Valgrymr's Homebrew Two

Game Master Valegrim

Goblins infest a fallen Dwarven underground fortress and mine; somewhere inside PCs must find and recover a critical treasure hidden by the Dwarven Clerics of Dumathion.

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Fem Elf Bard 3

*nods* @ Valegrim-DM's message

Covers the Western door and watches intently.
Perception Check:1d20+1->[3,1]=(4)

An' that's a bugger. I don't hear nuthin' behind door number three.

Sunset waits, confident in her friends as they face the door every one has chosen to enter, while doing her part and guarding the parties flank.

Initiative Roll:1d20+4->[8,4]=(12)

Her body relaxed but coiled, ready to act at any provocation.

An' obviously distracted by bein' first on'a new page! ^_^

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

Inititive roll: 1d20+1=9, um, guess I'm not going first.

Gloisil uses his empathic link to his owl animal companion Hoot to see if there is anything he can see or hear. Listen (Hoot): 1d20+12=27, Spot (Hoot): 1d20+6=20

Male Human Cleric 2

Initiative (1d20+1=9)

Merrik stands somewhere in the middle of the group, not really knowing how some of his companions will react to whatever happens next.
Well... don't think about the others here for a second. You don't even know what you will do next! Now get up your weapon and just look as if you are tough. Yeah, do that for the elf-girl.

His inner voice sure is a voice of confidence...

Male Human (Celtic) Ranger 1

Init 19(d20)+4=23

Thinks to himself, "Lets see if these goblins have the guts to try us."

Draws the arrow back, ready to loose it through the doorway.

m half elf Paladin 2

Init 16
quietly prays "freya guide my hand and keep my heart pure"

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

ok; there is a stillness in the air; palatable tension; is someone opening the door?

Fem Elf Bard 3

Um, I do believe we're waitin' fer either Bob or Gloisil t' be openin' th' door with Merrik an' Galen whuppin' whutever's on t'other side. Mogue-y an' me are stayin' back t' give suportin' fire an' keep a cover on th' side doors? O'course Brother Kedan c'n be doin' th' things whut he do best. (^.~). That were th' idea, right?

Galen Stormwalker wrote:
quietly prays "freya guide my hand and keep my heart pure"

Sunset nods to herself at Galen's soft spoken words.

"Aye, lady luck do smile down on us now." She whispers.

m half elf Paladin 2

Galen opens the door

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

There is a horde of goblins, small horde that is, on the other side; quick guess; about 8; the ones in front have small sheilds and short swords; wearing leatherish armor; those in back; spears and shield; same gear; one has a horn; he blows it when the door open "oourrghk; oourrghick"

the side doors open; goblins come from both doors; archers may fire.

Those goblins coming from the door with the sea elf side; scream in fear and hesitate "Elf,ELF,ELF"

archers then inits;

those in front of the middle hallway gobbies have a 16
sea elf side; 17
ranger side; 12


Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Bob; are you next to Galen or did you move back; am thinking you two are side by side in front of the door, but you could move back if you wanted to let someone else up.

warriors; your battle tactic give you two options; push into the room slowly as to not stir up mold or wait and fight them in the hall and risk more chance of stirring up mold spoors.

Male Human (Celtic) Ranger 1

Target the goblin with horn to try to silence him.

Attack roll 7(d20)+6(Base)+1(PB Feat)=14
If hits: 8(d8)+6=14 Damage

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

ok; as each door opens and goblins come; each room has a horn goblin; you kill one and his horn.

Mogue wrote:

Target the goblin with horn to try to silence him.

Attack roll 7(d20)+6(Base)+1(PB Feat)=14
If hits: 8(d8)+6=14 Damage

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

is it Gloisel or the cleric who is the last in the hallway on the other side of the intersection from Sunset and Mogue?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

remember; anyone in the paladins range also gets the benefit of his aura.

Fem Elf Bard 3

First, immediate action: Shoot a Goblin;1d20+4->[6,4]=(10)

If that hits: Damage:1d8->[3]=(3)

Sunset releases her bolt! Even as the Goblins before her scream and chitter, she steps forward and...takes a five foot step forward

"Ooga booga!" She yells back at them! Intimidate Roll(Perform Skill):1d20+7->[16,7]=(23)

[ooc]I believe I can maybe get half the reloading done, since I'm not doing a lot else? (^.~)

Ready to go to the next round. Looking forward to seeing how this one plays out. ^_^

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

I believe that Gloisil is standing behind Bob and Galen in front of the door that was directly ahead of us. How far away are they?

