Valegrim |

Sunset; it is crowded up that hall; merrick is to big to fit unless galen; bob, and gloisil push through; just wanted you to know just in case....
Aye, just th' one sentence or so, nothin' involvin' movin' or such.
Sunset actually glares at Merrik,
"Whut are ye doin'? Ye should be helpin' Bob an' Gloisil take on th' front door! Move every one forw'd an' that'd give me an Mogue-y room t' get back t' back!" She continues to re-load her x-bow, ever mindful of the closing Goblins.
Gettin' int' a fight on three fronts is a sure fire way t' lose any war. We's got t' bring it back t' at least two!
I is ready fer th' next round. ^_^

Gloisil Murigel |

Galen says to Gloisil, "i dont think it is a good idea for you to go in front of me, my armour is a lot better then yours, what happens if you dont take out all of the goblins and several are left to attack you"
"Galen, sometimes there are risks in just getting up in the morning. If you feel though that now's not the right time to take a risk, maybe I should listen. I've just got some things that will cover an area, and I'd hate for ya to get caught in it."

Valegrim |

Ok; top of the round; everyone make fortitude saves from all the stirred up spores. If you are holding a alchohol wetted cloth with one hand; it will decrease your ac by one or more if you usually hold a shield or some such; if you have it tied; no modifier; if your earlier post doesnt say you tied it; then you may only use one hand or forfit the bonus that the wetted cloth gives; bonus depends upon what you have wetted it with; strong alchohol is +4; beer +3; anything else +2; just dry cloth; +1; keep in mind that your improvised filter can become saturated; so each round the filter will loose one bonus and over rounds can become a negative to your roll. Failed rolls will mean your filter is saturated automatically.
ok; my gobbies attack for round two; as i have so many mobs; am just going to post damage; apply any of your special defenses; these are raw numbers.
Mogue; 2pts from blunt rock.
Sunset; 1 pt from a thrown slashing.
Merrick; 3 points blunt from club
Merrick; 1 pt slash from short sword
Bob; 1 pt from a sling stone.
those who fell get up half action; 5ft step and attack; two horns still blowing; i assume that the scorching ray would be for a horn blower as he is the most range threat; so:
The ray of fire from Gloisel envelopes the horn blowing goblin; in seconds he is completely incinerated to pure ash; the brass horn drops to the ground upon the pile dust that was once a goblin.

Valegrim |

The goblins at the front are 4 at the door; club; shortsword; two spears. One dead goblin cleaved in two right at the door from Galen's mighty sword. Goblin blood will make that 5ft square very slippery; but no one has yet moved into it; just forewarning.
one slinger 15 ft; applied bob's hit to him; big nasty bruise welling up.
one pile of dust with a hot brass horn on top near the slinger. He was bit bigger than the rest; better armor; probably was the leader.
I believe that Gloisil is standing behind Bob and Galen in front of the door that was directly ahead of us. How far away are they?
As Galen opens the door, Gloisil looks into the room to see if he can spot a goblin that looks to be a leader. Spot: 1d20+6=10

Merrik |

The fallen Goblins took 1d4 non-lethal damage from the stomp?
HP: 9 (previous) -3 (club) -1 (short sword) +1 (fast healing) =6
Fort-save, +1 for cloth over mouth/nose. (1d20+4=14)
Well... at least some fell down. Too bad they are up fast again... time to get to business then.
Getting hit by the Goblins, Merrik brings up his heavy flail, tries to crush a goblin or two underneath it, attacking the club wielder that hit him: mwk large heavy flail attack and damage, round 2. (1d20+3=15, 2d8+3=10)

Sunset |

Sunset has wet cloth tied over mouth (With Beer, of course. ;)
I'm pretty sure she made the Ref Save earlier as well. Yup, 16 ^_^
Fort Save:1d20+4->[15,4]=(19)
Sunset watches the Goblins pour forth and the blows that strike Merrik. She doesn't even notice the thump she receives in the melee.
Sunset simply drops her x-bow and, with out thinking, draws the blade her Uncle gave her.
Roll to attack the nearest Goblin:1d20+4->[5,4]=(9)
"Swing, bat'ta, bat'ta!" She cries as the target of her ire ducks under the blade.
So, not sure how things go in terms of 'actions. But I think Sunset can get away with a simple dropping, drawing and swinging? ;)
Profile edited to keep track of HP.

