Lord Perpireen McGibel |

lord P looks on at the fight, feeling bad as his friends are fighting yet ne must hold back, Taking out his wand of healing he waits to see if anyone is hurt badly. So he can help in that way.

The Azure Duke, Gelugon |

[dice=Attack 1]d20+20+2
[dice=Attack 2]d20+20+2
[dice=Attack 3]d20+15+2
[dice=Attack 4]d20+10+2Between Mwikali's AC penalty and Ihrin's AC penalty...all 4 of those might be hits?
[dice=Damage 1]d10+9
[dice=Damage 2]d10+9
[dice=Damage 3]d10+9
[dice=Damage 4]d10+9[dice=Additional Damage on 2nd Hit]2d6
[dice=Additional Damage on 3rd Hit]4d6
[dice=Additional Damage on 4th Hit]4d6
Damage is silver and cold iron.The Fox is a blur as he jabs one fist, then another, then again and again!
[dice=DC20 Reflex Save]d20+12
And he leaps out of the blasting cold! evasion
The Azure Duke dodges Fox's first blow, but the last three land hard, breaking cracks in its pale exoskeleton! HIIISSSS!!!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin reacts to the sudden surge of icy cold
Reflex: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18
She does quite react fast enough taking the brunt of the cold.
Not hesitating she strikes again
For Ihrin the creatures AC drops by 10
Tiger Fang: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28
damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Holy: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Sneak Attack: 6d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 5, 3, 1) = 17
Tiger Fang: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Holy: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Sneak Attack: 6d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 1, 3, 5) = 17
Ice Tusk: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31
damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
ice: 1d6 ⇒ 4
holy: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Sneak Attack: 6d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 6, 3, 4, 5) = 24
She will make her Debilitating strike remain the AC penalty

The Azure Duke, Gelugon |

Ihrin reacts to the sudden surge of icy cold
She does quite react fast enough taking the brunt of the cold.
Not hesitating she strikes again
For Ihrin the creatures AC drops by 10[dice=Tiger Fang]1d20+16
[dice=Sneak Attack]6d6[dice=Tiger Fang]1d20+11
[dice=Sneak Attack]6d6[dice=Ice Tusk]1d20+16
[dice=Sneak Attack]6d6She will make her Debilitating strike remain the AC penalty
Lady Ihrin pushes herself to ignore the freezing pain of the icy blast and strike at the ice devil while it has left an opening to extend its mantis like limbs forward in a posture of evocation! Tiger Fang draws a slash across the devil's abdomin, spilling its ice-blue ichor onto the flagstones... She whips the katana blade back to make a second cut, but the devil quickly sidesteps the second swing... She reacts with lightning quickness and slashes with Ice Tusk, carving into the devil's left thigh! It emits a shrill keening hiss! *HIIIIISSSS!!!*
152 total damage already!

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper |

Slash: 1d20 + 16 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 16 + 5 + 2 = 43
Confirm?: 1d20 + 16 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 16 + 5 + 2 = 39
Gonna assume that confirms.
Alphonse took the Azure Duke's measure on the first swing, and now ignites the waning Holy might of the blade to its fullest in an attempt to fully bisect the fiendish creature.
Damage: 8d4 + 84 + 104 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2) + 84 + 104 = 205

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

AC is 6 less due to Debilitating Strike and Evil Eye

The Azure Duke, Gelugon |

Gonna assume that confirms.
Alphonse took the Azure Duke's measure on the first swing, and now ignites the waning Holy might of the blade to its fullest in an attempt to fully bisect the fiendish creature.
Sir Alphonse brings fully ignited Foereaper straight downward, the scythe blade blazing with holy radiance, to cleave the Azure Duke fully in twain! Both halves of the fiend fall apart, and an ice-blue geyser of foul ichor showers the Mighty Ones and the sinister tapestry behind the split fiend!
Nice critical smite, Sir Alphonse!

The Azure Duke, Gelugon |

The two halves of the slain gelugon begin to crack and crumble into chunks of white-and-azure ice in a spreading pool of foul ichor...
Likewise, cracks form like spiderwebs all over the fiend's giant blue spear... It shatters into a hundred fragments...
A moment later, the shattered remnants of both devil and spear transform into icy mist, and its blue ichor evaporates before the Mighty Ones' eyes...
The evil energy that once took material form as the Azure Duke is transported to Cocytus, the frigid Lake of Ice in which Lucifer himself is half immersed, down in the deepest pit of Hell...

