HunterCyprus84's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts (291 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


If two medium creatures are swallowed whole by a huge creature (say, a crocodile) and one of those creatures deals enough damage to rupture the creature, would both creatures be freed?

If two medium creatures are swallowed whole by a large creature (say, a crocodile) and one of those creatures deals enough damage to rupture the creature, would both creatures be freed?

"I don't know if I'm in the mood for storytelling, Ameiko, but I will stay down here, for you. As to Hemlock's request, I would like to be on the road at first light... I will see what the others say, though."

Selia lays her hand over Jubrayl's wound after he motions to it. Her hands glow slightly as her spell takes hold.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
[ LVL 1 Spells 2/4 ]

She looks satisfied with her work and says, "You really need to be more careful, Jubrayl. I don't want anything happening to any of you, not now."

"What say the rest of you on waiting in the morning? I would like to be after Father Tobyn's tomb robber as soon as possible and waiting out the night already has me tied in knots. Mayhaps one or two of us can stay while the others ride out?"

I am going to be out of town this weekend, starting tomorrow morning. I will be returning on Sunday. I am unsure if I will have Internet access.

Selia will continue to hang back, making sure she is a safe distance from any foes. If you need to control her, Ziltmilt, she will likely continue using her crossbow. If things get real hairy, she will use her summon monster spell.

Name: Saravyn D'Averam
Alignment, Race, Class: Neutral Good, Elf, Wizard
Short description: Wizard with highly tactical thought processes. Likes to control the flow of battle in his party's favor. When not studying battle tactics, reads up on the many planes outside of Golarion.
Campaign trait picked: Planes Expert


Born to a retired soldier and a librarian, Saravyn grew up with a considerably wide education. His mother, once a recruit in the [elven] military, taught him group tactics and basic weaponry alongside the more formal education he received from his father. He quickly grew to love reading, about acts both heroic and magical, and decided at a young age that he wanted to be both. His parents worked together to ensure that he could do so, providing tutors for him as needed. At the age of thirty seven, Saravyn decided that he would formally follow the path of the magical.

Saravyn left his home shortly after his decision, to apprentice with a minor wizard. Here, his training truly began. While most of the other students he meet were fascinated by magicks that were meant to destroy objects, Saravyn used his rudimentary knowledge of military tactics to adapt magic to act as an ally, instead of a mere weapon. He adopted an owl as a familiar, in honor of his father, the librarian. He learned very quickly that the owl, Soar, by name, was a very valuable partner in his endeavors. The ability to extend some spells out to Soar made his application of tactics that much more valuable. His studies lead him to believe that a wizard’s familiar could become even more autonomous and he hopes to one day achieve such a level of skill.

After training with multiple wizards, Saravyn now seeks to use his magic to garner the heroism he has read about. However, things are not as easy as he thought they would be. All of his time spent studying has left him stunted in the ways of society. Making friends was never a priority for him and he is now finding it difficult to meet those who would help him make into the history books. Thoughts of a lone attempt to make a name for himself do not sit well with him and he has resigned himself to take whatever opportunity walks through the door.


Saravyn is very serious and business-like in his endeavors. A life of studying and training has made him very poor at communicating with others that have not studied the same things he has. Jokes tend to fly right over his head.

His goals are to emulate the heroes in his books through intelligence and planning.

If you still have room, I would like to give this a go. Unless I skipped right over it, I don't see any Arcane casters and I can fill that role with either a Sorc or a Wizard.

Well, I am new to the PbP here on the forums and I am unsure of how to create a character without it being a PFS character. I don't plan on playing any Society games though, so I'm not sure if it matters or not?

Since this is such a large group of players, I am sure a swap from a Cleric to a Fighter isn't going to be a problem. I have worked up a character though and he's ready to go!

I would be interested in playing this. I am curious to see how the Mythic rules play out. Not sure what I would play, but I can be very flexible.

As I stated in my first post, I am new to PbP on Paizo's forums. How does one submit a character for the campaign?

Thanks in advance!

Thank you for the quick replies!

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5) + 6 = 16
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 4) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 = 13

Hmm... This is a pretty average spread.

I am going to try something new and go with a Dwarven Cleric. I would like to look at some stuff at home before deciding on this though.

Edit: Removed archetype and a question

I would like to sign up to do this too. I am, however, new with the PbP mechanics on Paizo's forums and I don't know how to do rolls within the system.

I am new to doing PbP and the Paizo forum, but I would be interested in doing this as well.