Ramoska Arkminos

DM Locke's page

1,745 posts. Alias of JohnLocke.


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While the man has the manners of an automaton, he certainly doesn't seem dead - his chest heaves as he takes breath, and his skin, while of an odd pallor, does not have the greyness of Myrkul's hand upon it.

He continues to smile at your group, while he sits down in the middle of the road.

As you get closer, the figure - a human male, early middle age, brown hair - looks at you. His right eye twitches, several times, as if he is about to enter a spasm, but it quickly relents and a smile spreads across his face.

Greetings, travelers! Fine day for a walk, isn't it? I have the day to myself, free of our great work in the mines. Can't work myself to death, can I? Ha. Ha. Ha. The voice is monotone, lifeless, and there is no mirth behind the laugh. He takes no other action, however, just looking up to the sky, then down to your party.

Perception DC 15:
There is a weak, sickly-sweet smell coming from this man. Like a flower, in the early stages of decay.

Perception DC 20:
A thin tendril of plant-like material winds it's way out of the man's right ear and winds into his hair.

Sorry guys, not dead, had to take an emergency trip out west. As soon as I'm settled we'll figure out what to do with this dude in the road. Apologies again! :-)

OMG, okay, well, this week is just ill-fated I think. Work has gone all topsy-turvy on me as well, this week is a total washout. I suggest we reconvene on Tuesday, August 4th to continue. Apologies for the poor communication on my part!

Not from this distance, Lioslan. Male, human, workers build - could be any of hundreds of mine workers.

The individual remains still, giving no indication of having seen your group. He does move, periodically, looking up to the sky. He isn't armed, at least from what you can tell, and is dressed in civilian clothes, dirty and tattered.

Progress up the road remains slow, though uneventful, aside from the number of bodies that remain strewn along the road. Most have plant growth emerging from every orifice on their heads, a thick, thorny, sickly green growth with oddly shaped mauve flowers.

After an hour or so, you see, about 400 feet away, a lone figure just standing in the middle of the road. It remains unmoving, giving no evidence that it has seen you. It just stands there, stock still, not responding at all.

A survivor? whispers Argentia, dropping low and moving into the bush at the side of the road.

Argentia nods her head at Dorn, surveying the field of fallen bodies. I knew many of them, indeed, Dorn....

@ Lioslan: let's say 50% of fired arrows are recoverable.

We'll move on as soon as you're ready, men ... I can only imagine what lies ahead of us.

About new spells and slots - yes, they are available immediately for your use. I don't see any reason to force a long rest before accessing them.

And Ulciscor is correct about HP - new rolls are added immediately to current and max totals.

Level changes will take effect immediately. I know, not "realistic" or very Gygaxian, but it'll allow you folks to stay up and at 'em longer.

And yes, avg+1 for HP is fine, though you can roll first and take whichever is higher.

Dargrim annihilates yet another foe, his powerful hammer reducing the foul plant into green and yellow, sappy remnants.

Combat is over! Everyone advances up to level two - please note in the discussion forum any changes to your character, any required rolls, etc.

A yellow musk creeper - very dangerous! Argentia notes this whilst dispatching one final animated corpse with a slash of her sword. I've not seen one in the flesh before - nor was I aware they were just loitering about on the way to the mines.

@ Dorn: Moved you to G17, as requested!

Actions for tranche #1:

Lioslan's arrow does no discernible damage to the grotesque, moving weed.

Innocent moves in to attack the vile plant, though as he does so one of it's tendrils whips past his head:

AOO: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Dmg: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

It misses wide over his head, as his own blow slashes at a vulnerable pod, severing it!

Tranche #3 - Dargrim and Dorn - are up next!

Actions for tranche #5:

Gyro charges the evil-looking plant, and strikes a heavy blow with his hammer!

Not quite able to make his own charge, Kevkas moves up to J15 in order to support his gnomish companion.

Ulciscor moves forward 20' (to E17) and holds there; if things go badly he's going to have to deploy some healing!

Round six, tranche #1 - Lioslan and Innocent - are up next!

