Half-Orc Warrior

Hakak Bloody Axe's page

358 posts. Organized Play character for Iron Killer.

Full Name

Mrs. Crinkle


HP 63+4/63+4| AC 20 (22 w/shield) | F +10 R +7 W +8 | Perc +7 | Stealth +4 |


25 ft | Hero 1/3 | ◇◆↺ | Exploration: Defend | Active Conditions: Level Bump


CN (Female) Human (skilled) Barbarian 3 |








Cayden Cailean


Karakuru, Taldor


Common, Draconic, Jotun, Kelish, Thassilonian

About Mrs. Crinkle

PFS Information:

Provisions for start of game
Downtime chart
Level bump
Faction Reputation Tiers
Level-based DCs

PFS Number: 289224-2004
Experience: 28

Major Factions
Envoy’s Alliance*: 30
Grand Archive:
Horizon Hunters:
Vigilant Seal: 2
Minor Factions
Radiant Oath:
Verdant Wheel:
All Faction Reputation
Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 32
*Mrs. Crinkle's faction

Purchased Boons

(Faction) Champion (Faction) (0 Fame) (the Champion boon for your first faction is free)
Boon #2 (type) (cost)

(Mrs. Crinkle):
Nationality: Taldane
Birthplace: Karakuru, Taldor
Age: 82
Gender & Pronouns: female, she/her
Height: 4’-2”
Weight: 98 lbs
Physical Appearance: Mrs. Crinkle is a short, sweet, plump-looking old lady with short, curly white hair; squinty, twinkly brown eyes; and round, soft, rosy cheeks. She wears an extremely oversized and frumpy blood red sweater dress over her armor. It looks...ridiculous.

Human (skilled)
background Noble
Barbarian (Animal Instinct: Wolf); Level: 3
Experience: 24
medium Humanoid
Associations: Pathfinder Society
Languages: Common, Draconic, Fey, Jotun, Kelish, Thassilonian


Str +4, Dex +1, Con +2,
Int +1, Wis +0, Cha +1
Perception: +7 [E] ((3 level) + (0 wis) + (4 prof) + (0 item))
Special Senses: When raging: darkvision, imprecise scent (30 ft.)



AC: 20 (10 + (3 level) + (1 dex) + (2 prof) + (4 item))
Shield: +2 Hardness 5 Max HP 20 / BT 10 Current HP 20

Unarmored: [T], Light: [T], Medium: [T], Heavy: [U]

Fortitude: +9 [E] ((3 level) + (2 con) + (4 prof) + (0 item))
Reflex: +6 [T] ((3 level) + (1 dex) + (2 prof) + (0 item))
Will: +7 [E] ((3 level) + (0 wis) + (4 prof) + (item))


Barbarian Class DC: 19 [T] (10 + (3 level) + (4 STR) + (2 prof) + (0 item))

Speed: 25 ft Movement Types: land

Melee Strikes (MAP: -0/-5/-10)
When Raging: +2 to all attacks and +1 to damage for Level Bump!
Bite +9/+4/-1 [T] ((3 level) + (4 str) + (2 prof) + (0 item))
damage (1d10 + 6) [P] (trip, unarmed)
Fist +9/+5/+1 [T] ((3 level) + (4 str) + (2 prof) + (0 item))
damage (1d4 + 6) [B.] (nonlethal, agile, finesse, unarmed)
Only when NOT Raging: +2 to all attacks and +1 to damage for Level Bump!
War Flail +9/+4/-1 [T] ((3 level) + (4 str) + (2 prof) + (0 item))
damage (1d10 + 4) [B.] (disarm, sweep, trip)
Dagger +9/+5/+1 [T] ((3 level) + (4 str) + (2 prof) + (0 item))
damage (1d4 + 4) [P] (versatile (S), agile, thrown 10 ft, finesse)
Shield Bash +9/+4/-1 [T] ((3 level) + (4 str) + (2 prof) + (0 item))
damage (1d4 + 4) [B.]
Fist +9/+5/+1 [T] ((3 level) + (4 str) + (2 prof) + (0 item))
damage (1d4 + 4) [B.] (nonlethal, agile, finesse, unarmed)

