War on the Skaven in Dungeon World (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

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Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Thief can make a decent archer, or so I hear. Probably any class that starts with a bow.

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To answer your question re: posting speed, I usually try to make 1 or 2 action posts / day during the work week, and I try to get 1 in per day on the weekends if I can. Weekend time is daddy time for me and my little one, so I can't update quite as much just because he wears me out! I'll try to update today, however.

Male Human - 1/battle, reroll any single damage roll. 5th lvl Fighter | Exp: 8 | Base Damage: 1d10 | Armor: 4 | Hit Points: 17/26

Okay, any 3rd party archers of note, anyone?

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

Oh no, it's not the frequency of posts that I was talking about, it was what time I should start frantically spamming the refresh button :P

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

From my experience there's not really a set time. Just do what I do and refresh constantly all day long. :)

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1


Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

Grigor, I have a lot of the 3rd party play books and will look for an archer for you. Class Warfare is a "make your own class" supplement that also might work. You could definitely build an archer.

As for spamming, I downloaded an RSS feed app on my phone that notifies me when you all post. Just use the links in the top right of the thread for the RSS links.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

Huzzah! RSS for the win. Completely forgot I had something similar. Many thanks, dear Morley.

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

I have been looking for a decent mobile (android). What do you use?

Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

Sadly I'm currently stuck with Apple.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Facepalm. RSS, of course. Been spamming refresh myself!

Btw the campaign homepage is great since it tells you about new messages in all the different threads (in case anyone else is not aware of that page).

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Now does anyone have a clever solution to the brutal [ and /] tag entry on mobile (android)?

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14
Dhice Bierson wrote:
Now does anyone have a clever solution to the brutal [ and /] tag entry on mobile (android)?

I wish.

I am still around, just have a 6 month old with an ear infection :(

Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

iPhone lets you make custom keyboard shortcuts. So when I type fdice it changes to [die=. I can't spell it out correctly or it messes everything up, but you get the idea.

I bet Android has something similar.

EDIT: Yeah it does. Here's how: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/create-android-keyboard-shortcuts-for-w ords-that-you-use-frequently/

I have shortcuts for the start and end bold tags, italics tags, dice tags (a bit more tricky), and ooc tags.

Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
Olaeus Radko Orlovsky wrote:
Dhice Bierson wrote:
Now does anyone have a clever solution to the brutal [ and /] tag entry on mobile (android)?

I wish.

I am still around, just have a 6 month old with an ear infection :(

I'm so sorry to hear that. Recently went through that with my two year old. It's the worst! Glad you are still around.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Sweet, thanks Morley. Will look into that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Grigor, there is the Marksman playbook. It's more Robin Hood/Green Arrow/Hawkeye style though. It also has a hilarious starting item choice "a stack of posters with your picture and name, to be hung everywhere".

Marksman starting moves:

•Trick Shot: when you have time and supplies to tweak your ammo, gain 3 Quiver. You may have a max of 3 Quiver at any one time. When you shoot your weapon at range you may spend one quiver to add an effect:
•Explosive (add forceful, messy, and area tags)
•Elemental (+1d4 damage, add one elemental tag)
•Stun (does stun damage)
•Poison (target deals -1d4 damage until cured)
•Piercing (add +2 piercing tag)
•Rope (trailed a rope from impact back to you)

•Rebounding Shot
When you angle your shoot to bounce off one target to another, roll+Dex. On a 10+, tell the GM where the second hit strikes. On a 7-9, as 10+, but the GM will tell you where a third hit strikes.

•Draw a Bead On Them
When you line up a shot at your target, get +1 ongoing to Volley against them until they escape your gaze or you end this effect. Take -1 ongoing to hit any other enemy while this effect is active.

•Maybe You've Heard Of Me?
When you draw upon your reputation in a crowd, roll +Cha. On a hit, several people have heard a story which casts you in a favorable light, which you can use for leverage. On a 10+, also take +1 forward to Parley. On a 7-9, they've heard the story, but the GM will add two of the following:
•The story inaccurately attributes a major achievement of another to you.
•The story has a significant exaggeration.
•The storyteller missed an important detail.
•Somebody in the crowd asks an awkward or embarrassing question about the story.

Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

Grigor, there is also a ranger variant called a Huntsman that uses traps instead of an animal companion. And an arcane archer, but I don't have any of those playbooks.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

If anyone starts to find Dhice too annoying please let me know. I'm trying to walk the line of young, naive and fragile (in specific situations) without being so ridiculous that any sane squad would promptly kick him right out.

Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

A dex based fighter using a precise signature weapon would be a great archer because malice isn't limited to melee weapons (I don't think).