Ulciscor and Kevkas are still pending actions; if no action by tomorrow morning I'll act for them.

The map is here for your convenience. As noted earlier, I always copy the map to the campaign info page, as well.

Actions for tranche #3:

Dargrim's mighty blows dispatch yet another hapless foe, his quick reverse swing breaking the beack of the bulbous corpse in front of him and liquefying any internal organs that yet had structural integrity.

As with the previous downed victim, this one releases a yellow cloud, foul smelling and inky, affecting both Dargrim and Gyro:

Dargrim - fort save vs DC 14: 1d20 + 5 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 5 + 3 = 28
Gyro - fort save vs DC 14: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Dargrim remains unaffected, but Gyro retches at the foul odour! He is sickened for the next 2 round, suffering a -2 penalty to all rolls.

Dorn repositions himself and reloads his crossbow.

Actions for tranche #4:

The plant readies against approach, and takes no other actions.

Tranche #5 is up next - Gyro, Kevkas, and Ulciscor!

Actions for tranche #1:

Lioslan fires an arrow into the large plant-mass that has been slowly advancing. It seems to shudder as the arrow finds a softer spot to penetrate.

Innocent advances and slashes at the bulbous, walking corpses. His blow - delivered with deadly precision - lops the head right off the newly arrived foe. As the body drops to the ground, limbs still twitching, several of the large growths on the corpse burst, leaving a foul, yellowish cloud in the air around the fallen corpse.

Innocent - fort save vs DC 14: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

The warrior-mage feels no ill effect from the jaundiced cloud!

Tranche #2 - the shambling corpse(s) - up next!

Bulbous corpse B retches, before spewing a horrible smelling effluvia at Gyro:

Touch attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Fort save vs sickness DC 13: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

The foul substance, aside from smelling like sewage, burns gyro like a fast-acting acid. The stout gnome resists the urge to gag and vomit himself, however, and steels himself against the pain!

Tranche #3 - Dorn and Dargrim - are up next!

Lioslan is unharmed, so Ulciscor should be able to exclude him from any channel without difficulty.

Actions for tranche #5:

Kevkas casts divine favor upon himself, gaining a +1 bonus to hit and damage for the next 10 rounds.

Ulciscor channels positive energy, healing Kevkas and Dargrim for 2 hp each.

Gyro moves forward 10' (to G18) and attacks bulbous corpse B:
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
But his blow is ineffectual, leaving his foe unharmed.

Round five, up next! Tranche #1 - Innocent and Lioslan - are up!

I'll wait till tomorrow morning, pending actions from Ulciscor and Gyro, and then I'll take actions for them.

Actions for tranche #3:

No flanking bonus for Dargrim, not that he needed it...

Dargrim's target EXPLODES as he brings his earthbreaker down with devastating force upon the shambling corpse.

Dorn's original target was annihilated by Dargrim, so his shot goes at bulbous corpse B instead.

Dorn takes aim and sends a crossbow bolt into one of the new arrivals, driving deep into the undead things chest.

Actions for tranche #4:

The horrible plant moves forward five more feet on its gnarled pseudopods.

Tranche #5 - Ulciscor, Gyro and Kevkas - are up next!

Actions for tranche #1:

Lioslan's arrow bites deep into the bloated corpse. Enough to kill an ordinary man, it merely buries into the undead monstrosity, not even slowing it! Innocent's blow, however, is less successful, not harming his target at all.

Actions for tranche #2 - the corpses:

Shambling corpse C goes after Innocent:

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

It misses the grim warrior, however!

Bulbous corpse A advances 30' to E15.

Bulbous corpse B advances 25', right up to Dargrim, stopping in F17.

Tranche #3 is up next - Dargrim and Dorn!

Actions for tranche #5:

Ulciscor casts cure light wounds on Kevkas, bringing the big half-Orc back from the brink and back into the fight.

Gyro takes a 5 foot step to G20, and lays into the shambling corpse with his oversized hammer:

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

The blow caves in the back of the corpses' head, dropping it to the ground instantly.

