Mogue |

Thank you for the compliment, it is a shame we cannot do more. Two of the groups traveling from the east were attacked by bands of Gnolls and a few giants approximately 10 days ago, a group from the SE was ambushed by a number of bugbears around 9 days ago, and the final group from the south ran across a large number of goblins only about a week ago. This land was beautiful once when you could travel in peace, now it is filled with death. One day peace will return here and I will be glad for it. As for if I must wait till morning to find out why you all have traveled here, then I shall do so. Walks over to a tree and removes his pack and quiver of arrows and sits down against the tree. My name is Mogue and I thank you for the offer of food but I have already eaten. Takes a drink from a waterskin. Picks up a small bowl shaped leaf and pours a small amount of Mead into it and places it on a nearby log. Just in case the residents of this place get thirsty. Chuckles

Brother Kedan |

Brother Kedan smiled nervously. "Well, then, I suppose that's decided. My friend, and the soldiers... I suppose they can take care of themselves."
"I do wish I'd brought my bedroll. But hardship is part of every spirit quest. It's all a part."
Kedan had a seat on the ground near the fire, removed his footwear, and rubbed his journey reddened feet. He laid down, head on his shoes, and listened as Mogue told his story.
"Father of luck and lies, I am thankful you made it through. That sounds absolutely harrowing."

Bob Proudfoot |

Bob is delighted to find such exquisite leaf, he puts some in his pipe and lights up. He then sits back and observes what is going on. He was a bit suprised at the elf's return from the lake, admires her beauty and comments to himself that she is a pretty lady for a bigun.
He begins to wonder what he has gotten himself into. So far there has been no immediate threat, but he doubts that that is going to be the norm. The stories of other travelers does worry him somewhat. He may be expected to fight for his own life, a distasteful thought.
Therefore, he secludes his sleeping mat in an out of the way spot to keep himself hidden, rolls over and after clearing his mind of todays events is soon asleep.

Valegrim |

Everyone has a very restful and peaceful night; in the predawn you are gently awakened by gentle birdsong and the smell of Kaff being brewed, the sizzle of chopped ham with potatoes and onions and warmed bisquits; the wind is cool and there is a bit of haze from water vapor from the lake; soon the fog will increase and dew is sure to form on the leaves.
The stars are bright and shiney and begin to dim as the rising sun of predawn begins to brighten.
As you awake; Peter greets you and offers you fruit and nuts as well as the things aforementioned all served with a smile in the hush of the morning; the whole world seems to be holding its breath and even with all of this; something omininous blows on the wind; a stirring of the leaves.

Sunset |

Astledier walks over to Sunset's woolen cocoon, shifting her pack to a position under her sleeping arraignments,
"Out or Down!" He calls, but softly, and there's a muffled reply which elicits a fond chuckle form the Master Bard as he walks over and checks on the situation of the water boiling.
A few moments later a brown foot extends out into the morning and Sunset's toes wiggle in the morning air for a brief time before withdrawing back into the hammocks folds. The fluffy bundle then gives a twitch, followed by some wriggling before a brown arm reaches down and nimble fingers wave about, finally snagging onto her back-pack.
Dexterously they work their way inside and the limb proceeds to 'zip' various items of clothing back up within the embrace of the enfolding covers. There comes more wriggling and twitching from the hammock then the woolen folds unfurl and Sunset sits up and stretches in the morning sunlight of the new day,
"Mornin'!" ^_^
she exclaims happily, continuing to stretch and work out any kinks in her frame from her nights rest. Upon sighting Mogue, sitting against his tree, she squeals in delight and flips dexterously out of her bedding to skip across the camp site and tangle the newcomer within a hug.
"Hey there! How are ya? I'm Sunset an' that's me Nuncle Astledier." She extends a leg and points to the older Elf with an arched foot, before naming and introducing very one else around the camp site to Mogue. Astledier coughs politely,
"You do not seem worried, young niece, nor distressed about this new stranger in our midst?" He asks with an arched eyebrow. To which Sunset grins and replies easily, a cheeky smile upon her features.
"Why t'is simple, Nuncle. If'n th' feller here were some sort o' trouble, yer self an' Master Hava would've put paid t' th' rascal right quick. An' since we 'en't been havein' ourselves taken advantage of while we've been sleepin' an' done woken up in t'other side o' th' veil, I c'n see straight away th' feller here's come t' join our adventures." She pauses and gives a theatrical wink to Mogue.
"OR! He's actually a whole pack o' them Gnool-y things! All hidin' under some sort o' master-full illusion whut's sooo good, t'has even got th' pair o' Master Bards fooled an' the mob-jack lot of 'em are just waitin' fer us t' drop our guard so's they c'n all be havein' their evil ways with us?" She grins impishly at Mogue, the gleam of mischief clearly evident in her eyes.
Sunset's awake an' ready t' be makin' new friends! ^_^

