Galen Stormwalker |

sorry ive been away and not paying enough attenion
to everyone " it looks like our ruse has not worked, perhaps we need to move further away, those wargs will likely be able to smell us and we cannot take that many of those creatures on by ourselves
Mogue can you find us somewhere better to hide?"

Sunset |

Sunset's spirits crash. As her head hangs in defeat she mutters,
"Ay an' it be all my useless fault t' boot. If'n I'd been better at fightin' an' stuff we'd be given' th' gobbies a right what fer an' not sittin' out here with you all lookin' after me sorry butt." She slumps down into a tangle of blankets aand limbs.
"I in't got no ken as what t' do. Heck, may-hap it'll be better fer ye all t' get clear an' leave m'self a-hind as gobbie bait, the better fer ye t' make it t' some where's safer." She mumbles some more,
Will Save:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
There are real tears lurking behind Sunset's words. So unhappy at the mess her failing has made the beginning of the adventure.

Desidera Tahn |
While those that knew Sunset better had kind words for her to help her out of her momentary funk of self-pity, Desidera had no such words, no such regard. "You know," she began in a calm voice, hoisting her pack up to put it back upon her shoulders with a little bit of effort. "Your self-pity will not save everyone's lives, even were you left behind." She had gotten the pack up over her bare arm to her shoulder, and held up the hand to forestall the objections that she expected were coming. It was a confident gesture, an imperious gesture, one that carried the air of nobility with it. If this group was tight-knit enough to be put into this situation voluntarily, she did expect them to stand up for each other.
"That is something that will not happen, however fitting you may think it would be at the moment." The pack was shouldered, cinched, and settled before she raised her eyes to look at Sunset with mild disappointment. "I am a Healer by trade and nature. I will promise you that none in my charge will fall as long as I still stand, ilioula."
She gave Sunset an encouraging smile that flickered with a bit of light humor. "It is time to move, however. I would rather not have prove that promise this day."

Sunset |

Sunset smiles at Gloisil's and Galen's words. Listening to Desidra speak however brings about the largest change in Sunset's demeanor. She stands, sniffles a bit, then adjusts her own pack.
"Ye know, that's th' kindest slap in'a face I think I ever did have?" She grins and blushes, "At least I in't gots me N'uncle here t' paddle m'backside an' teach me th' troubles o' me ways." She walks over to Desdra and hugs the other woman again,
"Thank'e kindly fer that. I should be knowin' better, hey? I mean, what's th' use about a Bard whut needs them selves pickin' up?" She turns to look at every one else. "Okeys. I've nixed our sneakin' chances so what's say we find some place else an' get us some Wolf skin capes.' She grins happily.
"Din't Galen say Paldin's make neat-o wolf bait?" She grins and skips over to the Paladin, smiling impishly.
"I say we've th' startins' o' a plan."
Okeys! Lets get t' some place an' ambush ourselves some gobbies an' their critters! ^_^

Valegrim |

at these words; everyone may roll a Int check to remember anything that might have been a venting hole.
Returns to the group with Bob.
Looks like we will not be able to sneak back in unless we can find another entrance. Dwarves where known for making air holes, or we can back away and wait for the activity to die down. Just will not be able to stay here.

Valegrim |

you see no place nearby; this area is all low rolling hills and scrub bush and grass; nothing that would help throw off trackers with the Scent ability...
"Sunset, were not leavin' anyone behind and least of all not you. We may come out o' this on top yet, just ye wait an' see. Let's see what we can do to help Mogue find us a better spot to hole up in."
Spot check to aid in finding another hiding place: 1d20+6

Sunset |

"I'm just not sure I remember hearing anything about air vents in dwarf cities."
Upon hearing Gloisil's comments about Dwarven designs, Sunset wracks her brains for any tails she's may remember over hearing upon her N'uncles' knee.
Bardic Knowledge Check:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
"Ooo, oooo! Oh! I remem'er sumin'!" She suddenly bounces up and down, her face a-beam with excitement.
"It were...(DM's expose and iteration here)!" ^_^
"Yay fer me! I d'in prove t' be totally useless af'er all!" ^_^ She grins happily to every one around her.

Valegrim |

You have heard something; like under water the deeper you go; the more pressure; must be like that in caves as you have heard dwarves build pressure vents and air exhange vents and of course; secret passages to hidden places; for all you know; you could be sitting on one or looking at one and never know it; hmm, clever dwarven craftmen work in stone and iron.
Gloisil Murigel wrote:"I'm just not sure I remember hearing anything about air vents in dwarf cities."Upon hearing Gloisil's comments about Dwarven designs, Sunset wracks her brains for any tails she's may remember over hearing upon her N'uncles' knee.
Bardic Knowledge Check:1d20+4
"Ooo, oooo! Oh! I remem'er sumin'!" She suddenly bounces up and down, her face a-beam with excitement.
"It were...(DM's expose and iteration here)!" ^_^
"Yay fer me! I d'in prove t' be totally useless af'er all!" ^_^ She grins happily to every one around her.

