bluedove |

Greetings and salutations, Pathfinders! I am an aspiring Pathfinder Society GM and I'm planning to start my first PFS PBP game this week, so I am officially opening recruitment.
I intend for this to be an ongoing Play-by-Post game beginning with The Devil We Know-Part 1 (Tier 1-2). We will play the whole series, 1-4, in order and follow that up with Darkest Vengeance. Beyond that, we shall see! I am known to cater to friends with requests. ^_~
I am relatively new to Pathfinder and still learning, so I can pretty much promise that I will make mistakes. But I can also promise that I will do my homework and strive to be fair and diplomatic with regard to any disputes.
I have a lot of affection for the Play-by-Post format. I like that it gives players the opportunity to really think through their character's actions, strategize and plan with their teammates and really flesh out their PC's personalities with (at least a little!) characterization and role-playing. If you apply to this game, please be prepared to do more than post a one-line directive with all the flare and personality of "rook to queen bishop 4".
Players should:
- Be a registered member of Pathfinder Society Organized Play.
- Apply & post with a complete, legal character of 1st or 2nd level. Please include your PFS number for your submitted character on the Alias profile.
- Make sure you are familiar with the rules included in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. It's a free download and part of the core assumption.
- Commit to check in and post at least once per day on weekdays. Post rate is key in keeping a PBP fresh and interesting to all who participate. I will always understand that life comes first, but this is Official Society Play. Habitual stragglers will be asked to step down if I feel they are not carrying their weight as Pathfinders.
- Recognize that PFSOP requires you to own the Additional Resources you use to build your character. While I will not ask for any proof of ownership, I will expect to be provided with a link to the Online Reference Document when asked. Coding the links into your sheet is especially appreciated and will save time.
- Provide an abbreviated stat block with your most referenced values on your Classes/Levels field of the character's profile, i.e:
Class/Level | HP 10/10 | AC: 18 /T: 13 /FF: 15 | F: +4 /R: +3/ W: +0 | CMB +5 | CMD +17 | Speed 20 | Init. +3 | Perc. +4 | S.M. +4 | - Be bold and roll your own action when you post it! Leaving it to me to look up your attack/skill bonus and roll it for you just makes more work for me. I will make passive rolls for the party as a whole as well as saving throws when necessary.
- Provide at least a short section on character background that coordinates with traits selected.
As your GM, I will:
- Finalize tables within 48 hours of opening this thread. I will be looking to build a full table of 6 or 7 characters with 2 positions reserved so far. I might run more than one table if there is enough interest.
- Begin the game before 11:59 pm my time on November 13, 2013.
- Update the Gameplay thread at least once per day during the week as well as once over the weekend or notify the group of the reason for the delay.
- Report our progress and send out Chronicle sheets at the conclusion of each scenario we run.
- Respond in a timely manner to any questions or concerns. Since I'm sure I forgot to cover something here. ^_^
Looking forward to running a good game for my fellow Pathfinders!

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I am interested in playing some PFS as PbP. Plus I'd like to build up some experience with the PbP tools here at Paizo. I've played on other sites but not here before.
I've statted up my PC (Odo, halfling paladin 2) here on the message boards and, if I've done this right, should be linked right to this message. It may take a little more experimentation to make sure I've got this alias thing right....
Abbreviated stat block:
Paladin 2 | HP 18/18 | AC: 18 /T: 12 /FF: 17 | F: +8 /R: +5/ W: +8 | CMB +3 | CMD 14 | Speed 20 | Init. +3 | Perc. +3 | S.M. +6 |
One particularly interesting thing of note - Odo has the Lucky Halfling feat and can roll a close-by ally's saving throw as if his own once/day. With a paladin's saves, that could be a big help for a Pathfinder team.
I can fairly easily make the posting requirements as well.