Round three is over! Round four, tranche #1 is up next - Lioslan and Innocent!

Actions for tranche #3:

Dargrim brings down yet another shambling corpse in emphatic fashion, before repositioning himself.

Dorn's crossbow bolt narrowly misses his target. He also repositions himself.

Tranche #4 - the plant - up next!

Quivering slightly, two of the plant's horrid, fleshy pods open, and humanoid figures pop out. Horribly disfigured, covered in bulbous growths, the two figures scramble to their feet, turning their unblinking stares upon your party!

Tranche #5 - Gyro and Ulciscor (and a KO'd Kevkas) are up next!

I'll wait till the morning, and then I'll have to DMPC Dargrim.

Actions for tranche #1:

Innocent strikes hard at one of the shambling corpses, hard enough to disembowel the thing. It still stands, however, and gurgles and snarls at Innocent though ruined, rotting lips. BTW, I think you might have mistaken your position with Dargrim's - I had Innocent strike at the zombie in E19, and 5' stepping to C19

Lioslan's arrow strikes the plant, but lodges in thick, fleshy foliage and has no discernible effect.

Tranche #2, the shambling corpses, up next!

Corpse A lashes out at Dargrim:

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

It's clumsy blow misses the dwarven warrior!

Corpse C pursues Innocent, striking at him with its grotesque, clawed hands:

5 foot step to D19;
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

But the clumsy former miner misses!

Corpse E lashes out at Kevkas:

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

It hits! The blow, enough to kill any normal man, is enough only to knock the huge half orc to the ground, unconscious.

Kevkas is down, and at -3 HP.

Tranche #3 is up - Dorn and Dargrim!

Actions for tranche #5:

Gyro strikes at the shambling corpse that struck him, crushing it to the ground, unmoving.

Kevkas cuts his target nearly in half, filling the air with horrible smelling, black ichor.

Ulciscor channels his gods' energy, bringing a measure of healing to Dargrim and Kevkas.

Round two is over - round three, tranche #1, up next! That's Innocent and Lioslan.

Actions for Tranche #3:

Dorn perforates one of the oncoming corpses with his crossbow, a good shot, though not enough to fell the rotting abomination.

Dargrim blasts one of the walking dead, hard enough to lift it off it's feet before it lands hard on the ground, unmoving.

Dargrim is going to have his own little fort of corpses, if he keeps this up!

Actions for Tranche #4:

You might be seeing things, but you're pretty sure that big, horrid looking plant just got up on stalky tendrils and moved forward five feet.

Tranche #5 is up next - Kevkas, Ulciscor and Gyro!

Sorry, folks, got laid up by bronchitis - I felt okay on Tuesday and then, overnight, bam, I felt as sick as I can remember. Can sit up and type now, though, so back to the game!

Actions for tranche #1:

Lioslan's attack misses, and he has moved to A17 on the map.

Innocent misses, then takes a 5 foot step back, hoping to take advantage of the shambling corpses' slow reactions. (Moved to D19 as D15 is out of range).

Tranche #2 - the shambling corpses, up next!

Shambling corpse A moves forward to D16, so close Dargrim can smell the death and decay.

Shambling Corpse C takes a five foot step forward and lashes out at Innocent:

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

It misses, though it did show surprising quickness!

Shambling Corpse D takes a five foot step forward and strikes at Dargrim:

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 crit? 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 negative!
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

The foul thing slashes Dargrim, though the wound is not serious!

Shambling Corpse E strikes at Kevkas:

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

A solid hit! Kevkas bears it well, though, and flinches not an inch.

Shambling Corpse F lays into Gyro:

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Another hit! A vicious blow from the back of the shambler's hand lashes across Gyro's face. That will leave a mark!

Tranche #3 - Dorn and Dargrim - are up next!

Actions for tranche #5:

Kevkas swings hard but misses the oncoming corpse.

Ulciscor casts guidance on Lioslan.

