War on the Skaven in Dungeon World (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

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Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

I would have done that, but the moment was gone. :(

A random artist on the internet was looking for drawing ideas for practice. I described Morley to her.

Here is the result, complete with magic monacle

Male Human Thief | Lvl 1.09 | HP: -1/18 | Armor: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 0 | INT -1 | WIS 1 | CHA 1
DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:

A random artist on the internet was looking for drawing ideas for practice. I described Morley to her.

Here is the result, complete with magic monacle

Amazing, although not how I pictured the hair. Can you link to the Reddit thread?

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

I roll an 8 and a 6 to hit the bastard, and a 2 on the damage.

A bloody 2!

Awesome picture by the way. I can see how that can be Morley (May he rest in peace.)


Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

Is the river of gold area safe enough to level?

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

I completely forgot that I had something called Quest. Is it all right that I dedicated myself to it before now?

Goal: Make a largish dent in the Skaven population
Boons: Immunity to the weapons of those who truly, truly fear me
Freedom from hunger, thirst or sleep

Not sure about the first boon. Seen a lot of hate for the Paladins Quest, so no idea what Mooshy's ruling is.

Sorry for forgetting to post my replies to these questions!

Lyntel, yes, absolutely you may all Level Up. There's no apparent threat here.

Emma, I'll accept those boons for your quest. You must dedicate yourself to the quest in-character through prayer and ritual cleansing in the manner of your own choosing. In order to keep the benefits of this Quest you are on, but one vow is required of you - the Vow of Hospitality. You have bloodlust to spare; no creature that deserves death in your eyes will ever be spared. Valor is therefore no object. It is to the weak and helpless that your Quest must work hard to include. Normally, these chattel would be less than nothing in your eyes. To maintain this quest however, is to show respect and kindness to those who are unable to defend themselves from the evils of the Skaven.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

Behelit!? Fangirl squeeee! If I were metagame-inclined, I would bash Lyntel in the head till the snot stopped bubbling, and then surrender myself to the loving care of Bathildas sweetheart with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

But I won't. Because ignorance is bliss.

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

That sounds... dire.

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

And looks like I'm about to find out just how dire it is.

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

Oh boy, is this going to turn Bathilda's boast back on her?

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

Not gonna lie, I have no idea what the hell is going on, or how I should respond. Seriously considered throwing Lyntel in the gold river for a minute.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

It's just me bashing my head against a wall trying not to metagame. Emma is actually Evil as her alignment. If the Queen is right, Lyntel will be forced to be Evil as well. If Lyntel does go evil, in the incorrect manner, Emma is offering to stop her. Permanently.

Turns out something bad happened to you while you were in the Witch Queen's custody. You didn't think you'd be able to walk away from that experience with nothing to show for it but a dead mom, would you? No, the Skaven are far more diabolical than that.

Don't worry, I'm not going to just gib you and spawn a demon in your place. Not yet anyway.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

Mooshy, I shared what you did with someone who introduced me to a certain manga. We both did the fangirl squee at the same time.

Heh heh heh

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Is my lore roll result just going to be a link to a wiki page? :P

You can feel free to check out the Crimson Behelit from Berserk here. The behelit in my story isn't exactly the same as in the manga/anime, but it did provide a lot of inspiration. I'll explain a little more when I get to the action post for today, later this afternoon. Busy day at work. :)

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

Yeah, Skaven sleeper agent is all good. I meant I have no idea what is going on with Emma.

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Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Hi guys, still here. I should have chimed in with a flavor post from Dhice, but ultimately I didn't really have much to contribute to the interrogation.

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

Darn, and here I was hoping that Bathilda's little speech would garner more of a reaction.

Oh well. I'll just have to wait until the next Skaven nest.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

I was tempted, but the moment had passed by the time I got around to the computer. I was also hesitant to get into a PVP situation. Dhice has some deeply ingrained anti-torture feelings.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

I'd like to add two new bonds as well. I currently have these with Bathilda and Emma:

Bathilda: Bathilda remains wary of me despite my best efforts. I must find out if I've offended her outlander sensibilities

Emma: I must show Emma that she has more to offer than curses.

I'd like to add:

Bathilda: I must be wary of Bathilda, her willingness to use torture is a dark sign. Next time she acts this way I need to show her a better path.

Emma: Emma's matter-of-fact approach to a friend's life threatening problem is disturbing. I should lead by example and try to show her what compassion can do.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

Lyntel: your bond idea sounds great, as does the narrative positioning future aid rolls. I really like that second bit, in fact.

Good stuff!

No Gameplay post today guys, really overloaded here at work. Tomorrow I will start 'er up again.

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

No prob. we understand. :)

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

Just so I dont keep coming back here frantically, is there a time when we can expect to start seeing posts again?

I almost never post anything Saturdays or Sundays. I certainly could, but I like to give myself a weekly break from the mental exertion of DMing for weekends.

I'm currently working on the action post for this campaign today. Be up soon.

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

Am I an "ally" for the purposes of my moves?

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0
Bathilda wrote:

Dhice, if you want to talk to Bathilda, now's the perfect time.

I'd like to, but we may have to "flashback" to this conversation later as I've got a full calendar at work today and my own DW game to run IRL tonight

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

Man Dhice, I am jealous you've got an IRL group with adults. I've been trying to get my four year old boys to move forward with their dungeon world characters (Rain the Ranger and Wiz the Wizard, naturally), but they only ever want to play in the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG campaign I've been running for them.

Dad problems.

Yeah, I wish I could run DW IRL as well. Flaky friends.

