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"SSSsss SSSsss SSsss SSssss..." laughs Johann with a long hiss.
"Thisssss idol is evil. I can sssssensssse it. Perhapssss we ssssshall dessssstroy it before moving on, Sssssir Alphonssse, I pressssume you would want the honorsssss."

Amir the snake charmer |

Meanwhile, in Istanbul (Not Constantinople), shadow demon Sliirx tracks down recently immigrated Snake-Charmer Amir, who rode the scaly back of a charmed sea serpent across the Mediterranean Sea from Morocco to recently conquered Byzantium, the better to serve his master, Sultan Murad II...
The sunlight-hating, incorporeal shadow demon finds the Snake Charmer sitting on a silken mat in the court of the ruined Hagia Sophia, plying his trade to entertain the Muslim builders reconstructing the ancient Byzantine Church into a mosque...
Ah, so the Mighty Ones have beaten the Antichrist Nero, and seek his phylactery. What's more, they have the King Solomon's Heart Diamond hidden in a bag or rucksack... If I know my master, he isn't too disappointed that the lich is incapacitated for the moment... but he'd really like to get his hands on that DIAMOND! But who wouldn't?? It must surely be the largest diamond in ten thousand ages!

Michael Johnson 66 |

A few greater teleport jumps across the Mediterranean brings Sliirx the shadow demon to Morocco, at the Arena of Death in Marrakesh. Here, the sinister herald of Sultan Murad II finds professional gladiator Benjamin Bin Laden and his longtime friend and brother-in-arms Blacksmith Jafar, teamed up against a gang of condemned killers...
The skilled duo, though outnumbered, dispatch the eight murderers with style and panache, earning roars of applause from the wealthy spectators...
Afterward, down in the chambers below the Arena of Death, the shadow demon congratulates them on their bloodthirsty victory, then delivers Sultan Murad II's summons...

Archdevil Lucifer |

Revelation 12: 7-12 New King James Version:
And war broke out in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in Heaven any longer.
So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Then I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Therefore rejoice, o heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the Devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time."
Long has a dark cancer grown in the lands of the earth, virulent where men lust after power and excess. The royal bloodlines have been tainted by this vile cancer, and even Mother Church grows corrupt and wanton under the influence of this insidious necrosis. It is the will of the Fallen Angel, Lucifer, the Light Bringer, the Morning Star, which spreads this plague across creation, manifested in the material world through the deeds and machinations of a powerful secret society known as the Church of Lucifer, or the Black Mass.
This organization has members in the highest stations of society--nobles, churchmen, and powerful warlocks and necromancers. They work their unholy master's evil in every kingdom and principality of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is believed that the leader of this satanic cult is Nero Antichrist, son of Lucifer, who masquerades as several powerful Italian princes he has dominated and replaced, including the Pope Eugenius IV.
Now that the Mighty Ones have defeated Nero, they must find and destroy his phylactery to ensure his final destruction. Because of this turn of events, a wrench in the Devil's plans, to be sure, leadership of the Luciferians has temporarily shifted to Ottoman Sultan Murad II, who Lucifer does not entirely trust...

Archdevil Lucifer |

In the depths of the deepest pit of Hell, Lucifer broods, chewing on Judas Escariot's soul like it was a piece of bacon...
Judas screams, constantly regenerating, but constantly being gnawed in the maw of the great devil...
I sense rebellion brewing in Murad's heart. He is too much like me. He cant stand serving. His kind think THEY are worthy of worship. I will watch him, see what he does. If he gets too ambitious, I am sure my faithful Humphrey of Lancaster would be grateful to take his place as my favorite! GAAAAAHH!!! WHY DO I LOVE WHAT I HATE SO MUCH!!??

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper |

"Getting frisky with a ghost I see" Mwikali says with a giggle
Alphonse blushes.
"Nothing of the sort miss Mwikali. T'was simply a show of favor my -our- aid."
Unfortunately the lighthearted mood swiftly passes, as they come across the monument to Lucifer.
"This is an affront to all my senses. We should find a safe way to destroy this altar and reconsecrate it before moving on."

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"Sssshall I ssssqueeze it to piecessss, Sssssir Knight?" says Johann, flicking his tongue in and out.

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Johann approaches the altar, and with his powerfully magicked teeth, begins carving long grooves in the top and bottom with his fangs.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Johann approaches the altar, and with his powerfully magicked teeth, begins carving long grooves in the top and bottom with his fangs.
Cobra Johann accomplishes considerable marring of the altar after about 15 minutes of work, fewer if he is given aid by others...