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Frindlikh Ardig, a Taldorian gentleman, sent from his homeland. Fiercely loyal to his companions, but with a dark past that haunts his dreams.
I would be very interested in this module, and I'd love to try out this character. I would definitely welcome a deeper role-play opportunity.
Character is technically complete, but on a MW sheet. I will copy the character to the profile as soon as possible, as well as provide a background

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Li Shuo is a man who struggles to let go of his passions and fears the return of certain dark forces from his youth. He speaks passable Taldane and is brave to the point of death.
"Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning." - Yamamoto Tsunetomo, The Hagakure.

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Hi there! I just played my first PFS game at a convention this weekend, and I had a blast! I've played a lot of D&D 3.5 though, and a lot of play by post, so I'm not a complete newbie.
I'm really flexible for class, since I haven't actually drafted up my first PFS character yet. I can volunteer to take wizard! I see that there is already a magus on the board (Maendir Talbrinil), so I'm more than willing to pick specialty schools that have me fit a different combat role than Maendir.
If you'll allow it as GM, I'd be really interested in playing the Spellslinger archetype from Ultimate Combat.
EDIT:As Jorag correctly points out, Spellslinger is not allowed in PFS play. I'd be very interested in making my class Alchemist instead for the character I have in mind.
I'm still working on the stat block, but I can post when it's done!

Gilthanis |

Throwing my name in the ring of possible players. I have done module I, with my fighter already so he is out, but would love to get him in on parts II-IV when the opportunity arrives. Otherwise, I have a few character available for module I.

Broken Prince |

Here's my Garundi Druid from the heart of the Mwangi expanse, via Cheliax and Varisia.
Male Human (Mwangi) Druid (Saurian Shaman) 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +8; Senses Perception +6
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4; +1 trait bonus vs. fear
Speed 30 ft.
Melee heavy shield bash -1 (1d4+3) and
. . scimitar +3 (1d6+3/18-20) and
. . wahaika +3 (1d6+3)
Ranged shoanti bola +2 (1d4+3)
Druid (Saurian Shaman) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3):
1st (2/day)—cure light wounds, cure light wounds
0 (at will)—detect magic, create water, light
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Traits reactionary, shoanti tattoo
Skills Handle Animal +3, Perception +6, Profession (trapper) +6, Spellcraft +4, Survival +8
Languages Common, Druidic, Polyglot
SQ nature bond abilities (unapp, velociraptor), spontaneous casting, wild empathy
Other Gear Lamellar (leather) armor, Heavy steel shield, Bola, shoanti (2), Scimitar, Wahaika, Backpack (empty), Bandolier (empty), Canteen, Chalk, Drill, Hammock, Holly and mistletoe, Powder, Rope, Sack (empty), Saw, Snorkel, masterwork, Soap, Spell component pouch, String or twine, Waterproof bag (empty), Weapon cord, Whetstone, 5 GP, 8 SP, 5 CP
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Shoanti Tattoo +1 trait bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spontaneous Casting The Druid can convert stored spells into Summon Nature's Ally spells.
Weapon cord Attached weapon can be recovered as a swift action.
Wild Empathy +0 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
N Small animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural)
hp 15 (+6)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 60 ft.
Melee bite +5 (1d4) and
. . 2 talons +5 (1d6)
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Tricks Attack [Trick], Attack [Trick], Attack Any Target [Trick], Down [Trick], Fetch [Trick], Guard [Trick], Heel [Trick], Track [Trick]
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+19 jump), Fly +5, Perception +5, Stealth +7
SQ attack, attack any target, down, fetch, guard, heel, track
Special Abilities
Attack [Trick] The animal will attack on command.
Attack Any Target [Trick] The animal will attack any creature on command.
Down [Trick] The animal will break off combat on command.
Fetch [Trick] The animal will get a specific object.
Guard [Trick] The animal stays in place and prevents others from approaching.
Heel [Trick] The animal will follow you.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Track [Trick] The animal will track a scent.

