Crown of Aeons - Pathfinder in Ravenloft

Game Master Dennis Harry


Vaneza [dice]1d20+[/dice]
Sterling Starshadow [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Kenzo Hagetora [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Cole Burns [dice]1d20+2[/dice]
Sergei the Haunted [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Bastian 'Ogre' Zorovich [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
Alain O'Dim [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Teofila Agarici [dice]1d20+3[/dice]


Vaneza [dice]1d20+[/dice]
Sterling Starshadow [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Kenzo Hagetora [dice]1d20+7[/dice]
Cole Burns [dice]1d20+5[/dice]
Sergei the Haunted [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Bastian 'Ogre' Zorovich [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Alain O'Dim [dice]1d20+10[/dice]
Teofila Agarici [dice]1d20+9[/dice]

Ravengro Map

Ravengro Town Gazeteer:

A: Town Square. Simple wooden gazebo serves as the hub for Ravengro's gatherings. The town's favorite stray dog, Old River, is known to hang around here during the day.

B: Posting Poles: poles where townspeople can post all sorts of messages for the town, ranging from news to sales to advertisements.

C: The Laughing Demon: Zokar Elkarid runs this warm and friendly tavern.

D: Ravengro Town Hall: in classic small-town style, Ravengro citizens use this for virtually everything, from weddings to council meetings.

E: Temple of Pharasma: Vauran Grimburrow, the Father from the funeral, is officialy in charge of the temple, but any number of a dozen or so acolytes actually handle the day to day going-ons. The temple sells various healing and holy related items.

F: Ravengro General Store: Luthko and Marta Avanaki run the general store with their five daughters. While the store usually caters to local needs, the town is big enough and on a populated enough route to stock most simple adventuring items.

G: Ravengro Forge: Jorfa is the dwarven master of the forge. One of Ravengro's most valuable resources, she is as standoffish and quiet on her past as one would expect.

H: Jominda's Apothecary: Jominda Fallenbridge keeps a well-stocked supply of pharmacological provisions, both herbal and alchemical.

I: Ravengro Jail: a relatively small jail serves as Ravengro's home for the occasional drunk citizen. Sherriff Benjan Caller runs the jail with his four part-time deputies.

J: The Silk Purse: two moneylenders work out of this building, Luramin Taigh and Quess Yearburn. They have loans available for collateral to farmers or other potential clients. They also sell some of the items that have failed to me reclaimed.

K: The Outward Inn: board and breakfast run by Sarlanna Val. Highly reccomended, if you don't have a free place to stay that is. Local musicians and storytellers often visit for evenings of entertainment.

L: The Unfurling Scroll: Alendru Ghoroven, a retired wizard-turned-teacher teaches reading, math, and history, as well as beginning magical theory. In addition to teaching, Alendru supplements his income by buying and selling minor magic items (primarily scrolls) that he’s purchased or created.

M 1-4: Council Member's Houses.

N: The Van Richten Residence: formerly the professor's house, it is now Kendra's. And your current lodging.

O: Harrowstone Memorial: Other than the looming ruins of Harrowstone on a nearby hill, Ravengro’s most distinctive landmark is a 25-foot-tall, moss-covered stone statue that overlooks the river. The statue depicts a proud, muscular human man dressed in leathers and wielding a truncheon—a depiction of Warden Hawkran. A total of 25 names—the guards who died in the fire of 4661, as well as the warden’s wife, are chiseled into the statue’s stone base.

P: to The Restlands: a large stretch of moorland reserved for interring Ravengro's dead. Thanks to the Pharasmin church's influence in town, Ravengro's graveyard is large and well tended.

Q: Gibs Hephenus, the man who started the fight at the professor's funeral lives here.

R To Harrowstone: this reminder of Ravengro's original purpose looms over the town from atop its bleak hilltop, a constant inspiration for tall tales and bad dreams.

Sanity Rules:

Sanity Score: This is sort of like mental hit points. It’s the sum of all your mental stats (Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma) less any damage to those scores.

Sanity Damage: this is like hit point damage done in physical combat (like a sword blow, etc), only, it affects your sanity score, not your hit points. So, if you encounter an attack on your sanity and suffer damage, you deduct that damage from your sanity score.

Losing Sanity and Gaining Madness:
When you’re faced with a monster that can do sanity damage, you have to make an immediate will save. If you save, most of the time, you will be able to ignore all Sanity damage (i.e. your mental faculties hold up) though some creatures may do damage regardless of your save (like Great Old Ones).

If you lose ALL of your Sanity (i.e. Sanity pool moves to zero), you gain a lesser madness (this is generally a temporary condition), I will not have PCs suffer more than 1 lesser madness at a time. This mechanic is for flavor not to annihilate PCs effectiveness.

If you lose ALL of your Sanity facing a Great Old One, that will trigger a greater madness. This is permanent though each PC will only ever gain a single one of these.

Losing Madness and Gaining Sanity:
Madness can be lost (and sanity restored in several ways).
1. Rest: Every 7 full days of uninterrupted rest heals sanity damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You’re letting your own sense of self and force of personality reassert itself and mend together the tattered fragments of your tortured psyche.
2. Therapy: Tell someone else your problems (mentor, counselor, confidante, friend, family, priest, advisor, etc). At the end,, the ally attempts a Wisdom or Intelligence check (whichever is higher) DC equal to the amount of Sanity you have lost. Success means you add their ability modifier (wis or int, whichever is higher) to the amount of sanity damage you heal.
3. Magic:
a. lesser restoration: 1d2 points once per day
b. Restoration: 2d4 points per day
c. Heal: 3d4 points/day
d. Greater restoration, psychic surgery, limited wish: all of it, if your sanity was below your edge (in other words, you still had more than half your sanity points left). Or, to 1 point below your sanity edge if you had more than half of your sanity lost.
e. Miracle and wish fix everything

Effects of Restoring Sanity:
Lesser Madness - If all of your sanity damage is healed, your lesser madness is removed entirely.

