Archepex Ravenborn |
So, here's the gear I've collected so far as far as I can remember:
Monocle of Infrared Sight - Peering through it casts everything you see with that eye in an infrared glow, highlighting the greatest heat sources
Gravity-Reversing Cloak Clasp - Just give the gear on the inner circle of the clasp a little twist!
Mask of Slow Invisibility - Stationary or slowly moving bits of me are invisible.
Scarlet Bowstring of Weightlessness - It looks like a normal reddish bowstring, but with this string strung on your bow, it weighs 0
Talisman of Other Sight - wearing the talisman and clutching it in your hand, you can see through the eyes of any other living thing within eyesight range. Just focus on them and the next time you blink, you're looking from an entirely new perspective. Let go of the talisman to return to your own sight. Just be warned - more powerful and/or alert beings might sense the scrying magic...
Wow. I may not be gaining XP very fast, but those are some awesome items.
Bathilda |
So far, Bathilda has gotten the Staff of Many Weapons and the Grasper's Chainmail.
Mooshy, is it okay if I come up with a list of weapons that the staff can turn into, along with their tags? Or i that something you want to do?
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
Bathilda: Of course you may! I will assume that Forceful and Messy are on all of the weapons since you're a barbarian.
Archepex: In previous campaigns I received some criticism from my players that I was a bit too tight-fisted with loot. In this campaign I'm deliberately trying to make sure fun magic items are available to you all.
Bathilda |
End of session:
Alignment? Yes, when talking to Lyntel after her mother's burial
Something new? Yep. Demon summoning skaven metal band.
Defeat worthy adversary? Yep The Witchmother
Loot something noteworthy? Oh boy did we ever.
Resolved bond? Yes, a few.
Dhice is puny and foolish, but amusing to me.
There is something wrong with Dhice. I must be wary with him about.
Mykmyk knows his stuff. I can't hide when I'm hurt from him.
Resolved due to player withdrawing.
Morley has tried to steal from me and has invaded my privacy. I will need to keep my eyes on him.
Resolved by Morley's death. :(
I've removed the bonds for Rikard, Locrian, and Olaeus since they have abandoned the game apparently.
I haven't noticed Hjalmar posting in a while. I may have to switch that bond to being with Grigor since he and Bathilda seem to have a similar personality.
So, counting all of that, that's another 7 XP, which means Bathilda is currently at 20 XP, and level one, Leveling up means she jumps form Level 1 to Level 3. :D
Mooshy, can you clarify how multi-classing in Dungeon World works? I was thinking that Bathilda would eventually take some Bard as a result of Lyntel's influence, so I was wondering how that was supposed to work.
Archepex Ravenborn |
Alignment? Yes, when caring for Mule
Something new? Did we ever. Rats have "music". And a queen. Who uses magic. Ya..
Defeat worthy adversary? The Witchmother band, the queen. A whole army of Skaven mown like grass
Loot something noteworthy? See above.
Resolved bond? Yes, but xp already counted.
All told: 5+4=9 means lvl 3 for me!
Now let me see what trick I learned.
Archepex Ravenborn |
dex +1 for 17
I can now cast lvl 3 cleric spells. Additional cleric spells added for reference. Additional preped: CLW
Move- Wild Empathy: You can speak with and understand animals.
Emma Sojourn |
Starting with 5, end of session questions nets me 3 XP, and I certainly have been ignoring casualties, so that's me up to 9 XP total.
Morleys bond has been... resolved. Leaving my one with Bathilda as it is and making some new ones:
- I owe Lyntel for not being able to save her mother... but she doesn't need to know that
- Grigor has faced death and spat in its eye. I'll trust him to watch my back when things get tough
Levelling up gets me to level 2 with 2XP spare. I'll be taking +1 Strength and Exterminatus
Lyntel |
![Shalelu Andosana](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9050-Shalelu_90.jpeg)
Bath, I think you can only resolve 1 bond for xp per end of session move.
Lyntel |
![Shalelu Andosana](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9050-Shalelu_90.jpeg)
Archepex, the Monacle can be adjusted to see in infrared or in X-ray.
Moosh, I realize I messed up in choosing my level ups. I'm going to take +1 Int to 16, and starting move of Wizard's cast a spell, and supporting moves per multiclassing rules.
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
It does say "choose one Bond to resolve" pretty clearly rules-as-written. However, it would make sense to me to award XP for resolving multiple bonds, if indeed that is what you did during that session. It's like a houseruled way for me to add roleplaying XP to the game. I'm okay with players resolving as many bonds with other players as have actually happened. Additionally, writing new Bonds encourages character development between PCs. XP galore! I don't give a damn, I can still kill you if you get too impertinent! Grigor got lucky due to his absurd +3 Armor...