Gloisil Murigel |

Gloisil awakes, rolls over and pretends to go back to sleep for a few minutes. Sitting up he watches the "scene" as Sunset unfolds herself out of her sleeping arrangement, and "attacks" Mogue with a "good morning stranger" hug.
Hearing her explanation to her uncle makes her seem wise for a young one, not that I'm all that wise or have too many years under my belt he thinks to himself.
He then packs up his gear and grab some fruit to eat for breakfast, and some water to wash it all down.
"Good morning all, what has the morning brought us? Something good, bad, or indifferent would be my guess."
Gloisil nods in Mogue's direction as he is stuck in Sunset's embrace, as he was half asleep when he showed up last night.

Mogue |

Stands to accept hug.
To Sunset in Elven:
Greetings Astledier, good to meet you.
Nods to Gloisil. Extracts himself from Sunset and accepts the food offered. Leans against the tree to eat and await for the coming event.

Gloisil Murigel |

Gloisil puts on his pack and collects his other belongings. He approaches Master Hava and his uncle and bows deeply to them.
With a bit smile under the grimace and a twinkle in his eye as he looks one last time at the two gnomes that he has known for all his life, he turns and heads up the hill.
As thoughts of what awaits roll through his mind, there is a slight hint of butterfly's in his stomach.

Merrik |

Merrik is a longsleeper. Only slow he awakes from the babble of the others.
Yawning wide he sniffs at the air, smelling the fresh coffee.
Streching he moves over to Peter, holding out a jug to get some of that black morning goodness.
He's not much of a morning person. He moves slow, a bit clumsy in times, his eyes half closed back to his pack, sitting down on the forest floor, sipping his hot brew, looking around the camp.

Sunset |

To Sunset in Elven:
Nice to meet you, and the truth is, yes I am a whole pack of trouble. But mostly to the goblinoids who live in the area.
Greetings Astledier, good to meet you
Sunset laughs merrily, to Mogue in Elven:
As Mogue extracts himself from Sunset's enfolding arms and accepts the food offered by Hava.
Sunset grins and spins around the camp variously hugging and chatting to people opening the morning with simple 'hellos' and 'how-do's. She comes to Merrick and drapes herself over the big, hunched man's form. Resting her head upon his own with her cheek lying upon his mat of black hair. She says something quietly to the large fellow giving him a friendly clinch before again scampering away and finishing with putting away her bedding and 'dressing' up for the adventure to come.
All the while Astledier has been watching his niece's antics, his face slowly becoming more serious even as her actions continue to be chaotic and seeming random. Eventually though, Sunset has her pack squared way, her weapons on their belts of things and she is happily standing balanced on one leg eating some of the slices of ham and cheese melted into the biscuits to form a crude but tasty 'sandwich' for herself as breakfast.
Finally Sunset acknowledges her Uncles stare and her head hangs in defeat. She walks over, folds down and proceeds to wrap his gift of shoes about her feet and lower legs. Finishing the lacing of the boots that now rise up to her mid thighs, she stands and bows across the small camp fire towards her Uncle.
Okey's dressed, said me good mornin's an' reeady fer th' comin' tusstle!

