GM Toothy's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Sir Longears

HP, Sanity and Conditions:
Darrien - 17/22 - Grazed (-0*) | Sanity 31/33 (2 thd) |
Edril - 15/15 - Healthy (-0) | Sanity 35/38 (3 thd) |
Finja - 5/20 - Critical (-3) | Sanity 31/32 (2 thd) |
Ivanna - 9/17 - Grazed (-0*) | Sanity 36/36 (3 thd) |
Jiao Feng - (-1)/22 - Critical (-3) | Sanity 33/33 (2 thd) | disabled
Matheus Critchton - 16/16 - Healthy (-0) | Sanity 36/36 (3 thd) | (1 Str dmg)

Anevia 17/17 - Healthy (-0)
Aravashnial 35/35 - Healthy (-0)
Horgus 18/18 - Healthy (-0)
Isa 2/2 - Healthy (-0)

Battle Map

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Hey guys and welcome to my interpretation of the Wrath of the Righteous AP! As you can guess from the title, this will not be a standard WotR game, but instead highly modified for a couple of reasons that will be discussed further. Before we delve into it, let me tell you about myself, about how I intend to run this game and my expectations.

About me:
Firstly I’m from Brazil. English is not my first language but I believe I can express myself pretty well and I do not believe it will have any negative impact in this game, but I believe it is important to tell you that because, eventually, I WILL make some mistake (like switching thigh for tight… it happened once and it was hilarious!). I’m married, have 28 yo and have been DMing since I was 14. I know this is not a lot in comparison to some GMs around here but in Brazil it is quite significant.

I joined these boards in September of 2015 and was forced to withdraw from it due to real life reasons (really bad anxiety crisis) in beginning of 2017. Before taking this forced vacation, I GMed many games and played in others. To be honest, I believe that I overstretched myself with the number of games. This time, however, I’m restricting myself to only a couple games (4 at most) and only GM at one. Besides these boards, I have a tabletop group who plays weekly since June of 2016. I’m the GM of this group, even if at the moment I’m on a “GM Vacation”, where one of the other players took the mantle.

Specifically about the Wrath of the Righteous AP, I’ve already run it twice, at least part of it. The first time was in these same boards, where we managed to get until the second part of book 2. Unfortunately I had my crisis and had to end it. The second time was with my real life group, where we finished book 4 before deciding to quite due to the ridiculousness of the mythic rules (more on that later below).

I’m expecting at least 1 post per weekday and 1 post per weekend. I’m fully aware that life happens and sometimes you (or me) will have difficulty to post, but let’s try not to make this a habit. If know you’ll not be able to post for a couple days, please let me know. This AP is really combat heavy, so it is REALLY important for you to follow this posting schedule, or else this game will take forever. Again, being combat heavy, it is of uttermost importance for the players (you) to maintain a good amount of RP between yourselves and the provided NPCs. I’m much more interested in roleplaying than rollplaying. I want to be able to see what your character is doing, thinking and saying.

How I run the game:
Despite being a fantasy game, I’m really concerned by the realism of the game. That being said, I tend to follow all the rules, even if I may make some adjustments if I believe something is just silly or nonsensical. Between RAW and RAI, I’m far more inclined towards the later. Below, on the ‘House Rules’ section, you’ll see many adjustments to make this game look more ‘real’ and less ‘computer game’.

=Dice Roll=
I’ll roll for you anything that would be considered an automatic reaction to something the story does to you. This includes initiative rolls, most saves, and some perception, sense motive and the like. Whenever I have to do such a thing, I’ll spoiler these rolls, but you are all welcome to see them for yourselves.

If you want to do something, go ahead and roll some dice to keep the game moving. I’ll adjust these rolls to the situation if it is required. As an example, let’s say you want to influence someone and roll for a Diplomacy check. If, according to your post, I judge it is more a threat, I’ll switch to Intimidate. However, this is mostly important: I will not take silly rolls. We all know we can ‘preview’ our dice before posting, so I’ll not take useless rolls between important ones. As an example, let’s say you meet an NPC you wish to influence. If you throw me a poor Knowledge (geography) check to notice its accent before a high Diplomacy check, I’ll obviously be suspicious.

If you have to roll more than one thing in the same post, do so in the following order: (1) as it happens chronologically; and (2) in alphabetic order for things that happen simultaneously. If I ask you for a roll and you forget about it, you fail.

I will provide maps for combat via GoogleDrive and the link will be always on the top of the campaign page. Each combat post will have a spoiler with the initiative order, showing which characters are up to action in bold. If you fail to post your action in 1 day, I’ll bot you. You are free to post your action in any order (let’s say player 1 and player 2 are up) and I’ll adjust things if for some reason your action is not valid anymore.

=Player Discussion and OOC talk=
The campaign tab is just for IC post. If you want to talk to me or between yourselves, be it questions, suggestions, or even small talk, use the Discussion tab. It is called that for that specific reason! As usual, if we (GM and Player) disagree in something, you are more than welcome to present your case, but know that once I have reached a conclusion, it is final. Please, don’t insist.

If you we are in agreement and you believe this might be the game for you, let’s then talk about the Wrath of the Righteous AP. As I mentioned before, this is a combat intensive AP, but there is still room for good RP. Despite not being a recent one, I believe the story behind it is awesome and appealing… who do not want to fight demons and free the world from their clutch? I do. However, it has one huge flaw: the mythic rules. They are broken. Period.

If you are familiar to how high level pathfinder game looks a bit silly, multiply this by 10. In my opinion, it is broken beyond repair. My first instinct was to simply run this AP as a regular non-mythic game, but I wasn’t able to find enough evidence that it is doable, and nerfing the badies would be a disservice. Because of these reasons, I decided to go with an alternative system that should keep the PCs in par with the challenge without making everything silly. I’ll talk more about it in the following sections.

It is also important to discuss the tone of this campaign. I intend on making this as dark as I can. Once the characters are picked, I'll talk to you about what you are OK with, so I can know how far I'll be able to go.

I’m looking for 4-6 players for this game. This AP provides 6 different campaign traits, so I’ll take up to one player for each trait. This, however, doesn’t mean that I’ll take a particular character simply because it is the only one in a given trait… if I don’t like the character/player, I’ll rather have one fewer PC. I don’t really care about party composition.
This recruitment will take place both here in the Recruitment thread and in the Discussion thread. You’ll all start here, building your PC crunch and fluff. I’ll have many questions for you and only when I’m finished questioning you, I’ll give you permission to move to the Discussion thread so you’ll be able to RP with the other applicants.

I will keep this open for a couple weeks, not sure how many yet, but for sure I’ll make my decision before the end of November. I’ll give you a 48-hour notice before I close the recruitment to new ‘dots’. Once the recruitment window closes, you’ll still have another 24-hour to finish everything. Keep in mind that later applications will have a lower chance simply because there might not be enough time for me to deeply know your characters prior to selection.

