Valgrymr's Homebrew Two

Game Master Valegrim

Goblins infest a fallen Dwarven underground fortress and mine; somewhere inside PCs must find and recover a critical treasure hidden by the Dwarven Clerics of Dumathion.

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Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

The high priest responds in his ethereal voice:
The is the rune of the Celtic God of Fire, I have seen these used before; they will additionally cause fire damage
+1d6 fire damage to 1d6 arrow damage

Gloisil Murigel wrote:

Gloisil sees Desidera looking over the spear that they had recovered from the pool and walks up to her and says, "Desidera, would you like me to clean that spear for you? I would be glad to do that for you."

Then to the group as a whole, Gloisil asks, "Does someone have those arrows that we recovered from the pool? Maybe I have them and have just forgot about them."

Gloisil then goes through his gear to make sure that he didn't stow them somewhere. Once located, he approaches the priests and says, "Could I please ask another favor of you? These arrows have some kind of divine enchantment on them, is there anything more you can tell me about them?"

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

yes; we can pick up any recruits here; I didnt know we had some or could have added them sooner; my apologies; are any still around; they should post here.

Sunset wrote:

Sunset happily hands over whatever she's found from her splashing about in the water, seeming ages ago. (^_^)

Also, if there is no hurry, we can spend time to fully and properly rest and regain our strength. Seems to be the first real break in a very long time. Also a good place to pick up those others we were looking at recruiting? Much cheers to all (^_^)

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Gloisil; this spear does not act as a spear should; as you take it and cast your clean and presdigitation; the spear shudders in your hand and feels hot to your touch as if it really does not like you. it emits a soft hum and begins to glow with a scarlet hue. it becomes obvious to you this is a weapon of faith and priestly magic; not one created by magic users.

anyone can attempt a arcane or historical roll for this effect or any applicable skill for the scenario I described.

The High Priest looks surprized; Oh My!

Gloisil what do you do?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Sunset; you should do your bardic lore roll also make a perception roll.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

Gloisil immediately discontinues his spell and backs away when the spear begins to react to his magic. He then tries to recall if he has ever heard of such an occurrence before.

Knowledge (Arcane): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 Well, hopefully I'll know something with that roll.

"Well ... looks as if you've got something special there indeed. And Desidera it looks as if it may be well suited to your use, as it certainly does not appreciate the arcane arts."

Gloisil then hands the arrows to Gyldyr and tells him that they are fire arrows that burn with a magical fire when shot at a target.

Male Drow Wizard (Necromancer) 2

Gyldyr bows slightly to the gnome who seems to have become the leader of this band of adventurers, although it is obvious that he doesn't relish such a role.

"I will strive to use these in the best way possible." He then stows them among the other arrows that he has, and returns to his solitary contemplation of what is to come."

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD



This is obviously the reaction of arcane not mixing with an item of faith magic; you have heard of items like this being made to specifically kill magic users. They tend to disrupt arcane magic; your estimation is that it ate your spells, pulling the arcane energy right out of you. This item is not evil; but you certainly would not want to get struck by it. You note that now that it is cleaned up; it has no metal and you see many runic symbols upon it, at least three you recognise as greater runes, which to you means it was created by dwarves.

The Spear hovers vertically when released, the blade is pointing upwards and softly glowing red and is 3ft of chipped and polished glass, perhaps obsidian. The haft is a very rare wood called Ironwood from which this is from the heart of the tree as it has viens of blood red wood running through it like arteries. The haft is 4ft long and wrapped in a material only Sunset is very familar with; Sharkskin.

Harold comes forward as if in a trance and begins introductions,
Priestess of Apollo Desidera Tahn, I introduce thee. Gladrisill, the Faithful Companion, I introduce thee Healer to Rune Weapon. The offer is made, do you Desidera Tahn, take Fiorgorah Croi as your companion to wield against the enemies of Faith with all its strength and wisdom?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

not to late for Sunset or Glydyr to make a knowledge or lore roll.

The celtic knights in a revered voice "It's name means Loving or True Heart or something close to it, is old Gael from the Dark Island of the Loch, elvish make perhaps."

Desidera is clearly stunned by the pronunciation, as well as the knight's translation of its name. She stared at the spear in awe, and then looked at the others, to see if they were more suited towards employing it than she was. "..I just seek to help heal.. I'm no fighter", she weakly protested, unsure of whether or not the spear could hear her, or who to speak to. She did examine the spear with respect, awed at finding such a weapon.

