Weapon Familiarity and Heirloom weapon

Rules Questions

So I am making a PFS elven investigator. Who is not proficient with is not normally proficient with martial weapons. Weapon Familiarity (forgive spelling) states that elfs treat all elven weapons as martial weapons. So then heirloom weapons was made only allow me to use one weapon (Martial or Simple). Would this allow my investigator to use an elven weapon through heirloom weapon?

Seem legit to me.

Yes. But note that heirloom weapon has been strongly nerfed. It allows you to use one specific weapon, not one type of weapon. So you could use your grandfather's elven curve blade, but not your great-uncle's.

Ugh. When did that happened?
Or was it like that all along?

DarkPhoenixx wrote:

Ugh. When did that happened?

Or was it like that all along?

I think the official erratum was in 2011.

My question would be how hard would it be to enchant such a weapon/remove enchant/reenchant instead of buying new ones ect?

Basically can you see a pathfinder society PC keeping the same weapon all 12 levels? Enchanting and all ....

Well, as long as you can have someone cast the spell masterwork transformation on your weapon you should be alright.

But if that weapon is ever stolen or destroyed you're up sh*t creek.

How often does that happen in society?

What weapon are you trying to use?

Silver Crusade

Melil13 wrote:

My question would be how hard would it be to enchant such a weapon/remove enchant/reenchant instead of buying new ones ect?

Basically can you see a pathfinder society PC keeping the same weapon all 12 levels? Enchanting and all ....

PFS: Very very easy to imagine. Just get masterwork transformation cast on it, then buff it up as you go along. That's what 75% of PFS characters do anyway. The only option it will close off is having your primary weapon made of adamantine, cold iron, mithral, or another special material.

Melil13 wrote:
How often does that happen in society?

I don't play PFS, so I'm not sure how common such activities are in scenarios.

i hate how they nerfed heirloom weapon. my newest character still took the trait, but used the +2 cmb trip instead. i also had to make a half-elf for ancestral arms to get the weapon prof (exotic). after that have masterwork transformation cast on it. i even decribed the weapon as elven made (no bonus..just fluff) to bring it all together.

all that after the nerf

Don't know about society play but for non-PFS Signature Moves is much better than Heirloom. Which is laughable since Heirloom used to be closer to how signaure moves works.

While cool it doesn't bestow proficiency which is the overall goal.

Talonhawke wrote:
Don't know about society play but for non-PFS Signature Moves is much better than Heirloom. Which is laughable since Heirloom used to be closer to how signaure moves works.

not bad....

still like the proficiency

My issue with that is of course i'm not proficient with that weapon type just that one weapon.

Grand Lodge

Orfamay Quest wrote:
DarkPhoenixx wrote:

Ugh. When did that happened?

Or was it like that all along?
I think the official erratum was in 2011.

And it is for this reason that I eventually just dipped a level of fighter in for my alchemist, I like special materials for my weapons too much.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Melil13 wrote:
So I am making a PFS elven investigator. Who is not proficient with is not normally proficient with martial weapons. Weapon Familiarity (forgive spelling) states that elfs treat all elven weapons as martial weapons. So then heirloom weapons was made only allow me to use one weapon (Martial or Simple). Would this allow my investigator to use an elven weapon through heirloom weapon?

Unless you're trading them off in alternate racial traits, you don't lose the elven racial weapon proficiencies by taking on the class. You still have your standard longsword/longbow/rapier proficincies and all that.

In fact, you still have those proficiencies even if your class is Sorcerer.

LazarX wrote:
Melil13 wrote:
So I am making a PFS elven investigator. Who is not proficient with is not normally proficient with martial weapons. Weapon Familiarity (forgive spelling) states that elfs treat all elven weapons as martial weapons. So then heirloom weapons was made only allow me to use one weapon (Martial or Simple). Would this allow my investigator to use an elven weapon through heirloom weapon?

Unless you're trading them off in alternate racial traits, you don't lose the elven racial weapon proficiencies by taking on the class. You still have your standard longsword/longbow/rapier proficincies and all that.

In fact, you still have those proficiencies even if your class is Sorcerer.

That's why I asked what weapon he is trying to use. I can't tell if he is confused about the longbow, longsword, etc, or if he is trying to get proficiency with the elven curve blade.

Wait a second - original Heirloom Weapon says "you are proficient with that specific weapon (but not other weapons of that type)" while new version just says "proficiency with that specific weapon".
While i agree that "that specific weapon" refer to only to the weapon gained with the trait, i wonder why they removed part in parenthesis.

Scarab Sages

An Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone grants proficiency. If it is socketed in a Wayfinder it also gives Weapon Focus as a bonus feat.

Source: Seeker of Secrets. Cost:10,000 gp (or 3,000 gp for a flawed one if you can handle a -2 penalty to Dex)

Related question to all of this, can you take weapon focus for your heirloom weapon?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
frostynecropyre wrote:
Related question to all of this, can you take weapon focus for your heirloom weapon?

Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1.

That should answer your question.

So yes since you are proficient with the selected weapon and have a BAB of +1?

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