Character Creation Guidelines:

Starting Level: 1
Wealth: average for your class
Classes: All allowed. Unchained obligatory when available (will work with you to convert a monk archetype). NO 3RD PARTY!
Race: Core plus Aasimar, Changelings, Dhampir, Ifrit, Oread, Skinwalker, Sylph, Tiefling, Undine.
HP: Max at first; half+1 thereafter or ask ME to roll for you.
Stats: 15 PB.
Traits: 2, 1 must be a campaign trait. You can get another one if you get a drawback.

Alternate Mythic:

You will not gain the usual (and broken!) benefits of mythic, but instead gain the following:
Mythic Abilities: Hard to Kill (as normal), Mythic Power (1 per tier/day, recover only 1/day), and Surge (as normal). You gain no other mythic abilities.
Ability Score Increase: Only 1 instead of 2.
Mythic Feats: You get a regular feat instead.
Upgraded Traits: All your campaign traits are upgraded at some point.
Prestige Class: When you get your first mythic tier, you must choose a 10-level prestige class. You receive an additional number of HP equal to half+1 of the prestige class HD. You also gain the abilities correspondent to your mythic tier as if it was your class level in that prestige class, however you only gain these abilities if you meet all the pre-requisites of the prestige class (as an example, if you take Arcane Archer but your BAB is only +4 at the moment, you’ll only receive the enhance arrows ability when your BAB reaches +6). You gain no increase in BAB, saves, skill points or class skills. You are also limited to the normal cap for a given ability of your own level (a 6th level wizard taking the veiled illusionist PrC would not receive an increase in spellcasting, since he is already at the maximum for a 6th level PC, however, if he later take a level in rogue, he would receive that increase retroactively; on a similar case, a 7th level rogue would not be able to benefit from a sneak attack increase above 4d6).

House Rules:

Spell-Like Abilities and Spellcraft: If a spell-like ability produces no visual effect (like charm person), there is no way for someone to use spellcraft to identify it.
Identifying spells: Different people conjure spells differently, so it is impossible for someone to know for sure the exact spell the other is casting. If you pass the check, you’ll know the school (and sub schools) and the general effect, but not the exact spell name. Different casting languages (casting in draconic vs. casting in elven), different philosophies (a sorcerer drawing from her blood and a witch using her patron), different religions (a cleric of Iomedae and a cultist of Deskari)… and so on, all increase the DC to identify a spell.
Gated Knowledge checks: Some subjects are so obscure that will require at least a couple ranks in a given knowledge check. As an example, no matter how smart you are, if you only learnt basic mathematics, you’ll never understand quantic physics.
Equipment Damage: Sometimes, you’ll take such a powerful blow that even if you blocked it with your shield or armor, it might take some damage. The chances are not that great, especially at lower levels, but it might become relevant later.

Application Requirements:

1) Download and read the Player’s Guide.
2) A complete character sheet. You need not to create an alias prior to selection.
3) A well developed background. I need to feel your character. The more you give me, the less I’ll have to probe you for questions. It is important for you to incorporate your character choices in your background, especially your campaign trait.
4) The well known 10-minute background. I know many of you do not like it, but I really do. For me, its important to know such things.
5) Your intended PrC.

Definitely interested in this game. Few questions while I cogitate on character concepts and builds.

- Sanity checks can be done well and can be done poorly. Some games are almost guaranteed for everyone to be insane within a few levels due to the number of checks and their difficulties. For example: one campaign I was in had people making sanity checks every time they came upon the site of a massacre or encountered something unnatural like a bloody skeleton. These were moderately high level characters who had created multiple their own wretched massacres on a regular basis and one of whom regularly animated undead like bloody skeletons. I don't feel in added to the horror feeling of the game. It was just so silly it just became annoying. If not over used and appropriate, I'm all for it.
- Not sure about your Alternate Mythic rules yet since I neither own nor intend to get that book. But I'm sure I can pick up on it well enough to play along.
- You will probably get grief from some, but I actually like the low point buy for abilities. I like someone that is a hero because he has to be rather than starting off with god-like abilities.
- Trying to download the Campaign Player's Guide, but the system is giving me fits. So sorry if any of my questions are already covered in that.
- Are there any sorts of build, personalities, alignments, deities, etc.. That you feel are inappropriate or don't like dealing with as a GM. For example: some GM's are tired of dealing with yet another (Drzzt clone) good aligned Drow. Or hate dealing with all the critters from 'pet' classes like summoners or summoning druids. Or some campaigns are just really difficult to justify a Paladin with his oath in the group.
- What are your opinions on Hero Points and VMC. I don't have a build yet, so neither are integral to my concept. Just wondering.

To other potential applicants coming along.

Anyone interested in making 'set' of PC's? Relatives, friends, or co-workers whose abilities compliment each other, possibly including teamwork feats.

I'm glad I caught your attention! I'll try to answer your questions and concerns in order.

ElterAgo wrote:
- Sanity checks can be done well and can be done poorly. Some games are almost guaranteed for everyone to be insane within a few levels due to the number of checks and their difficulties. For example: one campaign I was in had people making sanity checks every time they came upon the site of a massacre or encountered something unnatural like a bloody skeleton. These were moderately high level characters who had created multiple their own wretched massacres on a regular basis and one of whom regularly animated undead like bloody skeletons. I don't feel in added to the horror feeling of the game. It was just so silly it just became annoying. If not over used and appropriate, I'm all for it.

I should have written about it in the opening post, but there was so much stuff that I believe it was inevitable for me to forget something (or somethings). I'll be tinkering with the base rules of sanity in order to create something more appealing and logical to everyone. As you pointed out, they can be abused, turning it into something terrible for everyone.

My take on it is that the PCs will get stronger as they face maddening circumstances. The first time a given PC faces a massacre site, it might lose some sanity, but if she keeps seeing such stuff, she'll eventually (upon succeeding at the save) get 'used' to it. In other words, if you save against some specific type of maddening scene, you'll become immune to similar scenes of equal or lower intensity.

I'll also be limiting the lesser and greater madnesses to only one to a particular PC, and I'll pick a set appropriate for such PC. This way, there is no chance for she to end up with 2-3 lesser madnesses that would be practically impossible to RP. For an example, I might give someone the set fugue/amnesia if it fits the character. She will never be at risk of becoming delusional or melancholic, making it easier for her to RP her madness.

ElterAgo wrote:
- Not sure about your Alternate Mythic rules yet since I neither own nor intend to get that book. But I'm sure I can pick up on it well enough to play along.

To give you a glimpse of how broken the standard mythic rules are, there is the Vital Strike Mythic Feat, that allows you to also multiply all the bonuses to damage, and not only the weapon dice. It is nuts. NUTS! The game turns simply into a mythic rocket tag game, which is not fun for nobody.

ElterAgo wrote:
- Are there any sorts of build, personalities, alignments, deities, etc.. That you feel are inappropriate or don't like dealing with as a GM. For example: some GM's are tired of dealing with yet another (Drzzt clone) good aligned Drow. Or hate dealing with all the critters from 'pet' classes like summoners or summoning druids. Or some campaigns are just really difficult to justify a Paladin with his oath in the group.

