Description: Sharp Eyes, Hooded Head, Camouflage, Lithe body
Load: 6/20
Race: Elf
When you undertake a perilous journey through wilderness whatever job you take you succeed as if you rolled a 10+.
Help an animal or spirit of the wild
Hunt and Track (Wis)
When you follow a trail of clues left behind by passing creatures, roll+WIS.
✴ On a 7+, you follow the creature’s trail until there’s a significant change in its direction or mode of travel.
✴ On a 10+, you also choose 1:
Gain a useful bit of information about your quarry, the GM will tell you what
Determine what caused the trail to end
Called Shot
When you attack a defenseless or surprised enemy at range, you can choose to deal your damage or name your target and roll+DEX.
✴ 10+: As 7–9, plus your damage
✴ 7-9: They do nothing but stand and drool for a few moments.
✴ 10+: As 7-9, plus your damage
✴ 7-9: They drop anything they’re holding.
✴ 10+: As 7-9, plus your damage
✴ 7-9: They’re hobbled and slow moving.
Animal Companion
You have a supernatural connection with a loyal animal. You can’t talk to it per se but it always acts as you wish it to. Name your animal companion and choose a species:
Choose as many strengths as its ferocity:
Fast, burly, huge, calm, adaptable, quick reflexes, tireless, camouflage, ferocious, intimidating, keen senses, stealthy
Your animal companion is trained to fight humanoids. Choose as many additional trainings as its cunning (+1):
Hunt, search, scout, guard, fight monsters, perform, labor, travel
Choose as many weaknesses as its instinct:
Flighty, savage, slow, broken, frightening, forgetful, stubborn, lame
When you work with your animal companion on something it’s trained in:
and you attack the same target, add its ferocity to your damage
and you track, add its cunning to your roll
and you take damage, add its armor to your armor
and you discern realities, add its cunning to your roll
and you parley, add its cunning to your roll
and someone interferes with you, add its instinct to their roll
God Amidst the Wastes
Dedicate yourself to a deity (name a new one or choose one that’s already been established). You gain the commune and cast a spell cleric moves. When you select this move, treat yourself as a cleric of level 1 for using spells. Every time you gain a level thereafter, increase your effective cleric level by 1.
Cleric lvl 3:
When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) in quiet communion with your deity, you:
Lose any spells already granted to you.
Are granted new spells of your choice whose total levels don’t exceed your own level+1, and none of which is a higher level than your own level.
Prepare all of your rotes, which never count against your limit.
Cast a Spell
When you unleash a spell granted to you by your deity, roll+Wis.
✴ On a 10+, the spell is successfully cast and your deity does not revoke the spell, so you may cast it again.
✴ On a 7–9, the spell is cast, but choose one:
You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you how.
Your casting distances you from your deity—take -1 ongoing to cast a spell until the next time you commune.
After you cast it, the spell is revoked by your deity. You cannot cast the spell again until you commune and have it granted to you.
Note that maintaining spells with ongoing effects will sometimes cause a penalty to your roll to cast a spell.
Wild Empathy: You can speak with and understand animals.
Well-trained: Hunt
Hjalmar's weapon lacks finesse, though its killing power is undeniable. Time will tell who is the better marksman
Bathilda: she is a frightened little girl at the deepest self, but that is a secret for me to keep, not share. I will help her become who she pretends to be.
Emma: Exactly what brand of crazy did we just pick up?
Grigor: Nails look to Grigor for toughness lessons.
Dhice: that boy wields great power, but it isn't as predictable as I'd like.
Lyntel: She is a precious reminder of my people. I will protect her until she proves conclusively that she can protect herself.
I have guided _____ before and they owe me for it.
_______________ is a friend of nature, so I will be their friend as well.
_______________ has no respect for nature, so I have no respect for them.
_______________ does not understand life in the wild, so I will teach them.
Monocle of Infrared Sight - Peering through it casts everything you see with that eye in an infrared glow, highlighting the greatest heat sources
Weird Chalk - Chalk that makes writing significantly more solid.