Greater Madness - If all of your sanity damage is healed, your greater madness is dormant. It will become reactivated if you again suffer a full loss to your Sanity score. A greater madness can only be fully healed with a long term psychiatric stay (1 month, which could well be played out over a downtime depending on how the chronicle proceeds) r the use of a Wish or Miracle spell (hard to come by in Ravenloft!).

Fear, Horror, and Madness:

I will NOT be using Madness rules as the Sanity rules already cover that.

Fear, Horror, and Madness saves represent the power of terror — a roleplaying tool to help players visualize the hysteria that often clouds the minds of characters in classic tales of horror.

Making the Saving Throw

Fear and Horror saves are considered Will saves in all respects. Anything that modifies a Will save likewise modifies Fear and Horror saves; anything that modifies saves vs. fear effects modifies Fear saves.

Fear and Horror saves all use the same basic mechanic: a Will save against a specified DC. Specific DCs depend on the situation and type of check being made and will be provided by me. Luck effects and resistance effects (such as those generated by a luckstone or a cloak of resistance) do not affect Fear and Horror saves; they are outside the purview of luck and are not "active" effects that would be resisted. Divine effects do aid Fear and Horror saves, however.

If a character succeeds at the Will save, then there is no effect, and she is immune to that specific source of fear or horror for 24 hours. If a character fails the Will save, then the margin of failure determines the result. Subtract the final check result from the DC; this result determines whether the character suffers a minor, moderate, or major effect.

Failure Margin Effect

1-5 points Minor
6-10 points Moderate
11-15 points Major
16+ points Major, plus additional effect.

When determining the results of failed Horror save, the player should also concurrently roll 1d4 for the DM to select a specific effect.


A character should make a Fear save when facing overwhelming odds and/or immediate, dire physical danger.

Failure Results

Minor Effect: Shaken. The character suffers a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls, checks, and saves.

Moderate Effect: Frightened. The character is shaken and flees as well as she can. She can fight to defend herself if unable to flee. A frightened character can use special abilities, including spells, to flee; indeed, she must use such means if they are the only way to escape.

Major Effect: Panicked. The character suffers a -2 morale penalty on saving throws and must flee. She has a 50% chance to drop what she's holding, chooses her path randomly (as long as she escapes from immediate danger), and flees any other dangers that confront her. If cornered, she cowers. A panicked character may use a special ability or spell to escape.

Additional Failures: Fear effects stack. A shaken character who fails another Fear save becomes frightened. A frightened character who fails another Fear save becomes panicked.

Recovering from Fear

Fear effects last 5d6 rounds. Certain spell effects (such as modify memory or remove fear) can remove all Fear effects.

Note that as the characters level, the amount of fear checks will diminish as you confidence and power/abilities increase.


The heroes witness scenes of terrible cruelty or behold events that simply should not be. Horror is a broader emotion than fear, and more intimate. Horror often permanently colors a character's view of the world, be it through the shock of realizing that such merciless events are possible or the paralyzing dismay of discovering some monstrous trait within oneself. Horror is the murderer of innocence. Possible examples of scenes that might require a Horror save include seeing someone torn limb from limb, watching a friend transform into a hideous monster, or learning that you slew an innocent bystander while possessed by an evil spirit.

Horror saves are typically prompted by unusual, unique situations rather than by creatures, so unlike Fear saves there's no quick formula to determine the DC. Instead, I will use my best judgment to apply a DC to the scene. As a rule, the more gruesome, abnormal and/or insane the scene, the higher the DC should be.

Failure Results

If a character fails a Horror save, the player should roll 1d4 and compare it to the effect category to select a specific symptom of Horror. If a character fails a Horror save by 16+ points, he suffers Sanity Damage on a one for one basis for each point over 16 (i.e. failing a roll by 20 would result in 4 points of Sanity Damage).

Failure Results

Minor Effect: (1) Aversion, (2) Fearstruck, (3) Frozen, or (4) Nausea.

Moderate Effect: (1) Nightmares, (2) Obsession, (3) Rage, or (4) Revulsion

Major Effect: (1) Fascination, (2) Haunted, (3) Mental Shock, or (4) System Shock

Additional Failures: Some Horror effects have outburst durations that are measured in rounds. A character can carry only a single Horror effect at a time. If a subsequent failed Horror save indicates a result of equal or lesser severity, I will use another outburst of the existing effect. If a failed Horror save indicates a result of greater severity, the existing effect is removed and there is default to the greater one instead. Horror effects do not stack.

Recovering from Horror

Minor Horror effects last one week.

Moderate effects last two weeks.

Major effects last thirty days.

At the end of this duration, the character rolls a recovery check (a Horror save). Use the DC of the original Horror save with a -2 morale bonus, since time and distance heal all wounds. If the character succeeds at this check, the Horror effect is removed. If she fails, the Horror effect persists for another duration period. A character can retry failed Horror recovery checks each time she reaches the end of a duration period. The -2 DC modifier is cumulative with each attempt.

Numerous spells and magical effects (such as modify memory or remove fear) can also remove all Horror effects.