Gilles de Rais, "Bluebeard" |

Tuesday, 3rd September, Year of Our Lord 1437, at quarter of midnight, in the donjon beneath Chateaux Rais in Machecoul, France:
Baron Gilles de Rais, French lord and retired commander, also known as "Bluebeard" for his fashion of dying his beard blue, former companion-in-arms to Joan of Arc during the Siege of Orleans and other battles of the Hundred Years War, and secretly a member of the Church of Lucifer, throws a torch upon the heap of oil-soaked corpses piled on the stone floor in a secret chamber under his chateaux in Machecoul.
The corpses, some twenty children ranging in age from six years to fourteen years, had all been abducted by the baron and his accomplices, plied with drugged wine, sodomized, and sacrificed to a demon called Barron in an attempt to summon the fiend to do Baron de Rais' bidding...
The heap of children's corpses ignite in an unholy bonfire, the dancing flames reflected in the dark, wicked eyes of the baron and his accomplices...
Baron de Rais grows impatient with the lack of results so far...
Pourquoi Barron a-t-il refusé de répondre à notre convocation!? Nous avons sacrifié plus d'une centaine d'enfants jusqu'à présent, et toujours aucun signe de lui!

Eustache Blanchet |

Eustache Blanchet was Baron de Rais' bodyservant. He had been sent on many missions to lure orphans and children of peasant families back to the baron's house to be drugged, sodomized, tortured, and finally sacrificed by decapitation with a sword, or by having their throats slit with a dagger, or their necks broken with a club.
He frowned and shrugged at Baron de Rais' impatient query, and then glared at one of the other accomplices, Francois Prelati, who had told them all about this demon Barron in the first place...

Henriett, bodyservant |

Baron de Rais' other bodyservant, the brutish hulk of a Frenchman Henriett, was a pyromaniac, and stared with fascination and mouth agape at the burning heap of children's corpses, watching as their naked, often headless bodies blackened under the dancing flames, the hair and flesh on their decapitated heads burning away to leave charred skulls...
He had no answer for his master either, but he was too entranced by the burning bodies to answer or cast accusing glares at the excommunicated cleric who had led them all down this evil path...

François Prelati |

Baron "Bluebeard" and his bodyservant Eustache Blanchet were glaring now at François Prelati, a disgraced cleric, excommunicated by the Church for obscene occult practices and a predilection for pedophilia. Eustache Blanchet had recommended this vile cleric of damnation to Baron de Rais for his notorious knowledge of the occult and demonology.
It was François Prelati, an Italian immigrant to France and experienced necromancer and demonologist, who had come to dwell with Baron de Rais at the baron's behest, bringing with him an entire library of forbidden occult manuscripts and demonomicons. Initially de Rais' instructor in the Dark Arts of Black Magic, the two evil Luciferians soon discovered a shared predilection for pedophilia, sodomy of young boys, and bloodshed.
"Bluebeard" had already been kidnapping, sodomizing, torturing, and murdering peasant children that came onto his estate begging for food for a few years before Eustache Blanchet introduced him to the fallen prelate François. But it was François who informed the baron about the demon Barron, suggesting that the demon was fond of child sacrifices, and would answer their summons and do their bidding, provided sufficient numbers of young lives were taken in his unholy name...

Barron, Demon of Child Murder |

As François Prelati struggled to find an answer to his lord's impatient demand, the black smoke of burning sacrifices coalesced over the unholy bonfire of naked, mutilated bodies of children, some of them headless, some with slit throats or broken necks...
The smoke blackened and solidified into a large, demonic form with horned, bat-like head, drooling fanged maw, gory red sinews glistening in the firelight, and shaggy goat-like legs ending in cloven hooves that trampled the charred sacrificial victims!
Barron, demonlord of child murder and Infanticide, had at last answered the summons of Gilles de Rais and his evil accomplices!
Its voice sounds like the buzzing of a hive of hornets forming Abyssal words that echo maddeningly in the secret underground crematorium: zzzGOGNAZZZzznnt drrrzzzzZZAAANNNGGGTTT!!! TROZZZZzzzrrrrnnnn!?... xxXAAAAARRRRROOOOOXXXxxxttttAAAZZZZZdddt BARRONNNNN zzzZZAAAAIIITHHH!?

