Duke John Lancaster of Bedford |

"We shall give you a quick end!" Johann moves forward to slash and grab the lich and hopefully shut down his spellcasting.
[dice= Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+20; 2d6+9+2d6
But no! It is a terrible first attempt!
Although Sir Alphonse's aura of courage fortifies the Werebeast of the Black Forest's spirit, he is still taken aback enough by the gruesome rigormortis grin the Lich Duke of Bedford flashes him as he lunges to attack, and his claw falters at the last second, reluctant to touch the sickly gray undead thing before him!

Duke John Lancaster of Bedford |

Ihrin Strikes from her hiding spot
[dice=Katana 1]1d20+16
[dice=Sneak attack]6d6[dice=Crit COnfirm]1d20+16
[dice=Katana 2]1d20+11
[dice=Sneak Attack]6d6[dice=Wakizashi]1d20+16
[dice=Sneak Attack]6d6
Lady Dracul materializes from the shadows with Tiger Fang and Ice Tusk scissor-shearing the Lich Duke's skull-like head cleanly off his skeletal shoulders!
Lich Duke John of Bedford is fallen under the samurai-rogue's masterful cuts...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

"There are more about" She says wiping the blades clean on the body.
Perception: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (11) + 21 = 32

Michael Johnson 66 |

Lady Ihrin and Mwikali both hear the sounds of the other two Luciferian noblemen preparing to make a stand coming from the northwest... (Area 23 of LEVEL 5 OF THE CATACOMBS...)

Michael Johnson 66 |

HUMPHREY 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
LORD PERPIREEN 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
DIRE BEAR JOHANN 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
LADY IHRIN 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
OGON FOX 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
MWIKALI & KIKU 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
PHILLIP THE GOOD 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

The Ogon Fox |

The Fox, hearing something about a bell for reinforcements, dashes forward. On seeing the bell, he places himself squarely in front of it in an effort to prevent the dukes from reaching it. He crouches in a fighting stance.
I think that's at least 60 feet, which means I need a double move to do it (my speed is 50). Jabbing style activated as a swift action.

Michael Johnson 66 |

The Fox, hearing something about a bell for reinforcements, dashes forward. On seeing the bell, he places himself squarely in front of it in an effort to prevent the dukes from reaching it. He crouches in a fighting stance.
I think that's at least 60 feet, which means I need a double move to do it (my speed is 50). Jabbing style activated as a swift action.
Correct, this is a double move action. Fox can now make attacks of opportunity against either Duke if they try to ring the altar bell.
Ogon Fox swiftly dashes up to the altar in this sinister chapel devoted to the archdevil Lucifer, placing himself to guard the altar bell...

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester |

So! These are the Mighty Ones! Crusaders of the Catacombs, Desert Jackals, and Lusty Fools! Old Nero's bane and downfall come at last, just as the bloody seers and prophets said it would be! Marvelous! Marvelous! Hahahaa!! Welcome, old boys and girls! Welcome to our little piece of Hell here on Earth!
The Duke of Gloucester grins evilly at the adventurers, apparently relishing this meeting with genuine anticipation...

![]() |

Bear runs forward and stops 10 feet from either of them, positioning himself in the center of room, and transforms into Snakey Johann.
"Hissssss.... if you want my friendsssss, you need to take me down firsssst!"

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester |

Bear runs forward and stops 10 feet from either of them, positioning himself in the center of room, and transforms into Snakey Johann.
"Hissssss.... if you want my friendsssss, you need to take me down firsssst!"
Humphrey of Lancaster smirks at the giant talking cobra and replies: Ah! Splendid! You can only be the ferocious Werebeast of the Black Forest, Johann Kaltgeboren! I should hate to disappoint you... or to underestimate you...
Deftly, the Duke of Gloucester retrieves a portion vial from a pouch at his side, unstopps it, and quaffs it in a fluid motion, all the while keeping his eerily green-glowing falchjon on guard against the viper's fangs...
ROUND 1: Retrieves and quaffs potion of barkskin...
His skin visibly hardens like the bark of an oak tree...

