intimidate and free up the previous Pick?

That somehow makes no sense to me :D

Wouldn't you just pick up a different skill focus?
Or are you talking about dropping the old one completely?

@GM: Sorry i used the wrong language there. The weapon is actually in the monk weapons group and i believe UC monks are supposed to be proficient with all weapons in that group. Normal monks should be as well.
This is generaly difficult to trace, because the weapon groups get updated partially only in different sources.

Would love to get one on the long run, but can start without.
Right now i'm considering to only start with a bo actually :D
My monk is pretty poor^^ 30gp starting gold really goes fast.

The weapon group is the Fighter Weapon Group, where it's indeed in the "Monk" group/categorization of weapons.
However, the unchained monks proficiency is for those weapons with the "monk" special weapon quality(which designates it can be used for a flurry of blows). Two different things - while there is a lot of overlap, AFAIK there is no reach weapon that allows to flurry with it by default - that one is Reach, so no Monk special quality.
(also, average for monk is 35 GP ;) so 5 extra you can spend!)

Clarification for my problem: Say I want to be able to intimidate People really well.
So at Level 5, for my regular Feat, I pick up Skill Focus(Intimidate), because I don't want to wait for Level 8.
But then, at Level 8, I get a free Skill Focus Feat from the alternate Racial...and instead of, say, Skill Focus(Ride) I'd much prefer to instead use it for that Skill Focus(Intimidate), freeing up the Level 5 Feat to instead pick up, for example, Intimidating Prowess.

I could pick Intimidating Prowess at Level 5, then wait for the Skill Focus(Intimidate). But sometimes there's reasons you want to pick things up in a certain order.
Say, if I wanted to make use of my Charisma and go for an Eldritch Heritage - I would need Skill Focus in the corresponding Skill, and need that BEFORE I can pick Eldritch Heritage - but would prefer a.: to use the bonus skill focus feat for that and b.: not wait until the next level where it becomes available.

It's not even that I have plans, but I like pondering options. And I try to not apply to multiple games simultaneously, so until this recruitment is done, I've got time to think about Finja's future! :)

@rorek55: I loved Darrien. Your 10-minute background is really good and I was able to feel him. We still need to work on the places and happenings later. Once the game starts, I'll explain why this is important.

@MordredofFairy: If you get a feat you already have (vital strike example), you get to immediately retrain the previous feat at no cost. Thus, if you picked up Vital Strike using a fighter feat slot, you get to choose another combat feat and so on.

However, the same doesn't apply when you can choose which feat you gain. You can't take a feat you already have to get a free retrain (the Skill Focus example).

Retraining will be available as normal.

@Hayato Ken: As MordredofFairy pointed out, you are confusing the fighter 'monk' weapon group with the 'monk' special ability of weapons. The UC monk is proficient with weapons with the 'monk' special ability. Take a look on the different wording from the UC monk and the brawler:

UC Monk wrote:
Monks are proficient with the club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, short sword, shortspear, shuriken, siangham, sling, spear, and any weapon with the monk special weapon quality.
Brawler wrote:
A brawler is proficient with all simple weapons plus the handaxe, short sword, and weapons from the close fighter weapon group. She is proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields).

Taking a look on the link you provided me, you'll see that under its 'Special', it is listed only 'reach'. Then take a look on the seven-branched sword and you'll see that under its 'Special' it is listed as 'disarm' and 'monk'. This is the 'monk' that matters.

I'll look that up in the evening, no access to resources right now.

Thank you. In that case, could I 'leave' the pick open until a chance to retrain, then 'replace' it? Specifically, my problem comes from how retraining works:

Feat Retraining wrote:
You may change one feat to another through retraining. Retraining a feat takes 5 days with a character who has the feat you want. The old feat can’t be one you used as a prerequisite for a feat, class feature, archetype, prestige class, or other ability. If the old feat is a bonus feat granted by a class feature, you must replace it with a feat that you could choose using that class feature.

Now, one can probably, somehow, find a character to train in a variety of Feats with some dedication in downtime. But what this means is that if said Feat was used as a prerequisite, the 'correct' order would stick with the example of Eldritch Heritage:

Pick new Focused Study with different skill choice.(e.g. Perform(Comedy))
Untrain Eldritch Heritage into something else. (e.g. Dodge)
Untrain Skill Focus(Needed Skill) into something else. (e.g. Mobility)
Retrain Focused Study-Feat(=>Perform(Comedy) into Skill Focus(Needed Skill).
Retrain former Eldritch Heritage(=>Mobility) into Eldritch Heritage.
Retrain former Skill-Focus(Needed Skill)(=>Dodge) into Improved Eldritch Heritage.

So basically I am, then, asking if it's possible to:

Delay picking something with Focused Study until downtime is available.
Replace "Skill Focus(Needed Skill)" with Focused Study(Skill Focus(Needed Skill))" while retraining the previously used Feat(which is an Prereq for Eldritch Heritage) into Improved Eldritch Heritage.

The above 'juggling' would be RAW, but the end result is the same, just the second variant seems a lot less immersion-breaking :P
Plus that's not even considering that a specific Eldritch Heritage may not be a widespread Feat and not easily available. So I may end up stuck halfway through the process because while I could originally pick the Feats myself, I cannot 'retrain' them without an Instructor. Unless I temporarily 'teach' them to a willing party member via Retraining so that they can instruct me again afterwards before forgetting all about it again and re-learning their Feats.
You can see how it quickly becomes silly, similarily to the Gold Chest guarded by a Demon that you haul to the merchant to shop for Sword Artifacts...because if the instructor-part is enforced, it becomes even sillier in using the next Feat available to pick up Improved, then teach the whole line to someone else so one can be re-instructed after unlearning everything to swap out a root Feat(necessary since you can't directly learn a new Feat without Instructor for it)

Mind you, one can work/design around such limitations, it's not strictly necessary, so a "No" is perfectly fine as well. But figured asking won't hurt.