Gilles de Rais, "Bluebeard" |

His expression changes from frustration to elated joy, and Gilles de Rais opens wide his arms in a gesture of welcome to the newly manifested demon.
Answering in Abyssal demonic tongue: Hurray! Huzzah! At last, you answer our call, Monsieur Barron! Long have we awaited your majesty! Many young French boys and girls have been burnt to appease thee, O Grande Barron of the Abyss! Welcome! Welcome to my house in France! We have been waiting for thee to manifest in our presence for many long moons! Come and look ye upon this seal of Solomon King, which grants its bearer dominion over thee!
Producing an amulet of silver engraved with the special seal of Solomon that has power over the demonlord, Gilles de Rais presents the seal boldly!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Meanwhile, the Mighty Ones have slain the Azure Duke, gelugon bound to guard the chamber of the black tapestry bearing Lucifer's sigil.
Perhaps this tapestry covers another archway or portal to who knows where, or perhaps it only covers a bare chamber wall...
No sound comes echoing from the corridors exiting the chamber...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 |

Alphonse peeks behind the curtain.
Lifting an edge of the black tapestry with the satanic scarlet sigil embroidered on it, Sir Alphonse is able to see the edge of a gilded frame of what might be a large mirror hidden behind it on the stone wall of the chamber... The gilded frame is decorated with coiled nagas, demons, devils, genies, and dragons...
I'm assuming Alphonse only moves the curtain enough to catch a glimpse of the gilded frame, and isn't looking at the crystal mirror itself at the moment...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Alphonse peeks behind the curtain.
Having detected the presence of what appears to be a large mirror, about six feet square, hung upon the stone wall, covered up by the black tapestry with red sigil of Lucifer on it... does Alphonse or anyone else wish to uncover the mirror?

Michael Johnson 66 |

After this Number 31 or 30
Area 30: A stout oaken door with iron wolf-head knocker and hinges seals this chamber; Lady Ihrin inspects the door, but it proves to be free of traps and unlocked.
Inside is a small guest bedroom, furnished with a comfortable-looking bed covered with a silken coverlet and pillows, a wooden nightstand with brass oil lamp resting on it, a chamber pot, and a footlocker that holds several dresses and other articles of clothing in the latest Italian women's fashion.
A scroll tube of leather with a rolled up parchment letter within is discovered upon searching among the clothing inside the footlocker. The letter is scribed in black ink and in Latin:
Ad Lucretia: In omnibus vobis, et excommunicationis sententiam abdicare, ego tamen habeo quod soror mea. Quia tetigit cor meum ad vide unde excideris et ad insidias diaboli? Non sera verbis renuntiare te Satanae et rogare Deum ut ignoscat. Et orantes et redemptio vestra. Dolorem et amorem, et altum, frater, Caesaris De Sforza.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Area 31: This chamber is also sealed by a stout oak door with iron fittings, locked, but not for long thanks to Lady Ihrin. It is furnished much like the previous guest chamber, with bed, nightstand, chamber pot and footlocker, but the guest in this chamber must be a man, judging by the clothing and personal effects found in the footlocker (once Lady Dracul has picked its lock as adroitly as she did that of the chamber door).
Among the personal items in the footlocker is the journal of Roger of Bolingbroke, a renowned English astrologer and necromancer. It is scribed in a crabbed hand in a bizarre code...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Area 32: Here marks a border between the Sunlit World and the Underworld. Hewn stone corridors give way to a natural stone tunnel that opens into the cavernous depths of the subterranean realms below. Ancient neolithic cave drawings adorn the walls, depicting warfare between dwarves and dark elves. The skeletal remains of many creatures, some humanoid, others not so much, litter the cavern floor. It does not take long for the Mighty Ones to feel that they are not alone in this dark border between the upper lands and the mysterious Underworld...