Merrik |

She comes to Merrick and drapes herself over the big, hunched man's form. Resting her head upon his own with her cheek lying upon his mat of black hair. She says something quietly to the large fellow giving him a friendly clinch before again scampering away and finishing with putting away her bedding and 'dressing' up for the adventure to come.
All the while Astledier has been watching his niece's antics, his face slowly becoming more serious even as her actions continue to be chaotic and seeming random.
Merrik just took a sip as Sunset hung herself over his shoulders, so he nearly spat it out again. He was just about to turn and shake off the hugger, when he notices the slender arms of the elf, speaking quietly to him.
He can't hide a small smile and speaks a whispered morning-greeting, hugging her arm in respond.After Sunset goes to continue getting dressed, he suddenly doesn't feel that drowsy anymore. He finishes his coffee, stands up and packs his things with an energy he didn't have a minute before.
Strange, isn't it? A small hug from that cute elf-girl and you're awake.
Nah, it wasn't the coffee, no matter how hard you want to tell it yourself.
Heh... Sunset is making your sun rise, eh?
Having packed up, he walks back over to Petrovich, thanks him with a nod for the coffee and then goes up the hill Hava mentioned, trying to not turn to look at Sunset, but failing ever so often.

Bob Proudfoot |

Bob, smelling food, is up quickly, cleans and packs up his gear, saving out his plate, cup & cutlery. He takes breakfast with gratitude. Enjoying every bit of food, he then cleans and packs his tableware and is ready for whatever. He puts a non-descript pin in his collar for luck and is ready to travel.

Sunset |

Sunset trudges along, almost in the wake of the group. Her dark sword sheathed upon one hip, her daggers arranged about her waist and shins, her rapier hung across her back. In one arm she cradles her light x-bow while carrying her pack with her other.
Every now and then she winces slightly as she treads over the grass and up the hill. Coming to the stone circle she simple stands. fidgeting from foot to foot, constantly scuffing one booted foot against the other.
Glancing to the other members of her group arraigned to her left and right, she puts down her pack and x-bow, checks her belts and 'strapping's' are snug, with her cloak tucked slightly into her belt and then casually flips upside down into a hand-stand.
Take Ten: Acrobatics +8, Dex +4 = 22
"Y'know? th' world rilly does look like a nicer place from up here." She comments with a quiet giggle. ^_^
Sunset continues to wriggle and shift her booted feet, even suspended as they are over her head
"Um, so's any one actually know whut we're waitin' fer?" She asks, then seeing every one looking at her she blushes and grins.
"Oh, right! I'm th' Bard! Ooopsie!" *^_^*
Take Ten: Bardic Knowledge +4, Int +2 = 16
"Ah, well I do remember Nuncle talking something like this......" And Sunset's voice deepens as she imitates the older Elf's tone while she recites the stories her Elder has passed on to her.
Um, is'at okey? Not bein' too forw'd or nuthin'? I'm sure th' wisdom of me Nuncle will just come floodin' :P through.

Valegrim |

bardic knowlege: many to most stories have things dealing with the upper dieties happening in high places; this hill is the highest around; the ring of stones is a symbol of order and continuity. This is apparantly a meeting place between the upper realms and this world. Probably part of both; but owned by neither.

Valegrim |

[assuming all the characters are going up the hill; let me know if your not]
this hill is quite high; you rise above the mists and can look back out over the expanse of the forest seeing the mist and some treetops poking through as well as many butterflies and the like and perhaps a hawk and flocks of other birds going about their daily lives. To the north of the camp and you can see a fairly large lake; dark blue which implies it is both cold and very deep; probably fed by the hills in this area. Strangly; the mist does not touch or cover the lake itself. To give you an area of scale; this lake is bout 5 miles across and about 8 miles wide and is ringed by hills though to the north is mostly scrub pine and thick bush hedges.
The grass on the hill is a bluish green; very different from that of the wide green grass down below; the hill is some 300 ft in elevation and is somewhat steep but easy enough to climb standing up.
the sky brightens and all the but single bright star fade from view; from the hill; the single bright star seems to be circling in the sky; coming close in a corkscrew fashion and getting brighter as it comes; colors of green; yellow; blue; orange and all others of the rainbow can begin to be seen at the center of the pure white light.
At the rate the light is traveling; it looks like the pc's will arrive at the hilltop stones with about 10 minutes to spare before the light arrives.
Looking at the light gives all pc's with Good or Law in their alignments a strong feeling of wellbeing and health and sense of purpose.

