Nairb the Grey |
Okay, close to done on crunch and getting an idea about fluff and character as I build.
I have really been struggling with what PrC to go with though, and I feel like knowing that will inform choices I make along the way.
Anyone have any PrC recommendations? So far I have not multiclassed giving up caster levels, so it does not have to be a class with a divine caster element.
MordredofFairy |
Hm, apologies, no recommendations. There's a good number that make sense from a crunch perspective, considering what exactly we are getting. But my design process operates differently - I get an idea of the role, then the rough outline of the fluff, and pick classes that fall into place for it - altering aspects of the person to go with picks that don't fit perfectly right away.
But maybe start from those aspects you know: Which God does he worship? Is there some class aligned with the deity? How was he touched by Divinity? Could that set him down a certain path? What Blessings(/Domains) did he pick? Healing and Protection lend themselves to a different character idea and PRC than War and Strenght...and WHY did he pick those? - not sure if it helps, but evaluating those parts you already have might help you narrow down the options for those aspects of the character still missing.
For the setup as given, you could also (I considered that as well, our Skald entry does it) go for Evangelist aligned with main class, giving you 9 classes you could take in a different class(say, ranger, picking up full bab, more hp, and favored enemy, and two-weapon feats) - assuming that second class makes sense thematically.
Probably not exactly what GM had in mind, but effective and within the rules.
@GM: I did pick up VMC: Paladin...that makes the code of conduct formal, but helps with some other aspects(namely staying power, and the second boon of sentinel)
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![Killian Paltreth](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/killian_color.jpg)
@GM Sorry if this has been asked, but are you open to using the elephant in the room feat tax rules? I can link them if you are interested but are unsure of what they are.
not entirely sure on his build/class (likely a sacred shield paladin, or a fighter, possibly even a cleric but unsure) but this is the background I wrote out so far-
Background (short)
Darrien rossberg lead a simple life, from his birth, to his teens, he farmed with his father, worked odd jobs around his small village, and enjoyed strong friendships with many people. Even the day he got married was a simple, but happy day for him. He did his best for his family, he provided food, and comfort. He had a 3 year old son. He was happy. Alas, one day a roving band of ghouls swept down upon the farm, and Darrien could only watch as his wife and child, the lights of joy in his life were taken from him. As chance would have, several of his childhood friends had been on their way to visit, and saw darrien finally smash a fiend with half of a broken metal door. Some fled back to town for aid, others picked up tools and ran to his aid. But they were not warriors, and soon they too began to fall to the horrid fiends. Had it not been for a ranger, descending from the shadowed woods to cut down the demons and caused the lead demon to flee, they would have all died that day. While the others thanked the ranger, Darrien could only hold the half eaten corpse of his wife in stunned silence. Finally after what seemed like ions, the ranger strode over to Darrien and placed a hand on his shoulder, suddenly Darrien rose and turned on the ranger in anger. He blamed him, he cursed him for not coming sooner, he yelled more curses than any man ever should, and with a heart filled with anger and despair, he fled to the northen woods, up the mountain. What happened during that time is a haze to Darrien and he cannot recall how much time passed, perhaps days,but eventually he found himself at the peak of the mountain, carrying the metal door, and the corpse of his wife. He sat the door down on the snow and looked out over the ledge, a steep drop. He closed his eyes, but before he did anything else, a faint voice came, and with it, something his father had said to him countless times when he had been depressed.
"Remember son, the darker the night is, the brighter the stars shine. The only option is to keep going, and find new joy."
Later the next morning Darrien returned, carrying the metal door, but having left his wife buried on the mountain peak. He had realized something. The joy of life was precious, and while it could be found everywhere, in anything, losing any of it to the ever encroaching darkness was a horrible loss, that night he had made a vow, a vow to his family, to Continue to live and find joy in life enough for all of them, and a vow to himself, to protect that light of joy whereever he found it, and to kindle it in places he did not. He forged the beaten metal door into a shield, a shield of a quality far beyond what his skill should have been capable of, and upon that shield resided an emblem, as if it were a stamp of approval.
Hayato Ken |
Female devil-spawn tiefling unchained monk (weapon adept) 1
LN Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 natural, +3 Wis)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Sanity 35, threshhold 3, edge 17
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cold iron waveblade +3/+3 (1d6+2/18-20) or
. . cold iron tri-point double-edged sword +3 (1d10+3/×3) or
. . unarmed strike +3/+3 (1d6+2)
Ranged cold iron rope dart +3/+3 (1d4+2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tri-point double-edged sword)
Special Attacks flurry of blows (unchained), perfect strike 1/day
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 19
Feats Armor Of The Pit[ARG], Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Perfect Strike[APG]
Traits indomitable faith, stolen fury, unearth secrets
Skills Acrobatics +6, Diplomacy +1, Knowledge (history) +4, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Sense Motive
Languages Abyssal, Common
SQ light from darkness, pass for human, umbral unmasking
Other Gear cold iron rope dart[UC], cold iron waveblade, tri-point double-edged sword[UC], 6 gp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Flurry of Blows (Unchained) (Ex) As full-rd action, gain extra attacks with unarmed strike/monk weapons.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Light From Darkness Gain incorruptable ART as long as you are not evil.
Pass for Human You can pass for human, and count as a humanoid (human) for all purposes.
Perfect Strike (2d20, 1/day) With certain weapons, roll twice, higher is attack, lower is confirmation roll.
Umbral Unmasking You cast no shadow (DC 15 Perception to notice)
Essential things:
1) Even though there are no outward signs of her fiendish heritage, Jiao Feng has no shadow and is shamefully aware of her tainted blood and heritage. She is rather shy and withdrawn, afraid of rejection because of that.
2) Abducted by cultists as a child, she has only faint memories of her parents - or the people who raised her first. Most of her youth she spend in a hidden monastery of demon worshippers, where she was trained, but also unspeakable things were done to her, ending in a wicked ritual which failed.
3) During the failing ritual she felt a call of another, unknown force of light and goodness. Strange energies surrounded her and gave her a new skill to resist corruption.
4) She used the chaos of the failing ritual to escape from her captors and the hidden monastery, taking some useful equipment and weapons with her.
5) During her escape, she fought for real for the first time, eventually slaying some of the cultist guards. Realizing how good it felt to get revenge and freedom, she also found a greater calling there, fighting against evil in the world.
6) On the run from cultists, she made it through an unknown wasteland on the search for a save haven and solace. On her way she heard of the crusades and decided that would be a good place for her.
7) She believes in discipline and strict training, not only to become stronger physically, but she also believes this helps her to become a better person.
Character Goals:
1) Jiao Feng needs to find out where she comes from, who she is, who her parents were, why she was abducted, who her captors really were/are and what kind of ritual that was.
2) It would be cool to have her face one of her old abductors who also was her mastermind in the monastery and defeat him eventually.
3) She inherently has the goal to find solace and purpose in life, possibly in faith and changing her alignment to good.
1) Jiao Feng is torn and undecided about her heart. She feels the rage of demons and violence in herself often, but also longs for something completely different, compassion, beauty and goodness. She might fall or rise... This is also tied to her believe in discipline, because she is afraid that if her inner rage takes over, she will become like a demon herself. She's very scared of that.