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All right, here's the stat block I've done up for Tresca Versei, the Half-Elf Alchemist:
Alchemist/1 | HP 9/9 | AC: 15 /T: 13 /FF: 12 | F: +2 /R: +5/ W: +0 | CMB -2 | CMD +11 | Speed 30 | Init. +3 | Perc. +2 | S.M. ? |
I'm actually not sure what SM stands for, and google is not being very helpful. Can anybody point me in the right direction?

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Ayjee, S.M is Sense Motive.
bluedove, I would like to submit Otiophon ("Oti"), a Paladin 1 (with 1 table of GM credit). I'm a pretty new PbP GM myself, btw, working on my 6th game now (The Frostfur Chronicles).
This is my first martial character - normally I take the cleric/oracle route. I do have a Wand of CLW to help the party out a bit, at least.
If you have room or open another table I'd love to try this scenario out!

bluedove |

Nice show of interest! Looks like we could muster up two tables at least. I'll divide the groups according to ability/role once we close the recruiting. This is my list of "ready enough" to accept though I would still like to see complete gear and at least a few lines of background on those still missing them before we begin play. I'll go ahead and advise a cleric and a rogue in each group for this scenario, so if Dietrich rebuilds, I'll be looking for another thief-I mean Rogue. Oops, there I go showing my roots. If you're not on the list, read my note below.
Table Spots Reserved Thus Far:
1)'Hellion' Svetlana Irriseni - Fighter 2
2) Jorag - Cleric 1
3) Frindlikh Ardig - Rogue 1
4) Dietrich Wenger - Fighter 1/Rogue 1 (or rebuilding?)
5) Li Shuo - Zen Archer/ Qinggong Monk 2
6) Carstina Urthadar - Gunslinger 1
7) Marco Vail - Sage Sorcerer 1
8) Gilthanis (maybe? check my question below!)
9) Mujenbai Kayunga - Saurian Shaman 1
10) Marla Gunddur - Summoner 2
11) Otiophon - Paladin 1
12) Gaius Pellandir - Sorcerer 1
@ Odo the Bold, Maendir, I need to see a more complete sheet. On the boards we show the character sheet on the Profile page of the Alias you will use. Formatting is usually a little different from person to person, but I should be able to find everything I would on it that I would if you handed me a paper character sheet at an in person event. Just as an example, here's one of my own PFS characters. I generally use PC Gen and Copy and Paste from one of the stat-block style sheet displays.
I can help anyone with generating this text for their profile that needs it, but I will need the full list of your choices: Race, Class/Archetypes, Ability Scores, Feats, Traits, Skill Ranks, Favored Class and the bonuses, and primary combat gear. You'll have to fill in your other gear yourself.
@ Ayjee, Yes, the Alchemist is PFS legal excluding a few archetypes, the character looks good but also needs a completed sheet. I'm sure S.M. turned up an interesting search, ^_~ but it merely stands for Sense Motive, the skill that is used to oppose a Bluff check.
@ Gilthanis, I would probably want the cleric as we already have a lot of martial classes. But I've gotten mixed answers on the question of whether a scenario run at Tier 1-2 is re-playable for credit with new level one characters. Has anyone asked on the boards about this recently? I'm guessing if you can't play for credit, you'll want to withdraw?
@ Ranloi- What? Too many characters??? *checks for fever* XD
@ Mikhaere - We shall call upon you when the time comes! Thanks for the well wishes!
@ Shifty, Would you like to say something encouraging about how easy running the same game on multiple tables is? Or advise me not to get in over my head and cap it at 14 players pronto? XD

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@ Shifty, Would you like to say something encouraging about how easy running the same game on multiple tables is? Or advise me not to get in over my head and cap it at 14 players pronto? XD
Now I would go and say that, but I don't wish to spoil our wonderful relationship by bringing such big fat lies into the equation.
Running games as a pairing is certainly easier than two tables, but my experience dictates smaller tables move faster and easier so 4-5 is better than 6, and 7 was kinda killing me TBH.

