Sunset |

Merrik has to laugh so hard at those words.
Sunset frowns at the big man, though the rest of the party isn't sure whether it's because of his reaction to a part of what she said or her actions in general, having appeared to be so 'woozy' and 'dazzled' by their journey that she mistook Merrik's large frame for that of her Uncle. She hefts her X-bow, checking the cable, safety and trigger mechanism as she steps into a sort of line with Mogue and Galen.
"Um, yeah well," She tilts her head and looks towards the hills, her eyes narrowing, "Th' day be a wastin' mates." She looks around at every one.
"Lets get dangerous!"
Sunset scans the surrounding countryside:
1D20+1 -> 21
All RIGHT! ^_^
Okeys, ready to move out! *does happy dance* First on'na new page!^_^

Sunset |

T' be honest, since I be th' Noob I'll be more'n happy t' walk whereever th' party puts me. As noted, I've a light X-bow, a long word, a rapier an' six daggers. So at most ranges I'll be swinging at things. *^_^* Though th' trick, o' course, is hittin' 'em.
Sunset looks to the Ranger and Paladin for their council as to where they want her to be.

Sunset |

Sunset stands at ease, eyes still scanning the surrounding country side, her x-bow swinging along the track of her view. She glances towards the group but says nothing, awaiting for the consensus to decide which way they're going to go.
Just t' let folk's know I in't got many ideas an' am more'n happy t' let t'other more experienced folk lead on. ^_^

Valegrim |

What distance is the party going to follow and in what order; am assuming Merrik is first.
The tracks go around and through some trash; rats skitter away as you approach; the smell is appalling though most of the rotted stuff has dried out; it is still bad; those with already weakened stomached from the missed fortitude check feel a bit green and peptic; but can go on.
after about a mile; with no one out in the bright early morning; as expected as most goblins hate sunlight; you move about with no problems (random encounter came up zero) and come to a series of cliffs in the mountain; the tracks seem to lead into a series of cave openings.
the cave openings are flat and narrow but very wide; will try to send out some pics if I get time; am pretty swamped at work.

Merrik |

Distance: A bit more than hearing distance, if possible, on the open land. But definately within seeing distance in the caves, if we enter.
Merrik nearly has to puke on the smell he encounters, so he breathes flat through his mouth, following the ranger, looking over his shoulders from time to time.
Coming to the caves, he slowly and carefully moves up to the ranger.
"And special cave entrance?" he asks shortly.

Gloisil Murigel |

Gloisil trying to ignore the smell of the trash that they are marching through, finds a place in the middle of the group, not wanting to lead or be in the rear guard. As they march he unslings his crossbow from his shoulder and prepares to use it if necessary.
"Mogue, do the tracks lead to a particular cave entrance, or shall we just pick one at random?"

Sunset |

Sunset falls to the rear of the march. Part of her 'slowing down' is both her dainty, light tread mongst the mounds of garbage as well as her habit of stopping to scan in a full circle around her, only to skip and dance across the waste strewn ground to catch up with the line of march.
1d20+1 → [5,1] = (6), bugger!
As the group slows nearing the clutter of cave openings Sunset looks towards them thinking carefully before she hoarsly whispers,
"Um, Mogue? I think it's your show 'till we get int' th' dark. Any guess which o' them bung-holes are gonna have enough room fer Merrick t' have a chance o' maneuverin' in?" She looks concern-edly at the large man.
"No offense mate, but ye've th' broad side of a war-galleon an' I don't fancy yer chances o' gettin' through any narrows without scrappin' yer keel somthin' bad." She crouches awaiting the parties decision, continuing to scan the surrounding area.
Sorry fer not bein' in'na position t' be postin' sooner. Will be doin' me darnest t' be lookin' in at least once a 'day'. :)

Merrik |

"No offense mate, but ye've th' broad side of a war-galleon an' I don't fancy yer chances o' gettin' through any narrows without scrappin' yer keel somthin' bad."
"None taken. I may be broad, but I'm flexible as well. If it's not to narrow for you, I will fit through as well. Might take a bit longer, but not too much."

Valegrim |

The ranger replies they favor the left of the three caves here the most; yet he sees tracks among all three (he let me know he is away for a few days; so am keeping things moving)
Gloisil trying to ignore the smell of the trash that they are marching through, finds a place in the middle of the group, not wanting to lead or be in the rear guard. As they march he unslings his crossbow from his shoulder and prepares to use it if necessary.
"Mogue, do the tracks lead to a particular cave entrance, or shall we just pick one at random?"

Valegrim |

The ranger replies:
no telling which cave is best; but goblins favor ambushes and traps, the greatest numbers of tracks are here; he points to the left most cave; the least there; in the center; most tracks probably mean less fall and crush you traps; most probably mean living guards.
which shall we go; what say you gnome; your people's battle with goblins is legendary?

Gloisil Murigel |

Gloisil replies to Mogue saying, "That depends on if one of us is good at searching out for the traps that may be there. If we can avoid the traps, it may be easier to get into those ones."
"Caves that are guarded, may be harder to get past the guards and could be more heavily populated."
"That is my opinion on the matter, but I leave it for you or someone else to decide, I'll back ya up either way."