Gyro charges at shambling corpse F, attempting to finish it off:

Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 2 = 9
Damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

The gnome misses! His charge will also mean he's easier to hot next round (-2 to AC).

Round one is over! Round two, up next - tranche #1, Innocent and Lioslan.

I'll wait till tomorrow morning, then I'll need to act on behalf of Ulciscor and Gyro.

Actions for Tranche #3:

Dorn's crossbow bolt nails one of the corpses right in the chest. It remains standing and advancing, however.

Dargrim's hammer ruptures the head of the walking corpses before him; the body quivers, before dropping to the ground.

Actions for tranche #4:

The plants sits there, being a plant.

Tranche #5 is up next, Ulciscor, Kevkas and Gyro.

Actions for Tranche #2, the shambling corpses:

Corpse A advances 30', to E13.
Corpse B advances 30', to E16.
Corpse C advances 30', to F19.
Corpse D advances 30', to F17.
Corpse E advances 30', to F20.
Corpse F advances 30;, to H20.

Corpses C and E both threaten Kevkas, triggering Lioslan's attack, which is a clean miss.

Tranche #3 - Dargrim and Dorn, is up next. In answer to Dorn's earlier question, no, none appear to be bearing weapons of any kind, save their fists.

Initiative time!

Ulciscor: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Dargrim Rumblecask: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Dorn Kindleheart: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Gyro Titanblade: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Innocent: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Lioslan Shaelara: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Kevkas: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Shambling corpses: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Horrid looking plant: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Initiative groups:
Tranche #1: Innocent, Lioslan
Tranche #2: Shambling corpses
Tranche #3: Dargrim, Dorn
Tranche #4: Horrid looking plant
Tranche #5: Ulciscor, Gyro, Kevkas

Round One - Tranche #1, is up! That's Innocent and Lioslan. Front page has been updated to include the combat map, as well.

Just as a note, I'm going to be incommunicado Thursday and Friday of this week whilst away on course. I may post again on Sunday, though by next Monday at the latest. We will see, then, what's up with these walking corpses!

@ Lioslan: most appear to be miners or commoners, though a couple wear the leather armor of guards or light infantry.

@ Ulciscor: while the people are certainly dead, they don't appear to be undead in the traditional sense - there is no glow behind the eyes, for example. Moander is certainly not above using the dead - or the undead - for it's malignant purposes, however.

@ Dorn: despite your exceedingly moving words, none of the bodies react, or act like they have heard you at all.

The road to the mines proper is wide and well-trod, and the sun is still high in the sky, giving a more hopeful air to the afternoon. The feeling quickly dissipates, however, as you come upon a grisly scene - perhaps a dozen bodies, all but one of them a human male, lay scattered at the side of the road. Most are in a state of decomposition and smell horrible. Worse, they seem infested with some sort of plant growth, like a weed with fleshy, thorny vines, green leaves and serrated edges, and grotesque polyps cover their flesh.

To your horror, one of the bodies emits a low pitched moaning sound, before staggering to his feet. He makes no attempt to approach, just standing there, arms swaying, as his mouth, already distended from plant growth emerging from inside him, attempts to form words. Others begin standing as well, until six bodies altogether are upright and facing you.

The encounter map is here. Please place your characters anywhere on line 20 or below. No initiative yet, unless you intend to declare hostile actions.

I know upon whom my suspicion falls. Argentia says this, darkly, in response to Dorn's question. But for the time being there is nothing else we can do here. Shall we head to the mines, as the priest suggested?

@ Ulciscor:
You scan the white powder more closely. Your trained eye, guided by your god's aid, rejects the idea that the powder could be poison. Instead, you envision an early spring day - the pollen of plants forming a thin layer over a village square, people sneezing and coughing....the powder is actually pollen of some sort. And from what you can tell, by thickness and proximity, the statue was indeed involved in its dispersal.

After a few minutes of effort, Dargrim is able to open the safe - it uses an advanced combination lock, the likes of which few humans would have seen. Inside are over a dozen electrum trade bars. Unstamped by kingdom, city or trade coster, they still represent significant wealth.