Nalfeshnee Gravegobbler |

A towering, corpulent, boar-headed greater demon lurks behind a great limestone column (area 33) graven with demonic figures. A black cloud of unholy darkness seems to exude from the panting, slobbering demon, and its eyes burn red through this gloom like burning embers!

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord P Once the demon has been banished takes off his close and calls out his Butler Prince Molack Arrkka Reeek.
"Bird Brain get out here, this is your area of expertise."

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

"No need to worry Molack, this is not a fight for us. No came have a look at these artifacts and tell me what you think"
Lord P heads off with his friend.

Mwikali |

Mwikali will take the clothes from the room of Lucriza.
Linguitics: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (14) + 20 = 34

Prince Molack Arrkka Reeeek |

The oddly clothed Raven looks at the book found in the foot locker.
Leaning in close.
Linguistic 1d20 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 5 = 32 with monical
"Well my Lord, this here is a hideous thing in deed, it's the journal of Roger of Bolingbroke started in May of 1434. If I have my names and dates right here. He is or was, hard to tell, a renowned English astrologer and rumoured necromancer. And I have to say his handwriting is atrocious like a drunk spider, but readable."
Flicks pages with a swipe of its wings.
"What is it with humans and sex, really he goes on and on about it, endless perverse depraved confessions of sordid black masses, orgies, human sacrifices and sex, extortion for sex, rape o and the off base robbery, lots of Odd rambling and what passes for meditations. Buffoon calls himself Luciferian sorcerer. One kind of starts to feel sorry for goats! Reading this. His as 'mad as a bag of Moneys' if you ask me."
The journal slams shoot as Prince Molack got to the end.
"O and the Gardner did it"

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord P picks up the Book and slips it into a magic pouch.
"If no one objects, My Queen always likes to have the dirty on someone"
Then he takes his clock off and nods to show he wants Prince Reeek to head home.
Which he dose, popping back into the other plane.

Mwikali |

"Its because of its pleasurable" Mwikali says as she looks over the shoulder of the Bird, understanding him."Though I will say it is a bit heinous even for me"

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

"I think ugly is mad?" She says her blades still out and her face still angered.

![]() |

Johann slithers forward, staying 10 feet away, and bites as hard as he can using his reach. He is done trying to talk to these demons. It can only end one way.
Bite PA improved vital strike & damage: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (11) + 18 = 299d6 + 21 + 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 6) + 21 + (5, 3) = 55
Bite is magic, good, silver, & cold iron

Nalfeshnee Gravegobbler |

Johann slithers forward, staying 10 feet away, and bites as hard as he can using his reach. He is done trying to talk to these demons. It can only end one way.
[dice=Bite PA improved vital strike & damage]d20+18; 9d6+21+2d6
Bite is magic, good, silver, & cold iron
Johann's fangs sink deep into the demon's fleshy ankle! It roars in surprise and pain! GGGRRRAAAARR!!!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Nalfeshnee Gravegobbler |

Johann slithers forward, staying 10 feet away, and bites as hard as he can using his reach. He is done trying to talk to these demons. It can only end one way.
Bite is magic, good, silver, & cold iron
I almost forgot the nalfeshnee's constant unholy aura, which deals 1d6 Strength damage to good-aligned creatures that hit the demon with a melee attack unless the attacking creature succeeds on a DC 23 Fortitude save... If Johann fails this saving throw, he takes 1d6 ⇒ 3 Strength damage...

Nalfeshnee Gravegobbler |

After Lord Perpireen and Ogon Fox:
The Nalfeshnee Gravegobbler begins rocking back and forth on its massive cloven hooves, towering, corpulent frame jiggling, bloated clawed limbs waving rhythmically as it grunts and squeals out an Abyssal summons: GGGRRREEEEEERRRR!!! SQWEEEEEEEEEE!!! *SNORT!!*--*SNORT!!*...GRRRUUUNNNNTTT!!!
Concentration 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (13) + 19 = 32 to summon defensively succeeds...
50% chance to summon one to four vrock demons, success on 01-50...1d100 ⇒ 59 fails!

![]() |

fortitude: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24
The exceptionally fortitudinous Johann barely resists the strength damage.

![]() |

fortitude: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (12) + 18 = 30
The exceptionally fortitudinous Johann barely resists the strength damage.