Valegrim |

It is a overcast and cool, rainy day in the Celtic area, the Gnome village, and pretty much everywhere the pc's are located. The ground though grasses is much like a swamp as the water logged earth seems to suck at your feet; dry areas of travel are muddly and water pools everywhere; it has been raining hard for three days; flooding is everywhere across the region. Lakes and rivers are swollen; trees and building collapse as the foundations are two wet to hold them against the push of the wind; and sometimes what a wind it is; gusts up to 30 mph. heck sometimes it seems it is raining sideways. It is cold, wet and miserable; unless you like that sort of thing and it does keep down the bugs. So this is sometime in Spring, late spring. Whether you a sea elf traveling north or a Celt traveling south or leaving the Gnome village; you pass no farms; just abandoned and burned out places. No planting; no crops in the ground; looks like it will be a hard winter for some.
The two Bards set out from the Elven ship and move north; for a week and 3 more days do you travel. The pace is fast and the weather no impediment to elves and their strike eats of miles neither forest nor watery plane seems to slow their light yet quick steps. The Master bard leading his student on seems to know right where he is going and direct do they travel avoiding all. Till one night they stop at a burn out village; the building demolished and wretched; evidence of much past burning; Ignoring the rain; the elves find a couple chairs and a table and set down to await something; the student knows not.; yet wait they do. The Master Bard seems to be laying out a feast; far more food for the mid day meal than the two of them would fast upon.
At the Gnome village; Hava takes charge; "as fortold; the Goliath has come down from the mountain peaks; thus my fine young friends we must travel a bit to one place then another. No better companion could be had; a honorable strong goliath; a industrious gnome who wields magic and a crafty, dextrous halfling; as fortold; well; say your goodbyes and gather your things as we leave right after breakfast. So a feast is laid out at night and again in the morning; gifts are exchanged; food is packed and each meet late in the 9th hour to set out for travel; though raining; superior gnomish engineering drains the water from the walkways and it is pleasant until you leave the village; at the edge; Hava calls everyone to stop and says; boys; now we ride; you look around a bit; and there is nothing TO ride; not on the ground or up in the air. But, Hava says some mystical words and gestures powerfully with staff and hand; and a fully bridled and saddles warhorse of smoke and darkness appears. And for the Goliath; a massive heavy charger. "mount up boys; and follow me" The creatures are easy to mount; you step into the saddle stirrup and instantly your on board; you cannot fall off so no ride rolls are needed; the creatures practically fly over the terrain; much much much faster than an ordianary horse; the ride is quite thrilling as they leap large bushes and go across stream or lake with equal ease and forests are no impediment though many squeeze their eyes shut now and again; the rain does sting at this speed; so by by lunchtime; this hellride has become quite unpleasant though tens of mile have been covered.
the horses slow and walk into a burned out village as described above. Hava pulls reign in front of a husk of a destroyed inn or tavern.
"ah; Master Bard; I greet thee my friend; it has been a long time. "As I greet thee and yours my friend; Master Wizard replies the elderly elf. Hava brings out some very good wine and introductions are made.
When you dismount; the horse fades away like smoke.
Hava: "this gnome be Gloisil, that is Merrick of the Mountain peoples; and this is Bob; whose train has been staying and helping out in our village.
the Master Bard "I am called Astledier, and this is my student Sunset of the Sea People, I am please to meet you each" he says is a melodic voice, "let us break our mid past fast and get aquainted them move to the stone; It is some miles that way"; he points toward some higher hilly and forested area.
"ah; sad about his village; I always kind of liked it; the innkeeper made a fine, very fine roast lamb dinner and among the best pastries I have tasted. sigh; nothing lasts, but you my ancient friend; would know more of that than I." says Hava. "yes, all things change; as the seasons and verily the centries go by; but some things never change; evil still creepith from the ugly places under the earth. Evils with a face of old that has not changed but to become more wicked."
you guys can all describe yourselves now if you wish.
Hava is all bundled up; wears a mystic cloak and has a staff of mystic runes and all kinds of trinkets; he wears a mask that covers his entire face that looks like a grey rat, though is long gnomish beard pokes of of the bottom and grows down to mid belly; he is typical height for a gnome, but well dressed. He also carries a short sword.
Ok Galen; your party travels as they have for weeks; perservering through rain and sludge; at a quick and meaningful pace; and the days of travel pass; you pick up the feeling of needing to hurry that increases as the miles go by; each day you are filled with renewed vigor and each night your dreams are guided by Frey "Seek yea a man of the mountain peaks; see yea the song of sea when sun sets; seek yea the gnome of inward lore and the halfling who opens doors" You keep seeing ancient set of stones in your dreams; like Menhirs; great stone columns carved from rock in a great circle with a large stone table or altar in the center. you dream of stars patterns; as if the stars are watching you; waiting; eager; yet look as you will; your eyes do not peirce the overcast, dark and stormy skies.
Until one night; Lord Anton comes to you: "Two nights more perhaps, yes, I deem it so; we travel tomorrow; and tomorrow night we make camp; it is likely we will meet others; some destine to be your coming companions; could be anyone; but one should be a giant of man, from the mountain peaks between here and my home; his kind live up very high; higher than those like us would like; not much air there to breath; and very cold; not much grows; leaping from cliff to cliff like the giant goats of the region. It is likely he or she will come or all is not as it should be; the others; could be nine other companions; each with various special abilities. It should be an interesting start for you Sir Galen.; rest well for we start early."

