
Matheus Critchton's page

160 posts. Alias of Xazil.

Full Name

Matheus Critchton




HP 14/16 (2 STR) -3 Critical | AC 17 T 14 FF 14 | F 2 R 4 W 4 | Init 3 | Perc 4 |1st 0/5










Halfling, Common, Hallit

Strength 11
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Matheus Critchton

Oracle 2
Prestige Class (Sphere Singer)

Background Story:

Matheus was born in the city of Absalom, born to a pair of servants who worked at the Pathfinder's Grand Lodge. Trained in the way of the servant, but was lucky enough come to the attention of those looking for talent. His grace and charm picked up him out for valet training.
A cantankerous old half-elf named Zaul was his first employer and the young halfling grew to benefit from the semi-retired adventurer and scholar who made sure that Matheus had at least some knowledge of weapons and armor to protect him in places that social nicety would not. As Matheus grew into a trusted personal aid Zaul also noted the spark of even more in the halfling. The seed of the oracle. So he was given access to the libraries and the instructions to study. While the study did not aid him then, Matheus was prepared for some of the intricacies that would unfold as his talent grew much later. Matheus' loyalty to the half-elf who had helped him so much meant that he was glad to remain a trusted aide even he could not advance to be something like a Pathfinder.
Thus when Zaul was asked to travel northwards to aid the recovery after the Fourth Grand Crusade, Matheus also traveled with his master. These travels were the first indications that Desna may be his guide upon the furthering the path he held deep within. His first dreams of warning appeared; cryptic but prophetic and helpful even for mundane dangers like a bandits tripwire or river drakes spit.
Zaul offered council and also remained to act as eyes for the Pathfinders. But his advanced age kept him from anything more active than advice. So Matheus was the Pathfinder's eyes and ears in the city and sometimes voice. Often doing only mundane errands but sometimes more in aid where the risk was low.
Matheus also continued to study, slowly his ability to tap divine power was blossoming. Here is where he was tricked. A whisper appeared in his mind. One he thought may be a sign from Desna as it asked him to travel. But to travel towards the World Wound, just a short distance of a day, it was important that it be alone. His warning dream the night before unfortunately not enough. So he gathered together gear and traveled out, beyond the patrols. He was being lured by a demon who had found the vulnerable mind that was not fully come into its own.
The cultists serving the demon, however, were not as successful. Matheus had another stroke of luck as they also had lured him into their trap. For he foresaw them and lied as they jumped out to capture him. Matheus' tongue being amongst his strongest attributes, he claimed to be one of them. But the proof they demanded was to grasp the medallion of their lord. Matheus almost fainted from the pain as the medallion seared his hand and the cultists closed in. But enough time had been bought and the cultists distracted. They began to sprout arrows as they were attacked by Matheus' savior. A strange woman wielding a mighty bow and who also clutched onto the symbol of Desna. Perhaps the goddess had sent direct aid, or perhaps a fellow wanderer was guided to bring him back to where Kenebres was again visible. What further shook him was that the mind still whispered, luring, but now known to be a fiend that the halfling kept to a corner of his mind. The creature unable to be purged as it was now branded upon his flesh. The trials and stresses upon him physically and mentally of this trip also at least broke his natural abilities free. Albeit but at great cost, enough of one that he merely wished to returned to Zaul to regain some sanity in his life.

Kenebres Location:

His master, Zaul is in an estate near the Librarium of the Broken Black Wing. The estate is granted to the Pathfinders who Matheus also aids.

Extra Background (10min):

Five Things
1) Nascent oracle finding his way into his powers.
2) Has been a servant all of his life, acts politely and helpfully.
3) He has been aligned with the Pathfinders his whole life.
4) Some of the tasks have required discretion and skills.
5) Zaul has been a kind master and mentor.
6) A demon has infected him when he was away from Kenbres.

1) Grow into his powers while still being polite and helpful.
2) Rid himself of the demon.

1) The extent Pathfinders have a presence in Kenbres and their information network in Avistan.
2) What the demon has planned for Matheus in spite of Desna.

1) Vaul, venerable half-elf "ex"-Pathfinder sage and employer.
2) Vikas, human rogue of Kenebres underground contact and information broker.
3) Durro, human information broker, burnt by Matheus' information sharing.
4) "Demon" has marked Matheus' palm and whispers in his mind.

1) Being helped by Vaul to discover intricacies of divine magic in the Grand Lodge vaults.
2) Traveling north up the Sellen River on the path of the Crusader.
3) Finding solace and protection in a church of Desna.


Male Halfling Oracle (Seeker)
Favored Class: Oracle
CG Medium Humanoid (Halfling)
Init +3; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (3 dex, 1 size, 1 armor, 2 shield)
hp 16 (2d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed: 30 ft. base

Melee: Walking Stick +5 (1d4,20/x2, B)
Dagger +5 (1d3,19-20/x2, P or S)

Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB 0; CMD 13 (10 flat footed)


Fleet of Foot
Halfling Luck
Keen Senses
Weapon Familiarity


Oracle of Succor (Seeker)
Revelation: Perfect Aid
Curse: Possessed


Create Water
Detect Magic
Scrivener's Chant

Cure Light Wounds
Liberating Command
Ray of Enfeeblement
Unbreakable Heart

Feats and Traits:

Foul Brand (drawback)
Good Dreams (religion)
Chance Encounter (campaign)
Helpful Halfling (race)
Weapon Finesse
Bodyguard (bonus)


Bluff................+5 (2 rank, 3 Cha)
Diplomacy............+8 (2 rank, 3 Class, 3 Cha)
Disable Device.......+7 (2 rank, 3 Class, 3 Dex, -1 trait)
Knowledge - History..+1 (1 rank)
Linguistics..........+1 (1 rank)
Perception...........+4 (2 rank, 0 class, 2 race)
Profession (Servant).+6 (2 rank, 3 class)
Spellcraft...........+4 (1 rank, 3 class)
Stealth..............+7 (3 Dex, 4 race)

Trapfinding: +1 perception and disable device versus traps.

Once per day if fail an Acrobatics, Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth check may immediately reroll that check as a free action. Must take second roll.


Neck: Wooden holy symbol of Desna
Worn: Explorers outfit, Reinforced tunic
Back: Backpack
Arm: Walking stick (hanbo), heavy wooden shield
Waist: spell component pouch, belt pouch, dagger

Belt Pouch: Thieves tools, Flint and Steel, 1GP, 9SP, 9CP

Backpack: Mess kit, shaving kit, 2 days rations.

Encumbrance 17 of 28.5

Gear at home:

Studded leather armor, Backpack, Heavy wooden shield, Darts x4, Halfling Trail Rations x5, waterskin, traveler outfit, bedroll
mess kit, grooming kit, soap.