Feral Halfling

Lleidr's page

1,173 posts. Alias of ncmtntop.

Full Name



8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5







Strength 8
Dexterity 20
Constitution 13
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 9
Charisma 16

About Lleidr

Lleidr was born in the small settlement of Wartle. [From being born in a Human settlement, I took the Well-Informed race trait.] His was the only family of halflings living in the stilt town on the edge of the Mushfens, but not the most unusual site given the number of traders and adventurers passing through, either on their way along the Yondabakari River, or down in the marshes seeking adventure or into the Sanos Forest after gnomish goods. Lleidr's father is a retired rogue (level 4), who gave up the adventuring life when he met Lleidr's mother, an artist and craftswoman. The two set up a general store/adventurer's outfitters in Wartle, and have turned a comfortable profit ever since. Lleidr's mother supplements their income with well-received weavings, carvings, and paintings.

Although they dote on their eldest child and only son, Lleidr seems to have gotten only his father's nimble hands and his mother's charm. On the other hand, Lleidr's little sisters, twins Candy and Tandy, took after their dad's shrewd business sense, and they are more than happy to help run the family business while Lleidr "finds himself." [I used this as background for the Family Ties drawback.]

When Lleidr was 7 years old, he wondered off from his mother and became lost in the Sanos Forest. He was missing for three days before he was found sleeping in one of that wood's shadowy copses. Unharmed, he eagerly told of a tiny flying woman who had led him through the woods to water and food. As best they can explain, Lleidr's parents believe he was escorted by a sprite or pixie. Besides an exciting tale, Lleidr was left with a small mark on his left palm, three interconnected circles that resemble a scar. Since his return, he has been able to cast a Daze cantrip, and the mark throbs and glows when he uses this ability. [Obviously, this is the background for the Magical Talent trait.]

When Lleidr was 15, his parents were called away and Lleidr was left in charge of the store. Although he did his best, the young man was taken advantage of by a wily adventurer and sold a magical sword that turned out to be simply glamored. To make up for his error and the lost money, Lleidr began travelling with and working for various merchants travelling up and down the river, trading between Magnimar and Whistledown, sometimes serving as guide for parties of hunters or adventurers. The furthest he's been is Sandpoint, to which he makes sure to travel at least once a year to try the Hagfish competition. Unable to finish so far, he continues to train himself on some of the worst foods and waters around. One day... [Again, obviously, the justification for the Hagfish Hopeful campaign trait.]

It took Lleidr almost 5 years to save enough money to pack back his father. Although he claims it was unnecessary, Lleidr's father grew to admire his son's efforts. He gifted Lleidr his lucky lockpicks when his son had paid his debt and decided to stay on the road for a while longer.