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Hey bluedove, I can help out with a few of these:
Replay for credit: You can replay any Tier 1 scenario (First Steps or the forthcoming The Confirmation), any level 1 module, or any level 1 sanctioned AP for credit as long as it's applied to a different level 1 character each time.
Otherwise, you may earn only one player and one GM chronicle per scenario (this applies to 1-5 and 1-7 scenarios). You may replay for no credit, though.
I have run multiple tables of the same scenario before. It was a little hectic for me, but certainly doable.
I'm sorry about Dietrich's background - I'll get it added in the morning here! Not going to rebuild him after all - but I do need to get purchases up-to-date.

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@ Odo the Bold, Maendir, I need to see a more complete sheet. On the boards we show the character sheet on the Profile page of the Alias you will use. Formatting is usually a little different from person to person, but I should be able to find everything I would on it that I would if you handed me a paper character sheet at an in person event. Just as an example, here's one of my own PFS characters. I generally use PC Gen and Copy and Paste from one of the stat-block style sheet displays.
Now that I've gotten home from work, I've pasted in the output from HeroLab. So the character sheet should be up to date.

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With a florid (and poorly performed) bow, a snake man intrudes into the recruiting discussion.
Isss rossster complete? No… Yesss…
Ssself isss eager to join sssuch illussstriousss comradesss in pursssuit of ssstanding for the increasssed glory Nalinivati!
This is a 2nd level Nagaji, Naga Aspirant (race specific druid archtype from the ARG). He has a constrictor snake for an animal companion. Click on the avatar for the abilities. He just advanced this weekend, so that still indicates first level. I should be able to get all the details completed and put into the avatar this evening.

Gilthanis |

Hey bluedove, I can help out with a few of these:
Replay for credit: You can replay any Tier 1 scenario (First Steps or the forthcoming The Confirmation), any level 1 module, or any level 1 sanctioned AP for credit as long as it's applied to a different level 1 character each time.
Otherwise, you may earn only one player and one GM chronicle per scenario (this applies to 1-5 and 1-7 scenarios). You may replay for no credit, though.
I have run multiple tables of the same scenario before. It was a little hectic for me, but certainly doable.
I'm sorry about Dietrich's background - I'll get it added in the morning here! Not going to rebuild him after all - but I do need to get purchases up-to-date.
Question about mods at like 3-5 or 7-9, can I play them with different characters and still have it apply to each one or is it a one shot and done thing? Reason I ask is I did a pregen for "refuge of time" mod, 9-11think, and applied it to my guy Chasik as a "trust fund". Could I play it again and apply it to a new character, say Gilthanis as another "fund"?

bluedove |

bluedove wrote:@ Shifty, Would you like to say something encouraging about how easy running the same game on multiple tables is? Or advise me not to get in over my head and cap it at 14 players pronto? XDNow I would go and say that, but I don't wish to spoil our wonderful relationship by bringing such big fat lies into the equation.
Running games as a pairing is certainly easier than two tables, but my experience dictates smaller tables move faster and easier so 4-5 is better than 6, and 7 was kinda killing me TBH.
Heh... Yeah, that's what I was suspecting. Ok, let's be proactive then and call recruitment now closed! I'll assemble two tables from the group we have here and start getting them ready.
Hey bluedove, I can help out with a few of these:
Replay for credit: You can replay any Tier 1 scenario (First Steps or the forthcoming The Confirmation), any level 1 module, or any level 1 sanctioned AP for credit as long as it's applied to a different level 1 character each time.
Otherwise, you may earn only one player and one GM chronicle per scenario (this applies to 1-5 and 1-7 scenarios). You may replay for no credit, though.
I have run multiple tables of the same scenario before. It was a little hectic for me, but certainly doable.
I'm sorry about Dietrich's background - I'll get it added in the morning here! Not going to rebuild him after all - but I do need to get purchases up-to-date.
Ok, that's the way I've heard it on the boards. So that means that this Season 1 Scenario is NOT re-playable for credit. In light of that, I'm going to remove Gilthanis from our roster. Sorry about that!
1)'Hellion' Svetlana Irriseni - Fighter 2
2) Jorag - Cleric 1
3) Frindlikh Ardig - Rogue 1
4) Dietrich Wenger - Fighter 1/Rogue 1 (or rebuilding?)
5) Li Shuo - Zen Archer/ Qinggong Monk 2
6) Carstina Urthadar - Gunslinger 1
7) Marco Vail - Sage Sorcerer 1
8) Mujenbai Kayunga - Saurian Shaman 1
9) Marla Gunddur - Summoner 2
10) Otiophon - Paladin 1
11) Gaius Pellandir - Sorcerer 1
12) Odo the Bold - Paladin 2
13) Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS - Druid 1
14) Tresca Versei - Alchemist 1
There's our final list. Maendir Talbrinil, I would be happy to help you draw up your character and you could serve as our first alternate if someone drops from the game. Now I get to figure how to split these tables. Opinions are welcome!