Sunset |

"Ah, well I do remember Nuncle talking something like this. 'Many to most stories have things dealing with the upper deities happening in high places; this hill is the highest around; the ring of stones is a symbol of order and continuity. This is apparently a meeting place between the upper realms and this world. Probably part of both; but owned by neither.'."
She pauses and adroitly flips back onto her boots.
"Okeys. So I kind o' gathered it were a door. Whut I meant wus, who are we waitin' fer t' it t' get opened t' us?" She adjust everything she's carrying as she speaks, picking up her pack and hooking it over a shoulder.
"I dun't know, all these dang riddles an' what-not. Al'ays annoyed th' heck out'a me that such high-falutin' floaty-folks don't talk proper-straight to no one!" She grumbles softly and mainly to herself.
Seeing the approaching, descending brightness Sunset's cognitive powers are summed up by her joyous expletive,
"Oooo! Sparkles!" ^_^
Heh, s'pos I should wait a little time afore throwin' me lines in, hey? *^_^*.

Gloisil Murigel |

Looking at the bright star as it desends, with the rainbow of colors in it, puts a smile on the face of the usually dour gnome. He begins thinking some of his favorite thoughts as he contemplates the desending light, a rare feeling of peace coming over him.
In his suprise as the light desends, all Gloisil can say is, "Magnificent!"

Brother Kedan |

Kedan was barely done wiping his mouth on his sleeve when he jumped out of the way of a handspringing bard. He mumbled something about "morning people," but those thoughts vanished from his mind when he looked up. A beautiful light descending.
"I have to see it," he murmured to his new friends. He looked around to make sure that the others were going, too. "I wish my other friends were here to see this," he told Gloisel as they headed up the hill. "I feel like something good is about to happen."

Valegrim |

As the light comes closer; you can see it is some type of flying horse; it has multicolored hues, great wings made of air, a large single horn and its beard, mane and tail stream like flags. It shines brightly and darned if you dont hear hoofbeats.
adventually, it will land on the stone table.
it looks at you with eyes of great wisdom and intelligence and
<in a powerful voice>
"I have come as I said I would
to this table near this wood"
to guide the savers if I could
save the savers as you should"
"I am Kaahz of Kirin kind
for ages heroes I do find
for evil moves and more than lurks
stop destruction, stop the jerks"
are you ready to save the land
are you joined as hero band?

Sunset |

Sunset steps forward with a glint in her eye. Looking over her shoulder, hefting her pack and x-bow, she looks at the rest of the group she says,
"Help the Kirin, save th' world!"
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry fer postin' so soon an' gettin' in every one else's way but that line! It jus' HAD t' be said! *^_^*

Valegrim |

The Mighty Kirin whose presence fills the area with Good and Law; peace and tranquility answers:
"I have come in times past
that mortal coil might last
to bring word of warning
time of peace be waining
forces Good prepare
lest they be caught unaware
The time has come for Us to interceed
to stop Evil's corruption and their greed
throughout the world mortals tremble
now we good some heroes assemble
to wreck their plan of our destruction
we send you all to their reduction
sieze the Seal from goblin hands
save you all this fertile lands
do not fail lest the world trembles
mountains their we shall dissemble
level the area where many stood
all to serve the Greater Good.
Are you those willing to go
if you are do not be slow
Bespeak, affirm or deny,
be yea heroes I enspy?"
[lol; sunset and her cheerleader reference]

Bob Proudfoot |

Bob, enraptured by the sight of the Kirin, stares at it with an open mouth, thus allowing access to his throat by a multitude of small bugs is only able to nod his head in assent. After a few seconds, he begins to recover and emphatically states that he is ready to do whatever is necessary to thwart the goblins.

