About LyntelElf: When you give aid to someone while performing a magnificent song, also add CHA to your roll. Load: 13/14 Moves:
Arcane Art When you weave a performance into a basic spell, choose an ally and choose two effects (per Eldritch Tones move taken at lvl 4): ---Heal 2d8 damage (Healing Song Move taken at lvl 3)
Then roll+Cha. On a 10+, the ally gets the selected effect. On a 7-9, your spell still works, but you draw unwanted attention or your magic reverberates to other targets affecting them as well, GM’s choice. Cast a Spell When you release a spell you’ve prepared, roll+Int. On a 10+, the spell is successfully cast and you do not forget the spell—you may cast it again later. On a 7-9, the spell is cast, but choose one: --You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you how.
Spell book You have mastered several spells and inscribed them in your spellbook. You start out with three first level spells in your spellbook as well as the cantrips. Whenever you gain a level, you add a new spell of your level or lower to your spellbook. You spellbook is 1 weight. Prepare Spells When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in quiet contemplation of your spellbook, you: Lose any spells you already have prepared
Bardic Lore Choose an area of expertise: Spells and Magicks
When you first encounter an important creature, location, or item (your call) covered by your bardic lore you can ask the GM any one question about it; the GM will answer truthfully. The GM may then ask you what tale, song, or legend you heard that information in. Charming and Open When you speak frankly with someone, you can ask their player a question from the list below. They must answer it truthfully, then they may ask you a question from the list (which you must answer truthfully). Whom do you serve?
A Port in the Storm When you return to a civilized settlement you’ve visited before, tell the GM when you were last here. They’ll tell you how it’s changed since then.
Additional Rations (16 uses, 4 weight)
Grigor will play an important role in the events to come, I have foreseen it!
Dhice = 1
Schools: Enchantment, Evocation, Illusions Cantrips: Prestidigitation You perform minor tricks of true magic. If you touch an item as part of the casting you can make cosmetic changes to it: clean it, soil it, cool it, warm it, flavor it, or change its color. If you cast the spell without touching an item you can instead create minor illusions no bigger than yourself. Prestidigitation illusions are crude and clearly illusions—they won’t fool anyone, but they might entertain them. Light An item you touch glows with arcane light, about as bright as a torch. It gives off no heat or sound and requires no fuel, but it is otherwise like a mundane torch. You have complete control of the colour of the flame. The spell lasts as long as it is in your presence. Emote You cause a person you touch to feel one emotion of your choice, very strongly, but only for a moment. Known Spells: Charm Person LEVEL 1 ONGOING The person (not beast or monster) you touch while casting this spell counts you as a friend until they take damage or you prove otherwise. The Fog LEVEL 1 ONGOING Name a location you can see. It is completely blanketed in thick fog that prevents anyone from seeing further than a foot in front of them. While this spell is ongoing, the fog will not dissipate and cannot be blown away by wind, and you take -1 to cast a spell. Invisibility LEVEL 1 ONGOING Touch an ally: nobody can see them. They’re invisible! This spell persists until the target attacks or you dismiss the effect. While this spell is ongoing, you can’t cast another spell. Cause Fear LEVEL 1 Choose a target you can see and a nearby object. The target is afraid of the object so long as you maintain the spell. Their reaction is up to them: flee, panic, beg, fight. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. You cannot target entities with less than animal intelligence (magical constructs, undead, automatons, and the like.) Fireball LEVEL 3 You evoke a mighty ball of flame that envelops your target and
The Plan:
Lvl 4: Cha to 18 - Eldritch Tones (AA: 2 effects)