Initiative Monkey |

DIRE BEAR JOHANN! (Moves into chapel and shifts in cobra!)
OGON FOX! (Moves into chapel and guards altar bell!)
HUMPHREY DUKE OF GLOUCESTER! (Drinks potion of barkskin!)
PHILLIP THE GOOD DUKE OF BURGUNDY! (Lunges for altar bell, provoking AoOs from Fox and Johann!)

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin will attack the closet of the two
Tiger Fang: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 6
holy: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20

Duke Phillip the Good |

Ihrin will attack the closet of the two
[dice=Tiger Fang]1d20+16
[dice=holy]1d6[dice=Crit Confirm]1d20+16
Seeing the Duke of Burgundy lunging for the altar bell, Lady Ihrin strikes at his exposed side, nearly landing a critical stroke!
AAAGH!! MOST UNLADYLIKE, LADY DU DRACUL!! cries the bleeding Duke of Burgundy...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

"Didn't my father ever tell you the story of where he found me? I guess not, as I have been fighting since I was born!" She says with a stern look and slight smile

Mwikali |

Mwikali sees Humphrey and then Phillip she smiles.
"Let us see how you fair in a fight when you can't see!!" She states as she utters a few words and pulls out her needle and thread.
Humphrey must make a DC27 Fort save or be Dazzled for 12 minutes, unless he makes a DC21 Strength check or takes a full round cutting the stitching with a magical weapon which both cause attacks of opportunity and suffer 1d4 bleed damage for the remaining rounds

Michael Johnson 66 |

Mwikali sees Humphrey and then Phillip she smiles.
"Let us see how you fair in a fight when you can't see!!" She states as she utters a few words and pulls out her needle and thread.
Humphrey must make a DC27 Fort save or be Dazzled for 12 minutes, unless he makes a DC21 Strength check or takes a full round cutting the stitching with a magical weapon which both cause attacks of opportunity and suffer 1d4 bleed damage for the remaining rounds
Sweet! Lol...

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

All this rushing and fighting, it really was to much, Lord P had the good sence to slip close to Mwikali, and with his sneaking, into her pack. There he had said the magic words that open his own pocked home from home. The small bag of holding that held his wee house. Safe and sound, with air, water and heat from small Elementals he had hired. He entered his front room, slumped down into a soft seat. Feet up, he reached back for a drop to drink from a small keg he had liberated.
"So what are they doing now"
Asked a large Raven standing by a desk, It was odd not for talking but for the fact it had glasses on and was reading a newspaper.
"Fighting scarry things. Something like that"
The raven looked at him with closely.
"Is that bat one is.."
But lord P stopped him with a pointed look back.
"NOT the bat, no, its this one god business. I get mixed up any more than I am and"
He Passed a finger along his throat.
"Well supper's ready, if you want some"
Lord P now smiled
"Now that is a good idea, lets eat"

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester |

Mwikali sees Humphrey and then Phillip she smiles.
"Let us see how you fair in a fight when you can't see!!" She states as she utters a few words and pulls out her needle and thread.
Humphrey must make a DC27 Fort save or be Dazzled for 12 minutes, unless he makes a DC21 Strength check or takes a full round cutting the stitching with a magical weapon which both cause attacks of opportunity and suffer 1d4 bleed damage for the remaining rounds
Fortitude 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 20 = 29 succeeds!
Humphrey is favored by infernal powers, which ward him now against Mwikali's witchcraft! He dashes aside the magical needle and thread that attempts to sew his eyelids closed with a flourish of his unholy falchion! BAAAHH!! That would have been a bother, indeed, Witch of Africa...