As Galen opens the door, Gloisil looks into the room to see if he can spot a goblin that looks to be a leader. Spot: 1d20+6=10

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

missed goblin with before init shot; need a 13 for most gobby pukes <pukes are the worst of the worse; meaning little gear and no stat bonus>

Sunset wrote:

First, immediate action: Shoot a Goblin

Sunset releases her bolt! Even as the Goblins before her scream and chitter, she steps forward and...takes a five foot step forward

"Ooga booga!" She yells back at them! Intimidate Roll(Perform Skill):1d20+7->[16,7]=(23)

[ooc]I believe I can maybe get half the reloading done, since I'm not doing a lot else? (^.~)

Ready to go to the next round. Looking forward to seeing how this one plays out. ^_^

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

ok; top of the round post your actions and i will post for all the gobbies; who will all surge forward into melee.

The gobbies heading from the side the sea elf was shooting at pause a sec; (-2 to this round init only) then seeing her miss; surge forward as well.

Merrick; as it stands unless you have a reach weapon; you wont be able to attack; of course the cleric could move into the intersection and then you could or you two could switch places with a 5 ft step. Up to you two how you want to handle it.

The two side halls are about 30 ft long; so that is a full move charge by the gobbies; the center hall is only on the other side of the door; so you guys are all face to face.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

ok; I dont see Bob or Brother Kedan's inits.

Mogue 23
Gobbies Sunset side (17) this round 15
Galen 16
Gobbies Center 16
Sunset 12
Gobbies Mogue's side 12
Merrik 9
Gloisel 9

Bob ?
Brother Kedan ?

Fem Elf Bard 3
Valegrim wrote:
missed goblin with before init shot; need a 13 for most gobby pukes <pukes are the worst of the worse; meaning little gear and no stat bonus>

Sunset reloads (continues to reload?) her x-bow. Mindful of the distance between herself and the Goblins chittering away beyond the door in front of her,

"I gots about ten o' th' lil'boogers here. Mogue-y? How many you gots?" She asks, using her tavern born skills to help carry her voice across the sounds of combat.

Just a question. How much would 'dumping' her back pack take out of Sunset's actions?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

I dont think yours has a quick release; so half action.

Sunset wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
missed goblin with before init shot; need a 13 for most gobby pukes <pukes are the worst of the worse; meaning little gear and no stat bonus>

Sunset reloads (continues to reload?) her x-bow. Mindful of the distance between herself and the Goblins chittering away beyond the door in front of her,

"I gots about ten o' th' lil'boogers here. Mogue-y? How many you gots?" She asks, using her tavern born skills to help carry her voice across the sounds of combat.

Just a question. How much would 'dumping' her back pack take out of Sunset's actions?

Male Human (Celtic) Ranger 1

Fires at another goblin with horn.
Attack 17(d20)+6(Base)+1(PB Feat)=24
Damage 6(d8)+6=12

Answers Sunset:
I believe I have one less.

To Val:

If they will be on us this round, I will use my move action to draw sword (Say command word to change dagger into short sword) and shield, and take my 5ft step to move in front of Sunset so she may continue to fire.

Fem Elf Bard 3

That ain't gonna work, luv. We're facing in opposite directions an' dealin' with different mobs o' th' lil' blighters. Thank'e ever so much fer th' thought though. I c'n kill my lot on me own. You best be killin' your side o' th' tunnels, hey? ^_^

Male Human Cleric 2

Do the goblins wear masks?

Fem Elf Bard 3

Nah, Merrik mate, I think they really are just that plain ugly! :P *snerk* Sorry folks, couldn't resist! *^_^*

Male Human Cleric 2

"Hold your breath! It's gonna get ugly now." Merrik shouts a warning to his companions, then lifts one foot and powerfully sets it down on the ground again, sending a shockwave towards the onstorming goblins, hoping to topple some, and catch the others in the cloud of spores that probably erupt.
Using the Stomp Psi-like ability, Reflex save DC 11.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

Don't know if we all need to save from Merrik's Stomp ability, but just in case, here is my reflex save, 1d20+1=18, Yes, made it!

Gloisil takes aim with his wand at one of the goblins in front of him.

Gloisil shouts, "Tempter Fieray!"

A ray of reddish light aimed at the nearest goblin erupts from the wand. To hit (ranged touch): 1d20=7, Damage: 4d6=7, Well, I hope that wasn't a waste of two charges on the wand.

Fem Elf Bard 3

Makin' me Ref Save (Jus' in case):1d20+10->[6,10]=(16)

There y'go! ^_^ S'all good!