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Shadow's Status

My friend, my dreams have been strange as of late. Yes, I know, we have spoken of my dreams many times over the years, but these dreams are vivid, so much more vivid than the ones I described to you in the past. I am beginning to believe that when I dream, I am not merely dreaming, but traveling. Often to dark places... I have been journaling for months about these things that I have seen. Much of it will seem like fanciful fiction to you. To many perhaps. Maybe it is these lands so infused with darkness and negative energy from the centuries under the yoke of the Whispering Tyrant that my dreams are often of the dead, the undead. Much of it connected to the past of Ustalav. A past I believe may go farther back than anyone has ever suspected. I believe I will need help, more help than Kendra can provide. I need you my friend to come to me. I… I can say no more in this letter.

Your friend, Doctor Rudolph van Richten
4711 AR, Ravengro, Ustalav

Shadow's Status

Bastian & Alain:
The caravan master allows you both to take a horse each and "ride ahead" to Ravengro. Normally, Jerard Withrom, is a no nonsense businessman, but with a letter from Doctor van Richten he decides to change the original caravan route and pass by Ravengro for "trading". The Doctor aided him in an undisclosed matter years prior is his only explanation for the allowance.

"Take two horses, let's call it, an advanced scouting trip. Once we catch up with you, you can rejoin and we will continue through to Lepidstadt as originally intended".

You ride out together from the shadows of the Gallowspire. Two grim warriors without much to say, don't say much to each other on the ride. A friend is in need and that is good enough for the two of you.

On the fourth uneventful day, on a fog shrouded morning, you finally arrive on the outskirts of Ravengro. You both understand this settlement to be a sleepy self-sufficient farming community with little love for outsiders. An odd place for someone like the Doctor to settle down in considering his research was likely anathema to the people of this small town. Coming into the town from the east you find few actual roads as most of the land is indeed farmland.

Even this early in the morning farmers tend to their crops, those that notice you stare and watch as you pass by. None wave. The town's reputation for distrust, so far, appears justified.

There is only one road that leads north into the town proper. You must pick your way through moorland and around what appears to be a graveyard to arrive within the town itself.

Shadow's Status

Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:
Caliphas is not exactly close to the sleepy village that Doctor van Richten currently resides in. Partly by water and partly by land you make your way to your old friend. The journey is long and not inexpensive! But, for a man that has given so much of himself, and expected so little in return, you gladly make the journey.

After a night of camping in the outskirts of the town (it seemed a bit late to arrive at his doorstep!) you pack your belongings and make the final leg of the trip.

Ahead of you are two riders, both appear to be grim of demeanor. They are so intent on their destination, they do not even notice you.

Approaching the moorlands a farmer runs up from behind and flags you down, "You three! Were you staying on my land last night? I trust you did not damage or steal my crops or there's hell to pay".

Shadow's Status

Sergei the Haunted:
As you are led outside of the prison walls on horseback, the guard grunts, "I'll bet yer glad ta' be out of this place hey?

Few ever leave, alive. If your sentence was commuted, I would suggest that what you do next does not run you afoul of the laws of Talingarde Mr. Sergei. We have a few days ride ahead, we could get there quicker but I like to skirt the moors. It's not safe near there. Some sort of monster dwells there and I don't want to fight whatever that thing is and I a, sure you don't either. A few more days won't kill you!"

On the road a few hours away you pass by a caravan or prisoners heading to Brandescar. One prisoner is speaking incessantly. One of the wagon cars rattles and from within it issues the roar of a beast!

The guard shakes his head, "First an Ogre, now whatever that is. Might be time I retire, this job is getting much more dangerous than it was when I first started. Evil is getting ready to cast its hateful shadow in our peaceful land you mark my words Sergei!"

A few uneventful days later, you arrive in the largest town you have ever seen. The guard drops you off to a local Wizard's tower and bids you good luck, it is quite late, past midnight.

The Wizard nods to you, he seems less than friendly and gruff but willing to assist. "The Warden sent me a message. I am to transport you to a town named Ravengro. I have researched it. I am afraid the only area where I can guarantee you safe passage is near the local prison, Harrowstone. Step into the circle and we shall proceed".

Despite being a free man now, you are used to following orders dutifully and so, you do as bid.

The Wizards begins casting his complicated incantation and soon enough you begin to feel queasy. Then in an instant you feel folded in upon yourself and POP! Instead of standing in the library of a cranky Wizard, you find yourself alone on a barren hill.

It is morning here in this place, the sun rises in the east and has just begun brightening the countryside. You see your first sunrise as a free man, no walls, no guards, just you and nature. Harrowstone’s grounds are contained within a crumbling stone wall, the eastern portion of which
has fallen away into a huge sinkhole As the sun rises you look north and see a crumbing prison.

Much as Brandescar was bleak, it had life. This place reeks of death. To the south, you see what you assume to be your destination, Ravengro. A partially overgrown track leads to the northern edge of the town.

You pause for a moment, considering what to say when you finally see the Doctor i person again. To your left, the east, you see a lone traveler walking down a dirt road which leads to Ravengro, by the look of him, he is some sort of monk.

Shadow's Status

The road, on foot especially, is long from the WorldWound to Ustalav. Made longer still by the fact that the Fifth Mendevian Crusade just drew to a close. To see such an event was inspiring especially with the knowledge that you were personally able to make a difference!

You were ready for the next chapter, the what comes next. Then the letter from the Doctor. Much as you wanted to rest, you knew that based on tone, this was not a letter you could ignore. You had to come and assist in any way you could.

And so, now, finally, here you are. To the south on this long dirt road is the town of Ravengro. Sprawling farmlands surround the place full of superstitious farmers. You understand their caution, living on the edge of the Hells is not comfortable and this country too has had its share of terrors that once ruled its fog shrouded lands.

