Game Master Johnny_Panic

“Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.”
― Frank Herbert, Dune

Freman words




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See this image in your minds eye,


The wide open sands outside the ARAKIN city shield wall, sands blazing in the hot sun, and the two Harkons tracking team out here set to fix a burned out comms unit. A unit used Spice haller control. Thire black Harkon Still suits crude and wastfull, Them pulling off the cover to a control unit. And seeing the damage done by a Burn out power unit.

YOU dear players, are laying on a sand dune watch them some 100m away, you hid as soon as you heard the carry thopter come over and drop them of. For a horrible moment you thought the Harkonnens where out for sport hunting freman in the open. But no it came down and dropped the two comms techs off before heading back.

What to do, they look armed with Blade and slug thrower each.
A box of tools and come kind of off world equipment next to them.
They will have short range comms, they could call for help.
Arr but they have not seen you yet, stupid off worlders, It would be
a gift to kill them and take their water, but Harkon slaves water is bad. Full of poisons, best left to spill in the sand. But the things they have with them... now then as the Freman saying goes.

"Shai-Hulud gives and Shai-Hulud takes away"


The sun is high and the only sound is that of the two Harkon hired offworld techs working on the comms unit and the wind, blowing over the sand. If off worlds not harkons there water may be good, clean of the filthy Harkon toxins. Water you can drink. tempting so very tempting, but how to get to them, 100m away, unseem but still...

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Laying behind the crest of the dune Ratel watches the two off-worlders. They'd heard the thopters and hid waiting a few moments until after it left. Now the only sound was the two techs working and the four of them had moved to this spot so they could see the off-worlders. It was amazing to hear how much noise the two techs made, banging the instrument with their tools, cursing when it didn't quickly work. Turning towards Kasit, whispering, "I'm suprised they had enough sense to set the comms where it wouldn't vibrate and draw a 'Maker'."

As the two off worlders worked Borak listened to their words. He could tell by the accent they were not harkonnen. He wondered silently if they were of House Jarrlo or House Limir. Subconsciously he reached up and touched his face near the scar. It had been House Jarrlo troops who had attacked his parents and the few they were traveling with ten years before. If it had been Harkonnen, Borak doubted if he would have survived at all. His mind wandering off the day, for the briefest of moments. It had been the first time he'd killed someone, it would not be his last. Shaking his head, he realized he needed to focus on the hear and now.

Watching the two workers, it didn't matter if they were Farrlo, Limir or experts the Harkonnen had hired. It didn't matter, they were not Fremen and they had water to give. Looking back to the others, he asks, "Will we ignore Shai-Hulud's gift?"

He gestures towards the flank, "Shall we all move around behind them and surprise them from the rear. Or shall two or three of us go around, while one draws their attention from the front?"

Just an opening conversation, happy to hear any ideas.

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

”Too much wealth to pass up.” Kasit muttered in response. While he didn’t quite share the righteous anger of his kinsman, there was too much wealth in the two offworlders to pass up. Not just their water and equipment, but also their blood. ”We sneak up behind them, spread out, though. If they have firearms it wouldn’t do to be gunned down.” He pulled a dagger from his chest, ready to move forward if the others were. He truly hoped that this would be an easy score and that he wouldn’t have to patch anyone up…

Male Human Ranger (Transporter/ Trapper) 3 Initiative+3 AC 15 HP 39/39 Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 Senses Perception+8(+1 Traps) Sense Motive+9 Conditions

Audi ibn Jad lies still on his belly. His blue eyes staring straight ahead, watching, detailing, deliberating the two off-worlders working on the down comm unit. His sand-colored still suit blending into his terrain allows for close distance perspectives, although these may not be the droids they're looking for....

The experienced Transporter smiles while witnessing the restless movements of his peers.
The Harkonnens are BRUTAL, kill a single Harkonnen officer and they will wipe out the whole village where it happened, killing every living them and removing it from existence with laz fire. Just looking oddily or bumping into a Harkonnen trooper means death.

Audi ibn Jad just continues to watch the two workers.
Might want to find that bit out prior to imbibing...

The two workers get the comms unit down off its base, the set too lifting parts out, and placing them in a container, taking part and slotting them into the comms unit, there weapons no bay the box as they work.
The comms unit is on a rocky flat some ways from open sand.

A perception Roll DC20 please, or Kn Nature DC15

Dear players, Im the Initiative Monkey who will b running the order of play, Dear players, Please see the game head above for the current map, please add in your pc on the top of map.

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Like the others Ghir was laying prone behind the ridge of sand with the merciless sun bearing down on his back. Unlike the offworlders however, Ghir was in his element, he could have stayed there all day.

Ghir listened to the conversation, he knew all too well about Harkonnen retribution having lost his father to one of their raids before he was bourne. Even so he replied to Audi with an air of finality, "This is a gift from Shai-Hulud."

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Oblivious to anything but the prey in front of him, his heart raced at the thought of taking a small measure of retribution of his own. A thought occurred, "I can circle around and get closer, then throw something behind them to make a noise. When they turn to look we strike. What say you?"