Well, i was really convinced about that, but seems i am wrong.
Can't really find something on it.

I think this is a Rai vs Raw conflict, but doesn't really matter.
There's 2 weapons in the monk weapon group which don't have the monk tag, urumi and tri-pointed double-edged sword. Indeed curious.

Hayato, as counterpoint i present knuckle Axe...which is categorized in the Fighter Axe category, but does have the Monk Special quality. The Fighter groups are thematic, the qualities balance-related.
Specifically, since Monk threatens in melee via unarmed, with a flurryable reach weapon they could full Attack at 5 and 10 feet interchangeably without any feat or other Investments, get their aoo on enemy approach with no drawbacks for melee. Oh, they are also two-hand-wielding, of course- it is a balance-related issue...

There are a Number of ways to get proficiency, with abp even heirloom weapon plus masterwork transformation would be reasonable! But even with proficiency, it won't Work in a flurry, unfortunately.

With urumi, same - Balance. Monk stuff is, overall, not supposed to have a 18-20 base crit range in their flurry stuff.

I see your point Mordred.
It's interesting, i didn't really look that closely on all fighter weapon groups so far. Guess everyone has their favorite areas.
Guess that's enough highjacking for this topic of the recruitment thread though^^

There's plenty of other weapons i can use, just imagined using a polearm as a cool picture, no problem reimagining this. It's not a keypoint of the character.

What kind of eldritch heritage are you aiming at there?
That seems like a good amount of juggling stuff.

On a sidenote, you're actually not too far away from me where you seem to live.

Aye, I saw you are from Hannover, which globally seen is pretty close, I guess -
And I just happened to research that topic recently because I tried to make a Monk with a Reach Weapon myself a little while ago :)
It DOES work with Spear Dancing Style/Spiral/Reach(which lets you treat a spear(fighter group) or polearm(fighter group) like a quarterstaff...which is flurryable) - but takes some investing to get there.

That said, I don't actually consider it 'highjacking' - someone else may have similar questions and find them answered...and if nothing else, it's a free 'bump' in the recruitments.

Not really aiming for an Eldritch Heritage at this point, I just realized that with a boosted Charisma and 3 Skill Focus Feats, it's a very real possibility to pick them up if wanted. But with a VMC, and not knowing when the Mythic Feats come online, it gets complicated with the needed Feats - which is the reason for the above questions.
I did consider the obvious option Orc(which is straight awesome for melee, and orcs do have their lands not that far away - not quite impossible to have some orc blood in these lands). Abyssal could be very flavorful and offer RP potential(explains why the demon wound didn't kill, inner torment when realizing she is partially the very thing she dedicated her life fighting), but is overall a rather weak choice except for the Strenght Bonus. Solar Bloodline would be decent, but is geared towards Sarenrae - Destined could work as well...a pity celestial is not really offering something except flavor - but there's a good number that could be interesting, but IF I decide to go that way, I'll work out with GM what would make sense - since I need Skill Focus(Religion) for Heritor Knight, the Level 1 Feat is locked in, so...the next Skill Focus is at Level 8- making 9 and 13 the first available Feats for it. Quite some way off and lots of things might change still - plus, of course, it would be wasteful to work out such future details before getting picked :)
Heck, maybe I would invest just one Feat into Eldritch Heritage Arcane and get a Hawk Familiar(obviously granted by Iomedae as it's a migrating bird of prey).

Silver Crusade

sorry it took so long, but here is the crunch for Darrien, I'll go ahead and post all of it together here to make it easier for you (and me if selected) to look through.

Darrien mythweavers Note, I'm still not completely finished, but its finished enough to get the idea across. (though, I'm not sure on whether I want to go down a TWF build with a shield, or a two-handed shield just yet)


A quote from Darrien- "A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."

Background (short)
Darrien Rose Rossberg lead a simple life, from his birth, to his teens, he farmed with his father, worked odd jobs around his small village, and enjoyed strong friendships with many people. Even the day he got married was a simple, but happy day for him. He did his best for his family, he provided food, and comfort. He had a 3 year old son. He was happy. Alas, one day a roving band of ghouls swept down upon the farm, and Darrien could only watch as his wife and child, the lights of joy in his life were taken from him. As chance would have, several of his childhood friends had been on their way to visit, and saw darrien finally smash a fiend with half of a broken metal door. Some fled back to town for aid, others picked up tools and ran to his aid. But they were not warriors, and soon they too began to fall to the horrid fiends. Had it not been for a ranger, descending from the shadowed woods to cut down the demons and caused the lead demon to flee, they would have all died that day. While the others thanked the ranger, Darrien could only hold the half eaten corpse of his wife in stunned silence. Finally after what seemed like ions, the ranger strode over to Darrien and placed a hand on his shoulder, suddenly Darrien rose and turned on the ranger in anger. He blamed him, he cursed him for not coming sooner, he yelled more curses than any man ever should, and with a heart filled with anger and despair, he fled to the northen woods, up the mountain. What happened during that time is a haze to Darrien and he cannot recall how much time passed, perhaps days,but eventually he found himself at the peak of the mountain, carrying the metal door, and the corpse of his wife. He sat the door down on the snow and looked out over the ledge, a steep drop. He closed his eyes, but before he did anything else, a faint voice came, and with it, something his father had said to him countless times when he had been depressed.

