GM Toothy's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Sir Longears

HP, Sanity and Conditions:
Darrien - 17/22 - Grazed (-0*) | Sanity 31/33 (2 thd) |
Edril - 15/15 - Healthy (-0) | Sanity 35/38 (3 thd) |
Finja - 5/20 - Critical (-3) | Sanity 31/32 (2 thd) |
Ivanna - 9/17 - Grazed (-0*) | Sanity 36/36 (3 thd) |
Jiao Feng - (-1)/22 - Critical (-3) | Sanity 33/33 (2 thd) | disabled
Matheus Critchton - 16/16 - Healthy (-0) | Sanity 36/36 (3 thd) | (1 Str dmg)

Anevia 17/17 - Healthy (-0)
Aravashnial 35/35 - Healthy (-0)
Horgus 18/18 - Healthy (-0)
Isa 2/2 - Healthy (-0)

Battle Map

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The other PCs are:

Darrien: NG Aasimar Fighter, PrC still undecided
Edril: N Half-Elf Wizard, going for cleric of Nethys and Mystic Theurge
Finja: LN Human Fighter (Paladin VMC), going for Heritor Knight and Sentinel
Jiao Feng: LG Tiefling Monk (Weapon Adept), PrC still undecided
Matheus: CG Halfling Oracle of Succor (Seeker), going for Sphere Singer

@Delmoth: Yes, you'll end up being full caster on both classes, which is quite powerful. However, please consider that one of the other players is going for similar route.

@caps: As you can see, we already have two divine full casters, and we are lacking in the roguish department.

Yep I took a look at your PCs last night when I was brainstorming and saw that. Theurge can be tough to get off the ground because you're so handicapped from levels 4-10 but with your rules that potentially avoids the problem depending on the timing of the mythic tiers.

If we're talking rogues I'd probably do Tethys the ex-Rake. A former bandit who as a way to atone for her past sins reaving has arrived in Kenabres to help fight. I'm still working out the details.

Matheus has trapfinding and will be able to handle the basics of the rogue slot but he doesn't have the skills or temperament for the full package.

GM Toothy:

How would you VMC a swashbuckler?

A bard could be really good.

Then I will apply with an aasimar investigator, one using a repeating X-bow.

That was more directed towards inspire courage, inspire competence, the skill and knowledge boni as well as other bard shenanigans.

With X-bow you mean a crossbow?

Yes, sorry an aasimar inquisitor, not a Investigator.
With high Stealth, perception, sense motive and disable device.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am leaning towards Archer Bard since you have plenty of melee. For PrC I would consider Eldritch Knight, Hinterlander, or Chernasardo Warden... Maybe Arcane Archer.

I've built a number of Archer bards before. For this one I would probably go vanilla Bard; the archetypes that could fit take too much away from the party-boosting stuff I would like to do.

What rogue skills are needed in particular? Happy to leave trap stuff to Matheus.

I am thinking Elf for longbow proficiency (and theme) but human or even half elf may work as well.

Edit: and I see that in addition to many other great rules from unchained that you are using the unchained action economy! Awesome. I ran that for a runelords campaign I did a while back and loved it. I love what they've done with it for pf2 as well. Really excited about possibly being accepted for this campaign!

How long do we have to put our submissions together?

Does Bardic Knowledge bypass your gated knowledge rule?

Edit2: how would you rule that feats like manyshot, rapid shot, or vital strike work in unchained action economy? Would manyshot and rapid shot use the same rules as flurry and two weapon fighting? "They don't exist as feats anymore" is an acceptable answer. The answer impacts my level 1 feat pretty significant.

@Helikon: Not sure if you still need that, since appears you have already changed your idea to inquisitor, but here is a Swashbuckler. I've based it on the Gunslinger VMC, since they are really close:

Swashbuckler VMC:
Swashbuckler Finesse: At 3rd level, she gains the swashbuckler finesse class feature.
Nimble: At 7th level, she gains the nimble class feature as a swashbuckler of his character level – 4.
Panache: At 11th level, she gains the Amateur Swashbuckler feat.
Improved Panache: At 15th level, she gains a 3rd-level swashbuckler deed of her choice.
Greater Panache: At 19th level, she gains a 7th-level swashbuckler deed of her choice.

@caps: To be honest, I do not recall which skills are in more need, but I believe Diplomacy is already covered. Perhaps Bluff, Sleight of Hand and Stealth.

I'll hold submissions until I find someone to my liking and then will give a 48h notice so everyone is able to finish their applications. Then, I'll consult the other players and decide which one we'll take.

Bardic Knowledge will not breach the gated rules, but the skills that will require this 'gate' are the minority (perhaps 10-20%). These rules was created so that no one can 'steal the thunder' of someone who dedicated themselves in being good at a skill.