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Carefully sliding down the dune so his head would not be visible to the outworlders while he and his 'brothers' talked, Borak listened to the ideas similar to his own. Pausing at Audi's words of caution, Borak bit back a sharp retort. Audi was right, the Harkennen would rain down hell if they were caught. But they were far enough away from the village for the Hareknnen to know where they came from, as long as they were careful.

Looking from Kasit to Ghir, both thoughts were similar to his own: seperate so they all couldn't be targeted at once, sneak up on the enemy, distract them just before the real attack starts. Pausing, he considers the lay of the land, and the distance they were from the targets.

I will wait to see what information the rolls produce before I make another recommendation as to what to do :)

Male Human Ranger (Transporter/ Trapper) 3 Initiative+3 AC 15 HP 39/39 Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 Senses Perception+8(+1 Traps) Sense Motive+9 Conditions

Still staring straight, sights of sand and silt surrendering to the strong winds, Audi only nods his agreement to his brothers eagerness and experience.

Having previously plotted the route here, the Transporter does feel a bit eager (and experienced) enough to demonstrate proper protocols to warrant a bit of fun.

Perception DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 (+1 Traps)

If you made the rolls:

You look at the lay of the land, you can try and get close, with in 20m

Stealth rolls from all off you DC15


you see that a worm, a small one could be called close to the sand close to the rock with a thumper. It would not be able to attack but, This could give you a chance to take them before they knew it.

A Survival roll DC20 Desert to do so.

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

”Could call that ‘small’ worm as cover for our advance. But we’d need to use a thumper without them noticing. Seems easier to just sneak up on them.” He quickly pointed out the route. Then, with dagger in one hand, and a buckler in the other, he made ready to sneak over. If nobody disagreed with the plan, he was ready to move forward.

We all have stealth trained. I think it is safer than drawing a worm near, especially as there are only two of them. If there were more I’d be much more inclined to use the worm distraction

Male Human Ranger (Transporter/ Trapper) 3 Initiative+3 AC 15 HP 39/39 Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 Senses Perception+8(+1 Traps) Sense Motive+9 Conditions

The Trailbreaker's blue eyes shine in appreciation of this opportunity. Determination of victims not with standing, Audi ibn Jad prepares to take the rearguard to cover any traces of the four's origin point, along with their route to the crewmen.

Trailbreaker (Ex):

A transporter constantly works to obscure his trail. He increases the Survival DC to track him, or a group of which he is a part, by an amount equal to half his ranger level (minimum 1). This does not stack with similar abilities, such as a traceless operative’s trackless ability.

This ability replaces wild empathy.

Stealth (Dex), plotted course, cover: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 9 + 2 + 4 = 31

Dipping low as they traverse the downward slope of the ever present dunes, the Ranger uses the tumbling terrain, wind swept sands and the grateful glaring of the hot sun to further aid his endeavors.

Both hands free of intrusive obstacles (having loosened and readied his various weapons for ease of procurement), Audi ibn Jad plots their course to their objective as a Conductor does his Symphany.

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Ghir flashed a feral grin when Kasit pointed out a cunning route that followed the ridge line. He nodded his agreement and followed staying low to the sand as he went. Unfortunately as he was getting close, his foot slipped and he fell face first into the sand. Maybe they hadn't heard him, but Ghir was furious with himself, he would have to be more careful.

Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Move within 10ft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Damage: 1d4 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

Startoss Comet to attack second if first hits: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Damage: 1d4 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

Moving forward as close as he reasonably could, Kadin sprung the ambush with a dagger thrown at each worker. He doubted that either had a shield, due to the expense. While it would ruin the shots he hoped they did, because if so then it would soon be taken from them.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Having the same thought as Kasit, Borak realized they could use a thumper to call a smaller worm that can function in the relatively shallow sands near the rocky foundations. He considered the idea, feeling wrong about asking Shai-Hulud to help them deal with a problem they should be able to deal with on their own. Relieved Kasit was of the same mind, Borak watched the route his friend laid out. He nods in agreement, "When we get close I will shift to the other side." Knowing Audi would be concerned about the tracks, he gestures, "We will clean the tracks when we are done. If we fail your gift will prevent them from tracking us beyond that, back to the village."

Nodding to the others, Barak checks his gauntlets, shifting to his feet ready to move low and slow.

Blend:This grants you a +4 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks and allows you to make Stealth checks without cover or concealment.
stealth: 1d20 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 4 = 33

Kasit Lets hold off on that one a while

Monkey rolls:

Tech 1 Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Tech 2 Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

To your shock they spot you as you get with in 30'
They both drop their tools, go for there blades.

The Initiative Monkey
would like you all to roll.

Monkey rolls:

Tech 1 Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Tech 2 Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4
"Initiative_monkey" wrote:
would like you all to roll.

It would not offend me it "Initiative_monkey" rolls initiative for everyone.

initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Male Human Ranger (Transporter/ Trapper) 3 Initiative+3 AC 15 HP 39/39 Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 Senses Perception+8(+1 Traps) Sense Motive+9 Conditions

Audi sighs as the two techs turn towards their advance! The Trailsman waves from 30' away.
Howdy boys. Don't suppose you both want to take an early break?