Sunset |

To Sunset:
"Move back to the hallway we came in so we can avoid missle fire and from being attacked from 2 sides."
Takes 5ft step back towards Hallway.
Sunset nods, reversing her blade and getting ready to 'riposte' or whatever the fancy dueling term is.
"I got yer back, Mogue-y!"
Should I make another attack/damage roll?
Takes five foot step backwards towards Mogue. Yes, she knows she's leaving her x-bow behind. She'll either get it after the fight, or the Gobbies will get to mount her head on it if the lil' beasties win. :P

Galen Stormwalker |

galen says to glosil I think it is better if you stay behind me but if you deem the situation deperate at any time then then i dont mind being caught in the blast of your spell
galen attacks another goblin
hits ac 20 damage is 16
fort save is 12
(remind me what happens if i fail? i have not included a cloth bonus as i dont think i can hold a sheild and a big sword and hold a cloth over my mouth, i had assumed i would have to tie it but obviously i should have said this to the DM)

Valegrim |

yes is fine; dropping is a fast action; drawing a half action; attack is half action so your good.
Sunset has wet cloth tied over mouth (With Beer, of course. ;)
I'm pretty sure she made the Ref Save earlier as well. Yup, 16 ^_^Fort Save:1d20+4->[15,4]=(19)
Sunset watches the Goblins pour forth and the blows that strike Merrik. She doesn't even notice the thump she receives in the melee.
Sunset simply drops her x-bow and, with out thinking, draws the blade her Uncle gave her.
Roll to attack the nearest Goblin:1d20+4->[5,4]=(9)
"Swing, bat'ta, bat'ta!" She cries as the target of her ire ducks under the blade.
So, not sure how things go in terms of 'actions. But I think Sunset can get away with a simple dropping, drawing and swinging? ;)
Profile edited to keep track of HP.

Valegrim |

not till round three
Mogue wrote:To Sunset:
"Move back to the hallway we came in so we can avoid missle fire and from being attacked from 2 sides."
Takes 5ft step back towards Hallway.Sunset nods, reversing her blade and getting ready to 'riposte' or whatever the fancy dueling term is.
"I got yer back, Mogue-y!"
Should I make another attack/damage roll?
Takes five foot step backwards towards Mogue. Yes, she knows she's leaving her x-bow behind. She'll either get it after the fight, or the Gobbies will get to mount her head on it if the lil' beasties win. :P

Valegrim |

yes they did,and your flail utterly crushes one.
The fallen Goblins took 1d4 non-lethal damage from the stomp?
HP: 9 (previous) -3 (club) -1 (short sword) +1 (fast healing) =6
Fort-save, +1 for cloth over mouth/nose. (1d20+4=14)Well... at least some fell down. Too bad they are up fast again... time to get to business then.
Getting hit by the Goblins, Merrik brings up his heavy flail, tries to crush a goblin or two underneath it, attacking the club wielder that hit him: mwk large heavy flail attack and damage, round 2. (1d20+3=15, 2d8+3=10)

Valegrim |

ok; top of the round for round three; though we need bob and kedan round two.
am calling Galen and Gloisel's group it the door group 1
Sunset and Merrick group 2
am calling Mogues group 3
Mogue; would you mind keeping track of the battle like usual.
am thinking Galens group of gobbies are down three
Merricks group down two
Mogues group down two; but dont remember your ground two action
all this may be adjusted as I look back in the posts.

Valegrim |

ok; applied to the same target as last time who took two; the sling stone smacks upside the goblins head and lodges there; the gobbies eyes roll up white and his legs buckle under him; ees dead.
ok; consider for a moment; full hallway; sharing a square with gloisel; and swinging a sling around; not much room; hope gloisel is ducking.

Merrik |

Fort-Save, round 3 (1d20+3=6)
Merrik inhales deeply, while crushing the goblin, grinning widely, getting some spores in as well... and coughes hard.
Still, he brings his flail back up, swings it sideways against the next attacker, smashing the head of the weapon on the side of it's head:
mwk large heavy flail attack and damage, round 3 (1d20+3=23, 2d8+3=16)
Confirmation roll and additional damage, round 3 (1d20+3=7, 2d8+3=15)
too bad. would have been 31 damage! should have taken Cleave...

Sunset |

Stepping backwards towards Mogue-y Sunset utilizes the form and function of her blade. She thrusts in straight, in out jabs at the Goblins still scampering before her.
Attack Roll:1d20+4->[7,4]=(11)
And, on the off chance that low number was a hit. :p
Damage Roll:1d8+2->[1,2]=(3)
Ooo, I c'n see Calistra's havin' a grand ol' time wi' us!
And not doing too well in the flickering, spore dust choked tunnels.
Ooopsie! Fergot th' Fort Save!
Fort Save:1d20+4->[3,4]=(7)
As the choking spores do just that, brining hacking coughs and stinging eyes to the young Elf.