One foot in front of the other, you are almost there. To your right, to the west, is a barren hill. Sitting atop it appears to be a crumbling ruins, it is not clear what was there. As you continue to head towards the city, curiously, a figure stands near that place. He has just noticed you as you have just noticed him...

HP 24/24; San 35/36; AC 10; Init +0; Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +0; 2 3

The large form of Bastion silently returns the glare of any farmer who frowns in disapproval at him. The Ogre... he is used to stares. Six and a half feet tall, and solid muscle. But that is not why people stare. His skin is pale and his hair pure white. At night he has been mistaken for a ghost. A noisy ghost he admits to himself. Subtly is not the strongpoint of Ogre.

Turning his horse slightly, he gestures to Alain. "No sense in risking the horses on the open moorland. Let's stick to the road. Surely it will lead us to van Richten"

Acrobatics +7, History +4, Nobility +4, Religion +5, Linguistics (B) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand (B) +6, Stealth +7
[dice=Unarmed Attack]d20+3[/dice][dice=Unarmed Damage]d6+3[/dice] [dice=+1 Longbow]d20+4[/dice][/dice=+1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice][dice=Flurry w/+1 Longbow]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Flurry w/ +1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice]
ZA Monk 2; HP: 25 ; Init +4; AC: 16, T: 16, FF: 13; CMB +4, CMD 20; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+1 Fort vs. Attacks by Incorporeal Undead); Sanity- 36/36; Legacy- Godefroy; Perception +8

Kenzo Walking:
Kenzo waves to the figure and will continue towards the city, but keeps an eye on him in case he seems in need of aid or hostile to those passing by.

Male Human Pharasman Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 1/ Unchained Monk 1

Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:


The skinny human, (presumably), wearing a tattered black traveling cloak with the large hood pulled to a point over his face, sighs faintly. Then the hood turns slowly to face his two companions.

"Hm. I see the welcome is as warm as the weather. Clearly the tourist destination of the region. No wonder the good Doctor moved here."

Shadow's Status

The Monk notices you looking in his direction, gives a friendly wave, and continues walking towards the town.

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:

Of course Teofila will go to see Dr. van Richten if he requests it. But that doesn't mean the timing is good, or the travel is convenient, and therefore her mood is good. She had planned to be on her way back to Ardis, already there by now in fact. The house needs work, shingles replaced at least, before the wet causes more rot to set in. Not that she can afford the repair. Teofila expected she'd probably have to sell off more of the furniture to pay for it.

Mostly Teofila is thinking about the delay, and hoping for a stretch of dry weather until she can wrap up whatever it is Dr. van Richten needs when the farmer calls out to the three of them. When she turns around to look at the farmer, she expression is in between blank and a slight frown, the frown largely due to Sterling's decision to mouth off at the man. Teofila doesn't see the need. They can probably be done with the farmer quickly and move on if he isn't insulted or frightened.

"Hail good fellow, may the Lady of Graves ever watch over you and yours" Teofila answers back to the farmer.

"We cannot say whether we stayed on your land last night. We saw no signs or markings naming an owner. We can say that we did not damage or take from the place where we rested, which was just off the road maybe a quarter mile back. We did not even light a fire."

"If the land there to the right of the road is yours, we beg your pardon for not asking permission. We did not know who or where to ask. We also thank you for allowing three of Pharasma's humble servants to take their rest there due to your hospitality."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Male Human Kineticist, AC 13, HP: 26/26, Temp HP 2, Sanity 38, Burn 0/8, Burn Shard 1/1, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1 (Second Chance 1/1) Init +3, Per +7, Hero Points 1/1

Sergei on the road:
Sergei let out a mirthless chuckle, amused at being released from prison only to be transported directly to another prison. He didn't speak to the guard as they traveled. Instead he bided his time going through the clothes and the pack they'd given him. He didn't think it was his. They'd probably just stuffed everything they didn't have records for into it. It was a lot of odds and ends. None of his clothes matched. He was glad the boots and cane were nice at least.

Memories of arriving at Branderscar were pretty fragmented, but he knew it had been a long time ago. Most of the the things in the pack were on the newer side. Certainly not more than 50 years. He wasn't sure how long he'd been in Branderscar, but it had been long enough that all the records regarding why he'd been there were lost, and he'd been there longer than all the currently employed guards. At least, that's what Professor Van Richten had told him. For a long time he'd been considered catatonic, locked inside his shattered mind with no concept of his surroundings. He'd been busy. It had been the work of ages to make some kind of sense out of all the voices and memory fragments trapped together inside his skull, and he'd had to do it all alone.

Eventually he'd come out of the fuge, but not in any coherant way. He had no idea how many different spirits dwelled within him. More came all the time. Usually they were just screaming echos of emotion, too overwhelmed to move on to Pharasma's judgement. With them came new memories of pain and love, loss and rage. In his mind he'd lived parts of hundreds of lives, and none of them had ended well. They'd fought constantly, all vying for control of Sergei's body, his hands, his mouth, all trying to scream out their hurt to anyone who would listen.

It was all far beyond the skills of the traveling councilor who visited Branderscar a few times a year. Sergei was incredibly lucky that she'd taken enough of an intrest in his condition to contact Professor Van Richten.

It was the Professor who's taught him how to cooperate with himself. The trick, the incredible solution was simple compassion. All the fragmented souls inside him really wanted was to be heard, and healed. That's all any haunting was. Van Richten had simply gotten them to talk to each other. They all wanted healing, and they could so easily relate to each other's struggles. Once they stopped vying for control, Sergei was able to regain his autonomy. Sometimes he felt like a person. Sometimes he felt like a group. It was still confusing, but at least now he could tell the difference between memories and reality, and between the living and the dead.