2) Her parents are still alive, one of them a higher ranking member or priest of the crusade, holding a secret about her tainted blood.
Different related people:
1) Kylorn was her mastermind in the monastery. For years he oversaw her education and training, being the closest person to her. While he was a fatherfigure, he also often treated her cold and distant, being emotionally cruel. Unbeknownst to her, he was also the initiator of the ritual... (Might be another evil character in the plot!)
2) Vylar was her dormmate in the monastery, a tiefling like herself, but more obviously so. They spend many nights together talking about an imaginary different live and grew as close as possible under the circumstances.
3) It would be cool if she was actually found by a character of the plot, possibly a divine one, guiding her to civilization and the crusades.
1) Jiao Feng faintly remembers many happy moments with a womand and a man she believes to be her parents, in sunlit gardens and grand rooms with large colorful windows, often with beautyfull singing in the background.
2) Jiao Feng remembers the night she was abducted. A night full of terror, fire and smoke, and the red stains of blood and the faces of slain people on the floors. It's all a haze of violence and fire in her head, ending with a large empty spot on how she actually came to the monastery and the bitter days there.
3) She's also remembering very well the countless cruelties she witnessed and experienced in the monastery, the beatings, beratings, and worse. On the other hand there were nice days and memories of accomplishments as well, like spending time with Vylar, getting praised by Kylorn and many more.
I'm not completely decided, but brother of the seal and sentinel are very good i believe. Sentinel of Shelyn seems a fitting option.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
@MordredofFairy:Very good! I like what I've read so far and I'm eager to read the remaining of Finja's background. I'm also ok with your drawback for it is indeed quite fitting.
To get ahead on the questions, here are some pointers that I'd like to see with when the background is finished, as well as some ideas.
You mentioned that Finja lived in the north of Numeria and since she had a tribe, she probably is at least half kellid. The Steel Skin trait is usually more tied to knights, which brings to my mind the Taldoran or Andoran knights. Also, you mentioned you were trained since you were a little girl and even have some anger... this plus being from a tribe kind of points to a barbarian. Instead, you are a fighter... and not a regular one, for you use a tower shield, another weapon the brings the knights from the south to my mind. Perhaps your mother was not Kellid, but instead one of the many crusaders who crossed Numeria to fight the demons? Your sword could be a relic from your father's side, thus your fighting style would pay homage to both your parents. (just a couple ideas)
You mentioned Finja was training to become a paladin. Where was she training? Nerosyan, perhaps? If she is so devoted to Iomedae (taking in consideration the skill focus, hair cut in homage to her and plan to go heritor knight), why did she decided to abandon her training to become a paladin if they are considered the most prestigious among the Goddess's worshipers? Perhaps her instructors suspected her to be tainted... or perhaps she was caught doing something prohibited with Constantine?
Also, in the end, you'll need to come with a reason for her to be in Kenabres, where the adventure will officially start. Perhaps she trained there or moved there after she 'abandoned' the paladins?
@Nairb the Grey: As MordredofFairy pointed out, thinking about the story of your character might be the key. I'm not quite fond of the idea of the Evangelist approach, mostly because a couple other players showed interest in going this route. One I'd take, but more than that it becomes too much cheese.
@rorek55: This is a good start. I'm just wondering where the village Darrien was from can be put in the map. Do you have some place in mind? Since Darrien is human, the Worlwound was already open when he was born. Perhaps on the north of Numeria, between the town of Lackthroat and Chessed? The attack that killed your family probably occurred between 4709 and 4711, so 4 to 2 years ago (current year is 4713). I believe a fighter would be more appropriate for your background, since to become a paladin it would take a bit more than a couple years for sure...
@Hayato Ken: Sorry, it is late and I'm really tired... I'll give your PC a proper look tomorrow!
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![Killian Paltreth](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/killian_color.jpg)
I hadn't had a specific village in mind, so that seems fine, though thinking about it, maybe on the border of ustalav would be a better choicec. I have recently started liking the idea of a sacred shield, but meh, maybe start out as a fighter, and go up level of paladins later? Does this AP reach level 20?
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![Killian Paltreth](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/killian_color.jpg)
Actually, I may just go for the unbreakable fighter. Aside from that Would you be open to the idea of allowing me to use a tower shield for a bashing weapon? (Taking the normal -2, and maybe only counting it as one handed for damage). Figured I'd ask, oh, and were you interested in looking over the elephant in the room feat tax house rules?
MordredofFairy |
Glad to hear it. Some of your questions are already taken care of or hinted towards in the parts that are there - albeit I admit I did not want to go into greater detail on all of them.
I am in a hurry now, but will continue updating the sheet later today.
Finja is indeed supposed to be Half-Kellid, with her mother a crusader from the south(hinted at in the heterochromia, the blue eye not being exactly common among Kellid AFAIK). One of the bullet points in quirks/mannerisms also mentions that the Helmet is from her mother, the sword from her father's line(so yeah, hommage to both parents). It also stands to reason that her brothers imitated her fathers style, while she sought to duplicate her mothers combat style(including the tower shield).
Finja did relocate, potentially near Nerosyan - I had not specified that part in my mind, thinking anywhere near Aaramor would be good. Interestingly, Paladin is one of the 'self-thaught' classes, rather than trained - same as Fighter. The basic idea was that the situation at home became tense, and she was afraid her foster father might learn what happened - so she packed up and left before her training was finished(she did have extensive martial training from before 'devoting' herself to Iomedae - falling back to Fighter with VMC Paladin, rather than the other way round), heading towards Kenabres. I can flesh that out, still, as it's in the part of her past not yet written. Basically it's why I put her starting age at earliest possible - she simply had no time to completely 'swap' over from Fighter to Paladin, then stuck with what she already knew - albeit that's mostly a way to explain why she picked up the VMC and Skill Focus necessary for her further class choices - I suppose it also depends a lot on how you see VMC operate from a fluff perspective...to me thats some actual training and devotion to the class, not just a tangential interest, so the VMC actually makes her a 'mini-paladin' already(the fact she is fully bound by the Code of Conduct from Level 1 kinda seems to support that). Maybe she did complete the training, even, but holds on to her mothers teachings, not mentally able to completely 'swap' over to Paladin(VMC:Fighter). - I can work with some angles here, so whatever clicks best for you...
But a little insight into our situation at campaign start might help here to more clearly define her reason for heading towards Kenabres - could she have relocated to Kenabres hoping to finish her training there, with events forcing her into action shortly after her arrival(and then deciding that she's good as-is, as long as she follows her goddesses tenets)?
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
@Hayato Ken: Interesting. You mentioned before you wanted to work with me regarding an archetype, but the weapon adept is already completely compatible with the uc monk as far as I know. I'll take a look on your crunch later, since I'm far more interested in the background at this point.