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

So should I reanimate Khad as a headless bodyguard, or should I bring him back to answer a question?

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Question! We have a lot of bodies in the party already.

Although if he gets up, Dhice will probably completely freak out.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

He'd get up in spirit only to answer a question. The headless corpse isn't needed for that.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

I meant, "if you choose instead to animate a headless bodyguard, that could be hilarious"

Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

I'm toying with the idea of GMing my own Dungeon World campaign here on the Paizo forums. Would any of you be interested in playing in another campaign?

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

I'm afraid my card is full up at the moment. I would love to try my hand at a spellcaster in this.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Yes definitely. As a total longshot, are you at all interested in PbtA space opera instead? I'm dying to play Uncharted Worlds!

Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

I hadn't decided on a setting. I've played the Star Wars dungeon world hack and greatly enjoyed it, and am more of a sci-fi guy than a fantasy guy. That said, one of the benefits of fantasy is that literally anything can happen with magic. Let me look into Uncharted Worlds.

Looks like the most up to date free version is 0.84: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4ky16XZasoPUF8xc19GMzBtMjQ/edit

I'll check it out in more detail, but immediate gut reaction is positive.

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

I can't add another game. Sorry.

Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

No apologies necessary. Just testing the waters.

I'll add a campaign to my plate if I can be a player, sure.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Morley the game is fully released on dtrpg. I think it's $10. What you see in google drive is not final but will give you a good idea.

I Kickstarted it, read it, ran a one shot and look forward to gming it for my live group. But I really want to play in it!

I believe the creator is cool with sharing the pdf within a play group. I could make one available if you want, just pm me.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

I'd love to join, if there are any spaces left

Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1

Emma, Dhice, and Moosh, I'll be happy to have you. Let me dig into Uncharted Worlds a bit more, although the idea of a Firefly like crew trying to get by in a hostile universe is a very appealing concept.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

From my first look, Uncharted is quite a departure from the norm. Which is alright, but it's taken me a little while to get my head around the concepts. Dungeon Planet is a straight transition, which would be easier to get started with.

Male Human Necromancer 1 | HP 9/13 (22) | Armor 0 | Damage 1d4 | XP 3 | coins 14

Emma, what is your opinion of necromancy? I have an open bond for "______ would kill me if he/she knew my true purpose."

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

I am usually quite neutral to things that aren't actually trying to dismember me. Gods, kings, taxes, she doesn't really believe in any of those. She respects magic, distrusts it maybe, and necromancy is just another kind of magic.

Gives her the creeps though.

Is your true purpose to betray me, side with the Skaven and murder the lot of us? In that case, feel free to slot me in for that bond... I won't mind

Male Dwarf Barbarian 0 (Dreadnought, Invulnerable Rager), Fighter 1 ()
HP: 16, Initiative: +1, Perception: +3, Sense motive: +3, AC: 20 (T: 12, FF: 19), CMD: 16, Fort: 5, Refl: 1, Will: 3

Im certainly interested, im currently a bit low on active games. Gonna have to get back to you in a bit about the actual rules.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

I have a strange condition where games I'm in seem to evaporate, just as they get started. It's quite consistent, and very annoying.

EDIT: Additionally, I've created an Uncharted Worlds character, who goes by the name of BunkR BustR. Yes, it was designed by a committee.

Don't worry, Emma, I'm still here. I tend not to post much on the weekends, sometimes not at all, but I always come back on Monday.

Male Dwarf Slayer | Lvl 1 | XP: 0 | HP: 20/20 | Armor 1 | d10 dam | STR 1 | DEX 1 | CON 0 | INT 2 | WIS 0 | CHA -1 | C: 0

Greetings all. I'll be joining you guys as Leatherbeard the Slayer! I'm still working on my backstory. The Slayer class has a bit of a Witcher feel to it, and I'm probabbly gonna be asking for ideas regarding special weapons, potions, traps, all sorts of fancy stuff. I'm also ruminating where/how a Slayer would fit in with the world. My Origin will be one of Harsh Alchemical mutation, again another witcher-esque type feel. Feel free to shoot out any ideas you guys have, it'll be an exercise in worldbuilding and such!

Male Dwarf Barbarian 0 (Dreadnought, Invulnerable Rager), Fighter 1 ()
HP: 16, Initiative: +1, Perception: +3, Sense motive: +3, AC: 20 (T: 12, FF: 19), CMD: 16, Fort: 5, Refl: 1, Will: 3

A Slayer type character would have no problem fitting into the world, since its loosely based on Warhammer, a world rife with things you would want Slayers around to handle. The Warhammer setting even has a Slayer type in the form of the Witch Hunter.

Skaven in particular are just askin' for a good slayin' with the kinda stuff they like to do.