"Remember son, the darker the night is, the brighter the stars shine. The only option is to keep going, and find new joy."

Later the next morning Darrien returned, carrying the metal door, but having left his wife buried on the mountain peak. He had realized something. The joy of life was precious, and while it could be found everywhere, in anything, losing any of it to the ever encroaching darkness was a horrible loss, that night he had made a vow, a vow to his family, to Continue to live and find joy in life enough for all of them, and a vow to himself, to protect that light of joy whereever he found it, and to kindle it in places he did not. He forged the beaten metal door into a shield, a shield of a quality far beyond what his skill should have been capable of, and upon that shield resided an emblem, as if it were a stamp of approval.

Darrien 10 min background
Part 1.
1- Grew up in a simple village life, he was taught to enjoy the small things, like the birdsongs, the smell of fresh baked bread, the company of others. He never gained delusions of grandeur.
2- Enjoyed physical exercise, and always seemed to endure it better than others. He also was taught how to wield a sword a bit by his father after a day’s work.
3- Always thought that fighting for glory was silly, his nature, and his fathers’ words, lead him to believe that one should only fight to protect.
4- Never was super religious, he knew about the goodly deities, and his father talked often of Iomdedea, Sarenrea, Torag and even Shelyn.
5- Always seemed to get along with others, and always tried to cheer up those that were down. His optimism was nigh impregnable.
6- Greatly Enjoyed music, even learned a bit, though he certainly is no performer. He loved his wife singing most of all.
7- He was nearly broken after his life was destroyed by the demon, he lost everything, his wife, child, and home. But, on the edge of a mountain, his resolve was forged anew and he walked back to the foot of the mountain, instead of falling to it.

Part 2. Goals
1- He seeks to spread joy where he goes, always eager to share a good laugh, and seems to simply enjoy being alive. He seeks to protect the spark of joy in men and women, and to try and relight it in those who have doused it.
2- Live a life filled with enough joy, love, and experience for him, his wife, and his child.
3- A fools dream, he knows, but he hopes to save his wife and child from the clutches of the abyss, his ideal would be to get them back, but, the knowledge that there souls are not the play things of demons would more than suffice for him.

Part 3 secrets

1- He has divine blood running through his veins, he never knew about this, though it may come to light at a later time.
2- He felt as if his hand was guided by something greater than himself when he forged his shield, but he also questions the gods, for they let his family die.

Part 4

1- His Father, Lloyd. A rough, but caring man. He continues his work as a servant in the crusade against the demons. He is of decent rank, and minor renown, though his age is catching up to him (48). He fully believes in what he is doing, but wanted to protect his family from it.
2- Maria, his late wife’s younger sister. She is a kind, caring woman, and has always been interested in Darrien, though she never had the courage to say so. The loss of her sister hit her hard, and as a result, she joined up with the crusade before even Darrien. She is naturally timid, and so, even though she proved naturally adept at combat, took a more scholarly role within the crusade, becoming a cleric of Sarenrea. She tries to speak to Darrien whenever she can.
3- Martin, a childhood friend of Darrien, and the now acting “leader” of the small village they grew up in. He is a smaller, almost frail man, more interested in books and the like than physical labor. His natural curiosity and intellectual mind got him and Darrien into trouble often, though the two were known for being able to handle anything they got into had mild dealing with the crusader after the demon attack.
4- (enemy)The Demon, (up to GM) the demon that lead the small raid on his home and village, the one that slew his wife and child, and would have killed Darrien had it not been for the ranger’s intervention forced it to flee. He holds a grudge that a peasant farmer would have stood against him, even more so, with the knowledge that Darrien held divine heritage.

Part 5. Quirks/memories

1- He often begins humming to himself without knowing it, normally songs that his wife would hum or sing while they went about daily chores.
2- He is haunted many a night by the laugh of the demon, the taste of his own blood, and the feeling of helplessness he felt as he watched his family be slaughtered, he often channels this into his efforts to keep from ever being helpless again, and to keep that from happening to others.

sorry, i've been behind on school work and i'm using this week to catch up then i'll post my submission.

@mordredoffairy: you don't necessarily have to take skill focus (religion) first because you don't need to qualify for your prestige class when you get it. since the prestige class advancement is based on mythic tier, i'm not sure how quickly that progresses, but it's quite possible that you won't miss much by waiting to take skill focus (religion) at 8 (at which point you'd gain the benefits of the previous Heritor Knight levels retroactively).

Hehe, thanks, cuatroespada, but my MYTHIC prestige class is Sentinel. - if that had the restrictions, your advice would be sound!
But I am actually picking up Heritor Knight with my regular levels 6-15 - so at Level 6 when I could take the first Level of it, I need to fulfill the requirements already :)

Ok guys, its been a long time since we got new interested players so I'm going to close this recruitment for new dots in 48 hours, so new players have until the 23rd to express interest.

On the following days I'll make a post here and on the Discussion thread, which will allow all of you to post in character. You are not required to do so, but I'll let you know that this 'experiment' will be taken in consideration.

On these following days, make sure your characters fulfill all the requirements on the opening post:

Requirements wrote:

1) Download and read the Player’s Guide.