Sunset |

The blond haired elf, whom the Master Bard Astledier has pointed to and introduced as 'Sunset', sits on the other side of the table. Her legs folded up and with herself bundled under a pale, sky blue cloak, the hood thrown back showing a gum-nut brown face and sun-bleached locks of golden hair. Besides her rests her pack, an ancient long sword affixed to one side and a finely made pair of boots dangle by their lacing-s from the other.
She grins at both the introduction and the new comers. The smile seeming to spread to her entire being as she unfolds her lanky frame and stands, bare foot, upon her chair. With a flourishing bow she greets her new companions,
"Hail and well met. Pleased I am, an' honored, to make your acquaintance an' surely do look forward to the times ahead." She winks mischievously, her good spirits giving a fey cast to her features.
"Be they good times or bad, th' freind-ship o' good mates'll make any undertakin' all th' more pleasant an' any adventurin' all th' more.." Her words trail off as her face clouds. She looks to her mentor who smiles back kindly.
"Well, yes." His face growing thoughtful, "Perhaps 'Any adventures worthy of those who undertake them.'hmmm?" He grins, "Well, every tale and song begins with some rough draft, hey?" Sunset chuckles along with the elder Bard and then skips across the sagging porch and dropping lightly into the sodden grass and mud, seemingly unconcerned by it's clinging damp, to sit upon a slouching step and extend a hand, again not caring about the moisture that begins to stain her leather pants.
"Howdy an' well met t' ye!" ^_^ Both Bob and Hava nod and shake the tanned skinned elf's offering of friendship, noting she has positioned her lanky 6' frame so as to be within very casual and easy reach of the smaller folk,
Aye an' still amazed I am at whut th' random size generates fer an' Elf here abouts! O.o
Having shaken the Gnome and Halfling's hands she stands and, while swatting at the water still clinging to her pants with one hand, offers the other to Merrick with a grin and tilt of her head.
"So's, th' mountains is it? I surely do plan on seein' these things whut are said t' hold th' sky up one day." She says as she shakes the very large man's hand, he notes the friendly strength and warmth of the elven woman's grip.
Hee hee! First t' post! ^_^ Lookin' forward t' sharin' th' tale t' come with every one!

Gloisil Murigel |

Gloisil is a fairly good looking gnome as gnomes go, but is robed in a quite unremarkable robe of drab colors. He is carrying a pack on his back, off of which hang kettle and a bedroll. The robe is wrapped around Gloisil and little else of him can be seen.
When introduced, Gloisil says, "Well met, and good day to you. Ah, elven bards, seekers of knowledge and singers of song. This adventure may be worth the traveling yet if we get to here the tales of a bard along the way, and I'm always willing to talk with another who is a seeker of knowledge, about the only people I am willing to talk to regularly."
"Although it seems to me that if we are destined to this path then this path we must take. Our actions will then determine the outcome of our journey along this path. What say you our fine elven bards, do you not agree?"

Merrik |

Merrik keeps a bit quiet for the time being, having not seen to many of the other races up until this point in time (appart from the many gnomes in their village).
The ride to the burned village is not much to his liking. He hasn't rode before and is grateful that these steeds don't get him into trouble.
Getting into the burned out village he is happy to get ground beneath his feet again, even if the place seems not the best to make a rest. That and the absence of mountains, slopes and stone in general don't go lightly on his mind.
Merrik looks, from a distance, just like any human man could look like: brown hair, a bit in disarray from the hard ride. His face is mostly shaven, though not too clean.
Only getting close to him, or having something normal sized standing next to him, his height becomes noticable.
He's wearing a studded leather armor, having a heavy flail tagged to his belt. Besides a mostly filled backpack and a bedroll, there is not much else to the Goliath.
After getting the introductions done, he takes the offered hand of the elven woman, shaking it lightly, reacting surprised to the strength that lies behind that grip.
"So's, th' mountains is it? I surely do plan on seein' these things whut are said t' hold th' sky up one day."
"Yeah, the mountains. I miss them, to tell the truth. Everythings pretty flat down here..."