Male Dwarf Slayer | Lvl 1 | XP: 0 | HP: 20/20 | Armor 1 | d10 dam | STR 1 | DEX 1 | CON 0 | INT 2 | WIS 0 | CHA -1 | C: 0

I'm familiar with Warhammer. I've got an idea for him being an orphan, taken at a young age and trained to slay the various monsters that threaten the world. My mind blanks when I try to think of well, how slayers started. Is it a religious thing? A Military thing?

I also blank on how normal dwarven culture views slayers, considering dwarves are the more populous race in this setting. In Warhammer Witch Hunters and slayers are both Religious organizations, though in true dwarfish manner they are far more focused on honor and death. I'm taking the mutation origin, so he will be a bit..designed for his job.

Anywho, it's just something I'v been ruminating for the past couple days. I have the character preatty much set, just not the "Organization". I figured I'd see what you guys have for ideas before just saying "I'll just lt the GM handle it!"

Male Human - 1/battle, reroll any single damage roll. 5th lvl Fighter | Exp: 8 | Base Damage: 1d10 | Armor: 4 | Hit Points: 17/26

Speaking of the setting, Moosh, is there a map, or write-up somewhere other than this forum? I know in DW we make it up as we go, but didn't know if there was anything else to be found.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 0 (Dreadnought, Invulnerable Rager), Fighter 1 ()
HP: 16, Initiative: +1, Perception: +3, Sense motive: +3, AC: 20 (T: 12, FF: 19), CMD: 16, Fort: 5, Refl: 1, Will: 3

I would imagine any slayer organizations to be atleast partially grounded in some sort of religion, since that is the most reliable thing to cause people to stand up and fight the unholy (thinking you are protected by your god). How deeply is up to you, theres no reason the organization couldnt be rather ancient, but have changed over time to only give token homage to their god, focusing more on the practical rather than prayer.

Id personally image a cosmopolitan society of dwarves wouldnt be much different than humans when regarding slayers. They would probably see them as a bit odd and mysterious, probably at once looking down on them for not living life and giving it up for their calling, but admiring and respecting, even fearing them for the same reason. The respect would probably weigh more heavily with dwarves and their honor focused society. Heck, with dwarves such an organization might even be well loved by the general population, seen a knights performing honor bound duty.

When you mention the mutation, the first thing that struck we was the possibility of it being some sort of thing he was born with, something that society knows marks him as a slayer. His parents would then dutifully have handed him over to the slayers. Its kinda like the Thunder Twins thing from DnD, where an entire generation of dwarves had an incredibly high rate of twin births, with those twins being supremely in tune with one another. It happened because of one of their gods (Probably Moradin, cant remember).

Sorry if this is getting rather intrusive on your creative process, im just throwing ideas at you.

Male Dwarf Slayer | Lvl 1 | XP: 0 | HP: 20/20 | Armor 1 | d10 dam | STR 1 | DEX 1 | CON 0 | INT 2 | WIS 0 | CHA -1 | C: 0

I hear ya. The Mutation Origin just states that Leatherbeard was subject to harsh alchemical modification. So, he was not born that way, but something that he was subject to.

Allrighty, so, we have a Religious group, dedicated to slaying monsters. Hmm. It does get the wheels turning.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 0 (Dreadnought, Invulnerable Rager), Fighter 1 ()
HP: 16, Initiative: +1, Perception: +3, Sense motive: +3, AC: 20 (T: 12, FF: 19), CMD: 16, Fort: 5, Refl: 1, Will: 3

Keep in mind that pretty much everything that pertains to fluff in this game is guidelines, not hard and fast rules. You can play the mutation as something you were born with, if thats what you want.

Fx, im playing a pirate because I wanted a dwarf with a rifle who is prone to doing crazy stuff in the heat of battle. Hes not particularly piratey outside of that being the name of his class.

Darn, now im thinking of Space Marines. Born with the right stuff, then modified with science.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Is this the grim world slayer? That's some dark snit, I'd be a little surprised to find an organization of them. At least, an org that all work like you do.

Now, as a deviant from that org... There's some fertile ground.

Male Dwarf Slayer | Lvl 1 | XP: 0 | HP: 20/20 | Armor 1 | d10 dam | STR 1 | DEX 1 | CON 0 | INT 2 | WIS 0 | CHA -1 | C: 0

That's what I'm going with. Taking kids and using alchemy IS something that is in the spirit of Warhammer, in addition to the actual Witcher universe basically doing the same thing.

Yea, leaning towards taken in as a child and had the Mutations given to him. It'll be an interesting character to play for sure :D

As far as Grimworld, I dont believe so, as I dont have a "Death Move"

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