About your background, I confess I'm a bit lost. Most of it is based on the idea of a hidden monastery run by demon worshipers... the problem is that it doesn't fit for many reasons. First, a monastery mostly train monks, which have the requirement of being lawful. However, the caretakers are demon worshipers, being necessarily chaotic, so they can't be monks. Even the theory that the demons took control and corrupted the monks of a previously existent monastery is faulty, for even if in appearance they would look like monks, they would not be able to teach Jiao, for they would not be monks anymore. To further complicate everything is that fact that Jiao is lawful, but spent most of her life inside a maddening chaos-infused realm, being taught by chaotic demon worshipers... I really doubt she would end up fine aside from divine influence, and even so considering that the cultists would not simply kill her once they discover of her moral inclinations.
Her name, Jiao Feng hints of some Tien influence. Is this intended? Also she is a devil-blooded tiefling, so she is not from the region.
Now, here are a couple ideas about how to change your background in a way that will make sense and fit the campaign. First, lets start with her origin. If she is of Tien descent, how did she ended up in Mendev/Worldwound? If you want to make that Jiao doesn't know/remember about it, it is also fine. For her training, she needs to have been trained by proper monks. There is a monastery in Mendev called the Monastery of Tala. Perhaps Jiao's parents were attacked by demons and the monks saved her life. While training, perhaps one of the monks was secretly a cultist (thus being unable to progress as monk, but keeping the abilities) and was trying to break her and a couple other disciples. In time, they would have tried some sort of ritual on her and fearing that all the monks were part of that, she fled. This way, you can keep most of the stuff you originally came up with, but now it makes sense.
Let me know your thoughts.
@rorek55: I'm not using the feat tax rules. The alternate mythic rules already give you 5 more feats than a regular character, even without considering the Prc you'll choose, which can grant even more feats.
About the origin, Ustalav certainly work, but is a bit farther.
Regarding the Tower Shield bash, I open to it, but not without a cost. It would require a feat called Tower Shield Bashing, with Improved Shield Bash and Tower Shield Proficiency as a prerequisite. Even with the feat, it would be considered a one-handed weapon with the same damage as a regular heavy shield. Since it is already really heavy, you'd not be able to add shield spikes to it. You'd also suffer the regular Tower Shield -2 penalty on attacks on top of the -4 for using a one-handed weapon as an off-hand.
@MordredofFairy: Regarding Kenabres, the campaign only needs you to be there. No additional requirements. You can be a local or not. Just be there and we are good. Of course, the farther your connections are, the harder it will be for me to incorporate them into the campaign.
So, if you want for Constantine and his father to be present in the campaign, it would be better if they are around.
Hayato Ken |
@Hayato Ken: Interesting. You mentioned before you wanted to work with me regarding an archetype, but the weapon adept is already completely compatible with the uc monk as far as I know. I'll take a look on your crunch later, since I'm far more interested in the background at this point.
Well, if you are already good with the, then it's fine!
About your background, I confess I'm a bit lost. Most of it is based on the idea of a hidden monastery run by demon worshipers... the problem is that it doesn't fit for many reasons. First, a monastery mostly train monks, which have the requirement of being lawful. However, the caretakers are demon worshipers, being necessarily chaotic, so they can't be monks. Even the theory that the demons took control and corrupted the monks of a previously existent monastery is faulty, for even if in appearance they would look like monks, they would not be able to teach Jiao, for they would not be monks anymore. To further complicate everything is that fact that Jiao is lawful, but spent most of her life inside a maddening chaos-infused realm, being taught by chaotic demon worshipers... I really doubt she would end up fine aside from divine influence, and even so considering that the cultists would not simply kill her once they discover of her moral inclinations.Her name, Jiao Feng hints of some Tien influence. Is this intended? Also she is a devil-blooded tiefling, so she is not from the region.
Now, here are a couple ideas about how to change your background in a way that will make sense and fit the campaign. First, lets start with her origin. If she is of Tien descent, how did she ended up in Mendev/Worldwound? If you want to make that Jiao doesn't know/remember about it, it is also fine. For her training, she needs to have been trained by proper monks. There is a monastery in Mendev called the Monastery of Tala. Perhaps Jiao's parents were attacked by demons and the monks saved her life. While training, perhaps one of the monks was secretly a cultist (thus being unable to progress as monk, but keeping the abilities)...
I admitt there are some weaknesses with that backstory. It's just something i made up in my mind for some time.
It wouldn't need to be a monastery and perhaps she could have joined a monastery after escaping the cultists, or have been there before.The way you propose would be fine for me. That monastery sounds really good actually and might be one more way to tie everything into the story.
The evil cultist with the ritual could also be someone from the plot, decided by you, that would make things more awesome.
I would love to keep the Tian Xia name, but she doesn't actually need to be from Tian Xia. I'm a bit reluctant to construct too much backstory there, because it might be difficult to fit it in then. I think it might be best if you suggest some ties there. Don't know the story of the AP really or protagonists much.
I took devil because it is mechanicaly better and for a monk with a 15 point buy build that kind of matters. Need 4 stats being good after all, unlike most others who can concentrate on 2 stats.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
@Hayato Ken: I see no problem about keeping the name. Not every Tien need to be freshly arrived. If you are ok, Jiao could be a second or third generation tien, having only experienced the cultural remnants her parents passed to her.
About the Tiefling heritage, if you are looking only for the stats, it would be better if you could change it to Demodand or Qlippoth. Point wise, it would remain exactly the same, only the flavor would work better.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
To help the newcomers, here is a list of the applicants so far, divided by the campaign trait. As you can see, there is room for many players to join yet and as a reminder, I'll only take ONE pc from any given trait!
Chance Encounter
Child of the Crusade
Exposed to Awfulness
-Finja Aaramor Human fighter/heritor knight (paladin VMC) [Sentinel] - MordredofFairy
-Kodan Human hunter (courtly hunter) [Mammoth Rider] - Xazil
Riftwarden Orphan
Stolen Fury
-Jiao Feng Tiefling monk (weapon adept) [TBD] - Hayato Ken
Touched by Divinity
-Dharvol Tiefling inquisitor of Iomedae [TBD] - Silver Fang
Expressed Interest
cuatroespada (summoner/cavalier - Touched by Divinity)
Hawthwile (Riftwarden Orphan?)
Ictoo (Ranger?)
Nairb the Grey (Warpriest - Touched by Divinity)
rorek55 (Fighter)
Sbodd (Skald - Riftwarden Orphan)
ScorchedOne (Riftwarden Orphan)
![]() |
![Killian Paltreth](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/killian_color.jpg)
hmm. I just realized that I have no real trait tied into my character (whoops) How would you feel about me making him a child of the crusade, but he had been unaware of it for a large part of his life. (say, his father was often away, but he never told him why he left) It would take some re-flavoring though for sure...
Exposed to awfulness could be ok as well, but Darrien was around 20-26 when I saw this happening.
I actually kind of like the slightly altered Child of the Crusade, sort of like Darrien's father was in the crusade, but didn't want to expose his family to it. (perhaps a faltering on his part, perhaps not, he just wanted his family safe as aside from the crusade, it was the only thing he cared for). Which would tie him in well since he has come to the crusade himself now, after losing his life so that he may now protect others from similar fates as his. And despite it all, he does so with a smile and comforting words.