2) A complete character sheet. You need not to create an alias prior to selection.
3) A well developed background. I need to feel your character. The more you give me, the less I’ll have to probe you for questions. It is important for you to incorporate your character choices in your background, especially your campaign trait.
4) The well known 10-minute background. I know many of you do not like it, but I really do. For me, its important to know such things.
5) Your intended PrC.

And remember, being the only character on a given 'spot' doesn't mean you got 100% chance of being chosen. It will take me a lot of work to run this game and I'll not do so for characters/players that I do not like, that did not fulfilled the requirements or that I feel have put up only halfhearted attention on this.

I just want to say that I find it a bit amusing that we lack full casters entirely in the lineup. Warpriest, Inquisitors, Skalds...but no full casters.
I believe this may be because the 15 Point Buy makes it subjectively harder to make a Full Caster than people are used to(can only really push to 16 in point buy and thereby severely limit other options) - but what might be missed is that with 10 stat increases from levels+mythic, SAD-casting classes would eventually, even with a purchased 14(+2 racial), end up higher-statted than regularily possible with a 25 point buy.

I did have an alternate concept:

Follower of Desna, a Oracle of Nature(really any with a Cha instead of Dex to AC), going for Divine Fighting Technique and Startoss Style. A truly SAD full caster, using Cha for Casting, AC, Attack and Damage - also allows the build to make good use of the Standard Actions attacks of unchained action economy when casting is not wanted/needed. Desna is listed as one of the involved Deities, and an Oracle can easily have found their way to the Worldwound from a lot of places, guided by the Celestial Butterfly of Travel and Dreams...

Just throwing that out there for a quick pickup of a last-minute Dot.

@MordredofFairy Heh, I have been tossing up the same kinda of thing without the full SAD. But then grab the seeker oracle for trapfinding + full divine + melee with butterfly sting taking the Sphere Singer archetype for mythic.

Btw, Kodan, did you want to swap over to Chance Encounter? Or stick with Exposed to Awfulness?

I moved which is part of the reason I had Desna on my mind.

@MordredofFairy That is something I hadn't noticed. For me I've never really liked full casters, it's just not my play style now 6th/4th level casters I'm all over them. I love alchemist and magus.

I think your right about people having trouble with the 15 point buy, but I like the idea of your oracle build.

I'm still working on mine. I had planned a wizard with Riftwarden Orphan originally, though I also considered going an Arcane Trickster build with the Chance Encounter trait, especially as Desna seems appropriate there. Any thoughts?

EDIT: Yeah I'll stick with Riftwarden then, fits my intended story better. Back to writings!

Mh i see the point, but i played and play my share of full casters, so at this point if there is no absolute urgent need for one, i would stick with the monk.

Oh, it was not meant to make somebody change over - lack of high level (arcane) spells, if anything, makes it easier for the GM (no offense, scorchedone) - most of the common buffs are available in other ways, healing can be aquired in a multitude of other ways.
I doubt we NEED a full caster, it just seemed amusing that there's been no completed submission for one.

But today is the deadline for new dots in the recruitment, so I figured I'll just throw the other considered concept out there, in case someone wanders into the thread, and thinks 'oh that sounds like a fun campaign, but I have no idea what to play on such short notice'. It's not exactly that I WANT competition for those of us here, but I honestly had expected more submissions.

The mythic rules very nearly scared me off. I haven't played mythic before, don't exactly know what i am doing. If selected I will probably need some rules help on that aspect of the game.

Well he is modifying the mythic rules. There won't be much "mythic", he's using an alternate system for that. But it's easy to help you with that, either way.

This game has the most sensible interpretation of mythic rules I have seen so far.
There are some incredibly flavorful and fun Mythic Path abilities and Mythic Feats. But a good three quarters of the mythic stuff simply escalates power to the point where whoever wins initative wins by alpha-strike.
(example: the vital strike example in opening post is one of the worst examples...since you multiply your other boni by the number of weapon dice you roll - make sure you get a base weapon with multiple dice in some way(e.g. in a tame version: greatsword, lead blades, enlarge person for 4d6) - now with improved vital strike you get 12d6 - which means you get 12 times your Strength bonus, magic bonus, and other bonuses that would normally be multiplied on a critical a +6 strenght with a +3 weapon? Two-handing? Powerattacking with Furious Focus? Let's be very conservative and say thats a good 12*20 or 240 damage on top of your weapon dice, around Level 12 or try again with higher static said, that's incredibly conservative numbers there just to show how broken it is.) Which is why all of that broken stuff goes out the window and is not used.

What remains of mythic is 'hard-to-kill' which makes you stabilize automatically and you only die at double your con in negative HP - simple and automatic.
The other aspect is surge, which simply allows you to add, after rolling, a d6(later the die size increases up to d12) to any d20 roll by spending a mythic power.
Since we only get one mythic power per day, that will not be used often, but could be used to confirm that critical that would barely miss, or to make a saving throw that would otherwise disable you.

There's also 5 Ability Score increases of +1, and 5 regular Feats, but you know how to handle those ;)
So don't worry, you're all good, the mythic stuff that is in is very basic and simple, and helpful, too - and the PRC that replaces the broken stuff, you picked yourself, so you know what to expect there-

Kodan here with a second option. Got inspired to write a background story. Still requires finishing off. A fun character who basically acts as a butler most of the time.

Guys, I've created a discussion thread with an opening scene. All of you who already have a finished (or mostly finished) characters are welcomed to join.