Mask of Slow Invisibility - Stationary or slowly moving bits of me are invisible.
Scarlet Bowstring of Weightlessness - It looks like a normal reddish bowstring, but with this string strung on your bow, it weighs 0
Talisman of Other Sight - wearing the talisman and clutching it in your hand, you can see through the eyes of any other living thing within eyesight range. Just focus on them and the next time you blink, you're looking from an entirely new perspective. Let go of the talisman to return to your own sight. Just be warned - more powerful and/or alert beings might sense the scrying magic...
Level Rote
An item you touch glows with divine light, about as bright as a torch. It gives off no heat or sound and requires no fuel but is otherwise like a mundane torch. You have complete control of the color of the flame. The spell lasts as long as it is in your presence.
Level Rote
Food or water you hold in your hands while you cast this spell is consecrated by your deity. In addition to now being holy or unholy, the affected substance is purified of any mundane spoilage.
Level Rote
The symbol of your deity appears before you and gestures towards the direction or course of action your deity would have you take then disappears. The message is through gesture only; your communication through this spell is severely limited.
level 1 spells:
1st Level
Level 1 Ongoing
Your deity smiles upon a combatant of your choice. They take +1 ongoing so long as battle continues and they stand and fight. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
Cure Light Wounds
Level 1
At your touch wounds scab and bones cease to ache. Heal an ally you touch of 1d8 damage.
Detect Alignment
Level 1
When you cast this spell choose an alignment: Good, Evil, Lawful, or Chaotic. One of your senses is briefly able to detect that alignment. The GM will tell you what here is of that alignment.
Cause Fear
Level 1 Ongoing
Choose a target you can see and a nearby object. The target is afraid of the object so long as you maintain the spell. Their reaction is up to them: flee, panic, beg, fight. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell. You cannot target entities with less than animal intelligence (magical constructs, undead, automatons, and the like).
Magic Weapon
Level 1 Ongoing
The weapon you hold while casting does +1d4 damage until you dismiss this spell. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
Level 1
As you cast this spell, you walk the perimeter of an area, consecrating it to your deity. As long as you stay within that area you are alerted whenever someone acts with malice within the sanctuary (including entering with harmful intent). Anyone who receives healing within a sanctuary heals +1d4 HP.
Speak With Dead
Level 1
A corpse converses with you briefly. It will answer any three questions you pose to it to the best of the knowledge it had in life and the knowledge it gained in death.
level 3 spells:
3rd Level
Animate Dead
Level 3 Ongoing
You invoke a hungry spirit to possess a recently-dead body and serve you. This creates a zombie that follows your orders to the best of its limited abilities. Treat the zombie as a character, but with access to only the basic moves. It has a +1 modifier for all stats and 1 HP. The zombie also gets your choice of 1d4 of these traits:
It’s talented. Give one stat a +2 modifier.
It’s durable. It has +2 HP for each level you have.
It has a functioning brain and can complete complex tasks.
It does not appear obviously dead, at least for a day or two.
The zombie lasts until it is destroyed by taking damage in excess of its HP, or until you end the spell. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
Cure Moderate Wounds
Level 3
You staunch bleeding and set bones through magic. Heal an ally you touch of 2d8 damage.
Level 3 Ongoing
Choose an area you can see: it’s filled with supernatural darkness and shadow. While this spell is ongoing you take -1 to cast a spell.
Level 3
Tell the GM you would like to resurrect a corpse whose soul has not yet fully departed this world. Resurrection is always possible, but the GM will give you one or more (possibly all) of these conditions to fulfill:
It’s going to take days/weeks/months
You must get help from
It will require a lot of money
You must sacrifice to do it
The GM may, depending on the circumstances, allow you to resurrect the corpse now, with the understanding that the conditions must be met before it’s permanent, or require you to meet the conditions before the corpse is resurrected.
Hold Person
Level 3
Choose a person you can see. Until you cast a spell or leave their presence they cannot act except to speak. This effect ends immediately if the target takes damage from any source.