He had plenty of memories of towns like Ravengro. It didn't really matter than none of them were actually his. They felt like they were. There was a difference between memories and current experiences though. Details changed. Some were lost, others amplified. He was looking forward to experiencing a town that wasn't colored by bad memories.

He set out on the road, a man alone in the world but never alone in his mind.

Sergei and the Monk:

There was a bit of a delay in Sergei's returned wave. First he had to realize a real person was waving at him. Then the parlement in his mind had to come to a decision about how to respond. In the end, he just tipped his new tricorn hat in the monk's direction and continued walking.

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 2 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 26/26 (-0NL) |Current Burn: 0 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 | CMB +3 / CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +6|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 2/-0 | Active:

Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:
Keeping his nondescript plain grey cloak pulled up, Cole keeps silent. He was well aware what normal residents of Ustalav thought when they see his small tusks and greenish skin. Sneering back down the road toward their destination, Cole desperately tries not to think about what the farmer would look and sound like if he was completely immolated with flames. At least he would have something to really complain about if he were...

Shadow's Status

Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:
The Farmer pauses at Teofila's mention of the Lady of Graves, "Ah, my mistake. Apologies, had I known you were clergy of the Gray Lady I would have given you room in my barn and a full belly to set out with.

May the Lady's blessing always be with you".

As you turn around, you see that the two riders have stopped on the road. Should you wish to interact with them before they enter Ravengro, now would seem to be the time.

Shadow's Status

Sergei and Kenzo:
There was a bit of a delay in the Strangers returned wave. He just tipped his new tricorn hat in Kenzo's direction and continued walking.

You are both walking the same way, south into Ranengro. Within three minutes, you will be walking side by side...

Male Human Pharasman Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 1/ Unchained Monk 1
GM Dark Shadows wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Count Strahd Von Zarvoich

Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:


"And the Lady's blessings be with you, until the judgement." Sterling returns automatically. The cleric's tone is subdued but sincere. His hand hand traces a spiral in the air as he repeats the traditional blessing.

Aside to his companions Sterling notes,..."Curious. I wonder if he always greets strangers in such a cheerful manner? Or if he's had enough troubles with bandits raiding his crops to warrant such a reaction from three travelers? No matter how well armed?"
The cleric shifts his pack on his back to make it more comfortable as he speaks. The small pack fairly bristling with unusual weapons.

'The Raven' tilts his hooded head to the side quizzically as he notes the two figures on horseback not far ahead of them.

"As I noted earlier, this is not the typical tourist destination. I can't help but wonder what brings other travelers this way on such an inglorious morning. Not merchants obviously. Perhaps we should travel with them til we reach the town? In case whomever the farmer was concerned about turns up?"

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:

Teofila gives the farmer a wave, hand high in the air, to acknowledge his well-wishes before turning and walking on.

In reply to Sterling she shrugs.

"Maybe bandits or someone thieving crops. Maybe he's just a crank. Too many possibilities to sort through. Out here in the countryside there's plenty to worry about or be on guard against. Makes it hard for people to be anything other than careful and suspicious of strangers."

"Best to take them as they are without comment. You don't want to piss the wrong person off. That man's a farmer sure, but he might also be the mayor of the nearby hamlet, or deputized into the local watch, or the cousin of the sheriff, or a member of a vigilante group."

"Until you know your way around a place well enough to tell who's who, you do yourself a favor by staying polite and not talking too much."

As she talks, Teofila keeps her eyes on the horsemen. They probably stopped because they heard raised voices and are curious. But, she gives them a careful appraisal just in case.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15


Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Acrobatics +7, History +4, Nobility +4, Religion +5, Linguistics (B) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand (B) +6, Stealth +7
[dice=Unarmed Attack]d20+3[/dice][dice=Unarmed Damage]d6+3[/dice] [dice=+1 Longbow]d20+4[/dice][/dice=+1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice][dice=Flurry w/+1 Longbow]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Flurry w/ +1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice]
ZA Monk 2; HP: 25 ; Init +4; AC: 16, T: 16, FF: 13; CMB +4, CMD 20; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+1 Fort vs. Attacks by Incorporeal Undead); Sanity- 36/36; Legacy- Godefroy; Perception +8

Sergei and Kenzo:
Kenzo realizes that the two will soon cross paths. He continues his walking and as their path nears he smiles at the other man and says, "Good day, it seems we are both heading into Ranengro."

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 2 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 26/26 (-0NL) |Current Burn: 0 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 | CMB +3 / CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +6|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 2/-0 | Active:

Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:
Grimacing again, Cole tries to keep his small talk to a minimum.

”Unless you want to return and ask him, his reasons are his own. I believe we have an appointment to make? Shall we continue?”

Finally paying attention to the two people in front of the group, Cole sneers again.

”What is this? Are they pausing?”

AC: 17// ST: F +4 R +5 W+5// Sanity: 38 Human Gunslinger 1
_Bastian 'Ogre' Zorovich wrote:


Turning his horse slightly, he gestures to Alain. "No sense in risking the horses on the open moorland. Let's stick to the road. Surely it will lead us to van Richten"

Alain grunts an affirmative. The middle-aged man is not one for words. Any farmers they meet get a silent appraisal with eyes the color of a winter sky. The man follows Bastian as he leads them along towards their eventual destination, the only sound the faint jingle of his spurred boots and the rhythmic clap of his holster against his thigh as the horse trots on.

Shadow's Status

Bastian & Alain | Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:
As Ogre pauses to assess Alain's opinion on the best way forward, behind them, the riders hear a bit of yelling.