Gloisil Murigel |

Gloisil bows toward Kirin and says, "If peace we can bring to this world as you say, then I accept, for it is peace in the world that I seek. Although I seek it not entirely for unselfish reasons."
"If you accept me as hero Kirin, then hero I will try to be and bring peace to this war ravaged world, however great or small my part in it may be."
As Gloisil says "small" he flourishes his cloak and bows again to the radiant Kirin.

Valegrim |

"Ah, then thou art the heroes
oh, glad the word not zeroes
ready to encounter the foe
then off and away we go."
The Kirin stops his hoof and mists of glamour and color surround the group getting spinning stronger and stronger like a gale.
Each person make a Fortitude check; dc 13. If your arcane clase or divine class; add +2 to your roll.
The gale dies down and when you look around you are somewhere else; at the base of a large mountain; apparently the mountains of the Goliath, but the lowlands here are not known to him and he does not recognise anything he can see; but it feels close to home...relatively.
you are high in the hills near a mountain; the glade here is among scrub trees and bushes; there appears to be nothing living; the grass is yellow; the trees stripped of bark; much refuse of broken bottles; wood items; and various discard from various species of all kinds. As you look around at the dispoiled land it appears intentional; the trash of the area goes on for as far as you can see in any direction; only the hardiest of weeds and thornbushes survive and those are young.
The Kirin speaks:
"This, once the home dwarven peoples
now host the broken steeples
enter thus to goblin lair
enter with utmost wary care
backdoor poorest of poorly guarded
among the rocks once admirely warded
still exists the tunnels dark
enter here on dwarven mark.
Go thus now all brave and true
remember thus we're watching you."
The kirin dissappears; is just gone silent and suddenly.
What does everyone do?

Valegrim |

everyone has all there gear; anything left at camp is now right at your feet.
you see tracks everywhere; goblins to be sure; but some canine prints as well; not large enough to be worgs or hyenas or gnolls.
One set of tracks are bit fresher; you see fairly fresh goblin spoor; probably where some guards relieved themselves; the tracks head back toward the mountain; you would have to examine them closer to tell how old or how many; you just catch this with your sharp eyes (and gm roll)

Gloisil Murigel |

Fortitude Save: 1d20+1=14 Hope I saved, maybe I save, hope I saved, ....
Gloisil slightly stunned by the method in which he was brought to this place, is then even more stunned by the carelessness of whoever or whatever could disrupt and destroy nature in such a way. Although he is not one who communes with nature such as the druids, he does appreciate it.
Oh no! Our characters have been sent to this place to collect and sort refuse for recycling. Well, guess Gloisil better get started. We'll put wood stuff over there, metals over there, glass over there, any gems or coins go in my pockets, etc.
Sorry, couldn't resist. ;-)

Sunset |

Sunset looks down at what she is standing in and simply blinks for a few seconds. Then, with dainty steps upon her booted tippy-toes, she walks over and hugs her Uncle fiercly.
In Elvish
Listing to Astledier's whispered reply Sunset nods in agreement before letting go of her uncle and turning back to the rest of the group.
"Well, I dun't know 'bout every one else, but is there p'raps a way t' bundle up all our beddin' an' stuff an' leave it hidden some where's about in this midden? Just so's we c'n travel a mite lighter? I dun't fancy facin' off aginst these trash mongers in'na dark hole weighed down by things whut aren't real useful in'na fight."
She looks to Bob, Gloisil and Mogue as she speaks.
Just a lil' somat, moving Sunset along a mite an waitin' a more professional person/players input. ^_^ Hee hee! No worries there mate, though I dun't think th' rescals responsible fer th' mess were apt t' be leavin' any thin' shiney about th' place.

Mogue |

Fort save 14(d20)+5=19.
Looks around to gather his bearings. [9(d20)+4(KN:Geography=13]. Squats down to look at the tracks.
We should not stay here in the open very long, some of these tracks are recent.
To Sunset:
I would suggest keeping your gear with you. If we have to run you can just drop your gear for the extra mobility and it may make the goblins stop to loot it giving us more time to escape. Plus, we dont know if we will be able to come back here to rest.

