War on the Skaven in Dungeon World
Game Master
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"
Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1
Question, how do I add this to my list of campaigns?
Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW
Post something, anything, in gameplay and you'll be automatically added, even if you delete your initial post.
Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1
Huh. Interesting mechanic. Anyway, I'll post as soon as some prisoners get found.
In the meantime Emma, I'll PM you a description of what you see/what happened to you since the sack of Tollerhelm, so you have some info on the world that would make sense for who you are. Then you can post something from the perspective of the prisoner's level deeper in the mines, and that would just be something for the rest of us to enjoy out-of-character. Plus, posting that would allow you to track this campaign from the "Campaigns" tab of your profile.
Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW
I think you add the number of bonds you have with a character to any aid roll, right?
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Archepex Ravenborn wrote: I think you add the number of bonds you have with a character to any aid roll, right? Correct.
Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW
Huh. I didn't realize that dhice and I are bondless toward each other.
Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0
Yeah I went looking at my bonds and you weren't there, but knowing that I didn't have a high chance of success didn't change the fact that Dhice would think that he'd be helpful. So I tried. Once I see how my failure affects the story, I'll probably write a bond with Archepex that uses it. like "Archepex doesn't need my help, I just get in his way", which could be resolved by a situation where you actually do need my help. maybe I even hesitate to offer that help though, because of past experiences...
Related question for our GM: Mooshy when a 6- gets rolled do you want us to pause long enough for you to act? Every failure is supposed to push the story forward in some way, so it doesn't seem right to just assume that Dhice's attempt results in "nothing happened, everyone carry on".
If I don't immediately comment on one of your failures, just carry on and assume that I'm going to horribly injure you for it later. I keep a "karma bank" for characters that have failed rolls in non-threatening situations.
Just don't think about it. ;)
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote: Just don't think about it. ;) The most ominous DM statement I've heard in a while.
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Archepex, I've been thinking about our characters, and with your God Amidst the Waste move, I think we can become very broken in a few levels. If you take hold person as a spell, and I get my sleep poison on a weapons hit move ...
Hold Person
Backstab (apply sleep poison)
Called Shot (head shot) for stun
Backstab (stunned guy)
That sends my DM danger senses into overdrive.
Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW
Actually, you need to reverse that. I would stun first to start combat and then hold them then you could sleep them. That's three "rounds".
And don't worry about it. I had a certain character who could do this all by himself before and Mooshy controlled me just fine.
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Underestimate my ability to put you in peril...at your own peril!
Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3
Oh believe me, I have every bit of faith you can imperil us at will. It's just that with this group of yahoos, you don't have to work very hard at it, do you? ;)
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Bathilda wrote: Oh believe me, I have every bit of faith you can imperil us at will. It's just that with this group of yahoos, you don't have to work very hard at it, do you? ;) Just doing my job, ma'am.
Too true, Bathilda. Of course, I'll make you eat your words once you start rolling 1d8s and they roll lower than your 1d6s...
Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3
Oh, you have no idea how often that is going to happen. My luck is horrendous unless I'm GMing, then it's usual bad for the PCs. :D
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Moosh had some procedural clarifications in another game that I thought should be shared here too:
in Moosh's words:
If I don't immediately comment on one of your failures, just carry on and assume that I'm going to horribly injure you for it later. I keep a "karma bank" for characters that have failed rolls in non-threatening situations.
Just don't think about it. ;)
For future reference, [player] and everyone else, any character that wants to do an AoE attack, like with a whirlwind or a blast of spirit magic, need simply make one roll for the damage and divide the damage by the number of targets, rounded up. This is unless otherwise noted.
This is a good time to point out how Aid Another (or Interfere) works. When an allied player rolls a 6 or a 9, like [player] just did, you may attempt to Aid them and give them the +1 they need to bump their roll up to a 7 or a 10 ... Keep in mind, aiding another player's roll will expose you to risk if your Aid roll fails. Calculate your Aid rolls by rolling 2d6+the number of Bonds you have, resolved and unresolved, with the other player.
NOTE that aid rolls are based on both resolved and unresolved bonds. Track them!
Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1
Two questions, I haven't written any names into my bonds yet, can I make them on the fly? Also, I'm in Australia, is my timezone going to be a problem?
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Emma Sojourn wrote: Two questions, I haven't written any names into my bonds yet, can I make them on the fly? Also, I'm in Australia, is my timezone going to be a problem? Yes to the first. No to the second.
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
I'm trying to push us towards the meeting with Emma so she can get involved in the game, probably at the expense of reasonable caution.
Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1
Cheers. Just follow the swearing. I assume that I'll know where the civilillians when you do come across me.
Male Dwarf Barbarian 0 (Dreadnought, Invulnerable Rager), Fighter 1 ()
You should see about getting a picture for your character.
Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1
I probably should, but I'm struggling to find a decent picture that also has the scar. Maybe I'll just find something without it :/
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Damn Emma, your backstory is dark! I'm really curious to learn how your lay on hands works without divine intervention.
Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1
Cheers! I did my best to avoid the orphan tropes, I hope it wasn't too cliched. As to Lay on Hands, half the time she is convinced that she blocked (or took, look at the 7-9 result) the blow earlier, or that they are just faking it and she intimidates it out of them. Other times... she doesn't like to think about it. I'm sure Mooshy will let me know!
Also, look at the human racial move (detect evil) and my alignment. Heh.
Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3
Uh, whoa. And I thought I could do dark. You have proven me wrong.
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
What the hell is going on with Dhice!
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Bathilda, do you still get a complication if the d6 and the d8 are the same value?
Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3
Not sure actually. The wording is if the d6 is higher than the d8, no mention of ties.
Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0
Dhice doesn't do torture scenes. I thought about having him freak out immediately, but decided to let the dice decide. On a 6- he was going to freak out BEFORE stopping the lead. On a 10+ he'd man up a little longer. On a 7-9 he stops the lead but then freaks out.
I love this game.
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Ricard, could you put your moves etc. into your profile? I'm really curious to see what you can do, but I don't have that playbook.
Male Human - 1/battle, reroll any single damage roll. 5th lvl Fighter | Exp: 8 | Base Damage: 1d10 | Armor: 4 | Hit Points: 17/26
Emma Sojourn wrote: I probably should, but I'm struggling to find a decent picture that also has the scar. Maybe I'll just find something without it :/ Voilà
Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0
Grigor, how do you load custom images in? I only noticed the default image selector (which frankly was pretty good).
Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1
Thanks so much. For backstories sake, this is her smiling gently at a pile of burning Skaven babies. Also, have I fallen into Morleys arms, or am I still tied up?
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Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Grigor Umlich wrote: Morley McGree wrote: Grigor, can Bathilda reroll her damage on Khad? With respect, if someone wants to ask me for the reroll, that's cool, but let's let other people make their own combat decisions. Anyone is free to ask me as they see fit, but remember, I only get 1 per combat. I know I was a little "leader-guy" earlier, but that was to keep the plot moving. That's fair. I was definitely overzealous and out of line.
Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3
You can't, you can only select the images provided by Paizo.
Male Human - 1/battle, reroll any single damage roll. 5th lvl Fighter | Exp: 8 | Base Damage: 1d10 | Armor: 4 | Hit Points: 17/26
Dhice Bierson wrote: Grigor, how do you load custom images in? I only noticed the default image selector (which frankly was pretty good). That's a great question. I don't know if you can. When Emma said she was trying to find a picture, I didn't know if we could load our own, or if we were limited to Paizo's selection. My guess is the latter is the case. Either way, I thought it was a good pic.
Morley McGree wrote: Ricard, could you put your moves etc. into your profile? I'm really curious to see what you can do, but I don't have that playbook. Nope... i tried for like 10-20 mins to type it by hand but then Paizo restarted the page. So i will eventually or you can ask moosh for the sheet.
Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1
^ this. I found it less stressful to type everything in an offline document, then copy it in at the last second.
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Rikard Darke the Pious wrote: Morley McGree wrote: Ricard, could you put your moves etc. into your profile? I'm really curious to see what you can do, but I don't have that playbook. Nope... i tried for like 10-20 mins to type it by hand but then Paizo restarted the page. So i will eventually or you can ask moosh for the sheet. Same thing happened to me too. Very frustrating.
Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0
Morley McGree wrote:
Same thing happened to me too. Very frustrating.
I'm even doing that for modest posts now. Stupid forum is losing my flowery prose!
I had Dhice's shocked backpedaling WAY more explicitly detailed in the original post, which got lost.
Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW
If you're using chrome, Lazerus form recovery plugin. Never lose a post (or character sheet) again!
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Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3
Just a heads up, I'll probably not be posting much this weekend. My cousin is getting married and I'm in the wedding.
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Grats to your cousin! I'll write up a particularly gory Skaven kill for you to come back to on Monday.
Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Emma, dice rolls are like this without the "."
[dice.=Hack and Slash]2d6+MOD[/dice.]
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Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Wow Emma, you found the perfect avatar picture.
Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1
I know right? Pure luck really :P
Male Human - 1/battle, reroll any single damage roll. 5th lvl Fighter | Exp: 8 | Base Damage: 1d10 | Armor: 4 | Hit Points: 17/26
Hey, everyone, is there a good archer class somewhere, that isn't the ranger?
Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1
Of the default set, looks like Halfling Thief is it, pretty much.