Galen Stormwalker |

Galen, a description for when we meet
Galen is 5ft 6, he looks about 16 years old, he has pointy ears and his elven blood is fairly obvoius
he has blond hair in a pony tail
Galen has very shiny armour and shield
and a large (and shiny) hand and half sword on his back
(and various other weapons)
Galen smiles alot and is very friendly and easy going, sometimes (when not in his armour) people assume he is a bard, and some have said he is not stern enough to be a paladin
Galen loves to sing and play his lyre
BUT when confronting evil or injustice Galen does however become very focused and determined.
Galen has said on several occasions that when all evil has been defeated, all injustice dealt with and there is world peace then he will put away his sword and start a career as a bard

Valegrim |

Lunch is served and enjoyed; Hava produces a quantity of hot stew; with he elven bread and fruit; the meal is quite good even with rain splashin in your face though it is hard to supress a few chuckles at Hava looking like a drowned rat and you know how wet fur smells. hehe.
After the meal is completed; <continue your conversation as you wish> The Master Bard and Master Wizard confir <see below, the Wizard Bard conversation is taken at very high speed; Gnomes talk really really fast unless they are trying to talk to other races>, finally shrug then speak to the group:
Hava: prepare to move out; we shall be traveling by foot to a spot; should take the rest of the light to get there; normally I think we would get their before complet dark; but in this mud wallow; well; probably be later than I would desire. Well, nothing for it; this way; our object is that large hill; well doubt you can see it; but its is there; least it was last year; beneath it is a small grove where I have hidden a few things and there we shall spend the night; at dawn; if all is well; something spectacular should happen.
Bard: Have you told them of the prophesy?
Wizard: not in so many words; just hints.
Bard: I think we should
Wizard: I was thinking tonight to set the mood <he grins> I imagine they will have dreams; least we all did back when this got started.
Bard: very true, lets do it that way then
Wizard: agreed.
Bard: the whole of it will take hours, hmm, days really.
Wizard: I was considering only stanza 38c2,4d to the end of the Seals or so...
Bard: ah, very good then as I imagine that is the part that appies directly
Wizard: direct is good; no sense throwing mud in the coffee
Bard: no, certainly not; but a bit of sweet cream can be nice
Wizard: and whiskey
Bard; ah, now we are on it
Wizard: so we are
Bard: I am thinking the first part as well
Wizard: how about if they survive the part they are in
Bard: conditional, earn responsibility you suggest?
Wizard: certainly
Bard: accepted
Wizard: agreed.

Valegrim |

Unless the pc wish to do something else; will assume your following more or less single file; please determine a marching order.
Hava says: keep pretty close together; am going to hide us with an illusion.
Bard: ah, then no song to ease our travel
Hava: true; either song or hidden from detection; lots of gnolls still about and who knows what spies and fliers
Bard: true; but illusions do not block scent; gnolls are bloodhounds by nature and typically evil rangers.
Hava: true; we let our Heroes choose, Hide in an illusion or a song of traveling; what will it be?
Bard: yes, which? keep in mind Jupiter or Tanaris to you mountain folk; will probably continue his arguement with Mercury and the storm shall not abide any time in the next few days. <Celtic dieties rule the science and cause and effect in this regioin>

Sunset |

Sorry fer postin' so soon. *^_^*
Sunset watches Hava and Astledier head off. She turns to the rest of the group, looking towards Gloisil and speking to him forst,
"Well, th' elders are settin' a pace so's I fear our chat's goin' t' have t' wait till they decide where t' stop next." She grins at Merrick.
"Flat ye say? I'll have t' be takin' ye out inna boat an' then ye c' see the changes whut th' ocean c'n show." She goes back to her pack, tucks the boots into a side pocket and lifts the pack onto her shoulders. Wiggling to get the fit right, she's son skipping along barefoot in the wake of the one she calls 'Mentor' and his seemingly familiar Gnome companion.
"*Huff* Well, these Gnoll thingies. If'n they've doggy noses fer trackin'? In this weather they'll either get no scent a'tall fer th' rain washin' every thing clean. Or else they'll have their noses so full o' their own wet doggy smell they'll need t' be bathin' 'em selves t' clear their sinuses."
Not fussed as t' wher I am in th' march. Feel free t' put yer selves afore or astern o' me. ^_^
She turns her attention to Astledier, calling out though softly,
"Fer give me, but since I did catch a phrase or two about adventure an' danger, while liftin' spirits be all well an' good, discretion t' be keepin' our spirits corporeal would seem t' be th' better course o' action, doncha think?" Her bare feet making little noise as they first slip into and then out of the muddy ground.
Sunset tries to 'sneak' after the pair
Well, ain't that a bugger? I can't seem t' get the Hidden Castle t' work? Um, a little help here? *^_^*

Bob Proudfoot |

Bob mostly sits quietly and sharpens his daggers. When the Bard, Sunset introduces herself, he perks up a bit. When things calm a little, he walks over to her and asks if she really is a bard? I've dreamed for long years of being a bard some day. I do sing and dance and dabble on the pan flute, but I am not bard quality. I would love to work with you on some music. I have written a little bit, not great music, mostly little diddies. If you would like to listen sometime I would be very excited to play some for you, being a real bard and all.