Also, I'll be making him an fighter(unbreakable), PrC undecided as of now.
sorry for all the questions, but will you be using combat stamina? (either free, or if I take the feat?)
Sbodd |
Krusk, half orc Skald, Riftwarden orphan
Krusk is a lifelong resident of Kenabres. After his parents' disappearance, the Riftwardens left him with a foster family...of elves. It's a little weird, since his older sister is still just a kid and will be for another few decades, even though Krusk has been on his own for a few years now. Still, he's close with his foster family, especially his sister Liesa.
When he found out the reason behind his parents' disappearance, the general animosity towards demons most Kenabreans feel became sharpened in Krusk. He immersed himself in the history of the Worldwound and the crusades, and discovered he could bring forth magic from the old poems of and about crusaders past. The more he read, the more his determination to fight the demons sharpened.
The Riftwardens tried to recruit him when he reached adulthood. It...did not go well. Krusk blamed the group for his parents' death, and had been nursing that grudge for years. The agent they sent was arrogant, and assumed Krusk would just go along - after all, he had the Mark! They didn't quite come to blows, but it was close.
This covers about half of the ten minute background... Still deciding on a few things, most notably a deity to favor.
Hayato Ken |
@Hayato Ken: I see no problem about keeping the name. Not every Tien need to be freshly arrived. If you are ok, Jiao could be a second or third generation tien, having only experienced the cultural remnants her parents passed to her.
I'm completely fine with that, makes a lot of sense. Will update the backstory next chance i get a free hour.
About the Tiefling heritage, if you are looking only for the stats, it would be better if you could change it to Demodand or Qlippoth. Point wise, it would remain exactly the same, only the flavor would work better.
Qlippoth would work as well. For all i mind, we could just say it's an actual demon heritage flavorwise. Would even take darkness as spell like ability. It's not that important to the character.
I actually took the "Pass for human" racial trait, which makes her like a human, so there's no outward signs of being tiefling really. It's more about the inner taint and secret shame.Several people mentioned those "world is square" or "elefant in the room" altnernate rules. Are those a thing here?
MordredofFairy |
@Kodan: Apologies! I thought I had taken an unclaimed trait spot, didn't mean to go into direct competition with others while there were still unclaimed traits left. Must have missed that you picked Exposed to Awfulness as well.
I am, however, quite heavily invested in this trait(her drawback depends on it, her 2 other traits are a result from it, her motivation is in large parts based on it...) so can't easily swap to one of the others.
@GM: Free Combat Stamina? I'll take it! *grins*
Just need to be at Kenabres? That should be manageable - regarding my contacts, would it be better if they are there from the beginning?
I had figured they might 'transfer in' somewhere down the road, especially if she basically ran away from home. But I can also go with one of the other reasons and then we all travelled to Kenabres together.
@Hayato Ken: Feat Tax rules is not a thing, GM answered to Rorek in this post.
Also, I may be wrong, but I can't quite figure out how you got the 17 Wisdom(with 3 14's for physical) without the variant tiefling ability for +2 Wis...in which case you may want to check GM's response to alterego here. Basically it's variant ability or variant heritage, and GM rolls for ability. May be different for Tieflings, but probably worth checking.
You also have 3 Natural armor, 2 of which seem to come from Armor of the Pit. Not sure where the third is from, but also not sure if Armor of the Pit(protective scaly skin) and Pass for Human are compatible(pass for human specifically calls the alternate trait scaled skin which gives natural amor out as incompatible - so not sure if the Feat is...(same as with grasping tail, I would reckon)).
Just trying to be helpful - i took a look at all the other submissions on my phone earlier when I had some time... as said, I might easily have missed something, no in-depth checking, just curiosity. :)
Hayato Ken |
@Hayato Ken: Feat Tax rules is not a thing, GM answered to Rorek in this post.
Also, I may be wrong, but I can't quite figure out how you got the 17 Wisdom(with 3 14's for physical) without the variant tiefling ability for +2 Wis...in which case you may want to check GM's response to alterego here. Basically it's variant ability or variant heritage, and GM rolls for ability. May be different for Tieflings, but probably worth checking.
You also have 3 Natural armor, 2 of which seem to come from Armor of the Pit. Not sure where the third is from, but also not sure if Armor of the Pit(protective scaly skin) and Pass for Human are compatible(pass for human specifically calls the alternate trait scaled skin which gives natural amor out as incompatible - so not sure if the Feat is...(same as with grasping tail, I would reckon)).
Just trying to be helpful - i took a look at all the other submissions on my phone earlier when I had some time... as said, I might easily have missed something,...
I went back and checked in Herolab, it should be a 15 WIS indeed. Guess that's from clicking around too much. No idea where the additional +1 natural armor comes from. I'll just make a new file with less clicking.
Personaly i don't see any problems with Armor of the Pit and Pass for Human, you just have a bit harder skin. There's plenty of things ingame giving you natural armor without giving you any outward visual changes. The feat is rather important though, since with AC15 on a frontline character, things get difficult fast.
Thank you for being helpfull i guess.
MordredofFairy |
@Hayato: Glad you took it the right way, I was afraid it would come across as 'busybody', but figured if you depended on stuff it's better to know during the design process, and not when GM checks crunch in the end and everything else is pretty much already decided. Or maybe consider if some archetype of Brawler would work as well, which CAN wear armor. :)
That said, I agree that the Feat is important, but maybe Pass for Human is less so - plenty of Tieflings around and rather accepted in the region- Just meant it would be saver to run it by GM. Sorry for the bad news and unasked-for meddling :/
Nairb the Grey |
Finally figured out the missing piece on the crunch...That is now officially done.
Sayid Al'Shaytan
M LG Imposter-wary Human Warpriest , Level 1, Init 3, HP 10/10, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 2, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Cold Iron Kukri +4 (1d6+1, 18-20 x 2)
Cold Iron TWF Kukri +2/+2 (1d6+1/1d6, 18-20x2)
Light Crossbow (20 standard bolts) +3 (1d8, 19-20x2)
Lamellar Leather Armor (+4 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition None
Planning on Duelist for the PRC. Going to pick up weapon versatility at some point so my slashing weapons can be piercing for the class features.
Changed my profile pic on this alias to match what I will be using when/if I build an alias for Sayid.
I still like the story of touched by divinity, but looking at the summary of campaign traits and thinking about the fluff in my head this could be easily adapted to Child of the Crusade instead.
*Ten Minute*
Step 1: write five things about your character’s concept and background, five things that you think are the most essential parts of your character.
Sayid was born and raised in Kenabres. His family has always lived here, centuries ago when the Worldwound was not yet formed and the city was just a wide spot on a dirt track predecesors of the Al'Shaytan's were here, tilling fields and making trade. He was raised on stories of his great grandfather Bartorien Al'Shaytan, who was killed with others in the infiltrator attack in 4607. This has made Sayid always cautious around strangers, and introspective and wanting to make certain of their true intentions.
It was when he was 12 that he first had dreams of the Inheritor and her followers. The image of a flaming sword with rays of light brighter than the noonday sun bursting from it's crossguard. In that light he felt no danger could approach him. He felt called to the sword, called to serve, defend, bring to pass justice and peace.