@ Dorn:
While your efforts to value the rubies come to naught, you have more luck with the dagger. At the least, the dagger is a +1 weapon, with double the normal hardness and immune to rust. But there is a deeper magic upon it as well; when bonded to a wielder, the dagger will develop and exhibit new powers as the owner levels up as well.

Argentia lifts her head as Kevkas speaks. I know where it is, and I can take us there. Let me know when you want to leave.

Sorry guys, real-life emergency, will check in later.

The safe looks heavy and solid - dwarven make - a little trip out the window and a drop of 20 feet or so isn't likely to open it. You can certainly try, of course....

The journal, written in dwarvish runes:
The journal appears to record a number of side-dealings and skimming from the mining operations' pockets. Most of the diversions are relatively small, though some dealings with known enemies, such as Luskan, are detailed. The last entry is of particular interest - a diversion of workers, authorized by "M", to open a new dig in one of the existing mines, thought to have been played out. "The skinny bastards reeked of manure and rot ... but their gold was good, just like M said it would be. They want us to dig about 50' northeast in the old Zenex complex, said there is something there they want access to, something they lost. Brought enough gold for the boys and unstamped trade bars. Will blame lost production on an accident, so will have to sacrifice some undesireables."

"Success! The boys uncovered some sort of ruin at the end of their dig. Creepy place, to be sure, with all sorts of odd growth and the ever-present smell of death and rot. Still, the robed ones seem happy and they've paid up. They've asked that Zenex be sealed off to everyone but themselves. That won't be an issue."

After a few moments of concentration, a faint magical aura is detected under the floorboards beneath the bed. A quick search reveals a small pouch with 25 gp and two small rubies, and a dagger with edges that glitter like diamond - the source of the magic.

Most of the houses you enter tell the same tale - bodies, in the same condition as those outside. Some seem like they were seeking shelter under beds, desks, but to no avail.

That one is the foreman's office and residence - we should check it out. Argentia heads toward an elevated brick structure near the north end of the town.

perception DC 15:
The wooden stairs are covered with the white powder - and undisturbed by footsteps. Likely no-one has been inside the structure since whatever happened here, happened.

The foreman's residence is no more ostentatious than the rest of the village, though the furniture is quality, finished oak and the bed looks more comfortable than the bunks the average miner would sleep in. A thin wooden door leads to a separate office. Nedith's body isn't here - she's been the foreman the past seven months. Maybe she's still alive - I don't recall seeing any dwarven corpses out there. Let's look around, see if anything interesting is to be found.

perception DC 10:
Papers are strewn everywhere, all detailing boring day to day details of the mines' operation, staff reports, etc. The combination safe is locked and looks very secure.

perception DC 15:
A ledger on the desk shows the last entry - an accounting of copper ore extracted from an older mine - as being on the first of Tarsakh. The arrival of the new shift is not documented.

perception DC 20:
A small, leather bound journal is hidden under a false bottom in the main drawer. Written in dethek runes, it presumably belonged to the foreman.

perception DC 25:
Hidden with dwarven cunning in a floorboard under the bed is a secret compartment. Hidden inside is a small pouch with 25 gp and two small rubies, and a dagger with edges that glitter like diamond.

Perception DC's:

DC 10:
Though numerous, there are not nearly enough bodies here to account for both missing shifts. The ground is covered in a soft, spongy moss that does not show tracks; it's impossible to know if you were the first group to encounter the camp in it's current state.

DC 15:
The burned down buildings do not appear to be as a result of intentional arson; rather, cooking or heating fires appear to have gone untended. The few brick buildings appear untouched, as does the foreman's office.

DC 20:
The strange powder appears thickest around the centre of town; the small statue seems to stand at the centre of the destruction.

As your group moves into the camp, strange details begin to emerge. The dead - and virtually everything else in town - are covered by a fine, white powder. The eyes of the dead are swollen shut; their tongues, grossly over sized and white, protrude from their mouths. Some few have vines or other vegetation growing out from their mouths, noses and ears. Neither were village animals spared - dogs, cats, and livestock also lay dead. The extremities of the bodies have rotted quickly, some putrefying almost to liquid, and the smell is nauseating.