Valegrim |

<instead of saying that "he walks over and ask..." please use first person and speak directly to the other players as in "Sunset, are you a bard?" Otherwise I will get confused about what you say and what you might be thinking.
Players; we need to come up with a standard way of communication; I will use < word > when I am speaking narratively or as GM "word" when speaking directly from an NPC so you can tell the difference; some people use italics for things they are thinking to show me how they come to the choices they make. Thanks much.
Bob mostly sits quietly and sharpens his daggers. When the Bard, Sunset introduces herself, he perks up a bit. When things calm a little, he walks over to her and asks if she really is a bard? I've dreamed for long years of being a bard some day. I do sing and dance and dabble on the pan flute, but I am not bard quality. I would love to work with you on some music. I have written a little bit, not great music, mostly little diddies. If you would like to listen sometime I would be very excited to play some for you, being a real bard and all.

Valegrim |

you guys have pleanty of time to talk during lunch so dont worry about that; I just wanted to keep things moving so that I wasnt the hold up; talk between players is free; so takes no time unless there is some critical situation and I will let you know when those times are, cant see how on a pbp; so talk is always free; takes no time.
Sorry fer postin' so soon. *^_^*
Sunset watches Hava and Astledier head off. She turns to the rest of the group, looking towards Gloisil and speking to him forst,
"Well, th' elders are settin' a pace so's I fear our chat's goin' t' have t' wait till they decide where t' stop next." She grins at Merrick.
"Flat ye say? I'll have t' be takin' ye out inna boat an' then ye c' see the changes whut th' ocean c'n show." She goes back to her pack, tucks the boots into a side pocket and lifts the pack onto her shoulders. Wiggling to get the fit right, she's son skipping along barefoot in the wake of the one she calls 'Mentor' and his seemingly familiar Gnome companion.
"*Huff* Well, these Gnoll thingies. If'n they've doggy noses fer trackin'? In this weather they'll either get no scent a'tall fer th' rain washin' every thing clean. Or else they'll have their noses so full o' their own wet doggy smell they'll need t' be bathin' 'em selves t' clear their sinuses."
Not fussed as t' wher I am in th' march. Feel free t' put yer selves afore or astern o' me. ^_^
She turns her attention to Astledier, calling out though softly,
"Fer give me, but since I did catch a phrase or two about adventure an' danger, while liftin' spirits be all well an' good, discretion t' be keepin' our spirits corporeal would seem t' be th' better course o' action, doncha think?" Her bare feet making little noise as they first slip into and then out of the muddy ground.
Sunset tries to 'sneak' after the pair
Well, ain't that a bugger? I can't seem t' get the Hidden Castle t' work? Um, a little help here? *^_^*

Merrik |

"Well, th' elders are settin' a pace so's I fear our chat's goin' t' have t' wait till they decide where t' stop next." She grins at Merrick.
"Flat ye say? I'll have t' be takin' ye out inna boat an' then ye c' see the changes whut th' ocean c'n show."
"Boat? I've been on boats on a lake up at the mountains. Still there was rock around, and mountains to enclose the lake. An ocean can't be that different. Some waves, a bit of wind..." Merrik answers foolishly, then packs his belongings again, as the others set off, while thinking: She probably thinks I don't like water, like the dwarfes... She probably hasn't seen much of my race.
He keeps in the rear of the group, not the last of em, but one of the last, looking the other up and down to get to know their behaviour better.
Regarding the question of the Illusion or not having one, he speaks: "I'd take the illusion. First of all, you don't want to hear me sing, and second: Who knows what such a song might attract."
Unless we arrage ourselves otherwise, I'm going to use 3rd person with direct speech. Italics and smaller will mean thoughts, while "blabla" will indicate spoken words.