As I said before, it is not mandatory (and you need not to create an alias if you do not wish so) but it will help me to decide. Enjoy and have fun!

@Kodan/Matheus: Feel free to post with either one of your PCs or both.

Very well, I'll then close this recruitment to new DOTS. To those who already dotted, you have a couple more days to finish your applications! I'll give you a 48h notice before I officially close recruitment and pick my players.

Chance Encounter
-Kodan Human hunter (courtly hunter) [Mammoth Rider] - Xazil (Good to go!)
-Matheus Critchton Halfling oracle (seeker) [Sphere Singer] - Xazil (Needs the 10-minute background!)

Child of the Crusade
-Artis Bredon Human ranger [TBD] - Ictoo (Good to go!)
-Darrien Rose Rossberg Human fighter [TBD] - rorek55 (Need to finish character sheet!)

Exposed to Awfulness
-Finja Aaramor Human fighter/heritor knight (paladin VMC) [Sentinel] - MordredofFairy (Good to go!)

Riftwarden Orphan
-Krusk Half-orc skald [Evangelist (barbarian)] - Sbodd (Need to finish character sheet, write the background and 10-minute background!)

Stolen Fury
-Jiao Feng Tiefling monk (weapon adept) [TBD] - Hayato Ken (Needs to write the background!)

Touched by Divinity
-Dharvol Tiefling inquisitor of Iomedae [TBD] - Silver Fang (Need to finish character sheet and 10-minute background!)
-Sayid Al'Shaytan Human warpriest of Iomedae [Noble Scion?] - Nairb the Grey (Need to write the background!)

Expressed Interest
cuatroespada (summoner/cavalier - Touched by Divinity)
Hawthwile (Riftwarden Orphan?)
ScorchedOne (Riftwarden Orphan)

Sorry, holiday week has been completely nuts. I'll have the 10-minute background up for Krusk early tomorrow hopefully, and should hit the discussion thread later tomorrow.

Riftwarden Orphan Wizard
Eventually Rogue / Arcane Trickster

Edril, whose last name is lost to time, was born to a loving family. His father, an Elf, loved his mother, a Human, despite the obvious differences and social mores. What Edril didn't know then but has since learned from whispered conversations and admissions from his foster parents is that they were Riftwardens, specialized wizards who combated extraplanar forces. It was this mission, this calling that took them into the Worldwound shortly after Edril's birth, a venture from which they never returned.

Edril was raised by a very nice family, who had a few children of their own. One had manifested a heritage linked to the celestial plane, and the radiance and personable nature of his sibling had always outshone Edril's much more relaxed and passive personality. The parents being artisans, Edril learned to read ledgers and similar manifests at a young age to help out, and with the boy's native intelligence it wasn't long before he was reading books outside of strictly working. He wasn't schooled at a young age, but as he grew he did find an interest in magic and the more mundane uses of it. He wanted to make things, tools and equipments, that would help his fellow man.

As can happen though, creatures from other planes took notice of a boy dabbling in the art. While he should have known better, and has the spiral seeker symbol to remind him at every turn to be wary of creatures from other planes, he was offered power and knowledge, and a young man is not the best at turning down power. It was a connection to his parents and his past, and the other entity seemed nice, and was not asking a lot. It wasn't like it was a demon trying to corrupt him or harm the town, it just wanted to sponsor him as a patron of the art.

At current, Edril is a student of the art, not knowing that his legacy has a stronghold in his very town. No one has yet approached him about the Riftwardens, and all his knowledge comes from stories his foster parents told him or books, which can be slanted in their retellings. He hopes to learn more about them in the future.

10 Minute:
Step 1: write five things about your character’s concept and background, five things that you think are the most essential parts of your character.
1) Orphan. Not just the trait, but the whole overarching theme of not knowing one's heritage, where you come from. Who am I? Who were my parents? (Beyond the knowledge imparted by foster parents) Why were they not there to raise me?
2) Separation. Having been raised by people not his parents, but who were nice enough, and being somewhat of a pariah, Edril has always felt separated from the community and indeed from others, tending to keep most at arms length. How will this sync with a party environment?
3) Magic. Magic is a power, an immense and potent power, and the pursuit of knowledge regarding magic is something to be respected and amazed at. Magic is not mundane. The instant you take magic for granted, something is lost from the world. Faced with otherworldly powers, can he maintain this belief?
4) Neutrality. While obviously combating the forces of evil, Edril is ostensibly neutral. He is a balancing force. He seeks only to restore order, he's not actually involved (potentially) to crusade for good, but to restore balance. He does not have moral quandary, how will that interact with an ostensibly good party.
5) Knowledge. Knowledge is power, and there is much knowledge to be gained from the worldwound, from the abyss, and from the creatures you find there. Knowledge is also power, and in seeking information necessary to their aims, what other knowledge will arise?

Step 2: List two goals for the character that you, as a player, think would be cool to see accomplished in-game.
1) Crafting. I've literally never done crafting in a game, and I'd like to.
2) Fulfillment of his goals vis-a-vis his being an orphan, be it finding his parents or finding what happened to them.

Step 3: List two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet.
1) Edril's secret which he knows is that he has been pilfering items of nominal value, for no good reason other than he can. He is a thrillseeker, having been somewhat bound by the wills of others for much of his formative life.
2) Edril is a pact wizard, he has made a bargain with otherwordly forces, in particular an elemental lord. This could have repercussions down the road, should anyone realize why his powers are primarily elemental in nature. He also thinks it is with Ranginori, the defeated elemental lord from within his prison, but it is in fact with Hshurha.