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper |

"'Ware Johann. The sense I get from this idol makes me believe it might have the direct attention of the Adversary himself. Defacing it without caution could have dire consequences. Perhaps we should rest for the evening, and find a way to secure these Dukes 'til they can be brought to trial for their heresy. We cannot kill them until we find and destroy their simulacra in any event."

Archdevil Lucifer |

The feeling of being watched is indeed palpable in the chamber as Cobra Johann gnaws at the bloodstained basalt altar... And there's no denying that it feels like it is the satanic ruby idol leering down at the altar that watches with a gleam of hatred sparkling in its ruby eyes...

Michael Johnson 66 |

For convenience of reference, MAP OF LEVEL 5 OF THE CATACOMBS; The Mighty Ones are currently in area 23: Chapel of Lucifer...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Although nothing randomly enters the vile unholy chapel up to ten minutes after the evil dukes have been felled, the faint echoes of inhabitants moving about the Catacombs or uttering strange calls are barely perceptible to those Mighty Ones that listen carefully...

Holy Roman Empress Barbara |

Meanwhile, in the Imperial Palace of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Empress Barbara of Cili is perplexed by her husband's sudden miracle recovery...
In German, to Sigismund: Oh, my dear husband... Are you sure you aren't just delirious? I mean... maybe you are hallucinating, and are still gravely ill? You should remain in bed, just in case...
How can he be recovering, unless our master has fallen? Could Nero be destroyed by those meddling Mighty Ones? Have they truly grown so powerful? Surely not...

Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund |

Meanwhile, in the Imperial Palace of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Empress Barbara of Cili is perplexed by her husband's sudden miracle recovery...
In German, to Sigismund: Oh, my dear husband... Are you sure you aren't just delirious? I mean... maybe you are hallucinating, and are still gravely ill? You should remain in bed, just in case...
How can he be recovering, unless our master has fallen? Could Nero be destroyed by those meddling Mighty Ones? Have they truly grown so powerful? Surely not...
In German as he dresses for a night ride along the Rhine River: Nonsense, mine strüdel! I'm fine as a frog's hair! I'm going for a night ride to gather my thoughts...

Holy Roman Empress Barbara |

Holy Roman Empress Barbara wrote:In German as he dresses for a night ride along the Rhine River: Nonsense, mine strüdel! I'm fine as a frog's hair! I'm going for a night ride to gather my thoughts...Meanwhile, in the Imperial Palace of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Empress Barbara of Cili is perplexed by her husband's sudden miracle recovery...
In German, to Sigismund: Oh, my dear husband... Are you sure you aren't just delirious? I mean... maybe you are hallucinating, and are still gravely ill? You should remain in bed, just in case...
How can he be recovering, unless our master has fallen? Could Nero be destroyed by those meddling Mighty Ones? Have they truly grown so powerful? Surely not...
Gut, mein Schatz, aber bitte, sei vorsichtig! Sie haben viele Feinde, die im Schatten warten, um Sie anzugreifen, wenn Sie unvorbereitet sind ...

Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund |

Embracing the wife that secretly plots his death with the Luciferians so she can rule as regent and marry his successor, Albert II, another Luciferian, the oblivious Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund kisses the unfaithful Empress Barbara of Cili before striding off to the Imperial stables to mount his favorite steed, the awakened warhorse Gunner...
He rides along the Rhineland paths, catching glimpses of the waxing moon reflecting off the Rhine River through the oaks, elms, and pines, and enjoying the fresh night air after weeks of being quarantined in his sickbed...
To Gunner, his awakened warhorse: Lass die Feiglinge aus den Schatten auf mich einschlagen, treuer Gunner ... Gott hat mich geheilt, ein Zeichen seiner Barmherzigkeit und Gunst ... Der Herr ist mein Hirte, ich werde nicht wollen ...

Mwikali |

"Or we leave it for now and continue on. It is just a statue, without its worshippers, it is still just a statue"Mwikali says as she turns and looks about.

Michael Johnson 66 |

While the party decides what to do next, more thrilling storytelling from your manic GM! ;)
The Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453) was a series of conflicts fought between England and France over succession to the French throne. It lasted 116 years and saw many major battles – from the battle of Crécy in 1346 to the battle of Agincourt in 1415, which was a major English victory over the French. The origin of the conflict involves a fantastic tale involving dragons...
When Charles IV of France died without a son in 1328, Charles’s first cousin was chosen to succeed, becoming King Philip VI. Yet Edward III of England, as the deceased king’s nearest male relation, was considered by some to have the stronger claim. When Phillip VI confiscated the duchy of Aquitaine from England in 1337, Edward III responded by pressing his claim to the French throne, beginning the Hundred Years’ War. The conflict saw major developments in military strategy and technology and the final French victory at Castillon in 1453 was the first major field engagement of the war to be decided by gunfire.
What only the most learned sages know, is that the Hundred Years War might have only lasted less than a day, if not for the legendary lust of dragons. In 1337, after Phillip VI confiscated the duchy of Aquitaine from the English, and Edward III responded by pressing his claim to the French throne, the two monarchs originally tried to settle the conflict by the ancient method of trial by combat. Each monarch chose a dragon as his champion...