The only thing I'm actually against, at least in this game, is for the more comedic races/classes. A prankster gnome might be great in many games, but not this one since I'm trying to get a more dark/serious tone. About the critter classes, I'm open to them, even if they might end up hindering the group in some situations. The most important rule, however, is that the build must make sense.

ElterAgo wrote:
- What are your opinions on Hero Points and VMC. I don't have a build yet, so neither are integral to my concept. Just wondering.

Hero points are not necessary since I've maintained the surge part of the mythic rules. I'm open to VMC.

Hmm... Although I don't usually play that kind of character, I'm actually considering Touched by Divinity trait, Aasimar, divine spell caster, holy vindicator, eventually all the race feats for the halo/wings/metal skin, and going full bore avenging angel.

Here is a quick throw-together of what he might build like up to level 11.

Avenging Angel:

Aasimar inquisitor of Ragathiel 11 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 38, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7)
NG Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor)
hp 84 (11d8+26)
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +10; +2 vs. [evil], +2 bonus vs. fire effects
Defensive Abilities stalwart; DR 2/—; Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor), fly 20 ft. (poor)
Melee +1 jurist cold iron bastard sword +12/+7 (1d10+4/19-20) or
. . 2 wings +6 (1d4+1)
Ranged +1 greenwood composite longbow +9/+4 (1d8+4/×3)
Special Attacks bane (11 rounds/day), judgment 4/day (2 simultaneous)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +12)
. . 1/day—daylight
Inquisitor Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +14)
. . At will—detect alignment, discern lies (11 rounds/day)
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 11th; concentration +14)
. . 4th (2/day)—holy smite (DC 17), judgment light[UC] (DC 17), communal protection from energy[UC]
. . 3rd (5/day)—heroism, invisibility purge, litany of righteousness[UC] (DC 16), prayer
. . 2nd (5/day)—blistering invective[UC] (DC 15), honeyed tongue[APG], litany of defense[UC], communal protection from evil[UC], silence (DC 15)
. . 1st (6/day)—bless, detect demon, divine favor, ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 14), ears of the city, litany of weakness[UC]
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, sift[APG], stabilize
. . Domain Redemption inquisition
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 21
Feats Angel Wings[ARG], Angelic Blood[ARG], Angelic Flesh (brazen)[ARG], Blinding Light, Inner Light, Intercept Charge[ACG], Lookout[APG], Metallic Wings[ARG], Shake It Off[UC]
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Bluff +5, Diplomacy +19, Fly -3, Heal +7, Intimidate +20 (+23 vs. outsiders), Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (engineering) +1, Knowledge (geography) +1, Knowledge (history) +1, Knowledge (local) +1, Knowledge (nature) +4, Knowledge (nobility) +1, Knowledge (planes) +14, Knowledge (religion) +14, Linguistics +7, Perception +11, Profession (soldier) +17, Ride +1, Sense Motive +24 (+27 vs. outsiders), Spellcraft +4, Survival +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perception
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ aasimar inquisitor, monster lore +3, patient sensibility, redeemer’s mercy, second chance, solo tactics, stern gaze +5, track +5
Other Gear +1 adamantine agile breastplate[APG], +1 greenwood composite longbow (+3 Str), +1 jurist cold iron bastard sword, 14 pp
Special Abilities
+3 to Intimidate, Knowledge, and Sense Motive vs. outsiders. Add +1/2 on Intimidate, Knowledge, and Sense Motive checks made against outsiders.
Angelic Blood +2 saves vs. evil effects, to stabilize while dying, and 1 damage to evil or undead if bleeding.
Angelic Flesh (Brazen) +2 saves vs. fire effects.
Bane (+2 / 2d6, 11 rounds/day) (Su) Make the weapon you are holding a bane weapon.
Blinding Light (DC 16) If an enemy fails an attempt to counter/dispel your daylight, it is blinded 1 rd (Fort neg).
Damage Reduction (2/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Detect Alignment (At will) (Sp) Detect chaos, evil, good, or law at will.
Discern Lies (11 rounds/day) (Sp) Discern Lies at will
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Fly (20 feet, Poor) You can fly!
Inner Light If a foe counters/dispels your daylight, all allies in 20 ft gain darkvision 60.
Inquisitor Domain (Redemption Inquisition) Your deity inspires you with hope that wayward members of your faith can be brought back into the fold.

Granted Powers: You reach out to your misguided fellows and give them every chance to turn back from conflict with the true faith, even
Intercept Charge When opp charges ally with feat, mv up to speed to get in way of charge.
Lookout Not surprised if adj ally with same feat isn't surprised. Extra actions if both are aware.
Metallic Wings Gain metallic wings that deal 1d4 damage (1d3 if small).
Monster Lore +3 (Ex) +3 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Patient Sensibility (Su) You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy, Perception, and Sense Motive checks.
Redeemer’s Mercy (Su) Any weapon you wield gains the merciful magic weapon power for as long as you wield it.
Second Chance (1/day) (Sp) Cast atonement w/ added effect of cure serious wounds. Can forego material cost by taking 1 permanent neg level.
Second Judgment (4/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Shake It Off Gain +1 to all saving throws per adjacent ally
Solo Tactics (Ex) Count Teamwork feats as if your allies had the same ones.
Stalwart (Ex) If you succeed at a Fort or Will save for reduced effect, you take none instead.
Stern Gaze +5 (Ex) +5 to Sense Motive and Intimidate.
Track +5 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.

Definitely still in the early stages of development. Will require a lot more thought and personality development.

Interested. Question: Is this for PFS credit (campaign mode)?

Also, the build I have in mind is a counterspeller, and I'm a bit concerned by your ideas on identifying spells (as that would seriously gimp the character). Do you have ideas for how counterspelling would work, or is this build just not a good fit for your campaign?

@ElterAgo: It looks good! Just keep in mind, if you are planning your PC into higher levels that one of the rules we'll be using is the Automatic Bonus Progression, so these weapons will be quite different.

@Hawthwile: This is not for PFS credit. About counterspell, it is indeed a bit tricky. Since you'd never actually identify the exact spell, we'd be using the school instead to counter the spell, which would be the same as give you all the Improved Counterspell feat. On the other hand the Spellcraft will be more challenging, or perhaps would require an additional skill check, like a Knowledge (religion) if you are trying to counter a divine spell. Also take in consideration that the houserule on Spell-like Abilities will also make it trickier to counter some of them.

ElterAgo wrote:

To other potential applicants coming along.

Anyone interested in making 'set' of PC's? Relatives, friends, or co-workers whose abilities compliment each other, possibly including teamwork feats.

I would potentially be interested. I see you going the divine route, I could do an arcane route with Riftwarden Orphan.

GM Toothy, for the variant Aasimar abilities on page 18-19 of Blood of Angels, would you require rolling for an ability or can I just choose one?

ScorchedOne wrote:
ElterAgo wrote:

To other potential applicants coming along.

Anyone interested in making 'set' of PC's? Relatives, friends, or co-workers whose abilities compliment each other, possibly including teamwork feats.

I would potentially be interested. I see you going the divine route, I could do an arcane route with Riftwarden Orphan.

Sounds good.

You prefer relatives, friends, or co-workers?

