Yet Another ... Rise of the Runelords PBP

Game Master ziltmilt

Starting in the sleepy coastal town of Sandpoint, danger lurks.

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Human Oracle 3 HP:28/28 AC:15:12:14 Init:+1 Per:-1 Saves:4:3:3 Attack Bonus:spear +2, crossbow +3 spells 2/4

Selia removes her ring and steps up behind nich. here take this protection it is all I can do.
-1 to all ac. what is the book of the abysal and why do i have it.

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

Ned sighs and mutters under his breath, "Nobody ever runs"
He'll take a 5' step forward and swing...
greatsword: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Selia, I don't know what that book is referring to. Maybe it's something you guys found and the prior player wasn't sure what to call it. Maybe it's Tsuto's journal?

Ned, is that greatsword you're using magical?

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

It has bless wepon cast on it, so yes. For another minuite or so.

[Noon, Thistletop, 9th Day After Goblin Raid, Round 2, part 1, Thistletop Level Two]

Selia steps inside the crypt and passes a Ring of Protection to Nich.

Ned also steps forward, striking towards a shadow threatening Hakak.

Shadowy filaments of the ghostly form retreat away from the blade, into dark recesses behind the black sarcophagus.

Jubrayl slashes at the nearest shadow, making a wide gash and eliciting a groan of dismay from his enemy.

Tossing the Fang of Elyrium to Selia, Lleidr then fires another arcane bolt past Selia and Nich. The writhing shadow Jubrayl nearly sliced in two vanishes in a deafening cry as the magic missile consumes its form.

Nich cries aloud once more, showering the tomb with the divine power. With a hiss of dismay, the remaining two shadows fade into a pale mist and are then gone. Quiet once again, the stillness of the tomb weighs upon you.


Human Oracle 3 HP:28/28 AC:15:12:14 Init:+1 Per:-1 Saves:4:3:3 Attack Bonus:spear +2, crossbow +3 spells 2/4

Selia takes back her ring and returns the Fang. Then and reaches over to help Jubrayl move in his drained condition.

male Aasimar Paladin 3/HP 12-31/AC,Touch,FF 18, 12,16/ Fort,Ref,Will 6,5,6/CMD 16/Init 2/Perception 1. Smite Evil 0/1, Lay on Hands, 1/3

Jubrayl looks to the others and says

Lets look through this place and then head back to town the touch of those foul creatures has harmed my and Lleidrs essence.

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

Perhaps foolishly unwilling to set down his backpack, Lleidr will slowly re-enter the room under the weight of his few possessions to resume looking for traps, secret doors, or hopefully treasure.

Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Trap-finding: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

That square in the middle of the west wall seems particularly suspicious for standing out from the rest of the symmetrical layout of the room, so he'll focus on that area first.

[Afternoon, Thistletop, 9th Day After Goblin Raid, Thistletop Level Two]

Ancient stone swings backwards, and your light reveals a hidden passage carven into the bare rock. You can see two different passages that go north.


Nothing detects as magical or poisonous.

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

Bracing himself in the doorframe, Lleidr will look back at his companions. "If we're going to check this out, we're going to rest first, right?"

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

If there's no argument against, Lleidr will close the now-not-so-secret door and look for a way to lock it or jam it shut.

Disable Device: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14, +2 if the masterwork tools can come into play

Does anyone have any idea how long this STR drain effect will last? Should we rest here then check out this passage? Or do we need to go back to town to recover, maybe put together a plan to get all this stuff hauled back?

Human Oracle 3 HP:28/28 AC:15:12:14 Init:+1 Per:-1 Saves:4:3:3 Attack Bonus:spear +2, crossbow +3 spells 2/4

Each drop of strength damage needs a nights rest to heal. Resting the full day is twice as fast and having one such as myself or nich taking care of you doubles the healing again.

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

Cool, so 2 or 3 days back in Sandpoint with full rest and getting looked after should have Lleidr back up to his awesome 8 Strength.

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

I guess we've got a fair amount of business to take care of in town. The bodies of Nualia and Tsuto need to be dealt with. Ameiko should be notified. Lots o' stuff to sell.

As mentioned during loot discussion, Lleidr wants to donate up to a couple hundred gold from his split towards the people hurt by the goblin invasion. He also needs to get some gifts and gold home to the family somehow. They won't believe the week I've had!

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

After a few days rest, Selia feels like a new person. The past events all seem fuzzy, like it was some sort of a dream.

Do we still have a 10% discount from the store in town and do we get any sort of hero's welcome?