The vegetation in the town seems to have thrived, however, growing wildly, though into grotesque shapes that are suggestive of horrifying, nearly humanoid shapes.

At the centre of the small town is a stone dais, upon which is a small statue. The statue depicts a humanoid being, though grotesquely malformed. Reaching vines circle it's limbs and dig in with barbed claws. The head of the statue resembles a vicious, grasping claw, with a hideous fanged maw opened wide, facing the heavens.

religion DC 15:
An ancient depiction of Moander, God of rot and decay. Thoroughly evil and cruel, though now little more than a cult in the darkest corners of Faerun.

From your vantage point, no, nothing unusual when the tracks around you are examined. The road up to the mines is heavily traveled, of course, but that is to be expected.

Argentia appears troubled. If they were not attacked - then what happened? We should move in and take a look. We also need to make sure the mines are secured.... perhaps there are survivors there?

Argentia shrugs. We were never certain that the miners had been waylaid by Orcs; it simply seemed the most likely of possibilities. But you are right - if there were an Orc camp here, we'd know by now. Orcs are anything but subtle, at least usually.

@ Lioslan:
Like a shadow, you are able to make your way unseen by anyone or anything. You're able to get to within about 300 feet of the small mining camp. There's about two dozen buildings, several of which look to be burned down, though the fires have long since died. Bodies litter the open ground, some in piles, others alone; from a distance it's hard to tell but most look like civilians, and have been dead a couple of days at most. You see no sign of hostile forces, nor any movement.

Argentia was silent, scanning the area, her head straight up. This is odd. I don't see, hear, or smell any evidence of Orcs. The village is only half a mile away....their presence should be obvious.

@ Kevkas:
There is no evidence of Orcs here. In your experience, heads and bodies should be displayed as a warning, smoke from cooking fires and the sounds of wardrums should be obvious to all. Nor do you smell the scents of an Orcish camp - waste, offal, curing leather .... you feel confident that there are no Orcs here.

Very well. Let us proceed to the mines. But I'm not going to forget this. I'm not going to forget anything.

And fast forward to the mines.....

From your vantage point, you see no sentinels, no guards. Your group has good cover and, as far as you can tell, you've not been seen.

The mining camp is about a half mile past the towers; I'm surprised there are no guards there - it gives me pause. Argentia whispers this while scanning the area.

Dammit! Dammit... I know ... we've got a bigger job ahead. But this cannot go unavenged. She cuts a swift glance at your group. Those who will stand with me - if we live - I want to return here after we've killed our enemies at the mines. I want these people to be interred properly. Then I want us to find that pack of monsters, and I want us to kill every last one of them.

She picks up her bow and begins to walk from the clearing. Stopping a moment, she looks back over her shoulder. My sisters bones could be here. Maybe she fell prey to these monsters, in the dark of the night, alone...

Though herself a skilled ranger, Argentia seems unable to pick up the trail by herself; your group, working together, helps to find enough sign to direct you towards the ever-thickening woods to the east.

After a few minutes of travel, ever-deeper into the woods, you come upon a small clearing. It is clearly a feeding den of some sort; bones litter the ground, and evidence of a recent kill is clear from the amount of blood and gore. A human skeleton, largely devoid of any flesh, seems the most recent addition, being largely intact. Scraps of clothing are strewn about the clearing.

perception DC 15:
Amidst the debris you find a small purse with 5 sp and 3 gp, and a broken silver necklace, with a small medallion at the end, likely a cameo of some sort, save for the fact that it is broken.

Mielikki guard me! Argentia gasps, dropping to her knees. There was someone out there - this woman - she called to us for help and now she's dead. Climbing to her feet, Argentia looks up grimly, addressing all of you. I want them dead. I want to track those worgs and I want to kill them. I want to make sure what happened to this girl doesn't befall any other travelers out here. And I'm going to need your help.