Human Channeler 5 | Attunement: Air| XP 7 | S-1 D 0 C+3 I+1 W+1 (*0) C+1 | HP 28 /28 | Armor 1 (temp: 0) | Elemental Control: 3 | Defend:0

I'm actually playing with a number of new people who weren't really friends before the game started. I recruited pretty aggressively with friends-of-friends at various functions, getting people to agree to join for one-shots. Then I invited the best of the best to join a bi-weekly game.

I also made sure to tell everyone "the game will be every second thursday. If you can't make that, sorry, you can't play". I very strongly recommend that approach to get a stable group going.

BTW, if anyone cares to see snippets from our game I sometimes post to reddit with interesting recaps:

https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonWorld/comments/414myt/my_greatest_dragon_fi ght_of_all_time/

https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonWorld/comments/2wkh3e/play_example_running_ a_complex_trap_as_an/

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

I joined up mid-way through, right as the group was meeting up with the dwarven sisters. Did we already have an idea on what to do after clearing this city, or are we currently searching for plot hooks?

So far I see:
1. Solving Lyntel's mind issues
2. Helping the sisters
3. Bringing the queen back to the kingdom for ransom

Am I missing something?

The original hook was simply to achieve #3. Beyond that I simply try to sprinkle hooks into the story along the way.

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3

I'll be honest, I didn't have this in mind when I made Bathilda. She's turning out to be a fairly deep character, despite my rather ham-handed way of writing sometimes.

I for one am loving it! I like how the players are shaping each other as they interact. This is why I play RPGs.

So I was thinking about how I wanted to handle the dream sequences that Archepex and Lyntel will be facing together without splitting the party too much, and I think I've hit upon a solution.

While the two of them are their own selves, complete with Archepex's animal companion (the dream version), the rest of you will make Demonic aliases and be the demons that attack them. This is an opportunity for the remaining members of the party to stay involved while the two elves dream, and give you a chance to play with some fun GM moves. You can even be your own character, just an adversarial dream version, if you wish. Demons take many forms.

I'll be designing some baseline abilities for your demonic dream forms to have, but the ever-changing setting of the dreams and the rest of your appearances and abilities will be up to you guys. As the dream is lucid, Lyntel will have some control over the way the dream starts. But the demons will twist and distort her dreams in an attempt to break down her will and defenses and win their prize. I'll still moderate some things as DM that happen in the dream that are a result of Lyntel's subconscious mind, as well.

Sound like fun? :)

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Wait, Salsa as a demon?! What have we done....

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

Sounds good to me. I was worried about the potential for other players to have to sit that out. I thought you might just do it as flashbacks while other action proceeded.

Before Lyntel falls asleep (whenever that might be), can you confirm whether I count as an "ally" for my spells? In otherwords, can I cast Invisibility on myself?

Yes you may.

Female Human Intimidating Paladin | Lvl 3 | HP: 24/25 | Armor: 5 | XP: 2 | STR +2 | DEX 0 | CON +1 | INT -1 | WIS 0 | CHA +1

I think I'll be some combination of Emma and Lyntel's mother.

Yes. That should do nicely.

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Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person
Emma Sojourn wrote:

I think I'll be some combination of Emma and Lyntel's mother.

Yes. That should do nicely.

Hey Moosh, thanks for giving two of my PCs a chance to get back at their malevolent and capricious GM. Appreciate it! May as well call this "The Revenge of 2BR and Nedora"!

EDIT: I'm very happy with this. Not sure if the sarcastic despair came across correctly.

Female Ousider (human) Barbarian 3 HP: 23/23 | Base Damage: d10 | Armor: 1 | Str: +2, Dex: +1, Con: +1, Int: -1, Wis: 0, Cha: 0 | XP: 3
Archepex Ravenborn wrote:


Wait, Salsa as a demon?! What have we done....

I would try to refute this, but I laughed when I read this. I was already planning on asking GM Mooshy if he was sure about this.

And I wouldn't say this is revenge. Revenge implies that I'm not just here to see the world burn.

Now, do I want play something smooth and sophisticated, yet still deadly, or something psychotic and sadistic? Or do I want to play Mardu or Hjolda?

Oh and Mooshy, are you sure you want to unleash me on poor Lyntel and Archepex? I can be quite sadistic at times. >:)

Bathilda wrote:
I can be quite sadistic at times. >:)

I'm counting on that.

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

I don't think I'm going to regret choosing the most versatile character in the group as my dream buddy. Two invisible healers vs. the world!

Male Human - 1/battle, reroll any single damage roll. 5th lvl Fighter | Exp: 8 | Base Damage: 1d10 | Armor: 4 | Hit Points: 17/26

I think I will step out of the dream sequence(s). Anyone can feel free to use the image of Grigor as part of the conflict.

Teleporting - Elusive Female Elf Bard 4.11 (AA: Dhice +1d4 dam) | Wizard 3 (-0 ongoing) | Def 0 | HP: 18/19 | d6 | AC: 1 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | CON 1 | INT 2 | WIS -1 | CHA 3 | Prepped Spells: Prestidigitation, Light, Emote, Fireball, Charm Person

Bah, this plan I've been working towards with the Queen for RL days is going to fall apart because I didn't read Charm Person close enough. Only works on people not monsters and beasts. "People" is kind of vague. Is a dwarf a person? What about an Orc? Half-Orc? Where is that line? Humanoids?

Curse you imprecise writing!

Invisible, All-Seeing Elven Ranger 4 | HP 21/21 |Armor:2 | XP:5 | Str:9(0) Dex:18(+3) Con:13(0) Int:12(0) Wis:16(+2) Cha: 8(-1) Spells: (Rote) Guidance, Sanctify, Light | Lvl 1: Magic Weapon, Bless, CLW

Ruling, GM?

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