Rapid Shot will work exactly like Two-Weapon Fighting: once per round you can make two attacks with only one action.

Manyshot and Vital Strike: Uses only one action, but you are limited to use it only once per round. These will be 'special actions', so you'll not be able to combine them with other 'special actions'. For example, you can't Manyshot and Rapid Shot using a single action, since it would be OP.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Interesting ruling. I assume you are aware that in the normal rules manyshot and rapid shot always stack? Vital Strike, of course, stacks with none of them.

Either way, those rulings are fine with me. I was prepared for the feats to not exist. The bardic knowledge one seems like an unnecessary nerf (if you really have invested, you'll do better than the Bard, especially one of my Bards) but I can live with that also. :-)

I had another look at the Arrowsong Minstrel and may end up taking that after all. I would rather do that than lose a level of Bard to get easier access to Precise Shot.

Playing around with human, half-elf, and elf to see what fits best.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How important are bluff and sleight of hand? I'm considering a dip in Divine Hunter and those things would seem anathema to even a part-time paladin.

That should be my last question and I'll have a submission ready.

I'm using those rules in another game too.
Vital strike uses two actions.
Manyshot and rapid shot can only be used once a round, in one action.

GM Toothy:

I apologize for the left right, but I had major problems to feel the character. You know, if just didn´t add up. But now I am pretty happy!

Fred Junior

Fluffy bitz:

Intro and Description
A half-ork in a purple wide brimmed fedora, an ivory shirt under a purple vest with gold trim, and glossy black breeches stands in front of his prospective employer. A battleaxe is holstered on his right and a longspear is strapped to his back as is a heavy wooden shield with a horse emblem. A well used set of drums pokes out of his backpack. He bows with a flourish, "Junior, at your service."

After a dramatic moment Junior says while pulling a gold coin out of a small pouch on his belt, "Ah.. just a minute." He holds the coin to his head, "What?!" He pauses, "No, I was in the middle of a thing and you ruined it!" Another pause, "Alright I'll ask!"

Junior clears his throat, "Fred wants to know how much the pay is."

Junior's history (in his own words)
There once was an ork from Cheliax
Insulting nobles behind their backs
They put him in chains
But he left through a drain
And now hunts nobles with an axe.

Further Background
Junior is the bastard son of a Chelish Hellknight. His father took him from his orkish mother when he was a young child. The only thing he has to remember his mother by is a single gold coin with a horse head stamped into it. Dubbed Fred, the coin speaks to him and while it is responsible for teaching him kindness and bravery in the face of evil, it also has a mercantile streak. Fred also frequently requests to be bathed in alcohol and takes on a drunken mien for a time after, not that anyone but Junior could tell.

After insulting a Chelish noble he was sold into slavery by his father. Following Fred's advice to, "Just grow three sizes," he found that he could in fact grow to a great size by willing it. He used the greater strength granted by his size to escape his cell and fled north as far as possible. Along the way he found he had a talent for songs and limericks. And if he concentrated in just the right way the people who heard these entertainments became inebriated Inspire Rage.

After hearing about the Worldwound, he thought that was the best place for him to do some good, make a little gold, and maybe make some paladins drunk without them knowing what was happening. He set out for Kenabres immediately.

Crunchy bitz:

Fred Junior
Male Half-Ork Skald 2
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid (human, ork)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception -1
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +2 Shield)
hp 17 (2d8+2 con +2 FCB)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, +2 vs fear, +4 vs Bardic perform, sonic, and language
Speed 20 ft.
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4+2, x2)
Melee Battleaxe +3 (1d8+2, x3)
Melee Longspear +3 (1d8+3, x3)
Skald Spells(CL 1, Concentration +4):
Level 1 (3/day, DC 14) Cure Light Wounds, Comprehend Languages, Expeditious Retreat
Level 0 (DC 13) Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mending, Message, Open/Close
Str 15, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +3, CMD 14
Feats Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Ork Weapons, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields, Endurance (Shaman’s Apprentice), Scribe Scroll (Skald 1), Skald’s Vigor (1)
Traits Courageous +2 trait to saves vs fear, Touched by Divinity (Cayden Cailean, Strength Domain), 1/day Enlarge Person
Skills Handle Animal (from percussion) +8, Intimidate (from percussion) +8, Knowledge (all except religion, untrained with bardic know) +1, Knowledge Religion +6, Perform (Oratory, Percussion, Sing) +8, Spellcraft +5, Use Magic Device +8, ACP -5, -7 with shield
Languages Common, Ork
SQ Bardic Knowledge (+1), Raging Song 8rds/day: Inspire Rage (+2 str and con, +1 will, -1 AC, rage-like), Ork Ferocity 1/day, Versatile Performance: Percussion
Gear 4GP, 10SP, 9CP
Four-Mirror Armor, Heavy Wooden Shield, Longspear, Sling (20 bullets), Battleaxe, Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Common Drums, Flint and Steel, Ink, Inkpen, Iron Pot, Journal, Mess Kit, Rope (50ft), Soap, Trail Rations (5), Waterskin, Silver Holy Symbol of Cayden Cailean, “Fred”

PrC and level up plans:

The prestige class he'd take is Rage Prophet. I'd plan on taking a level of oracle as soon as he could after gaining his first tier. His spirit guide of course would be Fred.