When he told his father of the dreams he was immediately taken to the temple and enrolled for training with the other novitiates. Ever since then he has always felt particularly close to Iomedae and her teachings.
Step 2: List two goals for the character that you, as a player, think would be cool to see accomplished in-game.
Sayid is interested more than anything else in exploring his call to serve Iomedae. He knows he is to bring her glory and repute in battle, but he does not know where or when.
He has heard tell of the righteous medals that are awarded to crusaders that bring such glory in their efforts, and hopes one day to possess one, or many. In particular he feels drawn to the Righteous Medal of Spirit, which is said to take the form of the sword token of Iomedae herself.
Step 3: List two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet.
3.1 - Sayid has been to see the wardstone within the walls of Kenabres, and was invited to attend the priests praying to maintain its protective power. It was a great honor for someone so young and new in his novitiate training, but to his great shame he fell asleep during his duties. To his knowledge no one saw him, but he has not been able to speak of it.
3.2 - His great grandfather did not infact die when the demon infiltrated the city before the first crusade. Bartorien was infact one of the guards overseeing refugees arriving in the city, but when the attack began he was so frightened that he fled. Many theories of the day posited that had he and others like him responded more effectively to the situation the death toll would have been lower.
Bartorian was later executed for abandoning his post in a crisis.
Step 4: Describe three people that are tied to the character though blood, romance or honor. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile.
4.1 - Shamoor Al'Shaytan - Sayid's father. Once a crusader in his own right that fought in the 4th crusade, Shamoor was injured in the effort when a Vrock swooped down from the sky and gored his left shoulder, leaving him unable to hold a blade. Sayid is Shamoor's pride, and is seen as an opportunity to redeem the family of poor service to the city in the past.
4.2 - Talania Verbalben - Crush/Unrequited Love Interest. Talania was the girl next door and Sayid's best friend growing up. They were inseperable, until the dream came. When Shamoor signed Sayid up for the novitiate program at the temple of the Inheritor he lost touch with Talania. He has seen her a few times since, but they have grown apart. In the past few years he has realized that he loves her. Unfortunately she has an arranged engagement to the son of a wealthy businessman in the city. Those feelings will likely never be answered.
4.3 - Trogen Shieldbreaker - Training Rival. Trogen arrived in the novitiate program the same year that Sayid did. They have been comrades and rivals since the first day of their training, often pited against eachother in sparring matches. The half-orc is a bit slow in both body and mind, but there is not a single combatant in their year that can swing a warhammer with such force and brutality.
Step 5: Describe three memories that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
5.1 - Floating in darkness, a light shines in the distance. You feel no movement, no hit of turbulence of zephyr air around you, but suddenly the light is growing quickly closer. It comes to a stop within arms reach, a beautiful long sword embossed in blood reds and the finest of gold. You feel it call out to you, streaming light towards you. Take up the sword, and defend your people.
5.2 - The first day you defeated Trogen was a happy day. You finally realized that pitting your strength, while not menial, against his was futile. Instead you focused on your spryness of feet. Swooping in for quick jabs before diving back out of his reach. After a while he began to fatigue, and you were able to better him. It was a jubilant moment when you finally brought him to the ground. At least until his warhammer connected with your knee, crunching it to a powder and sending you to the ground next to him.
5.3 - You can remember her hair, dark waves of almost red, flowing in the breeze. Her green eyes peering into yours as you ran and tagged back and forth. At the time she was just a girl, an odd creature, but still fine to play with. How could you have missed her beauty? Thinking back it was apparent. You even remember your parents complimenting Talania's on how wonderous she would be one day. But then you were just a boy. That isn't something you could have noticed.
So, I think that is the basics. Word of warning, the only thing I know of the campaign setting is what I read in the player's guide, I have never gone through WotR before. As such, please excuse anything that is innaccurate to the area...will be happy to make corrections if given feedback.
MordredofFairy |
It could work IF he uses the Dual Talent alternate human racial trait - just an unusual spread then.(usually that would be a double 16 in stats from 2 bought 14's) but yeah, he spent the human racial Feat according to Mythweavers so that's not it.
@Nairb: Duelist seems a decent pick in theory, but...did you catch that: When making a precise strike, a duelist cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield. - one of the main class features is not exactly compatible with two-weapon fighting. Canny defense works, but Int is not exactly a stat you'd otherwise depend on so probably also not a strong selling point alone.
And Parry in theory is great, but you really want it on a Full BAB-class, otherwise you'll soon grow frustrated at the low success rate...the capstone is admittedly great for crit-fishing, but that will be LATE - i'd assume level 19 or even 20 - either way I doubt you'd get lots of mileage out of it.
MordredofFairy |
I understand. It's also a different situation than usual - since only the abilities are gained, and bab/skills/saves disregarded.
And some that could be powerful/useful need very specific builds or good reasons to be here(Lantern Bearer or Living Monolith come to mind).
If you are not 100% set on the capstone of warpriest, there's always the option to take a 1-Level Dip in an arcane class - which would open up a lot of prestige classes from just being ok to potentially very useful (e.g. a planeswalker would definitely make sense to bring along for the abilities he brings to bear), granting spellcaster levels to your second caster class(and there's very useful self-buffs and utilities among the low-level arcane spells not available to warpriests).
That said, there is a Dervish Dancer Archetype for Bards using Kukris...but that probably clashes with the concept and sacred weapon probably being relevant. But wanted to let you know anyway :)
@GM: Background/Description is mostly done, sans the time at her foster family and departure to Kenabres. I held off on that until I know wether we should all be in Kenabres from the start or it's okay if they come in later.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
@rorek55: Sure, an aasimar is fine.
@Sbodd: Looks really interesting. If you could expand your background, I'd definitely appreciate.
@MordredofFairy: As I mentioned, it would be better if they were at Kenabres when the AP starts, so there is no difference if they were originally from there or if they moved after a while. Good job with the additions to your background!
@Hayato Ken: I believe we can re-flavor the Armor of the Pit feat so that your skin is hard, even if not apparent. However, as MordredofFairy mentioned, you could also abandon the pass for humanity trait with no prejudice.
@Nairb the Grey: Don't worry about not knowing the setting around the AP. It is my job to guide you and I'll do it with pleasure. I have a couple questions:
Your name looks like Arabic. Is that intentional? If so, were your ancestors kelishites? If not, they are probably descendants of the Iobarians and Sarkorians (both are kellids). The infiltration of 4607 was more like a disguised demon than agents on the shadow. You need not to change almost anything, but the specifics about your great grandfather would change a little. Now a couple probing questions:
How old is Sayid?
Why he wields kukris if he was probably instructed to wield a longsword?
As a suggestion on the Prc, take a look on Noble Scion or Student of War. Both of them might fit in your background.
MordredofFairy |
@GM: I misformulated - what I meant was that I had wondered if it was necessary they would be at Kenabres when the AP starts, or if they could come in at a later tim. :) But you already answered that, regardless - they should be in Kenabres, so we all head there together, because some Inquisitor didn't like my scar. ^_^
I assume on arriving we might learn that the given advice (seek out Hulrun) is not exactly a great idea, and ponder options - one way or the other. I'll leave what happened after we arrived in Kenabres open for now, as that may be a day before the AP starts, or months - whatever will fit better...but I think overall, the background is extensive and elaborate enough to get an idea of the person Finja(also, +1 unknown secret that may be better to integrate than the half-sibling that may simply not care) :).