Step 4: Describe three people that are tied to the character though blood, romance or honor. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile.
1) Farishtadan Qutulish - Aasimar sibling, child of the foster parents that took Edril in when he was young. He's fairly friendly, though Edril has some light resentment for the ease of faith and the otherworldly nature of his sibling. Tends to feel outshined.
2) Scherza DeMartis - Female Qadiran - A former flame who was interested in Edril for reasons beyond the romantic and more the pragmatic. She wanted to pursue a partnership based both on business and pleasure, a marriage of convenience whereby they would be partners in business as well as family. He crafting magical items, she selling them, and in turn raising a family. She is still friendly, though passions have cooled.
3) Guard Captain Anton - The good captain is in pursuit of Edril, though neither knows that yet. Anton pursues the thief responsible for a number of missing items, and Edril thinks his pilferings have gone unnoticed. Should this ever come to a head, however, it could certainly be stressful for both.

Step 5: Describe three memories that your character has.
1) He remembers a birthday, one when he was young. The standard sort of celebration, a meal made specially for him, nothing extravagant beyond a book, he'd always been a voracious reader. The smell of the vellum and leather, the fact that it was his own, one of few meager possessions he had beyond clothing, made it invaluable. It was a formative moment for him, and probably what caused him to pursue magic.
2) He remembers finally casting his first real spell. Not a cantrip, mind, because those can be used by many a varied individual, but his first spell. He recalls feeling the energy pouring out, his will manifesting in the material plane and the effect, although brief and minor, coming to fruition.
3) Edril was teased mercilessly. He was a child of two worlds, a Half-Elf, and despite being only half Elf, his ears are so prominent that at times he has considered having them altered. It's not that he is ashamed of his heritage, but some times it would be easier to not stand out so much. He remembers one such time, when he was chided for being an Elf with no parents, weren't elves supposed to live forever? Then why did he not have parents? Why was he so ugly? Their jibes never ceased.

This is HayatoKens PC with 10 minute background included. You want that other background on top of that? I'm gonna work on that now and post on the characters page then.

Updated some more, hope you can feel the character now.
I thought about taking the perfect scholar archetype as well, because knowledge skills are always nice to have and make and it would give the character some more depth over time.

Silver Crusade

Would it be ok for me to pick which PrC I get when we gain them? I'd like to let the setting and RP/natural flow help me pick a good one to match the lead up to it. (That's if there is a "build up" to it. Never played this AP so I'm not sure when we would be getting it.

rorek55 wrote:
Would it be ok for me to pick which PrC I get when we gain them? I'd like to let the setting and RP/natural flow help me pick a good one to match the lead up to it. (That's if there is a "build up" to it. Never played this AP so I'm not sure when we would be getting it.

It would seem to me to be possible. Several people seem to have not yet determined which "Path" they will be taking. I simply had the hardest time figuring out what would work with Wizard without either a) multiclassing hard or b) missing out on spell levels.

I have been away all weekend! I will read over the posts tomorrow and attempt to get a post up myself tomorrow.

Never wrote the background...I am so used to it being one or the other, full or 10-minute that I doing both slipped my mind.

So here we go.

Sayid still remembers the day, with a strange mixture of pride and regret, that he first told his father about the dreams he had been having. The visions of a flaming sword, bidding him to come into its service. Shamoor had been fought alongside many of the devout of Iomedae during his time in service and knew what the imagery had meant even if Sayid did not entirely understand. He sat his son down and explained that he was called for a great work. A work to restore honor and glory to the Al'Shaytan name. That if he were willing to accept the call, he would be given an opportunity to defend the world against the oncoming hordes of darkness and chaos.

Being 11 years old, the prospects of doing so sounded so wonderful. Who wouldn't accept such a call? To be like a hero of old. To be like his grandfather who had tried to protect innocents from that first assault at the gates, and gave his life in the process. Sayid told his father that he would gladly accept what the Lady Iomedae needed of him.

As he began his training, the dreams continued. He began seeing the form of a youthful woman in plate armor. When the dreams ended he could never quite remember what her face looked like, only the words glorious and honorable seemed to fit. He received promises that he would be protected while in her service. That he could call upon her, and blows of the enemy would turn away. That through her wisdom he would see how to strike harder, faster, and more deftly.

In his studies the monks of Iomedae discussed the tactics of battle, how to strike and block. Where to hit for the strongest and most crippling of blows. How to see your opponent's intent in their eyes, or discern when someone sees themselves as your opponent. He did well for himself in the academics of his training, if not the physical aspects. The bulkiness of the heavier armors and carrying a large shield did not suit him well. He was often tripping over himself, or raising the shield too high giving access to his legs and gut.

One of the monks, seeing his struggles, took him aside and explained that not all that served in the Lady's armor had to use weaponry like hers. He began trying him with different weapons and combat styles, finally settling on a faster, more dexterous style featuring multiple weapons.

After 6 years of academic learning and combat training, Sayid has been deemed ready to join the front lines. With his cold iron kukri blades in hand, he leaves the Monastery of the Inheritor to prove himself in battle and bring glory to the name Al'Shaytan.

Alright, here's the 10-minute background for Krusk:


Ten minute background:
Five Things:
Krusk's general dislike for demons after a life in Kenabres was sharpened to hatred when he found out they were responsible for his parents' demise.