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester |

Mwikali wrote:Mwikali sees Humphrey and then Phillip she smiles.
"Let us see how you fair in a fight when you can't see!!" She states as she utters a few words and pulls out her needle and thread.
Humphrey must make a DC27 Fort save or be Dazzled for 12 minutes, unless he makes a DC21 Strength check or takes a full round cutting the stitching with a magical weapon which both cause attacks of opportunity and suffer 1d4 bleed damage for the remaining rounds
Fortitude 1d20+20 succeeds!
Humphrey is favored by infernal powers, which ward him now against Mwikali's witchcraft! He dashes aside the magical needle and thread that attempts to sew his eyelids closed with a flourish of his unholy falchion! BAAAHH!! That would have been a bother, indeed, Witch of Africa...
With heroic will, Mwikali reverses fate's decree and empowers her witchcraft with the might of Mother Africa! The needle and thread persist, and Humphrey's eyelids are stitched shut!

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper |

Alphonse can't quite reach the Dukes but that serves his purposes fine. He strides forward calmly and with purpose, first dropping a sign of impending Vengeance on Humphrey, the braver of his foes, and then blesses his weapon to strike true and clean.
"Your death will be quick, 'your grace', and soon followed by the coward's. You have one last chance to repent and fall upon God's mercy, before his vengeance for your misdeeds falls upon you instead."
Move: move 20 ft., Standard: cast Bless Weapon, Swift: Smite Humphrey.

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester |

Alphonse can't quite reach the Dukes but that serves his purposes fine. He strides forward calmly and with purpose, first dropping a sign of impending Vengeance on Humphrey, the braver of his foes, and then blesses his weapon to strike true and clean.
"Your death will be quick, 'your grace', and soon followed by the coward's. You have one last chance to repent and fall upon God's mercy, before his vengeance for your misdeeds falls upon you instead."
Move: move 20 ft., Standard: cast Bless Weapon, Swift: Smite Humphrey.
Dazzled and painfully distracted by Mwikali's stitches in his eyelids, Humphrey replies to Sir Alphonse: You have fought hard and bravely for England, Sir Alphonse du Veritas... I should hate to now call you my foe... Ironic as it seems with my eyes stitched shut, you are still largely in the dark, my good knight! You haven't all the information you need to make a sound decision about who you should swear allegiance to... I could enlighten you, if you and your zealous company will stand down and give me a chance to explain... There are greater evils even than the Devil you know, my friend. Together, we might have a chance to stop them... I know dark secrets that would drive lesser men mad!

![]() |

Cobra Johann is a brutal foe. He snaps his neck back and forth, striking at range over and over and over!
Bite PA AoO & damage: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 283d6 + 21 + 1d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6) + 21 + (4) = 37 str 6 bab 12 pwrattk -3 size-1 amulet 3 AoO 2; 1.5str 9 pwrattk 9 amulet 3 amulet d6
Bite PA Attack 1 & damage: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 313d6 + 21 + 1d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 3) + 21 + (5) = 38
Bite PA Attack 2 & damage: 1d20 + 17 - 5 ⇒ (11) + 17 - 5 = 233d6 + 21 + 1d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 5) + 21 + (2) = 35
Bite PA Attack 3 & damage: 1d20 + 17 - 10 ⇒ (11) + 17 - 10 = 183d6 + 21 + 1d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 6) + 21 + (1) = 31

Michael Johnson 66 |

Cobra Johann is a brutal foe. He snaps his neck back and forth, striking at range over and over and over!
[dice=Bite PA AoO & damage]d20+17; 3d6+21+d6 str 6 bab 12 pwrattk -3 size-1 amulet 3 AoO 2; 1.5str 9 pwrattk 9 amulet 3 amulet d6
[dice=Bite PA Attack 1 & damage]d20+17; 3d6+21+d6
[dice=Bite PA Attack 2 & damage]d20+17-5; 3d6+21+d6
[dice=Bite PA Attack 3 & damage]d20+17-10; 3d6+21+d6
Cobra Johann is deadly indeed! His AoO lands on Phillip, damaging him and preventing him from grabbing and ringing the altar bell. His first strike at Humphrey in ROUND 2 hits as well, but the dangerous Duke of Gloucester dodges the next two, even dazzled...