Buhayra Sarraf |
![Winter-Touched Sprite](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9067-Sprite_90.jpeg)
On names, I really struggle being creative there so normally what I do is take a core theme of the character or adventure and translate it using google translate. I then nudge things one way or the other to get something name sounding.
In this case google translate says the arabic translation of demon hunter is sayid alshaytan.
As for what the name means heritage-wise in game, I am open to your direction there.
He is 17. I always go with a random roll on age, weight, and height. In this case I did the trained 15+2d6 and got the minimum roll, so I will be playing a youngster.
Leaving work now. I will answer your other questions later tonight.
Nairb the Grey |
Was in a rush leaving work, didn't realize I had posted using one of my ic profiles...oops.
Buhayra == Nairb...sorry for any confusion.
In my head cannon, which I didn't type out, Sayid was first trained with the longsword and a shield as most novitiates of Iomedae are, but he was dismal at it, just did not show any aptitude at all, was always getting the shield in the wrong place and fouling his own swings with it.
His natural grace and manueverability showed through when on a whim the arms master put him in lighter armor and gave him a pair of daggers to train with against the other youths. From there they set him with a few other weapons and he ultimately found that a pair of Kukri really fit him and his style best.
Some of the members of the order look down on him for not using the standard weapon choice. "It's good enough for the Inheritor, but not for you huh?" and this has put him at odds with many of the others that trained with him as a youth.
On PrCs, Student of War is interesting, but to make it work logistically I would probably need to bump intelligence a little and take Comprehensive Education over Imposter-Wary. I have kind of fallen in love with what Imposter-Wary does to the character's backstory, so I will probably stick with that.
Noble scion looks interesting though...fairly inexpensive to enter, and has some nice perks. I think I might change my build plan's trajectory to angle towards that instead of duelist. Pick up skill focus sense motive at some point since that dovetails nicely with the Imposter-Wary.
I don't particularly want him to start noble born. Is it reasonable to assume that if he acquits himself well during the campaign he can satisfy the "noble rights" prereq through RP?
Sbodd |
Alright, initial crunch for Krusk. Still working on finishing out the backstory, and still have a few things to pick (mostly gear). As a minor crunchy request: Greater Skald's Vigor requires 10 ranks in Perform(Sing). Could I use Oratory instead?
Also: is Crafting a thing/can I use the PFS swap of Scribe Scroll for Extra Performance?
Level 1 half orc skald
Str 16
Dex 12
Con 13
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14
HP 9 (10 when raging)
Attack: Greatsword +3/19-20, 2d6+4 (if raging, +4, 2d6+6)
AC 14 (Studded leather +3, Dex +1)
Reflex +3 +0C+1S+2L
Fort +5 (+6 if raging) +2C+1S+2L
Will +4 (+5 if raging) +2C+2L
Languages: Common, Orc (sub Elvish?)
Proficiencies: All simple/martial weapons, light and medium armor, non-tower shields (no spell failure)
Intimidate +8 : +1r+3c+2s+2racial
Knowledge (any) +1 : +1b
Knowledge (planes) +5 : +1r+3c+1b
Perception +4 : +1r+3c
Perform (Oratory) +6 : +1r+3c+2s
Raging Song 6/day (3 base, 2 Cha, 1 fcb)
1st level (1+1)
Spells Known:
0th level (4)
Dancing lights
Detect Magic
Mage hand
1st level (2)
Cure light wounds
Saving Finale
Feats: Scribe Scroll (class), Skald's Vigor
+2 Str
Intimidating (+2 racial to Intimidate)
Sacred Tattoo (+1 luck on all saves, replaces Orc Ferocity)
Weapon Familiarity (Proficiency with greataxes, falchions; all orc weapons are martial)
Darkvision 60'
Orc Blooded (counts as orc and human)
Traits: Riftwarden Orphan (+2 concentration)
Fate's Favored (increases luck bonuses by 1)
Bardic Knowledge: +1/2 Skald level (min 1) to all knowledge checks; may make untrained checks.
Inspired Rage: +2 Str/Con, +1 Will, -1 AC
Scribe Scroll feat
Favored Class: 1 raging song round
MordredofFairy |
Btw, just a minor crunch hint because I saw it with a few builds: AFAIK the AP runs to Level 20. So theoretically, having an odd number with one of the stats would make sense courtesy of 5 ability score increases of +1.
But if I understood the alternate mythic rules correctls, we will get the mythic ability score increases, albeit at half power, so there's another 5 ability-ups of +1.
Which, in total, gives +10 to ability scores, freely distributed and possibly also a reason for the standard fantasy point buy.
There's of course a good number of reasons to go with e.g. a 13(many feats requires a 13 in something) but if you intend to end with all stats on a even number, you will want to start with even numbers, too :)
Just in case that matters to someone.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
@Nairb the Grey: I'm absolutely fine with him receiving noble rights along the campaign. I can work with that.
@Ictoo: I'm swamped today, but I believe I'll be able to take a good look at what you've done tomorrow. About the recruitment ending, I did not set a date. I mentioned it would be by the end of November. Due to personal reasons (honey moon), I won't be able to really start this campaign until the 21st of December, so I might extend the recruitment a bit longer.
@Sbodd: You can use Perform (oratory). No problems with that. About crafting, you can swap it if you want but you'll also have time to craft if you wish... of course the time doesn't stop, so if you (as a group) decide on spend a couple months crafting stuff, the demons will also be active and doing their bat stuff also.
MordredofFairy |
@GM: I did run into one more question...regarding availability of magic items. Are we limited to what we find as loot? Could we request certain items? Can we work with you 'behind the scenes' to find something specific we want?
To elaborate on the case I present: the rest of the build was basically set before I decided on VMC Paladin. Now, with a Tower Shield and a Main Hand Weapon, Lay on Hands as written becomes difficult needing a free hand -(and it's already nerfed in that the swift takes one of the 3
'regular' actions, diminishing both offensive and defensive potential).
So, no problem, it would only come online at Level 7 anyway. But sometime after then, a Glove of Storing(10'000GP) would be really great, so that one can zap the sword into the glove, lay on hands, and zap it back.
So far, so good. But at the same time, with a Fighter not sacrificing weapon training, one really really wants Gloves of Dueling(15'000 GP).
Now, there's the precedent of adding multiple abilities to a slot
If the item is one that occupies a specific place on a character’s body, the cost of adding any additional ability to that item increases by 50%. For example, if a character adds the power to confer invisibility to her ring of protection 2, the cost of adding this ability is the same as for creating a ring of invisibility multiplied by 1.5.
So, get Gloves of Dueling, then add Storing at a 50% price increase makes it a 30k-item - with reduced WBL from automatic bonus progression, only really affordable around Level 13, IF available at all.
I know a Tower Shield is not exactly a optimal choice, but now I'm mentally invested in it.
