Despite a rough childhood as an orphan, Selia has always been carefree, letting life sweep her into whatever grand adventures it so precociously wills. These adventures hadn't amounted to much yet, as most comprised of little jaunts into the wilderness that surrounds Sandpoint. Selia had a natural attraction to anything that flew, but birds were her favorite.
One day, while chasing a butterfly through an area she was not familiar with, Selia fell into a dry riverbed. As she rolled down the steep side of the riverbed, she felt a strong jolt in one of her legs that caused her to pass out.
When Selia awoke, hours later, she noticed a few strange things. First, that her left leg was broken and maimed from the fall. Strangely, her leg did not hurt at all. Second, there was a man sitting near her, dressed in long and simple robes. When he noticed her regain conciousness, he smiled and said that it was good she was well.
The man introduced himself as Cyprus and went on to tell her that, despite the odd circumstances, that she had been chosen. For what, he did not know, all he knew was that nature was capricious and did things in mysterious ways. He felt a call that led him to her and to help her learn to control her newfound powers.
Cyprus, not fully grasping Selia's powers, taught her as best he could. He explained to her how nature worked and how it affected and was in turn affected by the Inner Planes. As she grew older, Selia's abilities tended to take on forms related to wind, the sky, and the animals that tended to soar through it. Many of her studies focused on these aspects of nature.
Not all of her time was spent with Cyprus, though. Selia's injured leg, which did not seem to heal, saddened her at first. She has made it a personal goal to discover the cause of her impairment. After some years of practice, and playing with the other children of Sandpoint, she was able to regain some of her former grace. She couldn't run as fast as the other children, but she could out-balance them on a fence and even manage to perform more graceful cartwheels than them.
Her mentor, Cyprus, passed away two summers ago and he is now ready to explore the wider world in hopes of finding answers to her questions.