Valegrim |

The Master Bard shrugs and Hava casts an illusion; being inside it; you cannot see what those outside see; but can see the sparkle and glimmer of the spell area from the inside; the glimmers and sparkle of color swirls change from time to time so you can guess he is continually concentrating on the spell and altering it to the various terrain you cross.
With the mud; travel is a sloggy event; all but the elves leave a trail of deep ruts and footprints and after a bit of walking; get mud up to their knees and occasional patches of mud on the back of the person in front of you; the ground is pretty torn up after your passage; but with the rain; it turns to puddles and the tracks will be mostly gone or at least washed out in very little time.
The party travels for most of the day through a soft hilly region of tall grass and scrub, rocks and more rocks; big variety of rocks of all sizes dot the landscape, cross country as it were; though you still see occasional burned out large farms. There are lots of large pockets of bushes and thistles of various kinds dot the landscape; most are just ordinary; but some are berry bushes. You see hawks in the sky and flocks of other birds like crows or whatnot; sometimes a fox running and lots; and lots; and lots of rabbits and quite a few scattered cattle, horses, sheep and other lost farm animals. The sun comes out a bit and it gets all humid and sticky; but there are still showers and drizzle on and off; the wind blows only about 5 mph during most of the day; but towards late afternoon picks up to a stiff breeze and dark clouds begin to come rolling in blotting out what may have been the makings of a nice sunset; nothing to it; your going to get drenched in a few hours and without shelter; it will be a cold, wet, miserable night.
Now towards late afternoon, about 4pm; you see a larger than most hill in the distance from a hilltop you all crest and the start of a forest between you and it that you will have to travel through; though it is not very think in this region. The trees are mostly oak with a other hardwoods like cherry and hickory to make up about a third of those hardwoods to 2/3 oak.
After traveling in the open all day; traveling in the forest is quite a change; the grass is very low to non existant; the ground is covered with pine needles and is somewhat springy to walk on; there is green moss practically everywhere and mushrooms but only a mild undergrowth. Their are lots of sounds of hoots and twitters; birds and squirrels and bugs and it seems the area seeths with life. Those not used to forest get a feeling of power and feel a bit small; this forest has a wierd aura and the hairs stand up on the back of your neck; not like evil or anything; just alien and the Wilde. Each of you feel like your being watched by the forest; though the elves expect this thing and are in tune with it.

Valegrim |

Feel free to fill in any talk to each other or other activities during the day.
it gets dark in the Forest before it does outside it as the tall trees block the sun; it is also a bit cooler. It is about 7pm when Hava calls a halt and drops his spell.
he looks like one tired, worn out rat.
"well, we are close, from here lets move a bit quitely as you can, just in case."
the party creeps forward for about 100 yards; then Hava motions you down; and to be still and quiet. He puts his hand to his mouth and makes the bark of a fox; in a few minutes you hear the twitter of some birds.
he motions the party to gather around.
hava:"well, we got company; up ahead is our campsite"
M. Bard: yes, a gnome and two brownies.
Hava: Brownies?
Bard: yes, brownies; smells like Summer Fae
Hava: Summer!
Bard; yes, seems like there is interest, I have felt Winter travel with us since we met.
Hava: really?
Bard; yes, my monosylabic friend; seems the Courts are becoming involved
Hava: involved....
Bard; <smiles> yes, affects them too; Goblins are wylde Fae or were
Hava: and?
Bard: and there involved, nothing for it I guess; seems safe enough; might as well go ahead on and get settled.
Hava: agreed.

Valegrim |

As you enter the somewhat large grove; you meet Petrovich; a russian sounding gnome warrior, very short for a gnome, but with a barrel chest and knotted muscle; whom some of you already met; he and Hava exchange greetings.
Petrovich has several leantwo's made; one even sized for Merrick; though there seems to be a few more than their are people.
Petrovich: "I thought there would be more?"
the Master Bard and Gnome both shrug.
Hava: "might still be.."
As you get settled; you notice several rabbits hanging and a collection of nuts and berries and apples; there is a small fire and a couple kettles steaming.
Petrovich: "theres tea if you want it; only got a few cups though so bring yours if you got one"
Hava: thought you said there were Brownies?
Petrovich: you know I dont bake
Astledier: there are; two
Hava: you sure?
Petrovich: <bit angry> I am sure; no bake; no brownies!
Astledier: yes, right over there <he nods>
Hava: if you say so.
Petrovich: I SAY SO!
Hava produces a cup from his pack; "tea please"

Valegrim |

Lord Anton says: Knight Galen; this forest is haunted; haunted by the fae; strange magics dwell here and strange beasties; I can smell them, the darker of them will be embolded by the Darkness; as we are encased in iron; we will offend them but will be safe from much of their glamour. All of you; make camp; I shall scout ahead alone and find your path Galen, I believe we are close; I can feel it; i smell faint woodsmoke among other things. I shall return anon. <he strides into the forest and you loose sight of him; the others make a quick camp for dinner.
After about 20 minutes he returns
Thus I have found those awaiting the dawn at the ascribed place; yet, I cannot accompany you; I and my group will fast here; then move out of this forest and encamp then continue on our way tomorrow. I bid thee well.
Go in that direction and you will come to a hill; skirt the hill to the left and you will perhaps see their fire and hear them at their meal. A quick break is best my friend; depart and go with a strong heart and sharp sword. Remember your honor and the knights code and you will do well; perhaps some time from now; you will give me the honor of a visit and stop by and regale me with stories of your heroics; until that day my student; be well and keep the watch.
<he salutes you with his sword, as do the other knights and paladins; the footmen all give military salute>

Gloisil Murigel |

"Uncle Petrovich, it is good to see you. We have had a interesting day of travel and have met some new friends. I see you have been working hard this day and have made a comfortable camp for us, that is good with the weather turning."
"Is there anything I can do to help prepare the meal?"
Gloisil puts down his pack, looking to see if there is anything he can do around camp to help.