And regarding multiclassing - it's pretty much as simple as taking the "multiclass dabbler" or "multiclass initiate" Advanced Moves when you level up, and choosing an advanced move from one of the approved classes on the list. Lyntel has it right with getting Cast a Spell and prepare spells supporting move. Bathilda, for barbarians you would choose
Appetite for Destruction
Take a move from the fighter, bard or thief class list. You may not take multiclass moves from those classes.
Bam, done.
Dhice Bierson |
My bonds are:
Grigor may trust me again one day, but I need to show him that I'm a reliable soldier first.
- Grigor I need your input on this. Perhaps I can resolve it as "I'll never be a soldier that lives up to Grigor, I must find my own way to regain his trust"?
Myk-Myk and his Goddess can treat my mangled arms. I will try to live up to his expectations.
-thus is the one we get to "auto resolve" right?
Bathilda must think I'm practically an enemy, I will find a way to convince her otherwise.
-I'd say this becomes "Bathilda remains wary of me despite my best efforts. I must find out if I've offended her outlander sensibilities"
I admire Morley's boldness, but he could stand to be a bit more considerate of other people.
-what's the plan for morley bonds again?
I will seek Emma's guidance in order to once again feel the Grace of her God
- I haven't acted on this one yet
Hjalmar is a black and white, straight shooter kind of person. I don't think he sees shades of grey.
- we're scratching hjalmar?
Archepex can be relied upon to act quickly when things look their worst.
- update to "Archepex is a natural leader. I should trust his instincts."
Archepex Ravenborn |
I approve of mine. My bonds haven't resolved yet, sadly. Dhice is still an unreliable chap in Archepex's eyes.
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
I'm not considering Hjalmar as out of the campaign yet, as he hasn't told me so. For now, I'm assuming he's simply busy with the holiday season. Perhaps after the New Year comes and goes at the end of this week, we'll re-evaluate. Myk-Myk is auto-resolved for XP however. If the manner of Morley's death would have resolved the current Bond you had for him, then you can resolve the Bond. Otherwise, it's left unfinished, like so much other unfinished business when someone dies....
Dhice Bierson |
I'll count up my xp gain after I hear about the few bond questions I posed, but I definitely have enough to level to 3. Will do that in game thread in character, but I'm taking a move that allows me to access a new element: air. I laid the foundation for that in a few narrative points within the mines.
Dhice Bierson |
Just a thought Archepex, but bonds can resolve by intensifying as well. If you think dhice is unreliable, then you could resolve it by changing to "I need to protect others from dhices power" or "I need to encourage dhice to utilize less dangerous methods" or something like that.
Bathilda |
Leveling's done. I put both points into CHA in anticipation of future plans. I've taking the moves SMASH! and Still Hungry. For her additional appetite, Bathilda wishes to spill skaven blood, lots and lots of skaven blood.
Posting in the gameplay thread in just a bit.
Grigor Umlich |
Dhice- I believe you have proven yourself competent and reliable to me. Your magic went haywire every now and again, but that's the nature of magic.
I am also looking to expand my Bonds. As near as I can tell, our party is now:
Grigor - Human Fighter
Dhice - Human Channeller
Emma - Human Antipaladin
Bathilda - Human Barbarian
Archepex - Elven Ranger
Anyone wanting to expand/add Bonds with me, let me know.
Is there anyone else posting any more? By the bye, my bro Myk-myk dropped out because of the constant posting that he simply can't keep up with, due to not really being able to post during work.
Archepex Ravenborn |
Good point, but I don't think it's that strong yet. He just knows he had to be on the look out because dhice could fail at any moment and him falling is worse than most other people failing.
Archepex Ravenborn |
Grigor has a good point there. Magic is unreliable by nature. I hadn't thought of that perspective.
I propose changing it, but I'm not sure what to change it to.
Lyntel |
![Shalelu Andosana](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9050-Shalelu_90.jpeg)
Lyntel - Elven Bard/Wizard
Current Bonds:
I fear that Dhice sees me as weak and helpless.
Bathilda has saved my life. I must return the favor.
Bathilda has a hidden talent. I will nuture it.
Emma's strength is an example, her anger a warning.
I am writing a ballad about the adventures of Archepex.
New Bonds:
Grigor will play an important role in the events to come, I have foreseen it!
Grigor Umlich |
Here is what I am switching to, unless there are any objections. Can I have 5?