Krusk is close with his adopted elven family, especially his "big" sister (who has a few decades on him, but is much less mature due to the differences in lifespan).

Krusk is spoiling to join the fight against the demons, but has yet to be accepted by any group mounting an expedition.

Krusk channels magic through the rhythms and words of poetry - primarily works about the prior crusades.

Krusk blames the Riftwardens for his parents' death, as well as the demons.

Two goals:
Discover the details of his parents' fate

Defeat a demon captain in single combat, or some other feat worthy of his own poem

Known secret:
Liesa, Krusk's "little" sister, confided to him that she was trying to join up with a group that goes treasure hunting in the demon controlled areas. What she doesn't know is that Krusk convinced that group's leader that it'd be a really bad idea to let her actually come along.

Hidden secret:
His parents were betrayed by someone that led to (or at least contributed to) their death, not related to the demons. (E.g. a quartermaster who was providing substandard gear and pocketing the savings)

Two friends:
Liesa, Krusk's adoptive sister. She's the elven equivalent of a 12-year-old, and has been for as long as Krusk can remember. Energetic, nimble, a troublemaker, and (for an elf) impulsive.

Jolan, monk of Irori. A librarian, he's helped Krusk with his research as well as his martial training.

One rival:
Helvor, dwarven Riftwarden. He's the one who placed Krusk with his adoptive family, kept an eye on him over the years, and tried to recruit him to the Riftwardens not long ago. Helvor's brusque attitude, and assumption that of course Kelar would join the Riftwardens, caused them to nearly come to blows.

Three Memories:
Krusk was fourteen. Liesa proposed another of her adventures, but this one was crazier than normal - she actually wanted to go into demon controlled territory, just for fun. At ten, Krusk would've gone ahead. At twelve, he'd have declined, but couldn't have stopped her. But this time, he actually managed to convince her it was a bad idea... And she listened. This was when Krusk realized he was effectively the older brother now.

A recounting of The Luminous Death of Paladin Joquin to a demon-fighting training class, when Krusk actually began glowing. This was the first time his magic manifested.

Helvor. He'd checked in on Krusk from time to time growing up, always just as "a friend of your [adopted] parents". When Krusk turned 15, Helvor showed up and said (almost word-for-word), "Your parents were Riftwardens. You bear the mark. It's time for you to join us. I'll tell you about their final mission on the way." Kelar lashed out, punching him and accusing him of lying, and hurling every epithet he could think of.

I'm happy to tweak, discuss, or flesh out anything if you have questions!

And updated crunch (replaced Weapon Familiarity with City Raised, added the background skill points, and picked up a Skald's Kit. That leaves me overspent by 7 gp; if that's a problem I'll ditch the instrument from the kit.)

Krusk the Skald:

Level 1 half orc skald

Str 16
Dex 12
Con 13
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14

HP 9

Attack: Greatsword +3/19-20, 2d6+3

AC 14 (Studded leather +3, Dex +1)
Reflex +3 (+0C+1S+2L)
Fort +5 (+2C+1S+2L)
Will +4 (+2C+2L)

Languages: Common, Orc, Elvish

Proficiencies: All simple/martial weapons, light and medium armor, non-tower shields (no spell failure)

Intimidate +8 (+1r+3c+2s+2racial)
Knowledge (any) +1b
Knowledge (history) +5 (+1bg+3c+1b)
Knowledge (local) +2racial
Knowledge (planes) +5 (+1r+3c+1b)
Linguistics +4 (+1bg+3c)
Perception +4 (+1r+3c)
Perform (Oratory) +6 (+1r+3c+2s)

Raging Song 9/day (3 base, 2 Cha, 1 fcb, 3 feat)

1st level (1+1)

Spells Known:
0th level (4)
Dancing lights
Detect Magic
Mage hand

1st level (2)
Cure light wounds
Saving Finale

Feats: Extra Performance (class), Skald's Vigor

+2 Str
Intimidating (+2 racial to Intimidate)
Sacred Tattoo (+1 luck on all saves, replaces Orc Ferocity)
City Raised (+2 K. Local, weapon profs; replaces Weapon Familiarity)
Darkvision 60'
Orc Blooded (counts as orc and human)

Traits: Riftwarden Orphan (+2 concentration)
Fate's Favored (increases luck bonuses by 1)

Bardic Knowledge: +1/2 Skald level (min 1) to all knowledge checks; may make untrained checks.
Inspired Rage: +2 Str/Con, +1 Will, -1 AC
Scribe Scroll feat (substituted for Extra Performance)

Favored Class: 1 raging song round

Gear (77 lb for medium load, 105 gp):
Greatsword (50gp, 8lb)
Studded leather (25gp, 20lb)
Skald's kit (37 gp, 47.5lb)
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a common musical instrument, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kitUE, a mirror, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.

For the prestige class, I'm still eyeing Evangelist of Irori, or Furious Guardian.

And, since I read the player's guide a while back, I think that's a wrap. Let me know if you see anything else that needs fixing or have any questions.

Since I don't know when recruitment will officially end:
I will be visiting family over the weekend. We may depart as early as Friday and come home as late as Monday. Such is unlikely, but if we stay for a shorter time, my schedule will likely be quite full and not allow me to check in, so I figured I should maybe mention that ;)

Very well, an announcement! I'll be closing recruitment and selecting players this Saturday (1st of December).

For those who still wish to polish their submissions or want to change something, there is still some time!