Valegrim |

Petrovich: Da! <the tea whistles; he takes it off the fire; pours Hava some and looks around to see if others have their cups out> "Its Hot" <sets down the tin teapot, hands you a few rabbits> skin please <he chops off their heads and paws; then pulls the skin off and empties the entrails in a sack, he sprinkles something from a shaker on them; mounts them to a stick; and puts it near the fire> Da, like that.
Hava conjures two Shadow Mastiffs: "Guard perimeter; go."; they move into the shadows easily.
Petrovich looks over to Merrick; "you help Da? come; <holds out a shovel> dig, gently; get cookpot Da?

Sunset |

"Boat? I've been on boats on a lake up at the mountains. Still there was rock around, and mountains to enclose the lake. An ocean can't be that different. Some waves, a bit of wind..." Merrik answers foolishly, then packs his belongings again, as the others set off.
He keeps in the rear of the group, not the last of em, but one of the last, looking the other up and down to get to know their behavior better.
Regarding the question of the Illusion or not having one, he speaks: "I'd take the illusion. First of all, you don't want to hear me sing, and second: Who knows what such a song might attract."
Sunset continues to grin as she replies moving into the center of the order of march,
"Nah mate, a Boat is somat whut ye'd stow aboard a Ship. Now, I do admit t' seein' may a pretty boat in me travels through the harbors over time, but I've yet t' see a truly beautiful Ship." She winks as she catches the Halfgins eye.
Most of my free time, if I am not pestering Sunset for some of her music, I mostly practice my knife throwing or am sharpening my knives.
"Sunset, would you play or sing something that you have written please?"
Gloisil replies to Sunset, "Yes, looks as if they have decided that there is no time to waste. All there is for us to do now is to follow. We can talk as we travel if you would like."
To which Sunset nods, thinking for a brief time as the rain patters down upon the drawn up hood on her cloak and her bare feet slip in and out of the mud as the group walks along. After a while she hums and sings a tune,
Link. I did type me name in with a cold! *^_^*
But the party can tell that she's just repeating the notes, going through the numbers as it were. After the song runs down there's a short while of silence again and then Sunsets voice begins to speak.
And the group can feel the resonance and empathy the Elf has with the story. At the parties journey coming to the forest, most of the group can't help but hear Sunset breath a sort comment,
"Look'it th' masts all lined up a plenty!" She whispers loudly, with awe in her voice at the woods as they walk beneath the boughs. The Elf giggles and skips across the pine needles carpeting the forest floor.
"Heh, it tickles!" ^_^
Upon the group entering the clearing with the new Gnome, Sunset unfurls her cloak and deftly pins it across a low tree branch to dry while doing her best to 'slick' off the mud on her legs with a piece of bark.
Once a mite more presentable, she folds down beside the fire simply using her pack as a 'back rest'. Presenting first one toe wriggling foot to warm and then the other, while taking the 'Coney' meat and juggling it upon her thighs as she helps prepare it for the spit.
Um, izzat okey fer'n a post?

Merrik |

Petrovich looks over to Merrick; "you help Da? come; <holds out a shovel> dig, gently; get cookpot Da?
Merrik is not too surprised anymore and takes the shovel from Petrovich. He sets down his pack, takes the flail from his belt and begins digging as he is told to, using one hand only as the shovel is a bit too small for him.

Gloisil Murigel |

"No problem uncle", Gloisil says, taking the rabbits and starting to skin and prepare them as he was shown."
"Sunset, that tale you told as we traveled here, twas very well told, and I enjoyed it greatly, thank you, and I look forward to hearing more of your songs and tales."
"Was this tale fact, or legend passed down through time? I would like to know more of it, if there is anything else to tell."

Galen Stormwalker |

Thank you milord! If we do not meet again in this world then we shall meet in freya’s halls, where i will regale you with my stories of combating the various evils of this world, be assured that i will hold to all that you and the others have taught me, you have honoured me more greatly than i deserve, and i am forever indebted to you
(Galen salutes and then heads of using the directions given to him by Anton, does Galen have a horse?if so what kind?))