Grünerraver the Green Wyrm |

Phillip VI chose as the French champion the male green dragon Grünerraver. (Ironically, this same dragon would gas the city of Paris on behalf of Nero Antichrist during the infamous Dragon Holocausts of Saint Valentine's Day in 1437.) Grünerraver flew from his lair in the Black Forest to the field of contest in Normandy after being paid a lavish sum of gold and silver from the French coffers...

Iskalddød, White Wyrm |

At the cost of a princely sum of gold and silver from the English coffers, Edward III bought the ferocious prowess of the female white dragon Iskalddød, summoned from her lair in the icy peaks of northern Norway. Edward III was not aware of Iskalddød's lustful appetites, considered remarkable even among dragons...

Grossevapour, turquoise dragon |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The Male green dragon Grünerraver and the lusty female white dragon Iskalddød met on the field of battle in Normandy in the Spring of 1337, a century ago. Insults turned into clawing and biting and blasting away with breath weapons of acidic fog and freezing sleet, and the contest ran for over an hour, the male green dragon Grünerraver and the female white dragon Iskalddød grappling savagely in the air, before the two dragons became aroused, and to the embarrassment and dismay of Edward III and Phillip VI, began to mate in plain view of the many wealthy noble spectators who had paid the monarchs to watch the trial by combat...
A unique turquoise dragoness was conceived: the (now) adult turquoise dragon Grossevapour. After Iskalddød and Grünerraver each flew off to their separate lairs, without deciding the successor for the French Crown, the Hundred Years War commenced, and after a year of gestation, the unique turquoise dragon Grossevapour was hatched in Iskalddød's lair in Norway.
Cast out when she reached young adulthood, she sought refuge in the lair of her father, Grünerraver, in the Black Forest, but her sire found her intolerable and cast her out to make her own lair in Ben Nev, the highest Peak of the Scottish Highlands...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Enter the band of mostly pagan adventurers now known as the Company of the Beryllium Dragon. This wandering band of murderous vagabonds, differing in faith and ideology from the Mighty Ones are more barbaric and pagan, favoring the Aesir and Vanir (Odin, Thor, Frigga, Frey, Freya, et cetera) to the "soft, crucified demigod of the south lands"...
Led by a suli unchained barbarian named Brutalitops, the newly reappointed Earl of Kent Olaf Razoraxe, and the feral druid she-elf Badger (and, confusingly, her dire badger animal companion Mugwart), this band of renegade adventurers emerged from their adventures in the Black Forest with a scheme: to unite the turquoise dragoness Grossevapour with her evil sire's rival, the ancient copper dragon Kupferflügel, and slay the evil green wyrm who had gassed Paris on the Feast of Saint Valentine earlier this year...
With daring diplomacy and great luck, the adventurers succeeded in matching the turquoise and copper dragons, despite ideological differences that initially had them skirmishing before mating; a repeat of history from a century before, whereat the clever Earl of Kent charged high ticket prices to nobles eager to spectate...
Conceiving a clutch of beryllium dragons, as unique on Earth as their mother, Grossevapour flew off to her lair in the Highlands, and Kupferflügel flew off to his in the Black Forest. During the passing moons, while the Mighty Ones were engaged in fantastic adventures at the bottom of the Atlantic Sea in the Ruins of Atlantis, then in Japan, and later on the trail of the Lost Mines of King Solomon in Africa, Grossevapour and Kupferflügel's spawn gestated, and three eggs were laid in the moon of August...

Grossevapour, turquoise dragon |

Recalling the horrors of her own childhood, Grossevapour was not relishing the task of motherhood, and had an agenda counter to that of the adventurers and Kupferflügel. As soon as her clutch of three eggs was laid, she immediately flew off with them to give them as "hostages" in exchange for promises of alliance and endowments of treasure and magic from three different new allies...
One beryllium egg was given to Ottoman Sultan Murad II...
Another to Duke of Gloucester Humphrey of Lancaster...
And the third was given to the father, Kupferflügel, to raise as his own.