Valegrim |

Lol; poor little goblins; you splatter this one into so much paste; the goblin behind him looks a bit stunned by your action.
Ugh...Merrik inhales deeply, while crushing the goblin, grinning widely, getting some spores in as well... and coughes hard.
Still, he brings his flail back up, swings it sideways against the next attacker, smashing the head of the weapon on the side of it's head:
mwk large heavy flail attack and damage, round 3 (1d20+3=23, 2d8+3=16)
Confirmation roll and additional damage, round 3 (1d20+3=7, 2d8+3=15)
too bad. would have been 31 damage! should have taken Cleave...

Valegrim |

Your blade skitters along his armor but does not gain purchase (no damage)
Stepping backwards towards Mogue-y Sunset utilizes
the form and function of her blade. She thrusts in straight, in out jabs at the Goblins still scampering before her.Attack Roll:1d20+4->[7,4]=(11)
And, on the off chance that low number was a hit. :p
Damage Roll:1d8+2->[1,2]=(3)
Ooo, I c'n see Calistra's havin' a grand ol' time wi' us!And not doing too well in the flickering, spore dust choked tunnels.
Ooopsie! Fergot th' Fort Save!
Fort Save:1d20+4->[3,4]=(7)As the choking spores do just that, brining hacking coughs and stinging eyes to the young Elf.

Valegrim |

The gobbies attack! <gm slowly unwrappes an Atomic Fireball candy to put some heat into his dice while eyeing the pc's with maniacle glee>
Attacks on Galen:
sigh; all misses; 2 skitter off your armor very close to causing injury
rocks skitter off the wall near Bob and Gloisel.
Attacks on Sunset; possible crit; does not confirm; 3 pts damage.
Attacks on Merrick: ooh; so close; you felt the wind off one very close strike.
Attacks on Mogue are a miserable failure...
distress by his bad rolling; only 4 rolls above a 10; sheesh; gm looks down at his desk and sees the fireball he forgot to put in his mouth; Argh; next round you guys are gonna get it; hehe.
ok; effects of the mushrooms from failed fort saves; everyone needs to make a fort save please; 1d4 temp con damage; you can roll it. Coughing fits and watery eyes; -2 to all actions. Each round you keep doing strenuous activity; you will continue to take this penalty; hence next round another 1d4 temp con damage and an additional -2 until you fall unconscious as the spores fill your lungs and you fill up with massive amounts of phlem or you take an antidote or otherwise cured.
The mushrooms are much nastier than the goblins, who eat them and are immune which is why they plant them here; good exps for this encounter if you live....as I consider this two encounters; the goblins and the poison fungus trap of spores; so this is a double exp area.

Gloisil Murigel |

ok; applied to the same target as last time who took two; the sling stone smacks upside the goblins head and lodges there; the gobbies eyes roll up white and his legs buckle under him; ees dead.
ok; consider for a moment; full hallway; sharing a square with gloisel; and swinging a sling around; not much room; hope gloisel is ducking.
Unfortunately, using the sling is the only instruction that I have gotten from Bob's player, so for now Gloisil will be ducking and hoping Bob doesn't roll a one.

Sunset |

Rolling for Con loss:1d4->[3]=(3)
Sunset takes 3 Con damage,(O.o)
*H-ACK!* "Gah, this be th' cheapest beer I ever did suck on!" *Gasp* Sunset feels her lungs burn even as her eyes sting and water. Undeterred, she thrusts again at the nasties that assault her.
Attack Roll:1d20+2->[4,2]=(6)
She feels her strength wane, even as her chest shdders as she tries to clear her lungs.

Gloisil Murigel |

Posting for Bob, round 3.
Bob, once again attacks with the sling, urged on by the success of his last throw.
Sling attack: 1d20+1-2 = 13, damage: 1d3+1 = 3, I hope that's a hit.
"Yes, take that you nasty goblin!", as Bob breaks down in a fit of coughs.
Fort Save: 1d20+3 = 22, yes, I'm back to saving, at least Bob won't get worse from the spores this round.