Ranged Strikes (MAP: -0/-5/-10) (Only when NOT raging)
+2 to all attacks and +1 to damage for Level Bump!
Sling +6/+1/-4 [T] ((3 level) + (1 dex) + (2 prof) + (0 item))
damage (1d6 + 2) [B.] (propulsive, range increment 50 feet, reload 1)
Dagger +6/+1/-4 [T] ((3 level) + (1 dex) + (2 prof) + (0 item))
damage (1d4 + 2) [P] (versatile (S), agile, thrown 10 ft, finesse)
Alchemical Bomb +6/+1/-4 [T] ((3 level) + (1 dex) + (2 prof) + (0 item))
damage varies; (thrown 20 ft)

Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: [T], Martial: [T], Unarmed: [T]


+1 to all for Level Bump!
Acrobatics: +6 T = (3 level) + (1 dex) + (2 prof) + (0 item) - (0 armor)
Arcana: +1 U = (0 level) + (1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item)
Athletics: +9 T = (3 level) + (4 str) + (2 prof) + (0 item) - (0 armor)
Crafting: +1 U = (0 level) + (1 int) + (0 prof) + 0 (item)
Deception: +6 T = (3 level) + (1 cha) + (2 prof) + (0 item)
Diplomacy: +6 T = (3 level) + (1 cha) + (2 prof) + (0 item)
Intimidation: +6 T = (3 level) + (1 cha) + (2 prof) + (0 item)
Lore (Genealogy): +6 T = (3 level) + (1 int) + (2 prof) + (0 item)
Lore (Pathfinder Society): +6 T = (3 level) + (1 int) + (2 prof) + (0 item)
Medicine: +0 U = (0 level) + (0 wis) + (0 prof) + (0 item)
Nature: +0 U = (0 wis) + (0 prof) + 0 (item)
Occultism: +1 U = (1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item)
Performance: +1 U = (1 cha) + (0 prof) + (0 item)
Religion: +0 U = (0 wis) + (0 prof) + (0 item)
Society: +6 T = (3 level) + (1 int) + (2 prof) + (0 item)
Stealth: +4 T = (3 level) + (1 dex) + (2 prof) + (0 item) - (2 armor)
Survival: +0 U = (0 wis) + (0 prof) + 0 item)
Thievery: +1 U = (1 dex) + (0 prof) + (0 item) - (0 armor)

Thandermere’s Pathfinder Chronicle: +1 item bonus to Recall Knowledge checks for past and current Pathfinder expeditions in the Five Kings Mountains. (See Chronicle #6)


Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Heritage 1st: General Training (Toughness)

Skill Feats
Background: Courtly Graces
2nd: Multilingual (Draconic, Fey)

General Feats
3rd: Shield Block

Class Feats and Abilities
1st: Acute Vision, ◇ Quick Tempered
2nd: Acute Scent

Class Abilities & Features
1st: Animal Instinct (Wolf)
1st: Rage
3rd: Deny Advantage

Bonus Feats
Courtly Graces (Noble background)

Stat Lines for Raging:

Normal stat lines:
[Race:] +10 HP and +1 to all modifiers for Level Bump!
HP 53/53 | AC 20 (22 w/shield) | F +9 R +6 W +7 | Perc +7 | Stealth +4 |
25 ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: ---

Raging stat lines:
[Race:] +10 HP and +1 to all modifiers for Level Bump!
HP 53+4/53+4| AC 20 (22 w/shield) | F +9 R +6 W +7 | Perc +7 | Stealth +4 |
25 ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: Rage


Combat Gear: sling bullets (10), minor healing potion (3), wolf fang
Other Gear: chain mail, steel shield, dagger, sling, war flail, backpack, sack,
In Backpack:bedroll, belt pouch, chalks (10), flint and steel, grappling hook, healer's tools, healing potions (see Combat Gear for qty), rations (1 week), rope (50 feet), sack, sheath, soap, sunrod, Thandermere’s Pathfinder Chronicle (see Chronicle 6), torch, waterskin, writing kit