Shifting in the saddle they see one of those grim eyed farmers accosting a few road travelers heading overland. Relatively quickly one of them seems to diffuse the situation and the farmer gives an, almost, friendly wave heading back to his duties for the morning.

The sharp eyed Gunslinger notices that one of the party is wearing a holy symbol of Pharasma, a unique one at that.

The three pause and are looking in the riders direction.

AC: 17// ST: F +4 R +5 W+5// Sanity: 38 Human Gunslinger 1

The gunslinger looks over at Bastian and subtly nods his head back at the trio behind them

"Company" he says in a gravelly voice

He makes no sudden moves, but unsnaps his holster in case the company is of the unwelcome sort

Male Human Pharasman Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 1/ Unchained Monk 1

Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:


"Hm. Apparently so." Sterling responds to Cole.

The cleric raises the hand not holding onto his staff, (Little more than a glorified walking stick), and traces Pharasma's spiral in the air towards the ones on horseback.

"I wonder. If we had horses,... would I complain about my rump as much as I do my feet?" He asks aloud. Sterling's typical deadpan tone makes it difficult to tell if he is trying to be funny or not.

The cleric begins walking forward at a casual pace.

"Well. They seem to be headed in the same direction. It's a free road. Let us not keep the good Doctor waiting."

Bastian & Alain:


The one wearing the obvious holy symbol of Pharasma raises the hand not holding his staff, (barely more than a glorified walking stick), and traces the Spiral of Pharasma in the direction of the pair on horseback.

After a moment, the presumed cleric begins walking down the road towards them at a casual pace.

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 2 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 26/26 (-0NL) |Current Burn: 0 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 | CMB +3 / CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +6|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 2/-0 | Active:

Sterling, Teofila, and Cole:

Sterling said wrote:

"I wonder. If we had horses,... would I complain about my rump as much as I do my feet?" He asks aloud. Sterling's typical deadpan tone makes it difficult to tell if he is trying to be funny or not.

Smirking Cole mumbles just loud enough for Teofila to hear.

”Yeah, Im pretty sure you would.”

HP 24/24; San 35/36; AC 10; Init +0; Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +0; 2 3

"Well, he either wants us dead, or he wants our souls." grunts Ogre.

"So long as the soul can wait a few dozen years, I got no qualms with that. If he wants it sooner, he'll need to work for it.

He turns his horse, watching the other three carefully. The large man, though makes to move to join them, just lifting an empty palm in a sign of greeting.

Under his breath he adds to Alain.

"Of course in these lands, there is strength in numbers as well. Who knows what we'll face between here and the town."

Male Human Kineticist, AC 13, HP: 26/26, Temp HP 2, Sanity 38, Burn 0/8, Burn Shard 1/1, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1 (Second Chance 1/1) Init +3, Per +7, Hero Points 1/1

Sergei and Kenzo:

"It does. Hello."

The man in the hat is awkward. His speech is accented and stiff, like he is speaking a language he is not familiar with, and trying to hide his embarassment about not knowing what to say.

His clothes don't fit well, and don't match. His boots and cane are rather nice, but everything else is shabby and large on his tall, slender frame. He wears round glasses with dark lenses and his scarf is pulled up high. Almost none of his features are visible.

He keeps pace with Kenzo once thier paths converge, but clearly has no idea what to say.

Shadow's Status

Bastian, Alain, Sterling, Teofila, and Cole

The clerics continue their approach up through the field and to the dusty road that leads north into Ravengro. The two riders continue to wait.

Finally, the groups are close enough for conversation...

Feel free to describe yourselves to one another.

HP 24/24; San 35/36; AC 10; Init +0; Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +0; 2 3

From a distance it was perhaps not quite so obvious. But as the clerics approach the figure of Bastion seems to loom ever larger. The sword on his back - almost as big as the man himself - is well suited to his size. Still, he makes no move to draw it.

As you get closer still the otherworldliness of the big man becomes also evident. His skin is as pale as moonlight, and his hair as colourness as fresh fallen snow. His eyes, well they match the pale blue of his companion.

"Alain here don't say much." he says.
"I've got a name, but most folk, well, they just be callin me Ogre. Y'all got names?"

It may have been asked as a question, but there is no doubt the man wants an answer. The cold eyes seeming to drill into each of the clerics in turn.

Male Human Pharasman Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 1/ Unchained Monk 1

The smallest of the three carries a staff and wears an overstuffed pack. He is presumably human, although it is difficult to be certain as he wears a slightly tattered black traveling cloak with it's large hood pulled down to a point over his face. His traveling clothes under the cloak are standard, (Pants, boots, shirt, vest) other than all being in the darkest shades of brown, red and blue possible without being called black. His slightly-larger-than-normal holy symbol of Pharasma hangs prominently over his doublet in plain view.

The figure nods slowly to the horsemen, and once again traces a small spiral of Pharasma in the air.

"Of course. I am Sterling. But some call me 'Raven'. Mostly superstitious folks, but still."

The man turns to look to his companions. Apparently not wanting to speak for them.

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 2 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 26/26 (-0NL) |Current Burn: 0 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 | CMB +3 / CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +6|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 2/-0 | Active:

The sneer on his face disappears quickly at the large man’s politeness. He pulls his cloak’s hood down, revealing his features finally. Dark hair, greenish skin, and small tusks protruding from his bottom lip quickly reveal his heritage. His clothes are natural dark colors: mostly shades of brown, with some black and dark red highlights. His nondescript plain grey cloak is obviously his natural camouflage for places that don’t ‘take kindly’ to his kind. And antique sword hilt, rests easily at his waist. His voice nether waivers nor is insistent when he speaks, although he speaks with a Lastwall accent in his common speech.