With a Buckler I could two-hand my sword and Lay on Hands all day(for a minor 2-feat investment), but that lacks style. I want that Tower Shield. Mum used one!
So I figured I'll ask if you have any ideas on the matter. And if I stick with it from Level 7 to, say, Level 13, would such "Storing Gloves of Dueling" be possible to aquire(by commission or as customized loot or any other way)?
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
@Ictoo: I really liked your background, but I have some comments and questions.
First, I believe the point number 5 on step 1 of your 10-minute background is a leftover from another character, since it makes no sense at the moment.
You did not mention the city you are from but I believe (and hope) it is Kenabres, at least a couple times, since you mentioned Artis moved a lot. It is important for you to be at Kenabres at the start of the AP and for your parents to have been lost there. Another important date for him to be at Kenabres is during the attack against the city... there was an attack on 4692 AR which is perfect for your memory. This would mean, however, that Artis is at least 24-26 yo for him to be able to remember about it.
Have you thought about the PrC you'll be picking?
@MordredofFairy: Yes, we can and will work regarding your loot. As I mentioned on the opening post, I intend on making this game more realistic, and this includes reducing the physical gold you'll receive via defeating monsters and finding treasures. I'll give you instead something I call "story gold". This kind of gold will be used to find loot.
With this, instead of finding thousands of gold pieces on a chest guarded by a demon (ridiculous) and buying a mighty sword from a poor merchant (even more ridiculous), you'll earn "story gold" which you can spend by wishing to find a mighty sword, which could be guarded by a demon. Rules-wise this will make no difference, but story-wise it will.
You can also commission an item from a spellcaster, which also makes sense, since he/she would make it specially for you and not for selling. If you commission your glove, we are good.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
Updated list!
Chance Encounter
Child of the Crusade
-Artis Bredon Human ranger [TBD] - Ictoo
Exposed to Awfulness
-Finja Aaramor Human fighter/heritor knight (paladin VMC) [Sentinel] - MordredofFairy
-Kodan Human hunter (courtly hunter) [Mammoth Rider] - Xazil
Riftwarden Orphan
-Krusk Half-orc skald [Evangelist (barbarian)] - Sbodd
Stolen Fury
-Jiao Feng Tiefling monk (weapon adept) [TBD] - Hayato Ken
Touched by Divinity
-Dharvol Tiefling inquisitor of Iomedae [TBD] - Silver Fang
-Sayid Al'Shaytan Human warpriest of Iomedae [TBD] - Nairb the Grey
Expressed Interest
cuatroespada (summoner/cavalier - Touched by Divinity)
Hawthwile (Riftwarden Orphan?)
Ictoo (Ranger?)
rorek55 (Fighter - Child of the Crusade)
ScorchedOne (Riftwarden Orphan)
Kaelmourn A'Darith Celairdir |
@Toothy No problem on the start date, I really just didn't want to miss the close date. Did you recently get married or is it a late honeymoon? Congrats, either way, going somewhere interesting?
10-minute background error was from an old one I did. I wanted to get it up as I had put it off so long I wanted to see what you thought. So didn't proofread it all 100%, it's now taken out.
I planned on adding more specific city and town names to my backstory but didn't have access to my map pdf's and had some trouble searching.
My plan is - He was born in Kenabres lived there on and off throughout his childhood(How he met some of his friends and enemies). Parents would have been moved and stationed in other smaller towns and villages throughout Mendev. I can look up some settlements if you wish and add them in. That attack is perfect for my memory, I had him as young, 20-22 so 24-26 is no big deal. He could have been held back for many reasons, maybe his parents pulled some strings to not have him sent out so young and it could be another reason to resent them if something about their disappearing came up as dodgy.
About my PrC - I haven't had a lot of thought, I've never really had a proper look at them. But one I did consider for him was Hotizen Walker. If I get picked I wouldn't mind maybe having a discussion about switching to slayer and from melee to range/melee switch hitter. I can really see Artis as either, but that's for another day. I will continue to look at some PrC or if anyone can recommend something that may fit?
![]() |
![Killian Paltreth](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/killian_color.jpg)
ok as an update, I'm considering making his PrC either the furious guardian, or a Low templar. I honestly feel this may be something decided in RP (effectively, how close he gets to a deity).
Likely one of those two, much less likely options would be heritors knight or celestial knight. (much less likely)
should have the 10 min background up shortly.
Part 1.
1- Grew up in a simple village life, he was taught to enjoy the small things, like the birdsongs, the smell of fresh baked bread, the company of others. He never gained delusions of grandeur.
2- Enjoyed physical exercise, and always seemed to endure it better than others. He also was taught how to wield a sword a bit by his father after a day’s work.
3- Always thought that fighting for glory was silly, his nature, and his fathers’ words, lead him to believe that one should only fight to protect.
4- Never was super religious, he knew about the goodly deities, and his father talked often of Iomdedea, Sarenrea, Torag and even Shelyn.
5- Always seemed to get along with others, and always tried to cheer up those that were down. His optimism was nigh impregnable.
6- Greatly Enjoyed music, even learned a bit, though he certainly is no performer. He loved his wife singing most of all.
7- He was nearly broken after his life was destroyed by the demon, he lost everything, his wife, child, and home. But, on the edge of a mountain, his resolve was forged anew and walked back to the foot of the mountain, instead of falling.
Part 2. Goals
1- He seeks to spread joy where he goes, always eager to share a good laugh, and seems to simply enjoy being alive. He seeks to protect the spark of joy in men and women, and to try and relight it in those who have doused it.
2- Live a life filled with enough joy, love, and experience for him, his wife, and his child.
3- A fools dream, he knows, but he hopes to save his wife and child from the clutches of the abyss, his ideal would be to get them back, but, the knowledge that there souls are not the play things of demons would more than suffice for him.
Part 3 secrets
1- He has divine blood running through his veins, he never knew about this, though it may come to light at a later time.
2- He felt as if his hand was guided by something greater than himself when he forged his shield, but he also questions the gods, for they let his family die.
Part 4
1- His Father, Lloyd. A rough, but caring man. He continues his work as a servant in the crusade against the demons. He is of decent rank, and minor renown, though his age is catching up to him (48). He fully believes in what he is doing, but wanted to protect his family from it.
2- Maria, his late wife’s younger sister. She is a kind, caring woman, and has always been interested in Darrien, though she never had the courage to say so. The loss of her sister hit her hard, and as a result, she joined up with the crusade before even Darrien. She is naturally timid, and so, even though she proved naturally adept at combat, took a more scholarly role within the crusade, becoming a cleric of Sarenrea. She tries to speak to Darrien whenever she can.
3- Martin, a childhood friend of Darrien, and the now acting “leader” of the small village they grew up in. He is a smaller, almost frail man, more interested in books and the like than physical labor. His natural curiosity and intellectual mind got him and Darrien into trouble often, though the two were known for being able to handle anything they got into had mild dealing with the crusader after the demon attack.
4- (enemy)The Demon, (up to GM) the demon that lead the small raid on his home and village, the one that slew his wife and child, and would have killed Darrien had it not been for the ranger’s intervention forced it to flee. He holds a grudge that a peasant farmer would have stood against him, even more so, with the knowledge that Darrien held divine heritage.