I am regularly using mouthwash. My breath does not smell like bait at all.

As we wait with baited breath.

Good luck all!

Hey guys, it is about time for me to declare which of you will be joining me in this adventure. In order of campaign traits, here it is:

Matheus Critchton - Xazil (If you prefer to play Kodan, I'm ok as well, even if I believe the rest of the party is already pretty melee focused and a divine full caster would contribute more to the game)
Darrien Rose Rossberg - rorek55
Finja Aaramor - MordredofFairy
Edril - ScorchedOne
Jiao Feng - Hayato Ken
Sayid Al'Shaytan - Nairb the Grey

Thank you to all those who applied and dedicated their time here. Unfortunately I can't take everybody.

To those selected, please continue with the good RP in the discussion thread and please create an alias and get all your information together.

Hello everyone!

Unfortunately we've lost a player (perhaps 2, but I'm not sure yet), so I'm reopening recruitment.

I'm running this game without mythic, since it is simply ridiculous, but there are some fixes below. This is a 6-players game, each one with a different campaign trait. The player we lost was the one with the Touched by Divinity, so your character needs to use this trait. You are not required to make a healer or anything like that... you just need to take this trait.

Here is everything you'll need to know to create your character if you are interested:

Character Creation Guidelines:
Starting Level: 2nd (the other PCs are still level 1, but I believe they'll already be level 2 when you join them)
Wealth: average of the starting money for your class (PCs are still pretty poor)
Classes: All allowed. Unchained obligatory when available (will work with you to convert a monk archetype). NO 3RD PARTY!
Race: Core plus Aasimar, Changelings, Dhampir, Ifrit, Oread, Skinwalker, Sylph, Tiefling, Undine.
HP: Max at first; half+1 thereafter or ask ME to roll for you.
Stats: 15 PB.
Traits: 2, 1 MUST be the Touched by Divinity campaign trait. You can get another one if you get a drawback.

Alternate Rules:
Automatic Bonus Progression
Background Skills
Levels of Fear
Unchained Action Economy
Wound Thresholds

Alternate Mythic:
You will not gain the usual (and broken!) benefits of mythic, but instead gain the following:
Mythic Abilities: Hard to Kill (as normal), Mythic Power (1 per tier/day, recover only 1/day), and Surge (as normal). You gain no other mythic abilities.
Ability Score Increase: Only 1 instead of 2.
Mythic Feats: You get a regular feat instead.
Upgraded Traits: All your campaign traits are upgraded at some point.
Prestige Class: When you get your first mythic tier, you must choose a 10-level prestige class. You receive an additional number of HP equal to half+1 of the prestige class HD. You also gain the abilities correspondent to your mythic tier as if it was your class level in that prestige class, however you only gain these abilities if you meet all the pre-requisites of the prestige class (as an example, if you take Arcane Archer but your BAB is only +4 at the moment, you’ll only receive the enhance arrows ability when your BAB reaches +6). You gain no increase in BAB, saves, skill points or class skills. You are also limited to the normal cap for a given ability of your own level (a 6th level wizard taking the veiled illusionist PrC would not receive an increase in spellcasting, since he is already at the maximum for a 6th level PC, however, if he later take a level in rogue, he would receive that increase retroactively; on a similar case, a 7th level rogue would not be able to benefit from a sneak attack increase above 4d6).

Spell-Like Abilities and Spellcraft: If a spell-like ability produces no visual effect (like charm person), there is no way for someone to use spellcraft to identify it.
Identifying spells: Different people conjure spells differently, so it is impossible for someone to know for sure the exact spell the other is casting. If you pass the check, you’ll know the school (and sub schools) and the general effect, but not the exact spell name. Different casting languages (casting in draconic vs. casting in elven), different philosophies (a sorcerer drawing from her blood and a witch using her patron), different religions (a cleric of Iomedae and a cultist of Deskari)… and so on, all increase the DC to identify a spell.
Gated Knowledge checks: Some subjects are so obscure that will require at least a couple ranks in a given knowledge check. As an example, no matter how smart you are, if you only learnt basic mathematics, you’ll never understand quantic physics.
Equipment Damage: Sometimes, you’ll take such a powerful blow that even if you blocked it with your shield or armor, it might take some damage. The chances are not that great, especially at lower levels, but it might become relevant later.[/spoiler]

Application Requirements:
1) Download and read the Player’s Guide.
2) A complete character sheet. You need not to create an alias prior to selection.
3) A well developed background. I need to feel your character. The more you give me, the less I’ll have to probe you for questions. It is important for you to incorporate your character choices in your background, especially your campaign trait.
4) Your intended PrC.

Okay, take two.

I'd be interested. I have an Aasimar Oracle of Life that was in a game that spun out a few years back on Mythweavers that I could bring to the table. Not sure if you're group needs that kind of healing power or not, but if so, I'll post it tonight.

Love what you've done with the mythic rules. I ran them with my table top group in a Planescape Campaign, and after they hit about mythic tier 2, the campaign went off the rails as things got really rules crunchy, and our Barbarian could one shot bosses it took me hours to design... -_-

Dotting for interest.

I was thinking mystic theurge. How would that work exactly with your custom rules? Say I'm Sorc/Oracle 4th level each and Tier 2 so effectively level 2 in theurge. Would my caster level for each class be level 6 with a similar number of spells per day?

Dotting for extreme interest.
Most likely an aasimar cleric.

Very interested. Do you need certain roles filled in the party? What are the other PCs?

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