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

Question about mods at like 3-5 or 7-9, can I play them with different characters and still have it apply to each one or is it a one shot and done thing? Reason I ask is I did a pregen for "refuge of time" mod, 9-11think, and applied it to my guy Chasik as a "trust fund". Could I play it again and apply it to a new character, say Gilthanis as another "fund"?
Nope, sorry. It is once for all the characters under your member ID as a player and once as a GM. (High star GM's can get multiple as a GM on a very limited number of scenarios).

Broken Prince |

Well with fourteen players I think it depends if you want to run two or three groups. Personally I think three groups would likely run smoother, but its very much up to the DM who obviously has to shoulder the lions share of the work.
1)'Hellion' Svetlana Irriseni - Fighter 2
2) Jorag - Cleric 1
4) Dietrich Wenger - Fighter 1/Rogue 1 (or rebuilding?)
13) Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS - Druid 2
5) Li Shuo - Zen Archer/ Qinggong Monk 2
6) Carstina Urthadar - Gunslinger 1
7) Marco Vail - Sage Sorcerer 1
8) Mujenbai Kayunga - Saurian Shaman 1
10) Otiophon - Paladin 1
9) Marla Gunddur - Summoner 2
11) Gaius Pellandir - Sorcerer 1
12) Odo the Bold - Paladin 2
14) Tresca Versei - Alchemist 1
3) Frindlikh Ardig - Rogue 1
Maybe? Each group ought to be fairly well balanced and all the companion having classes are split up to avoid cluttering. The first group has three level twos to make up for their lesser number, etc.
For two groups maybe..
1)'Hellion' Svetlana Irriseni - Fighter 2
2) Jorag - Cleric 1
4) Dietrich Wenger - Fighter 1/Rogue 1 (or rebuilding?)
5) Li Shuo - Zen Archer/ Qinggong Monk 2
7) Marco Vail - Sage Sorcerer 1
10) Otiophon - Paladin 1
8) Mujenbai Kayunga - Saurian Shaman 1
6) Carstina Urthadar - Gunslinger 1
3) Frindlikh Ardig - Rogue 1
9) Marla Gunddur - Summoner 2
11) Gaius Pellandir - Sorcerer 1
12) Odo the Bold - Paladin 2
13) Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS - Druid 2
14) Tresca Versei - Alchemist 1

Undead Forum Slave |

Li Shuo is a man who struggles to let go of his passions and fears the return of certain dark forces from his youth. He speaks passable Taldane and is brave to the point of death.
"Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning." - Yamamoto Tsunetomo, The Hagakure.
An excellent World Wonder...

bluedove |

I've set up a discussion thread for us, here. I'll create gameplay threads tomorrow and we'll get this show on the road!
I am going to roll with 2 teams of 7, hopefully it won't be too crowded! I feel like three tables would be too much work for me. We have a long way to go, so I fully expect to sub in alternates at some point, so feel free to get in line. ^_^