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

Selia 3.0 did keep the trait Favored Son/Daughter - Ameiko Kaijitsu if that's what you are referring to...

Jubrayl looks up from the washing bowl and it's tepid water, his face dripping from his attempt to splash himself back to sensibility. His eyes - still silvered, but lined with red - narrow as he looks at himself in the simple mirror in his room.

Get a hold of yourself. You're safe. You survived that last encounter. Don't let them see you scared.

Sleep had been elusive since returning from that last adventure. He had come so close to dying - and the touch of that shadow stuck with him, the skin still cold where it had struck him, the veins livid and red against his pale skin. Even as he returned to strength, the spot ached, keeping him awake. Giving him far too much time to think.

Dropping to the floor, Jubrayl quickly did forty push ups, breathing forcefully out through his mouth at full lock out of his arms, inhaling as he dropped, just barely touching the floor. Finishing his set, he kneeled back, stretching his arms out, enjoying the honest, simple warmth in his chest, his shoulders, his arms.

Don't obsess. Ragathiel brought me through this for a reason, to teach me caution, humility. Learn from this.

Taking his feet, he looks again at the lean, muscular man staring back at him. His long, golden hair fell over his face. He surveyed it for a moment, then looked over to the small table where he had placed his grooming kit. Taking out the small scissors, he began cutting great lengths of his hair, until it was short - very short. He assembled every fallen lock and tossed them into the dustbin.

Vanity is an illusion, like safety. I'll not look at life through a veil any longer.

Jubrayl smiled, grim and tight lipped. He was ready. As he left his room he thought he spied movement, just at the periphery of his vision. He did his best to ignore the burning in his throat, the cold, tight knot in his stomach.

Just a shadow .... just a shadow.

For the benefit of the new players, and just as a reminder for our original players (and since I can't remember if I ever said this or not): Ameiko Kajitsu is so grateful to you for saving her life, that she's offered you free room and board at the Rusty Dragon while you're all staying in Sandpoint.

As you were nearing Sandpoint yesterday afternoon, several townsfolk came to the settlement's edge and clapped and cheered for you. After your departure, word had spread through town fast, and the Dragon's tavern area was packed tight full of folk hanging on your every word.

One exception: Ven Vinder , who shot Jubryal a dark look before pulling his enthusiastic daughter out of the crowd and back to his general store.

As you all rise and stagger to breakfast, Sheriff Hemlock waits patiently at a stained oaken table, cradling a mug of steaming tea. It's rare to see the Sheriff wearing a smile. "The Mayor is delighted at the rumors she's heard, but she wants to hear it from you directly. So, as soon as you've all eaten and washed, I'm to take you to town hall."

The meeting with the Mayor is very much to-the-point, but Deverin is quick to let you know that Sandpoint is deeply in your debt. Each of you is being granted 350 gp for your brave service, and (I think you said you were bringing Nualia & Co in for trial) Nualia and her cohorts will soon be shipped to Magnimar under heavy guard where they'll be interrogated and tried.

Mayor Deverin is also insistent that you return to Thistletop as soon as possible and finish wiping out any sign of goblin or other monstrous activity. "I want any threat to this town eliminated. The Scarnetti are sure to raise a ruckus by trying to tie me to the goblin raids last week, and I have to show this town that we can beat this threat. The Scarnetti's already control all the town's mills ... Desna help us if they get my office too."

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

Lleidr wouldn't want to stay anywhere else, even if it wasn't free. Is Ameiko back to work?

Lleidr will tell grand stories, hoping to captivate the crowd and get even more drinks.
Perform: Oratory: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Jub, it might be about time to help Ven's daughter with her spider problem again :)

I'm a little confused. Nualia and Tsuto and whatsername are alive? I was under the impression we brought back corpses, possibly beheaded by an earlier version of Jubrayl?

This Mayor lady's kinda bossy. But Lleidr will still take his reward.

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)

Nicholae will gladly accept his reward and add it to his funds... savings for a fine suit of platemail - he is acutely aware that his current armour isn't as protective as he could wish.

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

Selia thanks the mayor, and enjoys catching up with Ameiko. But then she realizes it is time to get down to business.

"I am glad to have had a few days rest, but I think we should head to Thistletop as soon as we can. The faster we get it cleared, the safer everyone will be."

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)

I think two days under our care and full rest will have our friend back at full strength.

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

"Sounds good" Ned nods before heading over to enjoy a pipefull of tobacco by the fire.