Part 5. Quirks/memories
1- He often begins humming to himself without knowing it, normally songs that his wife would hum or sing while they went about daily chores.
2- He is haunted many a night by the laugh of the demon, the taste of his own blood, and the feeling of helplessness he felt as he watched his family be slaughtered, he often channels this into his efforts to keep from ever being helpless again, and to keep that from happening to others.
here's a fairly finished draft for Darrien. I may add a bit more, but this is mostly the idea. Any thoughts would be welcome, as honestly this is the AP I know the least about.
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
OK, got a bit more of time today and I was able to take a look on the crunch you provided me:
@Hayato Ken: You already aknowledged it (but did not fixed it), but your Wis should be 15 instead of 17. Your AC should be 17 (+2 natural instead of +3 and +2 Wis instead of +3). Your saves should be Fort +4, Ref +4, and Will +3. As a monk, you are not proficient with the tri-point double-edged sword. Your CMD should be 18 instead of 19. You should pick from the demodand or qlippoth bloodline and adjust your skills accordingly. You took the light from darkness racial trait and you are LN, however that trait works only if you are good. Your gear is inconsistent with your wealth and you are at -1 gp.
@Ictoo: All good!
@Kodan: You forgot to add summon nature's ally I to your list of spells known. Your CMD should be 14. You only get track at level 2. Animal Companion: The Fort save should be +4 instead of +5. It is lacking a feat and has 2 skill points instead of 1. It is in medium encumbrance (ACP -3, 30 ft. move speed).
@MordredofFairy: Your initiative is 1 instead of 2 (typo) and you are on medium encumbrance (ACP -3 and 20 ft. move speed). Comments: Since you are already on medium encumbrance solely by your armor and shield, you could go for a medium armor to increase the AC and take advantage of the Steel Skin trait.
@Nairb the Grey: You got a 18 point-buy instead of 15. My advice would be to lower Con or Wis to 12. I'm assuming Con from now on. Your saves should be Fort +3, Ref +3, and Will +4. You can use your blessings 3/day, not 4.
@Sbodd: You forgot the 2 background skill points. I believe you need to finish your shopping list. Comments: If you are sticking with a greatsword, you could exchange the Weapon Familiarity racial trait for City Raised (prof with whips and longswords and +2 to K. Local).
MordredofFairy |
Initiative was a holdover from 14 Dex, apologies, I did some math and swapped with Con, forgot to fix it in Init.
@Encumbrance: You are right. I forgot how much Tower Shields weigh :) -45+25 would be 70, light encumbrance for 16 strenght ends at 76, so I could basically go in with shield, armor and longsword(4 lbs) and be at light encumbrance...but the moment I pick anything up or need anything from my stuff...I could try and juggle for a Scale Mail which is +5 lbs(or effectively 0 if I wear the locked gauntlet) but 50 GP cheaper, and buy a Masterwork Backpack which gives +10 lbs carrying capacity, which would increase that 'buffer' to 7 lbs :)
But yeah, I'll eat the medium encumbrance for now and not worry about wether or not I can pick something up.
But Steel Skin needs heavy Armor unfortunately.
Anyway, minus 1 Chain Shirt, plus 1 Scale Mail
Makes sense for effectively +1 AC, and +50 GP for equipment.
Purchasing Silver Holy Symbol of Iomedae for 25 GP, and Holy Text for 30 GP leaves me with 3 GP.
I'll update right now.
Currently, with all Kits and stuff, I should be good:
Total Weight: 148 lbs(max medium load: 153 lbs)
But it seems unless I leave my bedroll(and some other stuff) at home, I'll still need to be careful what I pick up :)
Hayato Ken |
OK, got a bit more of time today and I was able to take a look on the crunch you provided me:
@Hayato Ken: You already aknowledged it (but did not fixed it), but your Wis should be 15 instead of 17. Your AC should be 17 (+2 natural instead of +3 and +2 Wis instead of +3). Your saves should be Fort +4, Ref +4, and Will +3. As a monk, you are not proficient with the tri-point double-edged sword. Your CMD should be 18 instead of 19. You should pick from the demodand or qlippoth bloodline and adjust your skills accordingly. You took the light from darkness racial trait and you are LN, however that trait works only if you are good. Your gear is inconsistent with your wealth and you are at -1 gp.
All cleared now.
Except, i think the unchained monk is proficient with all monk tagged weapons and the tri-point double-edged sword is one.I'll write up the adapted and new backstory over the next days, pretty much like we spoke about it. Monastery of Tala provides a good entry point!
Female qlippoth-spawn tiefling unchained monk (weapon adept) 1
LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural, +2 Wis)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Sanity 33, threshhold 2, edge 16
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cold iron waveblade +3/+3 (1d6+2/18-20) or
. . unarmed strike +3/+3 (1d6+2)
Ranged cold iron rope dart +3/+3 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks flurry of blows (unchained), perfect strike 1/day
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +0)
. . 1—corruption resistance (vs evil hr/lvl on self)[APG] (DC 11)
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 18
Feats Armor Of The Pit[ARG], Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Perfect Strike[APG]
Traits indomitable faith, stolen fury, unearth secrets
Skills Acrobatics +6, Escape Artist +4, Knowledge (history) +4, Linguistics +1, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +6, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Escape Artist, +2 Survival
Languages Abyssal, Common
SQ light from darkness, pass for human, umbral unmasking
Other Gear cold iron rope dart[UC], cold iron waveblade, backpack, bedroll, blanket[APG], canteen[UE], grappling hook, hemp rope (50 ft.), mess kit[UE], 11 gp, 2 sp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Flurry of Blows (Unchained) (Ex) As full-rd action, gain extra attacks with unarmed strike/monk weapons.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Light From Darkness Gain incorruptable ART as long as you are not evil.
Pass for Human You can pass for human, and count as a humanoid (human) for all purposes.
Perfect Strike (2d20, 1/day) With certain weapons, roll twice, higher is attack, lower is confirmation roll.
Umbral Unmasking You cast no shadow (DC 15 Perception to notice)
GM Toothy |
![The Outcast King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12_Barbazu_Otyugh_FINAL.jpg)
Except, i think the unchained monk is proficient with all monk tagged weapons and the tri-point double-edged sword is one.
Can you point me to a link that confirms that the tri-point double-edged sword is a monk weapon? I've looked into the books and the d20pfsrd site and in both of them this weapon is not tagged as a monk weapon.
Nairb the Grey |
*checks PB calculator* Huh, you are right...I must have fiddled with the stats after I got them set and didn't do it right. I will reduce con to 12...not great for a melee character, but I need WIS for my spell casting, so that is what it will have to be for now.
Thank you for the catch on saving throws...I probably would have noticed that I missed plugging in the base saves at some point, after I saved or sucked a few times I am sure.
I have adjusted the number of blessings per day, I thought the divided by 2 was down to a minimum of 1...I was wrong.
Also, lets go ahead and lock down that Noble Scion is the planned PrC...I have not seen anything else that seems like it would be a good fit.