"If.. If no one else would be better suited..", she said to Harold, reaching out to touch the haft and take the spear. "..I will accept." Never mind that she had little to no idea whether or not she would be mis-employing the spear in the defense of others, they were about to go into a very dangerous situation, and if it would help, she would employ the weapon if need be. She could remember stories of weapons floating, but they were only granted to great warriors and such.. Surely, she was no warrior?

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

"Desidera, surely this weapon is meant for your hands at this time. It is a gift most precious considering the task ahead of us. Although you think of yourself as just a healer, but you can be more, we have all been ask to be more than who we are, and we've been asked this in order to save our world and everything we hold dear."

"We will all stand together and do what we must, and perhaps you will be the one to lead us back to the light and the surface via this mighty gift that you have received."

"All I ever wanted was to be left alone, even by my own people so that I could study my arts and be who I wanted to be, but fate has brought us all here and we must all be more than ourselves to get home again."

Smiling at the fair priestess, Gloisil then says, "That is my hope."

"Oh, by the way, while were standing together, Gyldyr and I would appreciate you keeping that fair weapon clear of us. It is made to devour the arcane energy from spell casters such as Gyldyr and I. If we face mighty spell casters in the battle to come, you may do well to make them your target."

Male Drow Wizard (Necromancer) 2

Gyldyr without touching the spear looks over the runes and carvings in an effort to glean any more information about the weapon that has bonded with Desidera.

Knowledge Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 Unfortunately, he has no recollection of what the carvings could mean.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Gyldyr does not recognize the runes as makes sense as it was envy of rune magic was a major theme in the Dwarf/Elf wars; but these type weapons are long in the memory of elves; so you can take a 10 on just the type of weapons; and if you think about it long time; take a 20.



Rune weapons are the most potent of magic; they are always made with special purpose and each has its own destiny. The majority of them are watched over by one or more dieties as well as various mortal agencies. Greater rune weapons are often bonded with a spirit of a mortal or elemental or some such. Good weapons are done through self sacrifice. Evil weapons the soul is ripped out and bound to the item; nuetral ones tend to have deals made with Djinn or Elementals. Rune items be it armor or weapons; always make the bearer stronger, but at a price; they have their own motivations and nearly always have stronger Will than the new owner. This weapon is obviously good or nuetral or Desidera would be enslaved and already killing you. [/b]

This weapon is ancient; from a time even before the Dwarf Elf wars. A time when Dwarves were a newly created race by the Soul Forger, and given to the Elves as staunchest allies against the Ophidian race. When elves came upon this world a hundred thousand years ago; the snakemen and their gods ruled here as masters of chaos and evil. It was Corellian who led his people here from afar to battle the snakes and reclaim this world for Good. Mankind has only recently began walking upright and leaving their caves and fearful of the snakes; most human tribes being enslaved for food and labor. This weapon, as it has no metal, was probably one of the rare weapons made by both elves and dwarves in concert and even more rare; this weapon was probably weilded by a Druid King as back then the humans had only shamans and druids. If this spear senses one of the snakemen; it will probably force Desidera to take extreme action. Just putting these fact together; it come to you that the Finns probably watch over this weapon with their druidic/shaman magics. They are the only current human culture that uses no iron. The only Finns that the world has seen, except for one, are bards. Five years ago; things changed and the Drow know this. From the far north a great Paladin of Ukko, Vladimir the Good, came and took Balfic Graa, the half orc priest/assassin as his squire. Balfic is married to a Drow high priestess/wizard/mind mage of the ruling family and her father is the leader of the dreaded Four Horsemen. Lord Vladimir is betrothed to the Pricess of the Djinn and is on the plane of air fighting a war against the full scale assault from the City of Brass. All of this is pretty well known like a modern day soap opera for the Drow

Still more than a little awestruck, Desi somewhat woodenly nodded to Gloisil, and crossed her legs, sitting down with the spear in her lap. While they had time, she guessed she should try to understand the spear, but not in the sense that a fighter would. Instead, she closed her eyes and focused on the spear, almost like she would when she was praying in the morning.

However, she was not casting her focus upward, she focused on the spear in her lap, and quietly waited to see what it would tell her, if anything. This was not something she had done before, so she would not have been surprised if she got nothing. In minutes, her breathing slowed, and piece by piece, she began to shut the outside world away.
Concentration:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Spellcraft:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Male Drow Wizard (Necromancer) 2

Pondering over the runes on Desidera's newly acquired spear, Gyldyr finally recalls some information about weapons such as this and this one in particular.

Once he remembers some information about the spear, he looks for Desidera to talk with her, but seeing her in meditation, return to his own contemplation until she is finished meditating.