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)

The cleric goes shopping for a suit of Banded mail. Its not what he wants but he needs something... and sells his scale mail -225 gp overall unless we get a discount... I believe we had one promised after the first raid, right?

Yes, at Savah's Armory you can buy 1 thing at 20% off normal price.

Lleidr - I wasn't sure what you did w/ the prisoners. I think you were intent on killing Tsuto, but whether the rest are still alive or not, the Mayor and Sheriff are both beyond grateful for what you've done.

Jubrayl smiles when appropriate but says little during the meeting with the mayor. Back into that hellhole. Ragathiel guard me. He nods in agreement, though, when the question of returning to Thistletop is posed. We cannot let a danger like that go unchecked. I'm eager to return and eliminate any threats that might linger there. In the shadows...

Jubrayl notes Vinder's reaction but says nothing; someone familiar with the Aasimar cleric would note a slight flush on his cheeks as he ponders, just slightly overlong, on Vinder's daughter.

Jubrayl is going to sell his scale mail (50 gp value, though the selling price might be less) and upgrade to a suit of half plate (600 gp). In addition, he's going to purchase a sturdy longsword (15 gp) and 20 arrows for his composite shortbow (1 gp).

@GM: can I take advantage of the 20% discount at Savah's armory for the half-plate?

yep, you sure can

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

As Selia packs her gear, she notices some personal items have gone missing.

She approaches Ameiko. "Thanks again for all your help, Ameiko! We really appreciate it." She pauses, as if slightly uncomfortable, then continues. "I hate to ask, but did you happen to borrow my comb? I seem to have misplaced it, and a few other small items - nothing significant, but I am sure I left them in my room."

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)

I'll save my 20% discount for the moment. Unless someone(s) can lend me around 300gp (even if its 100 each) in which case I'll pick up full plate

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

I can lend you 300 as long as you promise to stand between me and the bad guys :-)

Bargained well and done! Only need 200 it seems

Normally a suit of Full plate is 1500 but with the discount its 1200 (instead of the banded mail). He sells his scale mail and notes his debt to Ned with gratitude.

After about an hour's hike from town, you enter the deserted tunnels of thistle growing on the cliff. Three thistle tunnels open into a large cavelike chamber. Above, the thorny canopy grows thin enough that tiny slivers of the sky above can be seen, while below, the ground consists of trampled dirt.

To the west, the distant sound of sloshing waves echoes up from a hole. You all never went down this hole in the ground; instead you all made for the swinging bridge.


Interestingly enough, it was almost a year ago in real-time that you entered Thistletop!

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

This looks like a job for Lleidr. He'll peer down the hole as far as he can see, then cast Light on a stone or bit of branch or whatever and toss it down.

Does anyone have rope? Lleidr's got stubby limbs and isn't the greatest climber (+1 overall).

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86

"I've got some rope." Ned will stoop to tie the end of the rope around Lleidr's waist. As he prepares to lower him down the hole he'll add reflectively, "This kind of reminds me of how we used to fish for sturgeon when we were kids." He'll check the knot one last time before asking, "Ready?"

Init +2|AC15(17)/Touch10/Flatfoot15|CMD 12||HP 13[13]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+0 ;Wil:+5|Percept +9/Sense Motive +9. Longsword +10 1d8+4 CMB +6 Channel (4d6) l 0/[3] Male Half Varisian Human Cleric of Iomadae/1 (Favoured Class)

Nicholae readies as well to help support the halflings weight on the rope.

As it falls, the stone's arcane illumination shows a shaft descending around 70' nearly all the way to the ocean below. About 10' above the ocean's surface, the shaft widens into a much larger space.

The stone splashes into the water and its light is dims quickly. There's a tremendous roar, some kind of movement in the water, and the light disappears.

How far down do you want to be lowered?

Jubrayl, though no climber himself, stands ready to help if someone needs to be pulled up or lowered down. He also has 50' of rope in case it's needed. Aside from our barbarian Jubrayl looks to be the strongest party member, and is eager to make sure our halfling friend doesn't fall into the uncertain waters below.

Did something move in the water? That sounded ominous. Shouldn't we still be seeing some light from the stone?

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

"Lower away, boys, and soon we'll be eating filet of whatever. Just, you know, make sure to cut me out of its belly pretty quickly."

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

"Be careful!"

Sorry, wish I could offer more...