Duke Phillip the Good |

Cobra Johann is a brutal foe. He snaps his neck back and forth, striking at range over and over and over!
[dice=Bite PA AoO & damage]d20+17; 3d6+21+d6 str 6 bab 12 pwrattk -3 size-1 amulet 3 AoO 2; 1.5str 9 pwrattk 9 amulet 3 amulet d6
His hand reaching for the bell deeply pierced by Cobra Johann's fangs, Duke of Burgundy screams in agony! AAACH!! YOU SHAPESHIFTING BASTARD!! I'm glad you aren't really VENOMOUS!!... right??

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester |

Cobra Johann is a brutal foe. He snaps his neck back and forth, striking at range over and over and over!
[dice=Bite PA Attack 1 & damage]d20+17; 3d6+21+d6
[dice=Bite PA Attack 2 & damage]d20+17-5; 3d6+21+d6
[dice=Bite PA Attack 3 & damage]d20+17-10; 3d6+21+d6
Cobra Johann goes from Phillip's hand to Humphrey's left side under the arm! OUCH!! DAMN YOU, BLACK FORESTER!! I have plenty of roasted meats and honeyed mead for you, if you are hungry, sir!

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester |

Just added Johann's and Ihrin's damage up on Duke of Burgundy and he's down!
I... have lost too much blood... sighs Phillip, pale and woozy...
Then the Duke of Burgundy falls to the chamber floor, unconscious!
Hearing Duke of Burgundy fall to the floor, Humphrey chuckles...
Heheheh... The Devil take ye, Burgundy! You were a lousy ally anyway... You weasel, Phillip...

The Ogon Fox |

AoO on Phillip: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (4) + 19 = 23
AoO damage: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
How far am I from Humphrey? Do I need more than a 5ft step on my turn to reach him?

Duke Phillip the Good |

[dice=AoO on Phillip]1d20+19
[dice=AoO damage]1d10+9How far am I from Humphrey? Do I need more than a 5ft step on my turn to reach him?
As Cobra Johann clamps his fanged jaws down on Phillip's hand reaching for the altar bell, Ogon Fox smashes in the Duke of Burgundy's nose with a swift punch, contributing to his loss of consciousness a few seconds later...
Fox can reach Humphrey with a 5-ft-step and full attack in ROUND 2...

Sultan Murad II |

Many leagues to the east, in the recently conquered city of Constantinople, now named Istanbul:
Ottoman Sultan Murad II inspects renovations underway at the Hagia Sophia, the great Eastern Roman church being converted into a mosque to the glory of Allah...
My subjects can believe in the glory of Allah all they wish... They need not know who this magnificent temple shall TRULY venerate... Neither need my Luciferian allies in the west know the truth... They are ALL my puppets. And one day, they shall ALL fall down on their knees, not before the Crucified Demigod Christ, nor the Antichrist Nero... Not even before Lucifer, but before ME shall they kneel in worship! When at last I shed this mortal guise of Ottoman Sultan and reveal my true form, in all its spectacular beauty and majesty... Then, I shall reign SUPREME over all the kingdoms of the World!
The Sultan's revery is suddenly interrupted...

Imp Nettlewelt |

The imp spy Nettlewelt invisibly flutters over to land on the Sultan's left shoulder and whisper in a raspy Arabic: Oh, Great Sultan of the Ottomans! I bring grievous news from your allies in the west: Nero Antichrist has fallen to the Mighty Ones, that company composed of Crusaders of the Catacombs, Desert Jackals, and Lusty Fools! His phylactery remains intact as of this moment, but the meddlesome Mighty Ones are hard at work searching for it! Prepare to take command of the Infernal Horde should the Antichrist fail our Prince of Darkness Lucifer!

Sultan Murad II |

Whispered in Arabic to the unseen but felt messenger: Most grievous news, indeed... But Sultan Murad's expression is far from alarmed. His mouth twists in a slight smile, and his dark eyes glitter with satisfaction.
One more obstacle to my ascendance removed! This will be easier than I'd hoped... Hahahahahaaa! The Sultan laughs with evil pleasure, causing the workers laboring to renovate the Hagia Sophia (and the invisible imp Nettlewelt) to wonder what was going through his mind...