Sunset |

"Sunset, that tale you told as we traveled here, twas very well told, and I enjoyed it greatly, thank you, and I look forward to hearing more of your songs and tales."
"Was this tale fact, or legend passed down through time? I would like to know more of it, if there is anything else to tell."
At the Gnomes' question Sunset blushes and hangs her head. For a moment there is a brief look cast her way by the Mater Bard Astledier, but so briefly as to maybe a trick of the campfire light.
"Nay, t'wus just a flight o' fancy. Somat whut just sort'a happened t'ween me ear space an' I noted it down." She finishes with her share of the rabbits and offers them for the spits. She smiles shyly to Gloisil,
"Thank'e muchly fer yer comment, mate." She glances around at the darkening forest. "Um, now I've a question for ye?" She asks, "Now, aboard ship there's always a place t' do certain business an' I were wonderin' what th' go is in'na forest about doin' certain, um, things?" She looks from Merrik to Gloisil with a mix of embarrassment, hope and curiosity.
"I could do with finidin' even a small trickle o' water t' give me self a rub down in. I'm not sure about them Gnoll-y critters? But I don't think I c'n sleep with th' smell o' m'self after th' hike." She grins and winks at them both.
Agin, sorry fer postin' so soon like. Lookin' forward t' readin/sen all th' other folks about! ^_^

Valegrim |

Up to you if you want one; wont be able to take it into the dungeon; but you have have up to medium warhorse with studded leather barding if you want; freebie; am thinking to give you a squire or manservant as would be appropriate; perhaps he could care for you horse and wait in a nearby village or something; up to you; what are your thoughts on it.
Thank you milord! If we do not meet again in this world then we shall meet in freya’s halls, where i will regale you with my stories of combating the various evils of this world, be assured that i will hold to all that you and the others have taught me, you have honoured me more greatly than i deserve, and i am forever indebted to you
(Galen salutes and then heads of using the directions given to him by Anton, does Galen have a horse?if so what kind?))

Valegrim |

After digging down a few feet; you reach some hot coals...
Valegrim wrote:Petrovich looks over to Merrick; "you help Da? come; <holds out a shovel> dig, gently; get cookpot Da?Merrik is not too surprised anymore and takes the shovel from Petrovich. He sets down his pack, takes the flail from his belt and begins digging as he is told to, using one hand only as the shovel is a bit too small for him.

Valegrim |

Petrovich hands you a couple skewered spiced rabbits on a stick.
"Ifn you would cook on fire, Da? no burn; nice brown; Da?"
Gloisil wrote:"Sunset, that tale you told as we traveled here, twas very well told, and I enjoyed it greatly, thank you, and I look forward to hearing more of your songs and tales."
"Was this tale fact, or legend passed down through time? I would like to know more of it, if there is anything else to tell."
At the Gnomes' question Sunset blushes and hangs her head. For a moment there is a brief look cast her way by the Mater Bard Astledier, but so briefly as to maybe a trick of the campfire light.
"Nay, t'wus just a flight o' fancy. Somat whut just sort'a happened t'ween me ear space an' I noted it down." She finishes with her share of the rabbits and offers them for the spits. She smiles shyly to Gloisil,
"Thank'e muchly fer yer comment, mate." She glances around at the darkening forest. "Um, now I've a question for ye?" She asks, "Now, aboard ship there's always a place t' do certain business an' I were wonderin' what th' go is in'na forest about doin' certain, um, things?" She looks from Merrik to Gloisil with a mix of embarrassment, hope and curiosity.
"I could do with finidin' even a small trickle o' water t' give me self a rub down in. I'm not sure about them Gnoll-y critters? But I don't think I c'n sleep with th' smell o' m'self after th' hike." She grins and winks at them both.
Agin, sorry fer postin' so soon like. Lookin' forward t' readin/sen all th' other folks about! ^_^

Valegrim |

"someone approaches" says the Master Bard" warn your hounds Hava, it looks like a holy knight; as foretold"
Hava says a mystic word; the unseen Mastiffs give a sharp bark; then nothing.
Galen; you hear a bark and begin to smell rabbit cooking and hear the sounds of a camp and see a bit of fire light up ahead.

Valegrim |

Petrovich takes the skinned rabbits; puts them on a shaved stick; puts some spices on them and hands them around so each can cook their own; sets aside two for the Goliath.
"found anything in that hole yet Mountain Man?"
"No problem uncle", Gloisil says, taking the rabbits and starting to skin and prepare them as he was shown."
"Sunset, that tale you told as we traveled here, twas very well told, and I enjoyed it greatly, thank you, and I look forward to hearing more of your songs and tales."
"Was this tale fact, or legend passed down through time? I would like to know more of it, if there is anything else to tell."

Merrik |

Petrovich takes the skinned rabbits; puts them on a shaved stick; puts some spices on them and hands them around so each can cook their own; sets aside two for the Goliath.
"found anything in that hole yet Mountain Man?"
"Da." Merrik answers, using Petrovichs word, pointing at the hot coals. "Some potatoes or something beneath them?"