Pathfinder Provision: lesser healing potion
Scenario Items:
Magic Items:
Invested Items

(increase as needed for feats or class features that increase maximum investment)
1. magic item

Bulk: 5.7 (Encumbered at: 9 = 5 + (4 str); Maximum at: 14 = 10 + (4 str))



1. PFS(2) Q06: Archaeology in Aspenthar:

☐ ☐ Secrets of the Jistkan Alchemists (General, Limited Use: Your forays into the ancient alchemical testing site of the Jistakan Imperium with knowledge and materials for a few handy tricks. Whenever you Craft an item with the alchemical trait during downtime, after rolling, you can check a box that precedes this boon to increase your degree of success by one (from critical failure to failure, from failure to success, or from success to critical success).
Reputation(s): +1 (Envoy's Alliance)
Gold Earned:3.5
Downtime: n/a

2. PFS(2) B09: Fishing in Anthusis:

Reputation(s): +1 (Envoy's Alliance)
Gold Earned: 4
Downtime: n/a

3. PFS(2) B15: Treasure off the Coast:

Reputation(s): +1 (Envoy's Alliance)
Gold Earned: 4
Downtime: n/a

4. PFS(2) 2-19: Enter the Pallid Peak:

After prospectors discovered the entrance to an ancient dwarven complex beneath Droskar’s Crag, the Pathànder Society sent you to investigate. On the way, you met some loggers who described a recent duergar raid and warned you to be on your guard; after speaking with the only prospector to make it out alive, you journeyed to the site. Exploring the ruins, you discovered several artifacts and murals, as well as the contents of an ancient lockbox and multiple entrances to a deeper portion of the ruins. You discovered and deactivated a churning lava hazard. You put the spirits of dwarves who died in the Rending to rest. You failed to befriend a trio of ifrit dwarf exiles. Before returning to make your report, you fought off a duergar raiding party.
This adventure qualifies you for the following unique Achievement Point Boon: Kin-Warded.

Reputation(s): +4 (Envoy's Alliance)
Gold Earned: 14
Downtime: 0.08

5. PFS(2) B16: Boom Town Betrayal:

Reputation(s): +1 (Envoy's Alliance)
Gold Earned: 4
Downtime: n/a

6. PFS(2) 3-18 Dacilane Acadamy’s Delightful Disaster:

Thandermere’s Pathfinder Chronicle: +1 item bonus to Recall Knowledge checks for past and current Pathfinder expeditions in the Five Kings Mountains; purchasable at 3 gp (discounted).
Reputation(s): +4 (Envoy's Alliance)
Gold Earned: 14
Downtime: 0.02

7. PFS(2) 04-01 Intro: Year of Boundless Wonder:

Reputation(s): +4 (Envoy's Alliance)
Gold Earned: 22
Downtime: 0.08

8. PFS(2) 04-10 Arclord's Abode:

When Alyreha the Arclord recovered her memories, she recalled that someone vile was after her true name research, and a ritual to remove her name had gone wrong, trapping her in a skull. The Pathfinders sent you in to help Alyreha recover her notes from her abandoned manor. Unfortunately, Alyreha’s enemies beat you to the punch, activating the manor’s magical defenses. Alyreha stabilized the house while you fought through and disabled her old defenses, as well as solved some of her old training puzzles to find the research that would restore her. Once you climbed Alyreha’s tower where the research needed to be put together, you came face–to–face with one of Aslynn’s minions. You [X] successfully gathered all the research fragments, impressing the Arclord or □ did not gather all of the fragments of her research. You also [X] successfully convinced her to store her research at Skyreach or □ failed to convince her.
Reputation(s): +6 (Envoy's Alliance), +2 (Vigilant Seal)
Gold Earned: 22
Downtime: 0.08