You interested in the teamwork feats?

@SorchedOne and @ElterAgo just take care not to entwine too much your backgrounds to the point where it is impossible to pick one without the other.

There are a number of teamwork feats that would be appropriate for casters, and I would certainly be open to them. That part is a discussion more for after than before. You seem to be an Aasimar, which doesn't preclude me from being any human or half-human race, so that helps.

Dotting for interest. I see you're using Unchained Action Economy. How would you treat the Rapid Shot feat? Would it be similar to Two-Weapon Fighting?

I am interested in the tank type position for a courtly hunter with a mammoth companion. Information under character link.

GM Toothy, for the variant Aasimar abilities on page 18-19 of Blood of Angels, would you require rolling for an ability or can I just choose one?

Ok, here is a mostly complete version (at level 1).

Farishtadan Qutulish:

Male aasimar inquisitor (sin eater) of Ragathiel 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 38, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 46)
NG Medium outsider (native)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +2 shield)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +5; +2 vs. [evil]
Resist acid 7, cold 7, electricity 7
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee bastard sword +2 (1d10+2/19-20) or
. . morningstar +2 (1d8+2)
Ranged sling +0 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks judgment 1/day
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +2)
. . 1/day—daylight
Inquisitor (Sin Eater) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (2/day)—bless, detect demon
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, sift[APG], stabilize
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Angelic Blood[ARG]
Traits clergy member, touched by divinity, unscathed
Skills Acrobatics -5 (-9 to jump), Diplomacy +7 (+5 vs. Creatures that threaten, accuse, or challenge you and haven't apologized), Heal +7, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Linguistics +1, Perception +9, Profession (soldier) +7, Sense Motive +8 (+6 vs. Creatures that threaten, accuse, or challenge you and haven't apologized); Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common
SQ eat sin, monster lore +3, pride, stern gaze +1
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear hide armor, heavy wooden shield, bastard sword, morningstar, sling with 10 sling bullets, backpack, bandolier[UE], belt pouch, cleric's vestments, wooden holy symbol of Ragathiel, 1 pp, 5 gp, 4 sp
Special Abilities
Angelic Blood +2 saves vs. evil effects, to stabilize while dying, and 1 damage to evil or undead if bleeding.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Eat Sin 1d8+1 (Sp) 1 min, eat sins of adjacent corpse to heal self. Rush as full rd for half benefit.
Energy Resistance, Acid (7) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (7) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (7) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Judgment (1/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Monster Lore +3 (Ex) +3 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Pride -2 to diplomacy and sense motive vs. those who threaten, accuse, or challenge you, until they apologize
Stern Gaze +1 (Ex) +1 to Sense Motive and Intimidate.
Farish was rased by his father Deltan, a garrison soldier in Kenabres. His mother had either left or dies. His father was never clear which. Everytime he asked about her, he got a different (usually incoherent) answer.
Since his father was usually on duty, so he often dropped his son off to be watched by the caretaker at the shrine to Ragathiel. The old man (who insited he wasn't important enough to give out his name) tought him the basics of his education and the tenants of the faith as understood by those who follow Ragathiel.
Farish has always felt a pull and calling to the shrine. Though his father tried hard to convince him to join the garrison and defend the city from the demons out of the World Wound, that was too passive for Farish. He has felt the drive grow only stronger to take the conflict to the demons. The only way to make the city truly safe from the demons is to drive them off of Golarion. (This atitude has caused some conflict between his father and the old caretaker.)
So he's gathered up what meger supplies his father and the caretaker were able to provide and set out to see where Ragathiel leads him.

Might still make a few very minor adjustments. Like changing the Member of the Clergy trait. Maybe an Aasimar heritage. A couple of cheap items of equipment. Nothing to majorly change his build or personality.

I am interested as well, but i have some questions and remarks.

I did play this through the first book and a bit beyond with no mythic and 15 point buy, which ended in a TPK. The party was allowed to update to a 25 point buy build at some point.

My opinion is that 15 point buy will be very hard and might end in a TPK as well. Better to have 25 or 20 points, but do something like only stats between 8 and 18 after racials.

I'm really swamped these last days due to the holyday in my country. I'll answer your questions later today.

Dotting in for this just so you know.

Wrath of the Righteous is an awesome AP and the house rules here certainly make it interesting. The intended grim/serious nature of the campaign fits with this character.

I've got a bit to do in terms of meeting the application requirements list but it will be with this character. Here is a quick tracker

Progress wrote:

1) Download and read the Player’s Guide.
- Done.
2) A complete character sheet. You need not to create an alias prior to selection.
- In progress. I need to update to be in compliance with the character creation rules. FYI: Campaign trait is Touched By Divinity.
3) A well developed background. I need to feel your character. The more you give me, the less I’ll have to probe you for questions. It is important for you to incorporate your character choices in your background, especially your campaign trait.
- I'll keep polishing until I declare the app done.
4) The well known 10-minute background. I know many of you do not like it, but I really do. For me, its important to know such things.
- Need to do this
5) Your intended PrC.

I am really liking the way you are running this. Mythic is ridiculous and it's one of the reasons I was put off this campaign.

Levels of Fear is brilliant and adds a lot to the RP aspect of the game even Sanity, but I'm happy you've seen how crazy it can get. It really shows you've put a lot of thought into this.

I was considering a Ranger. I wanted to know how does Automatic bonus progression work with an Animal Companion?

@Tazo: Yes. With a single attack action you would be able to make two attacks, both at -2. The same penalty would carry on to future attack actions on the same round as normal in addition to the normal -5 for the additional attacks. So without considering other bonuses, if you decide to make as many attacks as possible, you'd be looking at -2/-2/-7/-12.

@Kodan: First, I need you to better format your character sheet. ElterAgo and Dharvol did it correctly. The way you did I can make no sense of it and double check if everything is ok without a lot of work and research.

By selecting a mammoth as your animal companion, you'd not be able to use Subtle Companion at all, since there is no tiny animal similar to a mammoth. Only at level 7th you'd be able to use, when it is allowed to pick a different animal shape completely.

Now, about your background, I have many comments and questions. Being human and from Old Sarkoris, I assume Kodan is from a Kellid descent. Differently than those from the Land of the Mammoth Lords to the east or Numeria to the south, Sarkoris was not the home of nomadic Kellid. There they had clans with ancestral clanholds. There they worshiped numerous gods, with the leaders of their clans able to call on them, the famous God-Callers (summoners). So, Kodan came from Sarkoris. To which clan his family originally belonged? Was it prestigious or marginal? Did it had a patron outsider? Kodan worships Gozreh, differently than the common. How that happened?

Then, the Worldwound opened on 4606, more than 100 years ago. Like many others, your family/clan decided to flee instead of fighting and they choose the Land of the Mammoth Lords as the destination. When they arrived there, how they managed to remain independent instead of joining other tribes? You said they moved between their, the Sarkorian Steppe (west of the Worldwound) and even Numeria. Where they chased from one place to the other, with none accepting them? Unless there is some mixed blood, probably none that left Sarkoris is still alive after 100+ years.