Gloisil Murigel |

"Thank'e muchly fer yer comment, mate." She glances around at the darkening forest. "Um, now I've a question for ye?" She asks, "Now, aboard ship there's always a place t' do certain business an' I were wonderin' what th' go is in'na forest about doin' certain, um, things?" She looks from Merrik to Gloisil with a mix of embarrassment, hope and curiosity.
"I could do with finidin' even a small trickle o' water t' give me self a rub down in. I'm not sure about them Gnoll-y critters? But I don't think I c'n sleep with th' smell o' m'self after th' hike." She grins and winks at them both.
This time it's Gloisil's turn to blush as he says, "Your welcome Sunset, I really did enjoy the tale in any case."
"As for where you could go to clean up, I'm not sure, but if you want to wander out past the edges of the camp, you best talk to Hava first so he can tell the hounds not ta get ya."

Valegrim |

Hava "Welcome Paladine; are others with you? Join us and break your fast; tea on the fire in that pot; Peter, see to our new companion. Well, all, lets wait a bit more; then I will tell you a story of many years ago; then tomorrow we should see something very special."
Peterovich hands a rabbit on a stick to Galen; "you roast; you eat ya"

Sunset |

Sunset smiles happily at Gloisil while scrunching up and leaning closer to the fire, twirling the stick to keep the heating meat moving within the flames.
"Aye, well'n good it'll be t' check'n that in'na bit." She nods, then looking up at Hava's's words.
Hava "Welcome Paladine; are others with you? Join us and break your fast; tea on the fire in that pot; Peter, see to our new companion. Well, all, lets wait a bit more; then I will tell you a story of many years ago; then tomorrow we should see something very special."
Her eyes alighting on the myriad of new comers that emerge from the darkened forest beyond to share the groups small camp fire. She glances to where Merrick is opening up the other cooking pit.
Jus' gonna put this lil' bit in. Am waitin' t' see how many o' th' new folk hthere are a postin' ^_^

Valegrim |

no one; though now that you listen; you hear someone stomping around out there and in the distance a reflicted torch light; looks like there is a lake nearby and someone walking along the edge on the opposite side of the camp and around the hill.; dogs have spotted it; he or she will be here soon

Galen Stormwalker |

galen takes the rabbit and will roast it
i travel at present alone, although i can hear at least one other coming towards us,
i am interested in hearing your story, I'm galen by the way, who are you guys!
(galen looks around and tries to discern how differnt people fulfill freya's vision, away from his fellow paladines galen starts to become less formal, galen also sytematically detects evil on everyone)

Merrik |

I uploaded the Map Val sent out. It can be found here: Click.
Some digging later the pot full of beans is out of the earth and Merrik brings it to Petrovich, seeing the newcomer Galen.
"Why hello. I think we haven't met? I'm Merrik." the huge man states, holding out his hand to the paladin.

Galen Stormwalker |

to merrik aha! a man of the mountain peaks!
to gloisil; perhaps you are "the gnome of inward lore" from my vision?
to everyone; sorry to sound all mysterious! but I have been given a vision by my god; "Seek yea a man of the mountain peaks; seek yea the song of sea when sun sets; seek yea the gnome of inward lore and the halfling who opens doors".
and looking around perhaps i have found all of you, hopefully the pretty one over there (looking at sunset)can sing and has something to do with the sun setting
Galen looks at Bob by any chance are you any good at opening doors?

Valegrim |

Hava speaks: interesting; Frey takes a hand; the Asgardian who is older than Asgard; interesting.
Asteldeir: very
Hava: That sounds very much like the Prophesy I have there Sir Knight
Asteldeir: truly
Hava: and we are just waiting on some of the others who might still be arriving; you said there was one you saw eh; so the dogs yipped about it; what say you Master Bard
Asteldeire: Priest?
Hava; ah; whose monosylabic now my friend
Asteldeire: me
<they both chuckle>
Petrovich takes the beanpot; looks like it holds about 3 gallons; "thanks Merrick" and brushes off the dirt then bangs it with a hammer a couple times "Ve break de zeel see?" then opens the pot; the rich aroma of black beans, onion; garlic; salt, and pork knuckles waifs through the camp. "Beans up; here is Laddle" put pot and ladle on a flat rock near the fire.

Brother Kedan |

Upon hearing the invitation from the cooking fire, Kedan stepped into the fire's light.
"Something smells delicious," the middle aged man added.
He is wearing the robes usually reserved for men who have taken holy orders; they appear almost new. An angry red scar, probably a serious burn, covers a large portion of his face; but his smile is warm nevertheless.
"Thank you for your kind invitation."
"I'm Kedan," he said to the others. "Brother Kedan now, I suppose, thought I'm having trouble remembering to say 'brother' after just being Kedan for so many years. You may call me either. Especially if you feed me." He laughed good naturedly and extended his hand in greeting.

Gloisil Murigel |

As Gloisil was reaching into his pack to get a plate and spoon, he hears Kedan introduce himself.
Heading towards the pot of beans that Petrovich just opened he says with a smile, "Welcome Brother Kedan, my name is Gloisil, and it looks like we are going to have quite the group for this "little" adventure. Grab some grub and make yourself comfortable."