Holy Roman Empress Barbara |

Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund wrote:
Holy Roman Empress Barbara wrote:In German as he dresses for a night ride along the Rhine River: Nonsense, mine strüdel! I'm fine as a frog's hair! I'm going for a night ride to gather my thoughts...Meanwhile, in the Imperial Palace of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Empress Barbara of Cili is perplexed by her husband's sudden miracle recovery...
In German, to Sigismund: Oh, my dear husband... Are you sure you aren't just delirious? I mean... maybe you are hallucinating, and are still gravely ill? You should remain in bed, just in case...
How can he be recovering, unless our master has fallen? Could Nero be destroyed by those meddling Mighty Ones? Have they truly grown so powerful? Surely not...
Gut, mein Schatz, aber bitte, sei vorsichtig! Sie haben viele Feinde, die im Schatten warten, um Sie anzugreifen, wenn Sie unvorbereitet sind ...
Good, my darling, but please be careful! You have many enemies waiting in the shadows to strike when you are off guard...