Kala Wolfhunter


Kala was born from a human slave in the throatripper tribe in the hold of Belkzen. Living as a slave was a living hell, but Kala survived. Where other children perished she stole and took what she could. Tasked with garbage collecting, livestock feeding she managed to stay as unnoticed as possible, because every failure was cruelly punished with rod and whip, or even when one of the masters just felt like it. When she turned 10 winters, one of the shamans, a cruel orc named Gnarrsh Eyetaker took her in as his personal slave and the pain and drudgery she experienced in his hands made her former life feel like a walk in the park. Gnarrsh loved to let her sleep within the entrails of the animals he used for his auguries.
But sometimes the gods smile on slaves, and one day her tribe was attacked by another tribe. Those fights between clans were common, but this time her clan was almost utterly annihilated. Kala only survived because she hid in the entrail pit behind the house and because she was that small that the spears driven in the pit failed to hit her. She stayed in this hellish place for 2 days and two nights till she finally emerged. Scrounging what she could she made a run for it. Her story could have ended truly badly, but a trapper found her, utterly exhausted and decided to be merciful. The old man was not able to raise a child, but his best friend was. He brought Kala to him and asked the hamlet priest Prune Swiftarrow to take care of her. And prune… complied. An old hunter himself, he did his best to take care of the almost feral young girl. And Kala, the first time treated with kindness flourished.
She stayed for many years with Prune, but one day a group of soldiers came to the hamlet. With eloquence they asked for help, fighting the demons in the worldwound. Describing horrors even Kala had not witnessed. And in the night, she decided to follow the call. With a smile Prune let her go, knowing just to well, that sometimes a warrior has to protect his village from the village. But some enemies had to held at bay in far places, with walls and castles.
With his blessings and his old bow Kala travelled for many weeks till she reached her destination…


Kala Wolfhunter
Male Half-Ork Inquisitor 2
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid (human, ork)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +7
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 Shield)
hp 15 (2d8+2 con)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged Longbow +6 (1d8+1, x3)
Melee shortspear +2 (1d6+1, x3)
Inquisitor Spells(CL 1, Concentration +4):
Level 1 (3/day, DC 14) Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Cure light wounds
Level 0 (DC 13) Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Stabilize
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 07
Base Atk +1; CMB +2, CMD 16
Endurance, Point Blank Shot,
Fate´s Favored Touched by Divinity (Erastil, Community Domain), Trapfinder
Mark of Slavery
Disable Device +10, Knowledge Nature +5, Know Planes +4, Know Religion +4,Perception 7; Sense Motive +7, Stealth +9, Survival +7
Languages Common,
SQ Judgement 1/day, Wood Mystery (Wooden Bond), Stern Gaze (+1), monster lore,Cunning Iniative, Detect alignment, track, Bless 1/Day

Gear: Longbow, Shortspear, Dagger, Hide Shirt, Buckler, Thieves tools, Holy Symbol Erastil, 20 Cold Iron arrows, Spell component Pouch


Kara will go stay with the Inquisitor class and target the Hinterlander Prestige class. Her abilities make her an excellent scout and while she is not very social, she has many abilities to make her very useful for any party.

I do know trapfinder is a trait from another AP, but many GMs allow it and it helps her even more to fill the shoes of a traditional scout. If you do mind, I can find another trait!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
caps wrote:

How important are bluff and sleight of hand? I'm considering a dip in Divine Hunter and those things would seem anathema to even a part-time paladin.

That should be my last question and I'll have a submission ready.

Bump. Just waiting to hear about this.

@caps: Yes, I'm aware that within the normal rules these feats stack, but with the UAE, this would be too powerful IMO. It is difficult to be certain without actual play, but in the normal rules, these two feats could only be used in conjunction with a Full-Attack round, while in the UAE, if allowed to stack, you'd be able to use them with a single action.

About the Bardic Knowledge, I'm aware that it is a small nerf, but trust me that it will not have a big impact.

Both skills are not specially important. From the top of my head I can recall 1-2 situations where a Bluff check could make things easier for you, but even on these situations, there is a way out.

@Delmoth: I really like your character and I have no further questions.

@Helikon: I really like Kala. About the trapfinder trait, I'll talk to one of my players to know how he feels about having another character with the ability to disarm traps. However, rest assured that this small decision will not impact the decision of taking you or not.