Bob Proudfoot |

I ponder this for a moment. I've met a few dwarves in my short life. I try to think if I've ever heard anything.
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Apparently, nothing comes to mind. So instead of overtaxing my small brain, I'll look around and see if I spot anything.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

Valegrim |

Sunset; were you going to relate any of this knowledge I responded to from your barding knowledge?
Gloisil Murigel wrote:"I'm just not sure I remember hearing anything about air vents in dwarf cities."Upon hearing Gloisil's comments about Dwarven designs, Sunset wracks her brains for any tails she's may remember over hearing upon her N'uncles' knee.
Bardic Knowledge Check:1d20+4
"Ooo, oooo! Oh! I remem'er sumin'!" She suddenly bounces up and down, her face a-beam with excitement.
"It were...(DM's expose and iteration here)!" ^_^
"Yay fer me! I d'in prove t' be totally useless af'er all!" ^_^ She grins happily to every one around her.

Valegrim |

it not yet full of gobbies; am assuming your sneaking over there taking a 10; you get there and there is a definate slightly foul smelling wind coming up there; not strong; but definate are you going to investigate further and if so; please tell specifics. As your not currently under attack; in this instance you can use the extra time rule if you want to and take a 20; but that might not leave you much time left to do anything once you finish investigating; but even with your 8; you can notice a wind in your face; just not where it is coming from without more investigation.
Mogue; you can hear and notice Bob calling you over to investigate something.

Sunset |

you move the rocks and pull up some shrubs and move back some dirt from the hole and you see an iron grate set in stone and some type of chute within.
Sunset skips over and looks at the opening,
"Gee, I hope Merrik 'll fit his self in through there." She muses, eying the big man critically.
"D'ye think ye c'n get it open, Bob? Gloisil?" She asks hopefully.
Um, is th' payer o' Merrik still here abouts?

Desidera Tahn |
With many of the others going over to look at something in the ground, it went without saying that Desidera went over there as well, as curious as the rest. Of course, with their predicament as it was, she could not help but give a few nervous glances over her shoulder as she went. Being hunted, she decided, was no way to go about a day, much less a life. She was already uncomfortable, and she had just arrived!
Once she was close enough to see the object that everyone was examining, no one could have expected the lowly muttered sounds that she uttered, a small rant in her native tongue that sounded more self-berating than anything, one palm making a small 'smack' sound as she planted it on her forehead mid-rant. She did pause, looking up at the others and having the grace to blush, removing her hand from her forehead.
"I have no prybar", she said by way of explanation, spreading her hands and looking mildly disgusted. "I should, but I have not."

Sunset |

The search turns up a cleverly hidden sliding cover that exposes a very nice masterful lock; feeling under the very heavy steel grate on the underside, opposite the lock side, hinges can be found.
Sunset watches Bob and Gloisil work around at the metal 'lid'. She shifts from foot to foot, seemingly entranced by their actions. Occasionally she glances from the hole to the others clustered around the new found 'thing'. Sunset looks to Desidera,
"Prybar is it? We's used t' callin' 'em 'Jimmy-bars' back home. No idea why," She shrugs fluidly, "I sp'os they wus a favorite o' some one in'a door bustin' game by th' handle o' Jimmy." She talks distractedly,
"Now then, whut's t' do about our furry friends comin' t' say somat pointed t' our selfs." She muses as she turns and wanders off a small way, arms wrapped around her waist and brows knitted in thought. She unfolds her arms and begins to softly whistle, clasping her hands together and pointing with fingers. Soon small scented puffs of spear minted scents are popping about as Sunset spreads her minor magic all around the group. Prestidigitation spell/orison
"I caint make our smells go away. But I can make it so's th' Gobbies wont have an idea as t' whut were loiterin' about th' place where we wus standin'." She grins happily, pleased with the small amount of mischief she is creating.
"Aye an' t'is a bugger I din't think o' bringin' somat like a Jimmy-bar, at that." She winks to Desidera Tahn, "But then I din't think I'd be needin' a dang bucket fer m'self neither! Th' Gobbies put me in'a fine mess, an' that they did." :P

Valegrim |

hehe you could have taken a 10 and got an 19; your not really pressed; the group probably has a good 15 minutes before your "found" so you can try again and take a 20 if you want; or one of the strong guys can try bend bars - lift gates; but regardless; has a pretty high dc.
so; what will it be?
I believe that that would be up my alley. At least I will try my best. Pulling out my special lock pick I give it a try
Whoops, not my day.