"It's Globberin' TIME!" Sunset yells gleefully, again trying to intimidate the creatures before her as Merrik's large frame makes the very earth tremble.

Perform Intimidate Check:1d20+7->[20,7]=(27)

Awe-YEAH! Them lil' critters should be high tailin' it fer the hills with that! *Punches air*

I'm also assumin' we's still in round 2? Hence, re-loading. ^_^

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Ok; you kill another; and move; this covers half of Sunset; he rear and flank will be exposed if another...

Mogue wrote:

Fires at another goblin with horn.

Attack 17(d20)+6(Base)+1(PB Feat)=24
Damage 6(d8)+6=12

Answers Sunset:
I believe I have one less.

To Val:
** spoiler omitted **

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

No; they seem a bit crazed and drugged though.

Merrik wrote:

Do the goblins wear masks?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Please give me the range in feet so I know how many saves to make for the gobbies; and tell any party members if they need to make saves.

Merrik wrote:


"Hold your breath! It's gonna get ugly now." Merrik shouts a warning to his companions, then lifts one foot and powerfully sets it down on the ground again, sending a shockwave towards the onstorming goblins, hoping to topple some, and catch the others in the cloud of spores that probably erupt.
Using the Stomp Psi-like ability, Reflex save DC 11.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Well; normally a 7 would miss; you need at least a 10, but if their on the ground you will get a bonus that will hit; will get back to you after merrick answers about the stomp.

Gloisil Murigel wrote:

Don't know if we all need to save from Merrik's Stomp ability, but just in case, here is my reflex save, 1d20+1=18, Yes, made it!

Gloisil takes aim with his wand at one of the goblins in front of him.

Gloisil shouts, "Tempter Fieray!"

A ray of reddish light aimed at the nearest goblin erupts from the wand. To hit (ranged touch): 1d20=7, Damage: 4d6=7, Well, I hope that wasn't a waste of two charges on the wand.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

round one actually; pre round you got a free shot; then started reloading and yelling.

Sunset wrote:

Makin' me Ref Save (Jus' in case):1d20+10->[6,10]=(16)

There y'go! ^_^ S'all good!

"It's Globberin' TIME!" Sunset yells gleefully, again trying to intimidate the creatures before her as Merrik's large frame makes the very earth tremble.

Perform Intimidate Check:1d20+7->[20,7]=(27)

Awe-YEAH! Them lil' critters should be high tailin' it fer the hills with that! *Punches air*

I'm also assumin' we's still in round 2? Hence, re-loading. ^_^

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

ok all; I still dont have Bob and Brother Kedan's intitiatives and two of my groups of gobbies go in 17 and 16; which before Merrik and Glosil on 9's and sunset on a 12. Will check back and see if I missed the Pallies init also.

The gobbies in (17) attack; 4 misses on the paladin; two miss on Merrik with a sling stone.

Ok; my gobbies (16) will charge; the ones in the hall facing Sunset loose a half action due to her theatrics; so move; but cant act; though some slingers from the back shoot at Sunset and Mogue; 4, 9; 14; 10; four misses.

the ones on Mogues side dont go till 12; so will hold off for a few.

hehe gobbies are rolling bad to start; guess their still sleepy.

everyone before init 12; please do your full round actions; Sunset on 12; so are you dropping your pack; reloading; and trying to fire again; and doing theatrics? try to summarize the order; drop pack; half action; reload time- as per your weapon type, shouting; free unless your doing a acrobatic action and like that; then half action. I assummed your doing this; Drop pack; do agility based theatrics and voice stuff thus stunned the gobbies to loose a half action; take you a half action; but costs 6 of them a half action; not a bad trade.

Male Human Cleric 2
Valegrim wrote:
Please give me the range in feet so I know how many saves to make for the gobbies; and tell any party members if they need to make saves.

Range is 20ft. cone. I don't know if the others might need to save, that depends on where the most gobbies are. Merrik would stomp in that direction.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

Bob's player is having problems getting on the net, and asked me to post for him as we know each other. Bob's Init: 1d20+4 = 9. Look's like that's three of us at 9.

I will probably continue posting for Bob until 'net connectivity is solved. He has an attack ready, but I will post that when it gets to his turn and I have all the details.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

KK; not a problem. Any word from Brother Kedan?

Gloisil Murigel wrote:

Bob's player is having problems getting on the net, and asked me to post for him as we know each other. Bob's Init: 1d20+4 = 9. Look's like that's three of us at 9.

I will probably continue posting for Bob until 'net connectivity is solved. He has an attack ready, but I will post that when it gets to his turn and I have all the details.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Ok; as you posted you are in the center of the group; you need to decide which to stop; forward would get Gloisel; the Paladin and all of 8 of those goblins.