”You can call me Cole. Greetings ‘ Ogre’ and Alain.”

AC: 17// ST: F +4 R +5 W+5// Sanity: 38 Human Gunslinger 1

The human man next to Ogre is tall and rangy. His face is weathered from a life outside. It is hard to gauge his exact age - anywhere from 30-50 years. His hair is a shock of white, his eyes a light light blue almost colorless. He wears heavy-duty riding gear and a solid vest made of boiled leather. A duster-length leather jacket covers his back. A grey broad-brimmed hat perches atop his white hair. A strange weapon sits nestled in a holster on his hip. He nods at the others, his face as still as the tombstones littering the nearby graveyard

“May your fathers never find fault in your honor” He says in a gravely tone. The strange greeting has the flavor of a ritualistic formula spoken by rote.

After this brief greeting, Alain fixes himself a cigarette, rolling the fragrant Taldane tobacco with an experienced hand. He offers his poke and papers to the newcomers

Acrobatics +7, History +4, Nobility +4, Religion +5, Linguistics (B) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand (B) +6, Stealth +7
[dice=Unarmed Attack]d20+3[/dice][dice=Unarmed Damage]d6+3[/dice] [dice=+1 Longbow]d20+4[/dice][/dice=+1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice][dice=Flurry w/+1 Longbow]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Flurry w/ +1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice]
ZA Monk 2; HP: 25 ; Init +4; AC: 16, T: 16, FF: 13; CMB +4, CMD 20; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+1 Fort vs. Attacks by Incorporeal Undead); Sanity- 36/36; Legacy- Godefroy; Perception +8

Sergei and Kenzo:
Sensing the man's discomfort, Kenzo says, "I have traveled far to get here and see a friend of mine, a Doctor, who asked that I travel here and assist him with something. Are you also passing through this area?"

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

The third of the foot travelers is a woman. She is on the taller side, maybe a little bit taller than the human man she's traveling with. She seems thin, but it's hard to tell due to her unusual outer-garment. It is something between an overcoat and a cloak, perhaps a traveler's robe. The top part buttons from her neck to almost her waist, but otherwise it is billowing and long falling almost to her ankles. The sleeves are wide and loose, ending at her elbows. The garment is blue and well worn. What little that can be seen under it appears to be a standard shirt, trousers, and boots combination.

Otherwise the woman has a scarf looped around her neck, and a wide belt over the outer garment with several pouches and a scabbard holding a long, thin-bladed, curved sword.

Her hair is strait, honey blonde and at least as long as her shoulders, though the scarf covers it from the neck down. A pair of ears poke up through the hair, making it obvious she is half-elven. Her skin is pale, and her eyes are blue. The latter doesn't become apparent until she looks up at the horsemen, something she only does when they accost her and her companions, asking for names and so forth.

The woman looks at the mounted pair with a perfectly neutral expression. Despite her lack of expressiveness, she seems quite young, round faced or maybe chubby-checked. She seems to be neither afraid nor impressed, friendly nor unfriendly, curious nor dismissive when she answers the question.

"Teofila Agarici, Royal Accuser in the service of Prince Aduard Ordranti III."

Her words are a flat recital, as if she could instead be giving information to a clerk in some office.

When the other mounted man offers his tobacco, Teofila turns her head meet his gaze and says "no thank you."

She looks up at the sky to mark the sun's position, and adds "this has been nice. We must be on our way now, business to attend to before the day is done. Safe travels to you both."

With those words, Teofila begins walking onward.

Male Human Pharasman Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 1/ Unchained Monk 1

Sterling holds up a hand when offered the tobacco, but nods his head politely.

"Too early for me. Perhaps another time." He intones passively.

Then, almost as an after thought, his cowl bobs again and he adds, "Thank you."

As Teofila makes her good bye and begins walking again, 'The Raven' turns his hooded head towards Cole. He shrugs.

"She is correct. We have business in town. We should be walking if we hope to make good time. Safe travels. Pharasma guide your journey in this life, and the next."

While the comments are all delivered in the same impassive voice, the final words seems to hold sincerity, and almost emotion, in them.

The cleric turns to follow the half-elf.
(Sterling is probably thinking that taller, fleet-footed folk should not be setting the pace for those with less impressive height. Or lesser stamina.)

Male Human Kineticist, AC 13, HP: 26/26, Temp HP 2, Sanity 38, Burn 0/8, Burn Shard 1/1, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1 (Second Chance 1/1) Init +3, Per +7, Hero Points 1/1

Kenzo and Sergei:

"...curious. We... *erm* ...I have a similar purpose." the odd man replied. He kept his head low as he walked and spoke, never turning to look at the monk beside him. "Perhaps... not a coincidence."

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 2 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 26/26 (-0NL) |Current Burn: 0 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 | CMB +3 / CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +6|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 2/-0 | Active:

Without much hesitation Cole takes the proffered tobacco and sets himself a small cigarette. He then lights it with a pinky finger, so as to not frighten anybody with the display. He takes a long draw, destroying a third of the cigarette in the process, then releases a billowing cloud off to the side of his face.

Nodding in appreciation, Cole follows his friends while pulling his hood back up to cover his looks again.

HP 24/24; San 35/36; AC 10; Init +0; Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +0; 2 3

"So long as nobody's accusing me of aught more than eatin my share of the food, I got no issue with an accuser, royal or common born." mutters the big man.

He slowly turns his horse to let it follow the elf-blooded inquisitor toward the distant town.