Fem Elf Bard 3

Sunset walks up quietly behind Desidera as the woman sits and contemplates her new toy. Softly kneeling down and wrapping her arms around Desidera from behind.

Sunset humms softly. A soothing tune the better to help her friend concentrate upon the task of communing with said weapon.

Not sure how best to represent said bolstering of Desidera's checks etc.


Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Sunset; are you going to do a bard lore roll on this item?

Fem Elf Bard 3

Bardic Knowledge:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 (^_^)

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD



it is as if a voice that sounds like the whisper of wind through the grass and a russle of leaves with a memory as old as the eldest oak sings it song in your head.

You hear story about a human knight who was oathbrother to the human king; the knight fell in battle against the Snakemen, his body broken, and cursed and could not be saved. The young knight pledged his spirit to eternally fight the snakes unto and past his last dying breath; thus Runemaster Anvilthor and Grandmagus Silverthistle did create a great weapon fusing Elven magic, Dwarven Rune magic and the undying promise of a dying man into the Spear of Dawn, also calles Orsin's Kingsbrothers spear; for Orsin was the knight brother to the king who is bound inside the spear by his free choice and will. You are told this memory comes from the Oak that freely gave the staff to the elf to become the spears haft. The spear blade is from otherworld; meaning a meteor that fell from the sky. The Snakemen fear this weapon but its history is long and the foes it has struck down nearly without number. The young sapling that gave up the wood for the staff is now over 15000 years old and carries the memories of the weapon and its deeds. While not in use my a mortal, it is the dryad of the tree who keeps the knight company to guard his sanity.

this information comes to you from a Bard who sings to the trees a continent away. If you ever meet him, you will know him; you realize he sang this song some three years back and sent it on the wind to meet you hear and now, guided by the tree from whom the weapons staff was created. In a burst of inspiration, you realize this runeweapon is alive in a very real sense.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD


This spear grants you wisdom; strength and agility while you are bonded with it; +6 to each stat; during your communing; you begin to feel these changes; you are also gaining some specialized weapon skills for spear and learn that his spear can be used in melee or to strike opponents 30' away as the spear staff can change lengths; thus you could fight from a second or third rank. You believe that there is a lot more you can gain by communing with this spear to unlock other abilities, you also feel the spear has been asleep a long time and is learning about you as well.

Male Drow Wizard (Necromancer) 2

Once it looks as if Desidera has finished her mediation, Gyldyr will approach her and relate what he has remembered about rune weapons like this in general and the few specifics that may be true about this one.

This is what Val said that Gyldyr was able to recall, taking some time to do so.

Rune weapons are the most potent of magic; they are always made with special purpose and each has its own destiny. The majority of them are watched over by one or more dieties as well as various mortal agencies. Greater rune weapons are often bonded with a spirit of a mortal or elemental or some such. Good weapons are done through self sacrifice. Evil weapons the soul is ripped out and bound to the item; nuetral ones tend to have deals made with Djinn or Elementals. Rune items be it armor or weapons; always make the bearer stronger, but at a price; they have their own motivations and nearly always have stronger Will than the new owner. This weapon is obviously good or neutral or Desidera would be enslaved and already killing you.

This weapon is ancient; from a time even before the Dwarf Elf wars. A time when Dwarves were a newly created race by the Soul Forger, and given to the Elves as staunchest allies against the Ophidian race. When elves came upon this world a hundred thousand years ago; the snakemen and their gods ruled here as masters of chaos and evil. It was Corellian who led his people here from afar to battle the snakes and reclaim this world for Good. Mankind has only recently began walking upright and leaving their caves and fearful of the snakes; most human tribes being enslaved for food and labor. This weapon, as it has no metal, was probably one of the rare weapons made by both elves and dwarves in concert and even more rare; this weapon was probably weilded by a Druid King as back then the humans had only shamans and druids. If this spear senses one of the snakemen; it will probably force Desidera to take extreme action. Just putting these fact together; it come to you that the Finns probably watch over this weapon with their druidic/shaman magics. They are the only current human culture that uses no iron. The only Finns that the world has seen, except for one, are bards. Five years ago; things changed and the Drow know this. From the far north a great Paladin of Ukko, Vladimir the Good, came and took Balfic Graa, the half orc priest/assassin as his squire. Balfic is married to a Drow high priestess/wizard/mind mage of the ruling family and her father is the leader of the dreaded Four Horsemen. Lord Vladimir is betrothed to the Pricess of the Djinn and is on the plane of air fighting a war against the full scale assault from the City of Brass. All of this is pretty well known like a modern day soap opera for the Drow

Fem Elf Bard 3

[Sorry I din't post the information, Master Valegrim DM Sir. Life's been rather hectic an' my time available to ad stuff is rather slim at the moment. Hoping things calm down for me in the new year.