Sunset |

Valegrim |

"Goblins are lazy and shifty and cannot be trusted; but I have seen three other tribes of goblins lairs; their main entrances are heavily fortified; with siege weapons and pools of green slime to make them hard to siege; yes, some goblins use green slime as a weapon and some are very drugged up on mushrooms to make them frenzy and feel no pain; their skill at weapons is a joke; but in numbers can be fierce. They fear elves and will not attack an elf without superiour numbers of near 10 to 1; but then; their hatred of elves is legendary so its not hard for them to get numbers; but, believe me; this is a back or side entrance; goblins make a big show of their main gates; but are not good planners or detail oriented. I am not one for traps and underground things, have we a rogue trained in such things; I have heard there is a school for such things as this..."
with that; the ranger slips up stealthily to the entrances and does his ranger thing; will take several moments for him to complete.

Valegrim |

ok; check your emails; let me know if you didnt get it; sent out jpg of the goblin lair caves and the entrace to cave one; the first room if filled with trash and refuse; there is a walkway through the center; the room is quite wet as well; other description in the email; let me know if you didnt get the email.
I think the subject is fwd: Gob; as I hit send before I put in description; except for Brothe Kedan; but val 2, gob lair I think for his as took me some looking to find his email.
KK, let me know who enters the cave and what light source you have if any.

Valegrim |

so; is Galen or Merrick going first? you can both go into the cave entrance at the same time; but unless your going to climb the heaping mounds of trash in the first room; you will need to decide who goes first; could someone write out the marching order as in the first room you will need to be in a line unless you wish to climb the trash heaps.

Sunset |

From her position at the rear Sunset blinks,
"Hey! I got's a lantern!" She cheerfully informs the group, deftly putting her pack down and pulling out said item.
As the 'lantern' is passed forward towards Merrik, the entire group can easily see her lantern is more something that might adorn a ships furniture than a dungeon. There are, however, handles and fitting that allow the device to be wielded.
T'is a Bulls-eye Lantern. Just havin' fun with th' atmosphere o' th' piece. ^_^. Side's, a girl's got t' dream, don't she? *^_^*

Bob Proudfoot |

I'll go in toward the front to check for traps, etc. However the stench affects my first search causing me to not see everything.
Search: d20+6 = 4+6 = a whopping 10.
Then I remember that I should probably light a torch to see. I'll try again when the lantern comes to the front.
Only a little better. The stench in here is definately not helping my stomach.
Search: d20+6 = 8+6 = 14.

Valegrim |

Bob; you find no traps per se and the door looks like a joke.
some of the trash is dried and some wet; lots of broken ceramic shards and scraps of this and that; would be fairly noisy if someone walked through it; depending how many rats are here; this or things that like trash like giant centiped might be a problem

Sunset |

(O.o) Wait a gal-durn minute! Did the DM just say "Giant Centipede"? !
Sunset smiles and grins at Mogue as she and he stand watch guarding the parties 'back'.
"I cain't see in'na dark like Galen says he can, but me eyes are pretty good at pickin' up details at night." She blushes at the comment about herself, looking away and seeming to taking an interest in the trash around them.
Perception/Spot:1d20+1->[20,1]=(21) AweRIGHT! *Punches air* ^_^

Valegrim |

The trash, sadly, holds nothing of value as if when a goblin throws something away; it really is worthless, broken, scrap only a junkman could love.
on each side of the door are grewsome poles with skulls, buts of broken armor, bones, worthless items from various victims; the whole thing drenched in layers of dried blood.
The door is wood; a rickety thing that really doesnt look right; the stone work in this room is natural around the cave, then carved out of the stone with brick and mortar work starting about halfway through the room and the far wall is entirely brick and mortar; the bricks are extremely well made and uniform and fit together so close mortar can barely be seen. The arch was once a thing of beauty; yet the goblins or somebody has scratched profane things and generally did very defacing graffitti over all the walls and the arch. The very rickety makeshift door is made of sticks banded together with rags; towels; strips of leather and looks like it might fall down any minute yet the heavy iron hinges that it is attached to were once a thing of a master craftsman.
There is a fair amount of light in the room; the stench is horrible though; the door looks like it probably has so many rags on it mostly to block the light.
So; what does the party do?
some bold rats glare and chitter at you from the corners of the room and among the piles of trash.

Brother Kedan |

Kedan watched the rats warily. He knew that people often contracted illnesses after being bitten by one. He wondered if they had venom like a snake. Does everything deserve the right to live? Not if its existence threatens the well being of the races blessed with intelligence and the divine spark, he reasoned.
He shivered, then took his place at the back of the line.

Sunset |

Sunset looks to Merrik and Brother Kedan as they hedge backwards. Raising an eyebrow she whispers,
"Am I gonna have t' be buckin' up yer spirits already?" She grins, "Stop crowdin' us back here. We in't in th' wolds no more, t'is Bob an' Gloisil's turn t' shine now. Help hold th' line. Mogue an' me've got yer backs covered, jus' worry abut whut's on t'other side of yon door way, okeys?" She chuckles, "Don't make me have t' give ye a huggin'!" ^_^
Stop edgin' backwrds! T'is forwards we wants t' be goin'!