Valegrim |

yes; it hits; thuds into a shoulder of a spear wielding goblin.
Posting for Bob, round 3.
Bob, once again attacks with the sling, urged on by the success of his last throw.
Sling attack: 1d20+1-2 = 13, damage: 1d3+1 = 3, I hope that's a hit.
"Yes, take that you nasty goblin!", as Bob breaks down in a fit of coughs.
Fort Save: 1d20+3 = 22, yes, I'm back to saving, at least Bob won't get worse from the spores this round.

Valegrim |

Galens might blow from his sharp sword cuts both arms of gobling right at the elbow; the goblin squirts streams of blood over everything in a 10 ft cone in front of him <galen, bob, gloisel> and goes down in death; the floor gets more slippery <blood on stone>
Round three
fort save 17
attack roll 20 damage 16Galen whispers a thanks to his mentor for the armour! he swings and another goblin (hopefully) goes down

Valegrim |

ok; gobbies round three attacks.
on hit on Galen; takes this gobby a 20 to hit you so no critical possible. Take 3 damage.; you armor stops 2 other strikes and one gobbly with a spear slips and falls.
bob not attacked this round.
Gloisel; hit for 1 pt of damage from a rock; make a reflex check to not drop your xbow while reloading; dc 11.
Merrick; 2 pts slash damage, one point of piercing damage; other misses.
Sunset missed; sheesh wheres my fireball candy.
Mogue; one hit for 3 pts of slash damage, one point of blunt damage.

Gloisil Murigel |

Gloisel; hit for 1 pt of damage from a rock; make a reflex check to not drop your xbow while reloading; dc 11.
Reflex check: 1d20+1=13, Yes, I didn't drop the crossbow, hurray!"
"Ow! Darn goblins, who did that, your my next target", Gloisil says as he manages to keep on loading his crossbow, even though he was hit by one of the goblins.

Mogue |

Round 3: Swings at Goblin 13(d20)+6(Base)=19
Damage 4(d6)+7=11
Fort save: 10(d20)+5(Base)+1=16
5ft step further into the Hall to give more room
To Val:
Group 1: 6 Dead, 1 with 3 pts.
Group 2: 2 Dead
Group 3: 2 Dead

Sunset |

Second Fort Save:1d20-2->[9,-2]=(7)
Failed Fort Save Con damage:1d4->[3]=(3)
Now gasping and far too short of breath to even quip about her predicament, Sunset vanliantly tries to hold the line against the Goblins.
Attack Roll:1d20->[13]=(13)
Damage Roll on the of chance she hit the bugger:1d8+2->[6,2]=(8)
Also, not sure if the negatives affect damage, since that's a Strength based thing and not a Constitution based thing.

Sunset |

Round 4
Another Fort Save:1d20->[14]=(14)
Though her eye's water and her breath is heavy behind her makeshift mask, Sunset's symptoms don't get any worse this round.
Attack Roll on/against Goblin:1d20->[3]=(3)
Her blow ruined as her chest heaves with wet, wracking coughs.
She staggers back again, five foot step 'back' into the group, as she struggles to breath in the choking area.
I'm hopin' these Gobbies get put down right quick. 'Drownin' on land in't my idea of fun at all. V_V

Gloisil Murigel |

Round 4 - Gloisil's Fort Save: 1d20+1=17, I believe Gloisil saves again!
Gloisil upon finishing loading his crossbow, fires at the nearest goblin in the room in front of him.
Crossbow attack: 1d20+2=10, Darn looks like that one went wide of the target, but I'll roll damage just in case. Damage: 1d6=6, darn a good damage roll on a probable miss, shucks.
"Would you goblins please hold still while I shoot at you. Thanks.", says Gloisil under his breath in a very sarcastic tone.
I just realized that I have been forgetting my +1 to attacks against goblins all this time. The attack roll above should have been an 11, I don't think that will make a difference though.

Valegrim |

Bob; <welcome back> roll a perception roll <spot> dc 16; to notice that the back of the line really needs some support; if you make it you can change your attack to back there and notice that Galen has things well in hand up here the way he is going through goblins; is you make it yoiu notice that those behind you are outnumbers nearly 3 to 1.
you can also notice if you make it; you have ample oppurtunity to sneak back there and use your special attacks.

Bob Proudfoot |

Bob's spot roll = 15+4=19.
He sees that his friends behind need help, spins and launches his previous bullet at a goblin behind, doing 3 pts of damage. He tells Gloisol that they need help behind then sneaks to the rear.
Move Silent roll = 7+10 = 17, Hide = 20+12 = 32. Woo Hoo