What are the responsibilities of the Voice of your tribe? How someone becomes a Voice? It appears to be an important role but Kodan is still young at 26 years old. Is it common for someone this young to become the Voice? Most of the 'wise' roles of a tribe/clan are given to the eldest of the tribe, who actually managed to be experienced.

How you managed to find Walks-Like-Thunder in the Shudderwood? The Shudderwood is greatly haunted by ghosts and undead who fought during the Demonskin War (when Ustalav fought against refugees from Sarkoris), werewolves and malicious, evil fey. How Walks-Like-Thunder survived there, and how he managed not to get corrupted by the malignant forces there? How you bonded to it?

You mention the Call of the Crusader. So Kodan became a crusader? How and why? Did he abandoned his tribe and his role as the Voice? If he wished to fight the demons, why he joined the crusaders of Mendev and not the raiding parties of the barbarians from the Land of Mammoth Lords? A crusade is a religious movement called by a church. So far, 4 crusades have been called, all from the church of Iomedae. The last crusader (4th) ended in 4707, 6 years ago. Kodan sees himself as really a crusader or more like a mercenary? The AP begins in the city of Kenabres, which is significantly far from the Mammoth Lands. How he ended up there?

@ElterAgo: If you wish to take a variant aasimar ability, let me know and I'll roll for you. You won't be able to go back once I roll. Also, you'd be able to take either this variant ability or a variant heritage (agathion-blooded, angel-blooded, etc), not both.

At this moment, I'm far more interested in your background than in your crunch, so I'll take a look and double check it later. So Farish is an aasimar. How old is he? What are the physical signs of his heritage? Is he aware that he is an aasimar (unless he is really young, he should be)?

About this unnamed caretaker, I want to know more about him, since the is really important for your character. Who he is (both in story and class - cleric/paladin/inquisitor)? Why he came to Kenabres to tend this shrine to Ragathiel? I ask this because Ragathiel's major focus is to fight against Hell, not the Abyss. Why his father decided to put Farish under the care of this caretaker? If he wished for Farish to join the guard, why not put him under the care of the Abadarian church or any other religion that? Why he choose to put Farish under the wing of a religion that preached about going to war against evil... go to war, thus crossing the border into the Worldwound, and not defend Mendev? And why this unnamed caretaker was not a fighter himself?

Farish is an inquisitor. How he became an inquisitor? Much like a cleric and a paladin, an inquisitor requires training, differently than an oracle. A cleric is not simply someone who read a holy book and started to perform miracles... it studied in some church for a long time. A paladin and an inquisitor took even a step forward. They are 'special units'. Inquisitors are the one in charge of doing what the cleric and the paladin can't. If he was trained by this caretaker, it would take years. Does his father was not aware of this? Why this caretaker would train Farish as an inquisitor, and not as a cleric or paladin? The 3rd crusader was mostly an inquisition and it is regarded to this day as a failure and a shame to the name of Mendev and Iomedae... is Farish aware of this? How does he feels being an inquisitor?

Farish is a sin eater. Does he intends on devouring the sins of demons, beings composed entirely of sin? Once a demon dies, its soul doesn't go to the Abyss, but instead is lost into the Maelstrom. What is he usefulness of purging a demon from sin?

Farish wants to fight the demons. A couple demons are able to slip through the Wardstones, but to really bring the fight to them, one needs to cross the border. Have he done it yet? If no, why not?

@Hayato Ken: I'm sticking with the 15 point buy. My intention is to make this game hard as it should be when you think about fighting demons. I don't know how your party ended up in TPK but this game is not entirely non-mythical in a sense that it will present you with challenges that you will be unable to beat. This is why I came up with this alternate rules. It should give you ample power to end up victorious IF you make the right choices. Some times the party is just unlucky and a TPK happens... other times it comes due to poor choices.

@Dharvol: With 86 years old, Dharvol was born in 4627, in the middle of the First Crusade, when the Church of Iomedae was fighting the demons of the Worldwound for the first time, which ended in 4630. I believe his demonic signs developed after it, otherwise he would probably have been killed. As he grew up, many more tieflings were known to be born in the region, so there would be no reason to panic, which is good for you... however, suspicion would be something that will always follow you.

As I have pointed out to ElterAgo above, who is also building an inquisitor, an inquisitor is sort of a 'special unit' among the church and is trained specifically to do stuff that the clerics and paladins are not able to. Based on your background it seems you already know that. However, I need to ask... why would the clerics/paladins of Iomedae train a tiefling as an inquisitor? Would they trust someone with demon blood in their veins with the duty to cleanse their own church? Unless there is a pretty good reason for that, this seems more than strange.

Assuming you come up with a GOOD idea about why the church would allow a tiefling to become an inquisitor (perhaps on the line of a disposable asset?), Dharvol then became an inquisitor... and the 3rd crusade happened. There were inquisitors everywhere, hunting true and imaginable demons/witches/traitors in equal proportions, perhaps causing more damage to the crusade than the demons themselves. Dharvol would be 38 at this time. Was he part of this crusade? Was he always LN, or perhaps he was LG before and made more than a share of unsavory things during that time? How he SURVIVED this crusade, with all the suspicion upon him and his kin?

Then the 3rd crusade ended... how does he feels about it? How does he feels about being an inquisitor now, being both scorned by being a tiefling and more even so for being an inquisitor?

@All: All these questions I'm making is to make sure I end up with a group of good characters with strong and reasonable backgrounds. This is not me bickering with you! I'm here to help you develop your characters so we are both happy with it.

@Ictoo: Sorry if I missed your post. And thanks! I indeed put a lot of thought on this. On the following days I'll make a post commenting on the reason why I picked each of the house rules and alternate rules.

About the animal companion, I believe it would be fair to say that your character would have to 'spend on rituals' to make your companion stronger. I'll explain.

With the regular rules, a given character with a fighting animal companion would eventually have to split her gold in magical itens for herself and for her animal companion. Under the ABP system, she exchanges half her wealth to basically receive many itens that, in truth, would eat much more than half her resources. To give an animal companion the same treatment without taking anything from the controlling character seems imbalanced.

You'll be able to make 'rituals' to give your companion/eidolon/familiar boons that will work just like the regular magic itens. Want to give him the benefit of a cloak of resistance +1? You need to make a ritual that will cost you 1000gp and so on. This is only valid for effects that can be gained via the ABP system (deflection, resistance, enhancement to ability scores and so on). Other itens will work as normal.

GM Toothy wrote:


@ElterAgo: If you wish to take a variant aasimar ability, let me know and I'll roll for you. You won't be able to go back once I roll. Also, you'd be able to take either this variant ability or a variant heritage (agathion-blooded, angel-blooded, etc), not both. ...

If it is roll for the variant ability, I won't take it. There are really only a couple I might want to take. Still undecided on the heritage, but probably not since that would preclude the 'halo' daylight abilities later. If I did, it would be the Lawbringer heritage.

GM Toothy wrote:


At this moment, I'm far more interested in your background than in your crunch, so I'll take a look and double check it later. So Farish is an aasimar. How old is he? What are the physical signs of his heritage? Is he aware that he is an aasimar (unless he is really young, he should be)? ...