Also, wishing every one the very best for the new year! (^_^)

It was only a few minutes that seemed longer to Desidera, and as she ended her meditation, the smile on her face was their first indication that she was going to open her eyes. Leaning her head against Sunset, she grinned, then looked around at everyone else, more confident now that she thought herself somewhat closer to the others in combat competence now. "It is nice to meet you, Gladrisill", she said to the spear, and still looks a bit surprised at it.

[Gyldyr relates what he can recall]

Her eyes widen more and more with surprise, looking from the story that the dark elf is telling to the spear in her hands and back again. 'This weapon is indeed legendary!' While she was glad that it had chosen her, as their situation was indeed dire and important, she hoped she would remain worthy enough of it to pass it on to the next worthy wielder. "..Wow..", she said in awe.

Fem Elf Bard 3

Sunset continues to snuggle and comfort her friend.

"Well take good care of ye, t'gether..." She whispers...though to whom Sunset is speaking no one is quite sure.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

no worries; life happens

Sunset wrote:

[Sorry I din't post the information, Master Valegrim DM Sir. Life's been rather hectic an' my time available to ad stuff is rather slim at the moment. Hoping things calm down for me in the new year.

Also, wishing every one the very best for the new year! (^_^)

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Anything anyone wants to do before you head down the the Big Fight finale?

Fem Elf Bard 3

Aye, more time to rest and heal and prepare and maybe meet up with a couple of other souls to bolster our roster. :P

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

I think Gloisil and Gyldyr are as ready as they are going to get. Maybe one last inquiry of the priests to see if they have any other suggestions or aid of any kind.

"Come on Gyldyr, let's visit with the priests one more time before we venture towards our final destination."

Gloisil then approaches the high priest and asks, "Is there any other advice or help you can offer to us before we try to recover the artifact?"

Male Drow Wizard (Necromancer) 2

Gyldyr follows the gnome over to the where the high priest is, but says nothing unless spoken to.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

the priest responds;
"this is the end, a new beginning will arise ifwe are successful or not, your Will would shape this purpose to whatever end arises, when you are ready we will join you to fight this final battle"

I take it everyone is healed and has all their spells and such full now?
Let me know when your ready to head out and I will do a short narrative to get to the slobberknocker of a battle.

Desidera puts on a brave smile and looks around at everyone, rising to her feet and hefting the spear. She had more confidence, certainly. However, she was still aware that her main function was going to make sure that no one fell while she still stood. "Ready", she said with some confidence. There was sunlight at the end of this ordeal, and she would let nothing deter her from it.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

Gloisil listens to the final words of the dwarven priest and when the priest finishes, nods in acceptance of the words that were spoken.

He then turns to the others and says, "I am ready to now accept my fate, whatever it may be, for good or ill, let us be on our way."

Male Drow Wizard (Necromancer) 2

Gyldyr gives the priest the slightest of bows after the priest finishes speaking.

He then turns to the rest of their party, and anyone that has spent any time with the dark elf knows that he is prepared to go on, no matter the outcome.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Both the Black or and the Celtic Warrior respond that they are ready; from the shadows Kurg asks: "we gonna tell Mox or not?, ifn he is on our side still; his git might make a difference; 'eez been recruitin and gettin numbers. Ifn 'eez from Lady Sarah as EE says; I thinks he kin be trusted in this fight"

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

"If he and his boys will stand by us and we can trust him, I'd more than welcome the assistance.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

sorry guys; been pretty sick and hardly creative; give me a couple days to recover, my bad.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

No problem, take it easy and get well soon.

Fem Elf Bard 3

As always, wishing you and yours all the very best Valegrim. Hope you fell better soon! *HUGZ*

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

thanks; am working the holiday sigh

Fem Elf Bard 3

Polite bump

Hoping every one is doing well and being fine. Much cheers to all

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

Thanks Sunset, I'm well. Keep checking back, but not much going on here. I hope that Val is okay, I think we were all kind of waiting for him to get well after being ill, but I haven't seen him post in some time. Anyway, have a good day and here's to hoping we are able to continue this adventure soon.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

sorry guys; lost my job; got divorced; life has been real hard.

*Big hugz*

Am, as always, wishing you and yours all the very best. (^_^)

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

"It is the wont of life to be itself. We are charged to make the best of our available choices and continue from there."
I hear you. Don't let it get to you too much, and keep rolling.

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