Dhice Bierson |

An awesome plan in Dungeon World shouldn't be nixed because of a rules clarity issue.
It should become complicated and interesting because of the grey area though!

MCKhaos |

I think we have room in my firefly meets the Hobbit game.

Grigor Umlich |

Sorry, if I'm not keeping up very well. Did we do the dream sequence? Are we angling towards going to elven lands? What can we do to get this city back on its feet before we leave? Do we need a central plan for the group? What does the Fearless Halfling think?

Lyntel |

1. We haven't slept yet.
2. Yes, but looks like we want to deliver the Rat Queen, get our keep, and maybe recruit a bit for Mouse Trap first.
3. At the least we can try to fix the dwarves' mirror to stop the magic leakage.
4. Yes

Archepex Ravenborn |

Oh, ya. Magic mirror. That should probably be fixed. Archepex will be back to thinking straight in a moment.

Dhice Bierson |

Grigor, I still love the rich backstory that involves your Dragoons, so I've created an opening to potentially involve them in the campaign again. Your call though, as it's really your company. I know you said in the beginning that you had some ideas of how you wanted to interact with them, so don't let me derail your plans here.

Grigor Umlich |

Grigor, I still love the rich backstory that involves your Dragoons, so I've created an opening to potentially involve them in the campaign again. Your call though, as it's really your company. I know you said in the beginning that you had some ideas of how you wanted to interact with them, so don't let me derail your plans here.
Dhice, do to the constraints of mostly posting in spare seconds at work (as my home life is too busy with kids and such), I am totally fine with you going hog-wild with the Dragoons. I find myself mostly interested in the action and over-all story, as I find dramatic roleplay over the internet kind of clumsy and un-engaging. Just my own perspective, glad the other party members are having fun with it.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Okay, everyone but Grigor, Lyntel and Archepex make demon avatars for posting while in their dreams. You don't have to, but it'd be fun IMO.
The initial setting of the dream is determined by Lyntel. The demons may enter whenever they wish. I as the DM will change the dream to benefit the attacking demons, according to my whim; acting through the behelit.
Demons, the dreamers will be attempting to go somewhere or accomplish something; what it is specifically may be known or unknown to the dreamers, but will change each night. Your job is to hinder the dreamers as much as you can. At the beginning of the dream, the dreamers are unable to take damage from you, due to the protection from the Dreamer's Amulet given to them by Helga; this will change as the circumstances of the ever-changing dream open holes in their armor. They, in turn, will be able to attack you, but only if you choose to take physical form. Demons cannot manifest inside either of them, but otherwise can appear or disappear at will, incorporeal or not. If you "kill" Lyntel, the Demon Lord will...find her. If you kill Archepex, Lyntel will be not only without her protector - she will also be directly harmed by his loss.
Let me know if you have questions. Otherwise, Lyntel, take it away. How does your dream open? In the gameplay thread, of course.

Lyntel |

I'm completely jammed up at work, but I'll try to get this started in a bit.

Bathilda |

Hey, sorry for dropping off the air like I did. I didn't mean to, it just kinda happened. This past week and weekend have been busy for me, and I've hit the point where I need to take a step back for a little while, clear my head, and recharge. I'll try not to be gone long, and I understand if you don't want to hold a spot open for me, but I do plan on coming back in a few weeks.

Lyntel |

We will see you in a few weeks Bathilda!
Mooshy, I think I may need a bit more guidance. Is this my story until something or someone intervenes?

Dhice Bierman |

Hi guys,
I'm not feeling too invested in this dream sequence and may bow out until it wraps up. I'm having trouble imagining the interaction, and I'm not really keen on "constructively working against the party" in this way (I do enough of that when I GM my own game).
I'll check in periodically so I don't miss much when the sequence ends. If I seem to be missing come ping me on Reddit: bms42.

Archepex Ravenborn |

I don't know if this is working quite as expected. There seems to be relatively low engagement. Would the majority prefer to move on with the main story? Because in totally cool with this whole thing being a two post/one roll in spoiler deal.

Lyntel |

Would we be fine with resolving this on a single roll? I can roll a defy danger (Dex) to avoid entanglements between here and there. Archepex can throw on an aid roll. Does this work?
I'm fine putting Lyntel's life on the line for a single roll if it re-engages Grigor and Dhice. Always worried about attrition with PbP games.

Emma Sojourn |

Very awesome idea Mooshy, but the PbP environment is never kind to things like this
(Pst... If any of the three games I'm in end, I would be ever so happy to play as a monstrous character full time. Just a thought...)

Lyntel |

Did you get a sweet new ride Dhice? Also, Canada or Washington?

Dhice Bierson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yep, we have officially embraced our suburban family lifestyle. We bought a Toyota Sienna minivan and promptly drove it to IKEA and filled it with kids bedroom furniture.
It was a long day but worked out in the end. It was Vancouver BC, which is a 1.5hr ferry ride from my home in Victoria. So we started at 5:30 am to catch a 7am ferry, got us into Vancouver by 9am. Caught the 9pm ferry home, in bed by 11:30. So basically an 18hr car shopping and IKEA day.

Lyntel |

Fun fun. I'm fully suburban as well, driving a Honda Odyssey. The reason I asked is that Vancouver, WA is just across the river from my city.

Dhice Bierson |

I narrowed the choices down to either an Odyssey or a Sienna. I really liked some interior features of the Odyssey, like the floor-hatch storage and the sliding captains chairs, but we found a Sienna in great condition at the right price point.
Sadly, it's the first automatic transmission I've owned in 24 years of driving. Some things are inevitable I guess.

Bathilda |

Hey guys. I've been easing my way back onto the boards. Unfortunately, I've got a little bad news. I've been thinking it over and I've decided that I'm not going to be coming back to all of the games I was in after all. This game, unfortunately, is one of the ones I am dropping.
I appreciate you giving me the chance to play with you guys, and I wish you the best of luck both here in the game and in real life.

Dhice Bierson |

It's so easy to get over-extended with pbp gaming. Definitely something you have to watch out for, and always best to be upfront with groups about it when you find yourself in that position.

Archepex Ravenborn |

I'm just now bringing myself back from overextention. I used to be involved in over 20 games. Now I'm in around a dozen.

MCKhaos |

Wow. I'm tapped at 1 Roll20 game as GM, 2 pbp as player and one as GM. Dunno how you all manage more!

Spwack |
I feel like pbp can be a massive sink. It's much harder to gauge when interest is waning, and all you can do is post more frequently. If I'm in person I always make an effort to bring the action to bear on the least interested player, but without that instant feedback I find it much harder. Props to you Mooshy.

Archepex Ravenborn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

There's my first XP of lvl 3. I've been rolling really well lately. It was bound to go to pot at some point.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Mooshy that was a triple 6-, you're not going to hit us harder than that?
Famous last words..
As for the rest of the posts, this is embarrassing, but I actually opened up the text box to post a reply before anything had happened after Grigor typed:
Grigor lays the old man gently against the wall and draws his sword and shield.
"Anything I need to know before about ugly over there before I eviscerate it?"
So I need to add to my update post, it seems.