Age I put at 37. If I recall correctly Aasimar mature a little slower but that still gives him plenty of time to train. His eyes are startling violet color and when he's been in the sun to get a tan, his skin looks almost like it is covered in bronze. Yes, he is aware that he is an Aasimar. That is part of why he keeps trying to get his father to open up about his mother. Since his father is plain vanilla human, surely it comes form his mother's side of the family (or maybe not).

GM Toothy wrote:


About this unnamed caretaker, I want to know more about him, since the is really important for your character. Who he is (both in story and class - cleric/paladin/inquisitor)? Why he came to Kenabres to tend this shrine to Ragathiel? I ask this because Ragathiel's major focus is to fight against Hell, not the Abyss. Why his father decided to put Farish under the care of this caretaker? If he wished for Farish to join the guard, why not put him under the care of the Abadarian church or any other religion that? Why he choose to put Farish under the wing of a religion that preached about going to war against evil... go to war, thus crossing the border into the Worldwound, and not defend Mendev? And why this unnamed caretaker was not a fighter himself? ...

The Caretaker: I intentionally left this vague in case you want to do anything with it. Farish certainly just thinks of him as the old caretaker. Hasn't really dawned on him yet that a simple caretaker would not have been able to teach him all he needs to be a heroic warrior against evil.

I think of him as a retired cleric/paladin/inquisitor/warpriest that realizes he is too old to continue the fight personally. So he seeks to train the next generation of heroes. He doesn't want to give his name because he doesn't want to be recognized and have his fame possibly eclipse that of any new pupils. He came to the shrine in Kenabres since this is a place obviously in need of heroes.

I had not determined the motivations of his father. Location could be convenient. Cost less since not as popular of a deity. Maybe an after hours drinking pal of his father. But he didn't think of it as an issue, because his son would certainly join the garrison like his dad. Because that's what sons do, right.

Well, I certainly don't have as much of the background info on Galrion and its faiths as you. I thought Ragathiel's focus was helping people to become heroes for whatever need. Don't remember where I read that though. I don't remember seeing anything about a focus on fighting devils. If I'm missing too much info on Ragathield, I could easily change to another good deity that preaches taking the fight to the enemy.

GM Toothy wrote:


Farish is an inquisitor. How he became an inquisitor? Much like a cleric and a paladin, an inquisitor requires training, differently than an oracle. A cleric is not simply someone who read a holy book and started to perform miracles... it studied in some church for a long time. A paladin and an inquisitor took even a step forward. They are 'special units'. Inquisitors are the one in charge of doing what the cleric and the paladin can't. If he was trained by this caretaker, it would take years. Does his father was not aware of this? Why this caretaker would train Farish as an inquisitor, and not as a cleric or paladin? The 3rd crusader was mostly an inquisition and it is regarded to this day as a failure and a shame to the name of Mendev and Iomedae... is Farish aware of this? How does he feels being an inquisitor?...

He has had plenty of time to train with the caretaker as well as his father over the years. (Rank in prof soldier and he is reasonably good combatant.) People don't know about the 'inquisitor class.' To his father, he was being trained to use weapons, defend himself, know about good and evil, know about the enemies they face from the Worldwound, enough education to even become an officer in the garrison someday.

Similarly Farish doesn't think of himself as an inquisitor. He is a fledgling hero off to fight evil in the name of holy Ragathiel. In order to fight evil you have to be able to find it, figure out what it is planning, and tear down those plans.
That's why I, as a player, picked inquisitor. Paladin, cleric, and warpriest just don't have the skills to figure out much of anything. Yes, the paladin has detect evil. In my opinion too many players use a ping on the evil-dar as an excuse for murder-hobo. In my opinion, that should only give you some suspicions on who to investigate more. I personally RL know quite a few people that I would have classified as evil and could easily be high enough level (expert or aristocrat maybe?) to give a ping. But that doesn't necessarily mean they have done anything to justify murder-hobo.
Yes, they do have a few spells that can work. But you have very limited spells for many levels. You can use your brain all day. Smart warrior against evil. Though I admit that the paladin and warpriest are much better at the destroying of evil if someone else has found it.

GM Toothy wrote:


Farish is a sin eater. Does he intends on devouring the sins of demons, beings composed entirely of sin? Once a demon dies, its soul doesn't go to the Abyss, but instead is lost into the Maelstrom. What is he usefulness of purging a demon from sin? ...

I was more thinking of the sin eater aspect as trying to redeem those souls that have strayed from the path and are currently serving the demons. If that doesn't work for this campaign, just let me know.

GM Toothy wrote:


Farish wants to fight the demons. A couple demons are able to slip through the Wardstones, but to really bring the fight to them, one needs to cross the border. Have he done it yet? If no, why not? ...

No, he has not yet crossed the border. He is just starting out as a brand spanking new fledgling hero. (Otherwise he wouldn't be a 1st level PC with zero xp. {wink})

I wanted to bounce an idea on you to see what you think of it. This is just preliminary, admittedly.

"Imrijka" (placeholder name) is a half-orc "Child of the Crusade," born from a half-orc mother and human father. They are members of a band of crusaders of a so-called veiled mystery cult that worshipped a variety of empyreal lords. Her mother, formerly from the Hold of Belkzen, had surrendered to these crusaders after being defeated in a raid on human lands, and was given a chance to redeem herself in battle against the Worldwound. She did so, and earned not only redemption but love, and became joined to her father, a worshipper of Arshea. Imrijka was thus born, and grew up facing orc prejudices, but also developing strong bonds to her community. To the delight of her father but chagrin of her mother, Imrijka has herself begun training to fight demons, and has sworn an oath to do so in Arshea's name. (She likes Arshea because he/she focuses on what is good and beautiful about someone, whereas others focus on her orc appearance.) Her mother, on the other hand, has the good sense to at least teach Arshea to fight from afar with bow instead of blade.

Mechanically, Imrijka would be an archer--I haven't decided if she'd be a ranger or paladin. But she'd wield an Orc Hornbow. She would eventually like to pursue the Mystery Cultist PrC as her mythic boost, and might dip a level of Wizard or Sorcerer just to have something to do with the caster level bumps associated with that prestige class.

@ElterAgo: Thanks for answering my questions. I'm happy with them. About the caretaker, I agree that it is indeed interesting to make him a more mysterious figure.

Here is a link to Ragathiel's page on PathfinderWiki. He is actually the son of Dispater and all of his deeds were against Hell. That being said, I can see no reason for him not to be interested in also fighting the Abyss, however don't expect to find much companionship among the other crusaders. Farish would be a 'one of a kind' crusader, so try to avoid feats and class abilities that would work only for members of your faith.

About the Inquisitor class, I understand you are only using its "chassis" but not its lore. I'm ok with that but I wanted to confirm with you that we were on the same page. As a suggestion, to explain his more 'roguish' skills, you could make Farish a bit of a 'rebel son', or at least one that used to play a lot on the streets, making a couple of dubious friends.