[Early Morning, Thistletop, 12th Day After Goblin Raid, Thistletop Ocean Cave]

Lleidr has descended about 70’ (you’ve used up 1 entire coil of rope plus nearly half of another), and he’s dangling around 10’ above the surging froth.
The shaft has widened, and a glittering grotto sparkles here, its walls dripping with moisture and alive with sea urchins, anemones, and other tidal life. The cave’s roof rises to a natural dome ten feet above the water where a five-foot-wide chimney rises through the roof in a shaft. The waters here are less choppy, but they are far from still. A five-foot-wide, fifteen-foot-long ledge sits just above the water level to the south.


FLASHBACK scene -> night of your arrival (9 days after goblin raid)

Lleidr has just finished a rousing oratory, with the hushed crowd leaning in and hanging on each word. By the end, comes applause and, being that listening and talking are both such thirsty work, many rounds of stout ale from the Two Knights.

Brodert Quink, Sandpoint’s visiting sage, comes up to Lleidr with a knowing smile. “Everything you said supports my theory that Thistletop is in reality, a Thassilonian ruin and is thousands of years old. Do me a favor, if you can. Bring me back etchings of the runes you find, or any artifact with writing. Oh, to have been able to hear the words spoken by that ghost in his stone chair!”

FLASHBACK scene -> morning after your arrival (10 days after goblin raid, inside the Rusty Dragon)

Ameiko shakes her head without hesitation. “No one here intrude into room without you knowing, Selia, especially me. What was the value of your things? I can repay you. And, we keep a better watch starting now on the premises.”

(about the same time, in the streets of Sandpoint)

“Well, well, look who’s emerged from the clutches of the Thistletop goblins!” Ilsoari laughs and claps Ned on the shoulder. “Well done, my friend. A fitting accomplishment before you retire and ride off into the great sunset.”

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

Damn flashbacks. I knew I should've listened to those warnings about the brown acid.

Lleidr will try to get a hold of the ceiling and start climbing along the dome over towards the ledge to the south. He'll call up to the others to tell them the situation and what he's trying.

Is there any way we can assist from up where we are? Aid another would seem to indicate Jubrayl could make a climb roll to assist but a strength check seems like it would be more helpful. I'm gonna try both and see which way the GM wants to go!

Jubrayl, seeing what Lleidr is angling towards, tries to help as best he can:

Climb check vs DC 10 (untrained): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Strength check vs DC 10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Red-cheeked, Jubrayl smiles sheepishly, realizing that aside from holding the rope he's not helping at all!

8th lvl Halfling (Rogue 6/Sorcerer 2); 22, 2'10", 32#; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 16; AC: 21 (touch 17, ff n/a); hp 64; Initiative +5

I suppose Lleidr should make his own Climbing roll. If you guys hear a splash, reel me in quick!
Climb: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Female Asimar Bard 2/Monk 2 | HP ?/? | AC 18; T 18; FF 14 | CMD 18 | F +3 R +9 W +8 | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Active: None

Flashback response...

"Don't trouble yourself, Ameiko! I am not concerned about the items, but if you didn't borrow them, I wonder who could have wanted them. I am not sure we accounted for all of the goblins yet - any chance one could be hiding around here?"

FLASHBACK scene -> morning after your arrival (10 days after goblin raid, inside the Rusty Dragon)

Ameiko giggles. "I do not think so, but it been so busy, if there were one, I would offer him job."

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86
ziltmilt wrote:

FLASHBACK scene -> morning after your arrival (10 days after goblin raid, inside the Rusty Dragon)

“Well, well, look who’s emerged from the clutches of the Thistletop goblins!” Ilsoari laughs and claps Ned on the shoulder. “Well done, my friend. A fitting accomplishment before you retire and ride off into the great sunset.”

Ned raises an eybrow in amusement, "Thanks neighbour. We only survived by the skin of our teath though. We have to go back out, maybe you could come along and keep me safe ?..."

FLASHBACK scene -> morning after your arrival (10 days after goblin raid, inside the Rusty Dragon)

Ilsoari: Ned, when we adventured together, those were the best days of my life. I wouldn't go back to them for a thousand times a thousand pieces of gold!

Ranger (guide) 8| AC 18(22) | HP 86/86
ziltmilt wrote:

FLASHBACK scene -> morning after your arrival (10 days after goblin raid, inside the Rusty Dragon)

Ilsoari: Ned, when we adventured together, those were the best days of my life. I wouldn't go back to them for a thousand times a thousand pieces of gold!

Ned chuckles, "Fair enough, Come buy me a wiskey and we'll talk about old times."

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