Dhice must be made to feel self-confident, or he will surely choke under pressure and get himself killed.
Lyntel seems interested in my potential as a hero. I will show her impressive feats about which she can sing.
Bathilda and I work well as a team and should fight as such when given the opportunity.
Archepex really respects my opinions about magic, and I should give them to him on a regular basis.
Emma appears to be a remorseless murderer if given the opportunity. She should be watched.
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Archepex really respects my opinions about magic, and I should give them to him on a regular basis.
I laughed at this, which is the only reason I'll allow it, because Archepex didn't tell you he respected your opinion of magic in-character, he did it in a Discussion thread. Bonds are supposed to represent in-character interactions, not player to player interactions.
Yes, you can absolutely have 5 Bonds, or more if the situation permits. Don't forget, everyone - resolved Bonds improve your Aid rolls for that character.
Grigor Umlich |
Grigor Umlich wrote:Archepex really respects my opinions about magic, and I should give them to him on a regular basis.I laughed at this, which is the only reason I'll allow it, because Archepex didn't tell you he respected your opinion of magic in-character, he did it in a Discussion thread. Bonds are supposed to represent in-character interactions, not player to player interactions.
That was mostly meant as a joke. I felt like having one for him, but couldn't come up with one.
Dhice Bierson |
Well I'd say Morley's bond resolves then, as he died in a fashion that I was specifically admiring. In terms of the "but he could stand to be a bit more considerate of other people" I'd say dhice would be a bit chastised by his selfishness in thinking that about his dead friend.
Lyntel |
![Shalelu Andosana](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9050-Shalelu_90.jpeg)
Moosh, can I get a rule interpretation? For the bard move charming and open, the move says: "When you speak frankly with someone, you can ask their player a question from the list below..."
I've always personally interpreted this as meaning that it can only work on PCs, however I've often seen other GMs allow it to be used against NPCs as well. I suppose I can understand either ruling, assuming that the NPCs "player" is the GM. What is your take on it?
Lyntel |
![Shalelu Andosana](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9050-Shalelu_90.jpeg)
A while ago I mentioned that I'm running a "fantasy space western with magic" game using the Dungeon World system. We now have 3 core players, including Moosh and Emma. If anyone else might be interested, feel free to send me a PM.
Dhice Bierson |
So I've resolved 5 bonds plus 3 for the group XP questions. I didn't actually fulfill my alignment this time, so that's a no. Total of 8 new XP. I leveled to 3, upping my Con for the +3 bonus. That should have a noticeable effect on the reliability of my magic!
Mooshy question for you: should we hash out some basic limitations of my new Air Bending, or do you just want to go with the high reward = high risk approach? I mean, one interpretation is that I can now fly (for example), which could be quite strong, but leaves me open to harsh failures. Any thoughts on this?
Archepex Ravenborn |
Hey, Mooshy, could you mark the old game as inactive please? I have a thing about tidy campaign tabs.
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
Oh, the one on my Frogfoot account? Absolutely, sorry. Slipped my mind.
As for Air-Bending ; we're at a point where the players are starting to approach noticeably more epic levels of power. Opening yourself up to these things does open yourself up to more risk as well, as you noted. You'll be discovering the limits to your own Air-Bending as you go; just try to explain what you're trying to do, see if the dice gods allow it, and I'll make it work or not work on GM fiat. :)
Dhice Bierson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Well I wanted to change my last name to Bierman, but you can't edit an avatar name after 10 posts, so it's stuck now. Dhice will refer to himself as Dhice Bierman from now on though!
Thanks Grigor, that was a major right of passage for Dhice. He's no longer an apprentice anymore. I'm going to add another bond with Grigor "Grigor has named me Bierman, I must uphold those duties with honor." This bond probably won't trigger until another character dies, although it could come up in other ways possibly.
Dhice Bierson |
Mooshy I'd like to get started on my next bond with Emma, as I've basically just resolved my previous one. Can I sort of sneak one more bond resolution into the current Make Camp move?
old bond: I will seek Emma's guidance in order to once again feel the Grace of her God
The new bond could be "I must show Emma that she has more to offer than curses."
Dhice Bierson |
good luck affecting it!
Well, deciding that she can't be convinced would be another way to resolve that, but Dhice is certainly going to try his best!
Archepex Ravenborn |
Awwww. I would have loved to be involved with that funeral. Sad face. silly Paizo, not telling me when things go down.
Dhice Bierson |
I was actually dangling an opportunity for you to sacrifice one of Morley's magical items to the bier, purely for the story impact. Not expecting it, just opening that door to see what would come through. Wicks stepped in right away though.