About the Sin Eater archetype, I believe it is not a good one for this particular campaign. Despite not having any restriction, I believe that devouring the sin of a demon would be really harmful for someone, since a single demon might be formed by hundreds of sinful souls and have sinned since they were remade. The speak with dead ability would also not work, since a demon has no soul. As a suggestion, take a look at the Cold Iron Warden or the Faith Hunter archetypes. I'd also like to suggest the Crimson Templar PrC, since it is specifically tied to Ragathiel.

Now, I'd also like you to think about a reason for Farish to have not yet fought against the demons. At 37 yo, at least a couple of his friends have already joined the crusade (and probably died). Perhaps his father made him to promise not to fight against the demons or something like this?

I'd like for you to include all of this we are talking to into Farish's background.

@Tazo: I'm good with your idea. Just let me know when you have a more developed background so I can probe you with questions (you can already see that with the other applicants). About the spellcasting dip, just take in consideration that with a 15-PB, I'd be better picking something that has some synergy with your core class in terms of atributes. Also, if you intend on picking a class that would require years of study (like a wizard, cleric, druid, and so on), be sure to already incorporate this aspect on your current background. Someone doesn't simply become a wizard after reading a spellbook.

definitely interested, but i have a quick question. how would the touched by divinity trait work if you picked the healing domain?

cuatroespada wrote:
definitely interested, but i have a quick question. how would the touched by divinity trait work if you picked the healing domain?

It would work exactly like any other domain. In this case, you'd be able to cast cure light wounds 1/day as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your caster level. I believe you read "domain power" instead of "domain spell".

i did. lol. thanks!

Thanks for the extensive feedback and many good questions. I have added a statistics section to the character sheet.

There is the hyrax which is the closest relative to that family, but otherwise, I am fine with waiting until 7. The tiny size is good for getting through smaller places which only really becomes an issue at 7th.

I've given the background another draft. Kodan's family is from Old Sarkoris, he is too young of course and his family wandering the lands has bled in nomadic influences. It was a minor clan with no patron mixed with other refugees. They never joined the Mammoth Lord tribes proper and thus become more traveling nomads. Indeed none of the family would be surviving from the Opening, but the relatively few generations would leave it somewhat fresh.

Kodan has never been the Voice; he was being groomed to become it by his father. Thus the relatively social focus of a nomadic barbarian type character. With the size of Shudderwood, it still has non-corrupted fae and spirits and it was one of those in the form of Walks-Like-Thunder that found Kodan.

The Call of the Crusader found Kodan too late to join the previous Crusade. With his adulthood and bond with Walks-Like-Thunder he seeks to respond to the early exposure to demons as a child. As Kenabres is the place where the fight still continues it is there to which he has traveled. He has abandoned his potential position of Voice to take direct action, leaving his tribe with a heavy heart.

@GM Toothy I'd be very interested in that post! I understand exeactly why ABP would be unbalanced with an AC and I see no problem with that.

I'm on a training course half the week but I'm working on my backstory now and will get something up this week!

since unchained is required, are the FCBs from the original versions available to the unchained versions?

@Kodan: I liked the changes. If I have more questions later, I'll let you know.

@Ictoo: I'm eager to see what you'll come up with!

@cuatroespada: Yes, all the FCB's are ok.

My work responsibilities just changed. I'm not going to have any spare time in the near future. Afraid I will have to withdraw from consideration for this campaign. Sorry to miss it.

Dotting in, sounds interesting. Never played Wrath of the Righteous. After reading the OP, I was initially thinking about an archery focused Inquisitor, but it looks like there's already a few of those in the candidate pool :p so I'll contemplate some other options while I read the players guide.

Dotting in. Some of my games folded in the past months, so I can consider playing in 1 or 2 new games.

WOTR is still on my to-play list, and I really like the handling of the mythic part here.

I only came across this now, I'll need to consider my options and check what kind of characters are already in the recruitment pool - so I may come in with a rough concept quickly or take a few days :)

I was just accepted into another game, so I will respectfully withdraw my stated interest in this one. I love the concept and the alternative to Mythic powers, and wish you all the best in your recruitment!

I have more or less decided on something along with a background. Just need to find the time to formulate it out.
And become more sure about the prestige class.

Do we need to meet all criteria for the prestige class?

@ElterAgo and @Tazo: I'm sad to see you go, but good luck in your games!

@Sbodd: Until this point, there are still only a few applicants, so feel free to apply with whichever character you want!

@MordedofFairy: Welcome! I'm eager to see what you come up with!

@Hayato Ken: Yes you do. When you attain your first mythic rank (which will happen at level 6), you'll choose your PrC, at which point you need NOT to meet all of its requirements. However, you'll only receive the PrC abilities when you fully meet the requirements. As an example, lets say you choose Arcane Archer but at that moment your BAB is only +4. You'll receive the basic mythic abilities described in the OP, the trait boost, and the additional hp but you'll only receive the Arcane Archer abilities (enhance arrows, imbue arrow, etc) when your BAB reaches +6. If you are already at a higher mythic tier, rest assured, for you'll automatically receive all the abilities you are lacking at once.

I did some consideration of options, but in doing so, run into a few questions. I know you are more interested in the character side currently, but of course, class choice dictates background to quite some extent.

Specifically: I was tending towards Fighter going into Heritor Knight, with Mythic Prestige Class being Sentinel.
The two questions that arose are as follows:
The second boon of Sentinel for Iomedae, for non-Paladins, grants a +2 sacred bonus on attack and a +Sentinel level sacred bonus on damage.
Without Sentinel PRC, Deific Obedience defaults to the Exalted Boons, so the only way to get that boon should be picking up Sentinel as a PRC.
But Sentinel's "Symbolic Weapons" grant a sacred bonus on attack and damage. By the time the second boon is granted(level 6) that bonus is already at +3/+3, so effectively the +2/+6 sacred boon bonus 'as written' is superceded by the universal sacred bonus and only grants a bit of damage extra, turning it into +3/+6.
Considering it has a limited number of uses per day(limited by Charisma), that seems underwhelming.
For comparison, Shelyn Sentinel also has the second boon affecting Smite, but if one is not a Paladin, it instead grants an always-active untyped +2 weapon attack bonus versus evil targets(that would stack with the Sentinel sacred bonus...effectively turning it into +5/+3 without a daily limit).
I don't know if something was changed regarding Iomedaes boons or the Sentinel class, or that overlap was intended, but figured I'd ask if you confirm the writing or have a different interpretation(such as the +2/+x stacking on top of the regular sacred bonus, i.e. improve the bonus by that much - it simply seems strange that they would point out a +2 bonus to attack that in 99% of cases will already be superceded by what the class provides).

The second question is regarding Leadership - specifically, that several interesting PRC's would provide it. I assume we are not using it - the shenanigans involved with it are numerous. But how will it be handled? A bonus Feat as replacement? The same way as in PFS(e.g. sentinel gets Persuasive or a Deity Feat instead.)?

Basically, I would like to try the Fighter/Heritor Knight(+Sentinel Iomedae) build.
But other considerations were Ranger or Paladin as base Class, possibly going into Low Templar, Evangelist or Crimson Templar - and maybe Horizon Walker or Sentinel(Shelyn) as PRC.