Merrik |

Sunset |

Ooopsie! Fergot th' Fort Roll! Sorry if'n I'm holdin' anythin' up.
Sunset looks seriously at Mogue as he speaks, nodding and moving her pack squarly onto her back, wiggling and adjusting the straps. Then checking on the reach to her daggers.
"Droppin' a load I c'n un'erstand." She replies to Mogue.
"Why, when I were divin' off th' coast there were a time when castin' yer weight-stone belt away were th' quickest way t' get away from........" Seeing the look that is forming on her Uncle's face is suddenly giving her the relation that, the group realizes, this is perhaps a story she has not shared with the elder Elf, "..Um, well, yeah, I c'n un'erstand." She mumbles, nudging trash with her boot-toe and blushing under Astledier's gaze.
The Master Bard shifts towards Sunset, who changes her attitude with a sparkling smile and turns to Galen, skipping closer to the half-elf and hence aay from the looming proximity of her concerned Uncle.
"Um, so, Galen. You've any hints fer a bod in whut's t' be doin'?" ^_^

Galen Stormwalker |

sorry but i have youth camps and holidays to contend with, so not much posting until end of august im still really interseted though so please dont count me out
Galen has looked on with eyes wide and has been too awestruck to say anything (he looks at sunset and shrugs)
fort save
ive used up my good roll! i hope it was for something important!

Valegrim |

definately goblins; not enough details to determine Clan; best guess, Hook Ears or Tuff Nees; a both clans are more trash and despoil oriented than most. Hook ears have lots of piercings and lots of hooks and spikes; very fond of traps and like that; Tuff Nees are bit stronger than average goblin; used to lots of brute labor; use more gadgets than some; are pack rats and carry lot of crap with them.
Canine tracks are most likely some small vicous dog; you see tracks of three; one limps on one three paws, one other has a club leg that doesnt set the track right.
Fort save 14(d20)+5=19.
Looks around to gather his bearings. [9(d20)+4(KN:Geography=13]. Squats down to look at the tracks.
** spoiler omitted **
We should not stay here in the open very long, some of these tracks are recent.
To Sunset:
I would suggest keeping your gear with you. If we have to run you can just drop your gear for the extra mobility and it may make the goblins stop to loot it giving us more time to escape. Plus, we dont know if we will be able to come back here to rest.

Valegrim |

btw; the party left right from the circle of stones; those back at camp like the wizard; bard; and warrior did not travel with you.
yes; the party is on their own now.
Failed fort save just mean you have nausea for 3 rounds; all actions at a -2 ;will wear off after that.
no worries Galen; we all have stuff; is no problem.

Gloisil Murigel |

"Mogue, where would you suggest that we go to get out of sight?"
Gloisil looks around in an effort to try and locate some place the party can take cover while they decide what to do next. Perhaps some more dense scrub or large brush, other then the few young, hardy up-shoots working their way through the refuse of the huge midden that we now find ourselves in.

Merrik |

The Goliath seems a little sick from the transport the Kirin made with the group.
Looking around a bit he is a bit puzzled, stammering: "Where... Where are we? ... This looks ... so ... close to home, ... yet not..."
Then the Kirin gives his explaination and disappeares. Merrik looks around a bit more, readjusting his pack, checking for his weapon, staying silent until:
"Droppin' a load I c'n un'erstand." She replies to Mogue.
Merrik has to laugh so hard at those words.

Valegrim |

you dont spy anything big enough for the whole party; or even big enough for a human, but you or a goblin wouldnt have to much trouble... at this time your owl snuggles up under your robes and seeks some sleep.
The sun now fully rises over the firmament casting your long morning shadows into the west. The mountains are north and west of you. Plains of grasslands east of you with some hills and rocks and scrub; west is lot of hills and scrub and large rocks.
"Mogue, where would you suggest that we go to get out of sight?"
Gloisil looks around in an effort to try and locate some place the party can take cover while they decide what to do next. Perhaps some more dense scrub or large brush, other then the few young, hardy up-shoots working their way through the refuse of the huge midden that we now find ourselves in.