War on the Skaven in Dungeon World (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

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Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

Best weekend cliff hanger ever?

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Pretty much, ya.

This whole scene is why I love dungeon world and its relatives. Less than half the crap we've pulled off here would be allowed in a pathfinder game.

(No hate on pathfinder though. I love it too.)

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

I agree, it's like taking the handcuffs off in terms of letting the action unfold unhindered. "What would be awesome?" replaces "What mechanic can I use here?"

I also won't hate on pathfinder/D&D, but I don't personally enjoy that style as much as I used to.

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Hey mooshy, someone just activated the dead game just to roll some dice (for some reason). Could you deactivate that one, please?

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

you Americans are all busy watching football and getting ready for turkey aren't you? Happy Thanksgiving all y'all.

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Turkey done. Now comes the post meal lethargy and food comas

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Archepex is there a lunch turkey tradition in your family? It's no later than 3pm in the US right now...

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Yes. My family tends to eat the big meal early and reserve the rest of the day for games and such. Dessert in the evening.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

That's actually very clever. A big turkey dinner at 7pm is a great way to drain energy and kill any fun family stuff in the evening!

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Feel free to conform to our superior methods! :P

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

Just a heads up, in case you missed it, I'm starting up a Fate Core game. Currently I'm recruiting, so if you are interested, check the thread here: Recruitment Thread

I'm actually a little shocked by the lack of interest. I understand that APs and Pathfinder games are the most popular, but it's surprising what the difference is.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Hi Bathilda, did you try posting on reddit in /r/lfg? Also possibly on the /r/FATErpg sub?

I'm going to pass, as I think it would over-extend me. Thanks for the invite though.

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3


I didn't even think of that.

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Be sure to mention that some of us are REALLY STINKIN NEW. Like, I haven't even read the whole book, much less comprehended it.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

There's probably a very active g+ community for Fate as well. You might want to hunt that down and post there too. G+ is the main location for a lot of narrative games these days, despite its atrocious design.

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Really? How does that even work? Do you post video of your dice or something?

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Sorry I don't mean for PBP, just the hub for the communities that create and discuss the games. Tons of new content is posted, game discussions, etc. It's very easy to launch remote games over google Hangouts from there too. For games where you don't need/want the virtual table top of roll20, google Hangouts seems to be a dominant medium.

If you ever want to run a PBP that's not on a forum like this one, there are dice rollers like http://www.unseenservant.com/ that roll for you and track the results. It's a bit more of a pain, but at the same time the dice roller on this site kind of sucks. It's way too easy to game it. At 3rd party sites the GM can see who's been making rolls and when, providing a log that might help people feel like there's an extra reason to stay honest!

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

I can see that. Cool. I guess I'm too much of a story guy to fudge dice. I just don't care enough about the dice themselves to put that effort in.

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

I'm actually with Archepex on this one. I like the story too much to worry with fudging.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Oh I agree with you, failing in DW is frankly just as fun as succeeding in most cases. Still, it's a little weird that you can so easily just check your next five 2d6 rolls in a preview window and know what's coming if you wanted to. I'm just not a fan of the way this particular site handles the dice rolling.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

My luck is so bad, sometimes I'm tempted... but I guessed I'd be cursed with snake eyes forever, so I won't. I just see all these strings of 12+, and I hope some of the magic will rub off onto me, and I get a 5. Have I not been making the right blood sacrifices?

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Emma for what it's worth, Dhice leveled up in the very first combat of the game by failing like 5 of 6 rolls. It was ridiculous luck, but got me my cool "Earth Bender" move nice and early!

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

This is a record success rate for me. Don't get used to it. :P

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

Is anyone aware of any playbooks with some interesting controller themed CHA or CON based moves?

Don't be afraid of making one up and running it past me if you have a concept in mind.

As for Loot using Wisdom - it's honestly a flawed system, not something the guys at Dungeon World came up with themselves. It's a homebrewed rule, and pretty hastily done at that. If you have a better suggestion for randomizing the loot you get per encounter, I'd be happy to field ideas.

Lucky Sixes: 12/12 HP | Useful Links: Quick Reference | Sheets

In the Beyond Heaven campaign I was planning on modifying your system a little bit. Instead of having the modifier come from the characters, have it come from the situation. Nest of rats? Everyone roll at -1. Dragon's Hoard? Everyone roll at +3.

I haven't yet had a chance to implement it, but it might work, while also making looting a solitary rat different from looting a merchant.

Pretty good idea actually, or so it seems. Let me think on that approach.

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

I'm on board with that one

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

Same here.

Very well, the ayes have it. From now on I'll be using a universal modifier based on location of the loot for everyone in the party so everyone has an equal shot.

I won't be penalizing the good rolls people had for this Looting though. This rule will come into effect the next time you roll for Loot.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

That 100% works for me too. Cheers!

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

Moosh, after looking at various playbooks I realized that my long term concept of a controller/buffer works better with Int as a second stat than with Wis (huzzah for Bard multiclassing!). It also works with the backstory I've been kicking around, elven wizard school dropout. I don't think I've made any important rolls with either stat so I switched them. Let me know if that is a problem and I'll switch it back.

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

Emma, have you really only failed a single roll so far? I'm just surprised you only have 1 XP.

No problem Lyntel.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

Uh... I'm also surprised. I think I haven't been keeping track. I'll scroll through and see what I've missed once we actually need to level, or when I have a minute.

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

Are Lorcian, Rikard, Mykmyk, and Oleaus still with us? I have bonds with all of them, but they haven't posted in a while.

Myk-Myk messaged me at the end of the day yesterday and said he was bowing out. We can mark XP for his bonds being resolved, and just write him out of the fiction. The others, no XP, they're just faded.

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Male Human - 1/battle, reroll any single damage roll. 5th lvl Fighter | Exp: 8 | Base Damage: 1d10 | Armor: 4 | Hit Points: 17/26

Hey, Dhice. I found your arms.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

ha, nice one!

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

I am sad. I wrote out about 6 stanzas of the ballad of Archepex. And Paizo timed out when I hit save. Won't make that mistake again!

I'm in the habit now of hitting Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C before I hit submit on any post on these boards. Then at least I still have my post saved to my clipboard and I can just re-paste.

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Lazerous form recovery, if you have chrome. Get it. Use it. Love it.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

Can confirm. Also, please ignore the fact that I am suddenly a robot. Anyone know how to fix that?

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

If it's been an hour, you can't.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

Bugger. Completely missed it. Can't Mooshy delete posts?

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Nope. It's kinda inconvenient.

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

Yeah, it can be a pain, but cheaters gonna cheat.

No posts from me today guys, I'm majorly sick.

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3


That's no good! I hope you get better soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

Merry Christmas. :D

Here's hoping Mooshy's not feeling too crummy.

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