Sunset |

"I believe that that would be up my alley. At least I will try my best."
Whoops, not my day.
Upon hearing Bob's complaint Sunset stops creating mischief and skips over to the half-ling, wrapping him up in a tangle of her brown arms.
Rescitation"That's okeys, mate. I know ye c'n do it." She murmurs reassuringly before letting go, standing up and stepping back. Giving Bob her best 'Can do!' grin.
I do believe a Bard c'n cast a charm t' give folks a boost t' moral or whutever they be doin', am I right? It's only a +1, but eve'y lil' bit helps, hey mates? (^.~)

Valegrim |

Brother Kedan looks around
"this is a pickle, I dont think Merrick or me are gonna fit down that rabbit hole; to many late night dinners for me I guess and well; he is just big; we can help though another way.
Merrick; lets me and you make a show of heading to those trees over there and get them gobbies to follow us; other than the worgs they dont run to fast and I have something to slow down the worgs; then we can loose them in the mountains; give them something to chase while you guys solve this door; that way we can cover it back up once your inside and lead them away so they dont just follow you.
I know it sucks as a plan; but we cant afford to fail and this might be our best bet; besides; Merrick and I can get a camp ready if you guys have to withdrawl again so you have a place to heal and rest; I can get stuff ready and with his help; we can fortify it a bit.
besides if we keep skirmishing them out here are various places; they might get confused on how much a threat they face and keep all thier warriors outside rather than searching inside."

Valegrim |

Ok; here is the ancient song the Elf and the Gnome sang back at the camp before the Kirin arrived; so all of you who were there know it; also; Gloisil you have probably studied it for years, the elves wrote it down originally but all copies match pretty well (you guys might want to add this to the latest on Kirin gave):
<gm insert: prophetic voice:>
From on high arose the beast from the sky
Upon any and all came the answer
Holy Kirin arrived with the song of why
And around him spun the Dancer
Music spun to the tempo of fear
Song measured in wonder
Cadence set to our beating hearts
And its Voice a cacophony
Dance what dreadful pounding
Rhythm both wild and complex
Steps that circled arounding
Motion surpasses defying
Sing and dance the Savior
Sing and dance for Favor
Many attending died from fright
Others driven to madness
Some were despondent or lost
Yet most were inspired to war
For the words of the Kirin were troubled
They told of the clamor of war
The Powers that be were shaken
And many had fallen in scores
We were told of horrors returned
Told of their broken sleep
Foretold of their eventual rise
And warned that life would be cheap
Where are the rumors of war
Have you heard the rumors of war
The names of our enemies not given
But besieged would all peoples be
Our own choices could doom us
Or save us or set us free
Know allies not be what is given
But how it is given and why
Know enemies by what is striven
By what they take and decry
For the Masters of Chaos are few
But their offers are power and glory
And turn souls and spirits from true
Only one can withstand them
Is it going to be you
Are you going to be true
The first Master infests your dreams
And promises all can be had
But the more your dreams are realized
The more your self will be had
He lives in the depths of the world
A wet wonderland of chaos and naught
Deep down go his tendrils of evil
And change what the Three had wrought
Fight him with the Truth of Vision
Know your Self and Place or be lost
Hold your dreams to current expectation
And always focus on what's in your box
Self guards the mind, guards the soul
Soul wards the mind, wards the self
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
of those who are chosen the two
who are apart will be drawn together
in the heart of Tarkan here
the ceremony must be completed
before the door
the userper of life send his
Black Plague onto the land.
Life is lost blood flows free
Worlds shake and tremble,
the war is long and ...
Hold true my children,
Terror by night
the disease is rampade
The healer will battle the Plague
that Evermore is strengthened
though all pychic war continues.
The night is Their'es day wanes
darkwell grows... sorrow and ice
Harvest the crystal of light for it is
the day stars own
Beware the standard off Isledor,
Marker of the point of no return
destroy the darkwell, watch for the
Tempest within lies the guardian
Beware the underway, the boundaries
Of man are lost to them. Mighty in
there Armor of faith the Paladins ride
but they are blinded in theire glory
The king is lost in his closet though his Gifts are many
he is doomed to enigma, alas he sees all-the picture
holds the pattern to life. Death comes for
him-where is he they ask?
The Chosen are mighty
theire gifts
increase the self, the Reaper shudders
as they come, his doom is the restorer of balance
Reclaim the darkwell for life!
day grows, Night wanes
Quest for time, with it
the Reaper will destroy and none can oppose
<gm insert: end prophetic voice; different voice continues>
to stormhelm holds the sky and sea
to thunderfoot the land
the Pick of Ages is the key
Strength dwell within the band
fire and ice Gauntlets be
the horn fits wizards hand
heart of Woe does passion see
Collosus the First command
broken Law restored will be
Sword draws earthblood in the sand
one and all equals be
when joins Mortal to end of She
they who hold those items true
at once the Battle starts anew.

Valegrim |

The lock is master crafted, heavy and difficult; with a extra time (20) you can get it (dc25); it will require a decent strength check or aided strength check to open after you get it unlocked.
I'll try again and take 10 to do it right.
10+9 = 19
Hopefully that will work a little better. If not, I will try again.

Sunset |

"Aye, we's all helpin'. Is just none o' our muscles be up t' th' task." Sunset replies to Mogue. Her face starting to take on a darker sheen as she strains at the large metal grate.
None o' our strength rolls 'ave been any where near a mite impressive. "Damn'it Jim, I'm be a Bard, not a construction crane!" :P ^_^