9. PFS(2) 05-04 Equal Exchanges - Necessary Introductions:

You were sent by the Hwanggot Lantern Lodge to deliver a gift to the underworld dragon Valashinaz before an important meeting between her and the Pathfinder Society. Along the way, you met the Jjang-Jang goblins and [X] assisted them with their cart or perhaps you □ were unable to help. Once you arrived at Valashinaz’s vaults, you discovered that her assistant Purepurin wasn’t there waiting for you, so you decided to investigate further. Once in the vaults, you made your way through several traps and pests, before discovering Purepurin being beset by rats and bats. You assisted in cleaning out the vaults, before helping Purepurin summon her mistress for the forgotten meeting. You raced your way back through the vaults, collecting artifacts, only to find that the last item was with the Jjang-Jang goblins. In order to get the jug of fond remembrance you [X] traded the liqueur and/or [X] participated in the Spicy Death Chicken Challenge. You [X] succeeded at the challenge or perhaps you □ clucked like a chicken! Ultimately, you returned with the needed item to summon Valashinaz and ensure the meeting occurred.
Reputation(s): +4 (Envoy's Alliance)
Gold Earned: 22
Downtime: 0.4

10. PFS(2) 5-12 Mischief in the Maze:

Reputation(s): +4 (Envoy's Alliance)
Gold Earned: 38
Downtime: 0.16

Bot me:

Mrs. Crinkle makes an effort to handle situations non-violently. She’ll nearly always try diplomacy first, and maybe intimidation second, before getting to the satisfying gratuitous violence.

For marching order, she gravitates toward the back because she’s an old lady who pays more attention to chatting with her teammates than worrying about what’s coming.

In a fight, she tries to keep herself between any threats and anyone vulnerable.

Her shield is stowed until necessary.

She enters a rage as soon as a fight starts.

When raging, she uses her bite attack to trip first, following up with more biting unless there's damage resistance to piercing. Her shield will only be used for defense while raging.

If she can't rage, she'll fight with her war flail.

Personality and Raging Quirk:

When not raging, Mrs. Crinkle is rather small for a medium creature. She looks like a plump little Mrs. Claus, with a sweet smile, rosy round cheeks, and twinkly squinty eyes. Over her armor, she wears an extremely oversized and frumpy blood red sweater dress, held together with a series of strategically placed slip knots. It looks...ridiculous.

Normally, she is a pleasant, jolly sort of woman with a juvenile sense of humor. She sees wonder in so many things that most people take for granted. She does have a bit of a temper, though. When her forbearance is being tested, her behavior becomes milder and sweeter...until she snaps.

As Mrs. Crinkle enters a rage, her body swells to the size of a much larger medium creature (going from 4’-2” to about 6’-9” tall--stats don’t change due to size). Her face contorts as her jaws extend, wolf-like, and her teeth grow long and sharp. Her whole body transforms from plump little granny to having a feral, lean, muscular bulk. All items she is wearing change size with her...except that red sweater dress. It stays the same size it was before and ends up looking like an appallingly tiny mini-dress. Anyone standing close enough to her might be able to hear the creaking of the fibers as they strain to hold themselves together. After her rage, she shrinks back down to her normal size, and begins the process of gathering up her stretched-out sweater dress and tying it back onto her with the same series of slip knots. (She’s always wearing enough under it to avoid a scandal. That was a lesson she learned the hard way. Once. And she laughs about it every time she shares the story, which changes with each retelling.)

This occurs because, in the course of her alchemical tinkering when she was much younger, she created an extract which caused this to be a permanent issue for her. Since she didn't quite get it right, the outer layer of her clothing doesn't change size with the rest of her, so she makes sure to wear something stretchy and cheap over her armor for practical purposes.


Mrs. Crinkle was the black sheep in a noble Taldane family. Her favorite pastimes were sneaking out at night to join the underground fighting pits and tinkering with alchemy. Her husband barely tolerated her; her son and only child grew into a snob who couldn’t abide her wild behavior. When her husband died, her son locked her in her room, under constant guard, to keep her under control. Eventually they made a deal: he would tell everyone that she was sent to a mental institution and eventually passed away, while she would abandon her name and live in exile.

And so, at the age of 79 she began to wander, with limited money and a thirst for all the adventure she couldn’t have in her youth. There being limited and very boring work available for old women in general, the idea of working for the Pathfinder Society was intriguing. And so she made her way to Absalom to begin training and leave her mark on the world...as Mrs. Crinkle.