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Eyeing the idol, knowing there is little to do done about, Johann urges the party forward.
we hit a bit of indecision paralysis; so let's just keep going please. Cool backstory about the dragons!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Eyeing the idol, knowing there is little to do done about, Johann urges the party forward.
we hit a bit of indecision paralysis; so let's just keep going please. Cool backstory about the dragons!
Thank you, sir! It could become relevant to your team in the near future, I promise lol...
Where to next, heroes?

Michael Johnson 66 |

If I may be so bold as to railroad you on to #24, the well, on MAP OF LEVEL 5 OF THE CATACOMBS?
The Mighty Ones press on, leaving the evil idol of Lucifer behind for now, and turning left as they go brings them into a chamber in which a large well resides, with buckets and coils of rope for fetching water...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Perception: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (20) + 21 = 41
Ihrin begins to look around ready to strike should she need too.

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Ihrin will motion for Lord P to come over.

Whisperer in the Well |

Ihrin will motion for Lord P to come over.
Although the avatar and name scream aberration, the Whisperer in the Well is actually an outsider (piscodaemon), so Ihrin's dungeoneering experience doesn't help her identify this monster...
Whatever it is, it seems to be aquatic or amphibious at the least...

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Johann hisses and sways. He knows the daemon is in there, but jumping in would be fool hardy, even for a snake who can swim.
Johann waits, ready to pounce if the fiend gets in reach.
"Little sssswimmer, little ssssswimmer, come out, I sssssee you."
readied power attack vital strike: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 369d6 + 21 + 2d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 6, 5, 6, 4, 5, 1) + 21 + (3, 5) = 63
Bite power attack AoO if it provokes... i have 10 ft reach: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (10) + 20 = 303d6 + 21 + 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 3) + 21 + (6, 4) = 41

Whisperer in the Well |

Johann hisses and sways. He knows the daemon is in there, but jumping in would be fool hardy, even for a snake who can swim.
Johann waits, ready to pounce if the fiend gets in reach.
"Little sssswimmer, little ssssswimmer, come out, I sssssee you."
[dice=readied power attack vital strike]d20+18; 9d6+21+2d6
[dice=Bite power attack AoO if it provokes... i have 10 ft reach]d20+20; 3d6+21+2d6
The daemon teleports from the well to a position within reach of all of the Mighty Ones, in their midst! With lightning fast reflexes, Cobra Johann lashes out with ready fangs, piercing the slimy fiend, which hisses in pain and surprise at the Black Forester's swiftness...
It stands a head taller than most men, with a head like a squid on crab shell armored shoulders, with crab like pincers for hands, and spiny protrusions, barnacles and mollusks on its slimy carapace...

Whisperer in the Well |

The vile monstrosity in the Mighty Ones' midst projects its alien voice into their minds telepathically: I bring thee warning of your ultimate destruction, mortals! No matter how mighty you may have become in the course of your adventures so far, you will never be strong enough to face the Fallen Angel, Lucifer! And even if you COULD defeat the Satan, you would only create a vacuum that would be filled by his Chief Vizier, Archduke of Hell Asmodeus! And if you slay Asmodeus, HE will only be replaced by one of the other archdevils: Mammon, or Dispater, or Beelzebub, or Belial, or Mephistopheles...

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper |

Kn. Planes: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
Knowledge preferences in order: Special Abilities, Resistances, lowest Save.
"Then we will slay all of Hell if need be, 'till none of your wretched brethren still leave your tainted mark on God's Creation."
Awaiting info for me to take my action. Thinking of casting one of the few offensive spells I have prepared.

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

"Hello there voice in my head, Nice to meet ya, look I'm just here to observe and write it all down. So please leave me out the whole war of heaven hell over souls thing, if you please. That's ones for motals not the likes of me. If you don't mind"
He keeps back and out the way.
Unless any other the others get hear he doesn't want to be in this fight.

Whisperer in the Well |

[dice=Kn. Planes]1d20+16
Knowledge preferences in order: Special Abilities, Resistances, lowest Save.
"Then we will slay all of Hell if need be, 'till none of your wretched brethren still leave your tainted mark on God's Creation."
Awaiting info for me to take my action. Thinking of casting one of the few offensive spells I have prepared.
Sir Alphonse recalls seeing an illustration of this kind of daemon, called a piscodaemon, in an illuminated manuscript entitled the Daemonimicon of Saint Walpurga in the library at Westminster Abbey as a boy of 9 during a family pilgrimage. He had read of its spell-like powers to teleport from place to place freely, which this one had just exhibited... He also recalls that its facial tentacles are poisonous, and it can crush its victims with its lobster-like claws... There was more, but that was many years ago, and he has forgotten the rest...
The Whisperer in the Well is about to refresh his memory...