@Everyone!: As I said, I'd give you a 48h notice when I have found a good character, so here it is!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

All of that reasoning makes sense to me, GM, especially the UAE bit. After I posted it occurred to me that getting a rapid manyshot attack and casting a spell would be quite a turn!

I will post my submission soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am pleased to present Lumidana. Please let me know if you have any questions or need me to make any adjustments or clarifications.

I believe she'll be a boon to the party, providing ranged support, utility spellcasting, buffing, debuffing, skill versatility, and various abilities to cancel negative effects on the party. Going forward she will focus on Bard levels until her PrC pushes her effective caster level above her Bard level.

1) Download and read the Player’s Guide.
2) A complete character sheet. You need not to create an alias prior to selection.


Paladin (Divine Hunter)/Bard 1/1
LG Medium humanoid (human, elf)
Init +4; Senses Perc +3, SM -1, low light vision

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
HP 15/15
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3

Speed 30 ft.
spiked gauntlet: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
piercing: 1d4 ⇒ 1

longbow, attack, inspired: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 1 = 8
piercing, magic: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 10
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 17

Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 15

Divine Hunter: Prof. Longbow
Divine Hunter: precise shot
1: Weapon focus, longbow

Deadeye Bowman
Touch of Divinity - community domain, cast bless 1/day

Common, Elven,

+2 Cha, +2 any other attribute
Low light vision
Elf blood

Aura of good
Detect evil
Smite evil 1/1

Cantrips, DC13, 4 spells known: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand,
2/2 level 1 spells/day, DC14, 2 spells known: grease, remove fear
8/8 rounds of Bardic performance a day
* Countersong
* Distraction
* Fascinate
* Inspire courage +1
Bardic knowledge

Favored Class: Bard
Half-Elf: +1 round of inspire courage per day

Skills 8 ranks (level 1 * 6 Bard + 1 * 2 Paladin)
+5 knowledge, local (1 rank + 3 class + 1 bard)
+5 knowledge, planes (1 rank + 3 class + 1 bard)
+5 knowledge, religion (1 rank + 3 class + 1 bard)
+3 perception (1 ranks + 3 class - 1 Wis)
+8* sleight of hand (1 ranks + 3 class + 4 Dex)
+4 spellcraft (1 ranks + 3 class)
+8* stealth (1 ranks + 3 class + 4 Dex)
+7 use magic device (1 ranks + 3 class + 3 Cha)
*-1 ACP

Background Skills 4 ranks (level 2 * 2)
+8 perform, oratory (2 ranks + 3 class + 3 Cha)
+5 linguistics (2 ranks + 3 class)

Combat Gear
25 studded leather
100 longbow
5 spiked gauntlet
2 cold iron arrows (40)

Other Gear
12 Pathfinder's kit (a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a clay mug, a dagger, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a waterskin, a week's worth of trail rations, and a whetstone)

3) A well developed background. I need to feel your character. The more you give me, the less I’ll have to probe you for questions. It is important for you to incorporate your character choices in your background, especially your campaign trait.

Born to a female human Varisian ranger and a wandering male elven cleric of Desna, Lumidana has wanderlust in her blood. Her mother and she never stayed in one place for too long. Although her father managed to find them for visits over the years, she never had any siblings by blood. Both of her parents were skilled archers and they made sure that she took up the skill as well.
When her mother died, Lumidana ventured farther than she ever had before, leaving Varisia to visit Nirmathas, Lastwall, and soon Ustalav.
Although it was her blood and a reference for Desna that brought her to the road, it was her strong connection to Erastil and the visions and dreams he gave her that brought her finally to Mendev to join the battle against the Worldwound.

Dark hair, olive colored skin.
She wears her red Varisian family scarf at all times.
A teasing smile, sometimes flirtatious, always lurks at the edges of her lips.
Her faith in Erastil and Desna both are woven through her life in many small ways. She prays to and thanks both of them for little things every day.

Goals and Metagoals
She is not sure yet where she is going or what she is doing, but she knows from the dreams and visions she has had from Erastil that she is where she needs to be and she will know what she needs to do next.

Known NPCs
Her father is a wandering cleric of Desna

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
She still remembers the first deer she shot down to bring back to the wagon train.
She remembers the scent and sound of her mother over her shoulder, whispering in her ear as she learned how to hold a bow.
She*doesn't* remember the boys that fell all over themselves for her but could never get her attention.
She twirls a few curls of her hair with a free hand almost constantly

4) Your intended PrC.

Very well and well done! I'll close recruitment for now.

I'll ask my current PCs for their thoughts and I hope to give you an answer as soon as possible!

OK, 48h have passed and I've got the votes!

It was really, really close among two of you, but sadly I can only invite one to our group:

Lumidana/caps - please join us in the discussion thread!

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