10ft step to the intersection and you could stomp toward either Sunsets Gobbies; who she has intimidated or Mogue's who have some dead.

What will you do?

Merrik wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
Please give me the range in feet so I know how many saves to make for the gobbies; and tell any party members if they need to make saves.
Range is 20ft. cone. I don't know if the others might need to save, that depends on where the most gobbies are. Merrik would stomp in that direction.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

ok; Bob is sharing your space as your both small right behind the Pally; so; missle or throwing; reach weapon or tumble into the room to melee

What are Bob's actions?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Need Galen's actions as well; What was your init?

Fem Elf Bard 3

Okeys, sorry fer the confusion. I just asked about the pack droppin', 'm not doin' it, yet. ;)

Sunset round two: FIGHT!

Actions, Reloading only. Standing still and still trying to intimidate with loud and confidant voice.

Oh, and Sunset's AC is only 18. She's got both hands occupied with x-bow and not holding her buckler.

"Um, guys? We're about to be hip deep in Gobbers!" She yells as the creatures before her close in.

Ooo, decisions! decision! To drop the x-bow and draw sword?

Male Human Cleric 2
Valegrim wrote:

Ok; as you posted you are in the center of the group; you need to decide which to stop; forward would get Gloisel; the Paladin and all of 8 of those goblins.

10ft step to the intersection and you could stomp toward either Sunsets Gobbies; who she has intimidated or Mogue's who have some dead.

What will you do?

Taking the 10ft towards Sunset then, thanks.

m half elf Paladin 2

galen attacks a goblin in front of him

( sorry! i cant get the dice roller thingy to work so i will roll useing the honour system until it is working)

attack hits ac23 damage is 9 or 15 if they are evil

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

With a precise blow; your goblin drops; your hit was painless; he is in his god's mercy now...
<you may consider goblins chaotic evil for the most part unless I give indication otherwise. I am unconcerned about dice rollers; I just carry a die with me and roll it too>

Galen Stormwalker wrote:

galen attacks a goblin in front of him

( sorry! i cant get the dice roller thingy to work so i will roll useing the honour system until it is working)

attack hits ac23 damage is 9 or 15 if they are evil

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

ok; you see that Mogue stepped on one side of her, do you take the other? As long as both of you not let any by you; she will be covered to keep shooting.

Applying your stomp here; keeping same save rolls for gobbies. You get 5 to fall down; the hornblower in this group is still back in the room and the slinger is still in the doorway about 30ft away.

Merrik wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

Ok; as you posted you are in the center of the group; you need to decide which to stop; forward would get Gloisel; the Paladin and all of 8 of those goblins.

10ft step to the intersection and you could stomp toward either Sunsets Gobbies; who she has intimidated or Mogue's who have some dead.

What will you do?

Taking the 10ft towards Sunset then, thanks.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

any other actions; my gobbies that can move in from both sides greatly stirring up the mold spores though the distance on the sides is a bit more than they can travel and attack; the slingers shoot but is not a good day for the gobbies.

any other party actions before the start of the next round?

Fem Elf Bard 3

Aye, just th' one sentence or so, nothin' involvin' movin' or such.

Sunset actually glares at Merrik,

"Whut are ye doin'? Ye should be helpin' Bob an' Gloisil take on th' front door! Move every one forw'd an' that'd give me an Mogue-y room t' get back t' back!" She continues to re-load her x-bow, ever mindful of the closing Goblins.

Gettin' int' a fight on three fronts is a sure fire way t' lose any war. We's got t' bring it back t' at least two!

I is ready fer th' next round. ^_^

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

Here is my attack for round two.

Gloisil once again points the wand in his hand at a goblin in the room ahead of him, and casts Scorching Ray with it.

Once again Gloisil shouts, "Tempter Fieray", and a bolt of red energy jumps from the wand.

Range touch attack: 1d20+1 = 17, damage: 4d6 = 17, that certainly was better than last time.

Gloisil than says to Galen, "If I can get in front of you, I can try to effect many of these goblins at once."

If Galen isn't engaged in melee combat with any goblins, Gloisil will step past him and into the room.

[Edit] Forgot I get a +1 to attacks against goblins.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

I was out of town all day and so I haven't heard from Bob. And since I don't have a copy of his character, I can't even improvise, sorry.

m half elf Paladin 2

Galen says to Gloisil, "i dont think it is a good idea for you to go in front of me, my armour is a lot better then yours, what happens if you dont take out all of the goblins and several are left to attack you"

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