AC: 17// ST: F +4 R +5 W+5// Sanity: 38 Human Gunslinger 1

Alain stows the poke in a belt pouch when Cole returns it. He turns his horse about and walks it along the path, a trail of smoke reeling out behind him

Shadow's Status

Bastian, Alain, Sterling, Teofila, and Cole

The two parties travel separately but parallel to one another, the riders moving ahead for obvious reasons. Both Parties pass through the graveyard, it is large and well tended.

Soon enough the graveyard is bypassed and the dirt road leads north into Ravengro proper. To the right is a large three story home with a small barn. To the left is another small patch of farmland with a small house and large barn. Straight ahead is a signpost, to it are pinned several parchment pages.

Which direction do you wish to head in? None of you know where van Richten's house is, but it is in this small town somewhere.

AC: 17// ST: F +4 R +5 W+5// Sanity: 38 Human Gunslinger 1

Alain walks his horse up to the signpost to get a look at the pinned papers

Shadow's Status

Bastian, Alain, Sterling, Teofila, and Cole

Alain trots ahead of the rest of the group and arrives at the signpost. Most of the items list mundane local news of little interest to him. Only two items of any interest stand out to him. The first is a posting by farmer Gibs, he called for a town meeting, last night, to address the presence of strangers staying on local farms in the countryside, uninvited. The second, and more important posting, is from the Doctor!

"My friends, to your right is a small bridge. Cross it. To your immediate left is my home. I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Your friend, Doctor Rudolph van Richten".

The letter is dated two days ago, 4724 AR.

AC: 17// ST: F +4 R +5 W+5// Sanity: 38 Human Gunslinger 1

Alain turns and addresses Bastian

Since we didn’t establish that the others were headed to the good doctors

“The doc left us a note. Thisaway “

He leads his horse in a slow walk towards the bridge

Male Human Pharasman Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 1/ Unchained Monk 1

Sterling slowly makes his way to the post as well. Not getting in the way of Alain, but also trying to read the posted notices.

Alain wrote:

Alain turns and addresses Bastian

“The doc left us a note. Thisaway “

He leads his horse in a slow walk towards the bridge.

The jump of Sterling's hooded head is slow, but obvious.

"Hm,... 'The Doc' left YOU a note? So you are also acquainted with Doctor Richten?"

The hood turns back and forth to look at both of the men on horseback.

"Of course. We three hardly hold sole claim of the good Doctor's time and acquaintance. It seems he invited other friends as well." Sterling observes calmly and quietly.

AC: 17// ST: F +4 R +5 W+5// Sanity: 38 Human Gunslinger 1

Alain halts his stallion at the slight priest’s words. He nods slightly

“All things serve the Beam”

he chucks and puts the horse to a walk again

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

While Teofila does reevaluate the two horsemen somewhat upon the realization they are also have the same destination and therefore probably aren't dangerous, she does slide a side-eye Cole's way when the mounted smoker starts talking about "the Beam". It's her way of raising the question "what the f*!# is he talking about?". She's as certain as she can be that she doesn't serve "the Beam".

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 2 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 26/26 (-0NL) |Current Burn: 0 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 | CMB +3 / CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +6|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 2/-0 | Active:

Cole finishes the cigarette and pinches it out with his fingers, then flicks the remainder at the post.

"Big surprise. The Dr. knows lots of people. Something must be up for him to call all of us at the same time: Stars aligning...People dying...blah, blah, blah..."

He turns and sighs, heading toward the Dr's House.

HP 24/24; San 35/36; AC 10; Init +0; Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +0; 2 3

Bastion offers a gruff laugh to Alain. "From the looks of it, all things be servin the Dr as well."

He casts a second glance over the other three.

"Well, perhaps van Richten is wantin to have a party?" he suggests hopefully.

He lets the walkers go ahead, and brings up the rear, taking a final glance back toward the fields and the graveyard the group just passed through.

Male Human Pharasman Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 1/ Unchained Monk 1

Sterling looks at Cole.
"I hope that was only a guess, and not a sudden debut of some latent oracular-predictive powers."

The hooded figure shrugs at 'Ogre's' words as they continue to move down the road.
"I have noted the Doctors' ability to hold a copious amount of wine when talking about his interests late at night. Otherwise I do not believe he is the 'party' type."

"But people constantly surprise me. Or disappoint me."

Shadow's Status

Kenzo and Sergei

The pair wander south down the dusty road. Kenzo comfortable with the silence, Sergei uncomfortable in general.

You both arrive at a signpost. Most of the items list mundane local news of little interest. There do end up being two items of interest.

The first is a posting by a farmer Gibs, he called for a town meeting, last night, to address the presence of strangers staying on local farms in the countryside, uninvited.

The second, and more important posting, is from the Doctor!

"My friends, to your left is a large bridge. Cross it. Walk through it, to the right will be my humble abode. I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Your friend, Doctor Rudolph van Richten".

The letter is dated two days ago, 4724 AR.

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

"I have to say I'm a lot more curious about why the Doctor has asked us here now than I was yesterday."

Acrobatics +7, History +4, Nobility +4, Religion +5, Linguistics (B) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand (B) +6, Stealth +7
[dice=Unarmed Attack]d20+3[/dice][dice=Unarmed Damage]d6+3[/dice] [dice=+1 Longbow]d20+4[/dice][/dice=+1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice][dice=Flurry w/+1 Longbow]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Flurry w/ +1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice]
ZA Monk 2; HP: 25 ; Init +4; AC: 16, T: 16, FF: 13; CMB +4, CMD 20; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+1 Fort vs. Attacks by Incorporeal Undead); Sanity- 36/36; Legacy- Godefroy; Perception +8

Kenzo looks at Sergei and says, "It seems my path goes over this bridge. Does coincidence happen to also take you over the bridge?" He waits to see the answer before heading to the Doctor's abode.

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