The Male green dragon Grünerraver and the lusty female white dragon Iskalddød met on the field of battle in Normandy in the Spring of 1337, a century ago. Insults turned into clawing and biting and blasting away with breath weapons of acidic fog and freezing sleet, and the contest ran for over an hour, the male green dragon Grünerraver and the female white dragon Iskalddød grappling savagely in the air, before the two dragons became aroused, and to the embarrassment and dismay of Edward III and Phillip VI, began to mate in plain view of the many wealthy noble spectators who had paid the monarchs to watch the trial by combat...
A unique turquoise dragoness was conceived: the (now) adult turquoise dragon Grossevapour. After Iskalddød and Grünerraver each flew off to their separate lairs, without deciding the successor for the French Crown, the Hundred Years War commenced, and after a year of gestation, the unique turquoise dragon Grossevapour was hatched in Iskalddød's lair in Norway.
Cast out when she reached young adulthood, she sought refuge in the lair of her father, Grünerraver, in the Black Forest, but her sire found her intolerable and cast her out to make her own lair in Ben Nev, the highest Peak of the Scottish Highlands...