Mostly, I'm focusing on a Martial Melee, I feel the Unchained Action Ecnonomy will work well for granting options beyond 'tank and full attack' - but as said, the Background and Character Details would obviously be rather dependent on what Class I end up with. I have some rough ideas gestating in my head, but I'd prefer locking in some core build aspects before starting to flesh them out.
All the more because of the 15 point-buy - I'm fine with it, but it requires a certain amount of optimization to give a better chance of survival - so getting a +2 to attacks or not makes a bigger difference than for a higher point buy where it's more 'relaxed'. (To clarify: Not complaining about the low Point Buy, just explaining why I feel it necessary to get a somewhat detailed idea about the crunch before diving into creating a person in this case).

I'm kind of leaning towards a Skald, especially given that the party makeup is looking fairly heavily melee-oriented, so "Str and Con bonuses for everyone!" should be super useful.

Currently leaning towards the Riftwarden orphan trait. Still considering a bunch of options for the prestige class, though Evangelist (allowing multiclassing without giving up Skald abilities) or Furious Guardian (more rage is good) are high on my list right now.

Narratively, he's a battle poet - picture someone chanting a magically-infused Charge of the Light Brigade as we head into battle. Loathes the demons who presumably killed his parents, but also the Riftwardens who sent them to die and then hid that from him.

Still working on the full write-up.

Dot for now. Have some work to do.

Quick crunch question, hypothetically how would you respond to what is intentionally meant to be a cheese heavy twf crit machine?

In brief, I've been wanting to try a war priest dual wielding kukri with crit enhancement feats. This would mean at high level multiple attacks per round that threat crit 25+% of the time and have base damage dice of 1d10 or higher depending on level. On top of that would have crit feats that lay on debuffs.

If I were a dm I think I would be concerned, but raw it works. Wanted your thoughts before I start building out.

I withdraw my first question. The boon works with all weapons, the class Feature with the deitys preferred.
Still underwhelmung since it basically seems geared towards switch-hitting but could be situationally useful.

@MordredofFairy: Yeah, it is a bit underwhelming, but as you said, it applies to all weapons. About the Leadership feat, you can take any General Feat of your choice instead of it.

RPlaying wise, even if the classes you are picking don't mention it, I'll rule that you'll have to follow close to your deity's dogmas to get your class features. If you do something anathema to Iomedae, she will take your powers away from you until you atone, as if you were a 'lesser-paladin'. Are we good?

@Sbodd: A skald is definitely an interesting choice. About the Evangelist as your PrC, let me know your plans, for RAW you'll need to pick a class you already has levels, so it might be more tricky than you think.

@Nairb the Grey: I believe I'm ok with it. TWF is quite feat intensive and since it is generally regarded as inferior to two-handed, I'm not really worried. Also, remember that you only get an automatic hit on a 20. With a weapon with a higher threat range, you need to actually hit with the attack, otherwise it is just a miss.

Rules wrote:

Sometimes your threat range is greater than 20. That is, you can score a threat on a lower number. In such cases, a roll of lower than 20 is not an automatic hit. For example:

19–20/×2: The weapon scores a threat on a natural roll of 19 or 20 (instead of just 20) and deals double damage on a critical hit.
18–20/×2: The weapon scores a threat on a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20 (instead of just 20) and deals double damage on a critical hit.
Any attack roll that doesn’t result in a hit is not a threat.

So, if your last attack in the round has a +3 bonus and you roll a 15, it is only a critical threat if the enemy has AC 18 or lower. If it is higher than that you simply missed.

yeah, in the interests of full disclosure, my build plan definitely takes advantage of the alternate mythic rules you're proposing. the goal is a tag team build utilizing teamwork feats. summoner (very devoted to iomedae w/touched by divinity trait) with a dip in cavalier (beast rider) and evangelist as the prestige class.

so i would eventually have myself, my eidolon at summoner level - 1, and a lion (iomedae's sacred animal) at cavalier + (evangelist level - 1) + 4 for boon companion.

eventually (level 14 at the earliest), they'd all have gang up so they could all flank as long as they were threatening the same target taking advantage of paired opportunist and outflank for extra attacks of opportunity.

i have other ideas, but they would also change the background somewhat so if this wouldn't fly just let me know.

So this is what I was thinking, let me know if you interpret the rules the same way.
If I went evangelist I'd be using Skald as my aligned class, and taking levels in something else (TBD, maybe Barbarian) as we got mythic tiers - so e.g. assuming we're at tier 2 when we hit level 5 and the PrC comes online, I'd take Barbarian for level 5 and the tier-2 Aligned Class would give me all the 5th level Skald abilities (spells, rounds of song, etc). That sound reasonable?

@RP-wise: That was kinda what I was going for. A slightly less strict-than-for-true-paladins kind of code of conduct. Basically the character would attempt to follow the dogma, being doubly invested into the deity - but not being formally bound, a minor slip-up here and there should be tolerable.
Lesser Paladin is a good way to put it. Character should uphold the virtues, but not be judged by the same standards a true Paladin would be.

@cuatroespada: I'm ok with your plans. Just take in consideration the usual restrictions regarding large creatures and that, in some circumstances, there will not be enough room for all the party members to attack. I don't know up to which size you intend to go with your eidolon, because having two large creatures on the battlefield might cause more harm than good.

Thinking about the encounters, however, I believe such inconvenience will not be too frequent.

@Sbodd: To end up with 20 effective levels in skald you'll need to be at level 20th with Skald 11/Barbarian 9 (Evangelist 10). That will definitely work. However, since you do not know when you'll gain a mythic tier, you most likely won't be at top Skald level until you reach level 20. There is a way, a specific order to take classes, but since you won't read the books, it is difficult for you to achieve that.

@MordredofFairy: Good! We are in agreement!

Good indeed! FYI: I've fallen a bit ill and plan on taking it easy for the next couple days.
I did start on character creation, but it will take me a bit to get a basic background set up. Unless I run into more questions, I'll try and get healthy again and will be back with a first draft in a few days.

Re Effectiveness of TWF. I am good with that. I will start working on a build tomorrow.

Btw, on the note of crits...I have never played WotR before. Is there a larger than normal quantity of crit immune enemies to where this build would be partially or wholly needed by the campaign setting? Wanted to know before I invest.

@MordredofFairy: No problems, take your time.

@Nairb the Grey: As far as I remember there are a couple crit immune monsters, but they are the minority.

Hehe, back already...albeit for a rather mundane reason: Figured I should state that I am opting for the "Exposed to Awfulness" trait, as you specifically stated you want one player per trait - so newcomers can aim for an unpicked slot yet or at least know they have competition.

Also, the profile is there. As said, the flavor parts, I'll do over the next days - they are empty as of now.
30-minute background should be done.
The drawback is connected with the campaign trait and while less of a mechanical penalty, will be relevant in roleplay. If you'd prefer a more significant impact, that's ok, we can work on that.
The mechanics, obviously, are a draft. Things can and probably will change, but I like getting an idea about how things will turn out rather than go in blind.

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