Initiative, plotted course: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 2 = 6

I hereby authorize "Initiative Monkey" to roll henceforth!

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Ghir cursed inwardly once more, they had heard him. If one his friends got hurt it would be his fault so Ghir was determined not to let that happen.
Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Apologies for overexcited combat roll. I give permission to initiative monkey to roll…and if he goes first he will keep his action the same as above

Kasit Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Move within 10ft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Damage: 1d4 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
Startoss Comet to attack second if first hits: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Damage: 1d4 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

Ghir Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Kasit kills Tech 1 Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Tech 2 Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Audi Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Ghir, your next

Kasit. moves fast stabbing tech 1 twice in fast sucesion. Grabing the body, he lowering it down to the sand

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

With a wordless cry Ghir charged the other tech, deftly kicking up a wad of sand into the man's face which he followed up by kneeing him in the crotch. His aim was to incapacitate allowing for an easy kill.

Charge: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 2 = 24Dirty Trick: Blind & Sicken: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

The tech splutters and bends over.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4
"Initiative_monkey" wrote:
Ghir, your next
Børak wrote:
"Initiative_monkey" wrote:
would like you all to roll.

It would not offend me it "Initiative_monkey" rolls initiative for everyone.

initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17


Realizing Kasit had dropped the first, technician, and Ghir had severly wounded the second, Borak charges forwards, ejecting his chrysknives from the gauntlets. Ganging up on the wounded technician, Borak slashes at the man with his fathers blade.

charge, attack: Knife, Sneak attack
attack: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 6 + 2 = 24 damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 sneak: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6

Male Human Ranger (Transporter/ Trapper) 3 Initiative+3 AC 15 HP 39/39 Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 Senses Perception+8(+1 Traps) Sense Motive+9 Conditions

Technically then, Tech 1 took -16hp damage and Tech 2 took -17hp damage from Kasit. Nice! Then it appears that Ghir charges one of the Techs(?) and Sickened and Blinds him! Also nice!
So, then Tech 1 can go then Borak and Audi (forgot to add +2 bonus from Plot Course) then Tech 2?

Audi ibn Jad watches with blue eyes brighter by the swiftness and practiced performance perpetrated by his people.....

Tech 2 drops, the enemy overrun as you rush them, As tech 2 falls over a sound comes from his tech suit. A voice instantan damanading, seems they know something is wrong.

Kn Local DC12:

Its House Jarrlo Battle language

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Kasit cursed, as he didn’t know the language. ”Lets summon the worm.” He said. ”If they hear it then they might just blame it. Unless any of you speak their language?” He asked his cousins, even as he retrieved his knives.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Taking 10(15) on knowledge local and (21) perception searching for gear.

Unconcioulsy Borak reached to the scar on his face. He'd heard that language before, when the Jarrlo troopers had killed his parents. Shaking his head he answers Kasit, "I don't speak it, but I've heard it before. That's Houlse Jarrlo's Battle Language."

Quickly looking around the site, Borak nods in agreement with Kasit "We can plant the thumper near, hope the little maker destroys the area. They will assume Shai-Hulud got their unlucky men."

As he talks he begins collecting the gear of the men, pausing for a moment he asks, "Do we have the time to take their water and leave the bodies, or should we take them with us and bury them in the sand?"

Kn local or Survival DC16, update:

The is Sitach 'Red Shallow dunes', very close to her. about 2k away.
It would have water extractors. But do you have two still-Body Bag?
To put them, in such a richness of water to go to waste.

To use there water tech will mean a 20% tax, but still

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Ghir was greatly relieved that his brethren were unharmed, and he listened to Kasit and Børak's words and thought before replying, "I think yes we should summon the little maker, and take this gift of water back to Red Shallow dunes for extraction."

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Taking 10(21) on survival and Using that hero point :)

Having collected the usable gear from the dead technicians, Borak drops his pack and starts loading the items into the pack. As he does so, he removes two of the still-Body Bags he had tucked in the side pouch. Tossing them near the bodies, he recommends. "Somebody get the 'thumper' planted while the rest of us get these bodies stored. We need to get moving towards 'Red Shallow Dunes' before that thopter get's back to verify what happened."

How much gear did we collect and how many body bags will the hero point get me :)?

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Kasit quickly worked to stop the bleeding on the corpses, lest their valuable blood be lost to the sands. He was confident that one of his cousins could handle the thumper while he worked to ensure that their payday did not bleed away.

Heal to stop the corpses from bleeding: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29

There is a full set of off world comms tools and a new long range comps radio unit, 2x slug throwers and 2x simple blades [daggers] On of them men has a pouch with some raw space you think about 49 grams. One has some kind of off world food, but it smells like animal fat. they have to poor quality heat ware suits on with 1L each of water. You plug the stab wounds "

Male Human Ranger (Transporter/ Trapper) 3 Initiative+3 AC 15 HP 39/39 Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 Senses Perception+8(+1 Traps) Sense Motive+9 Conditions

Arriving as he predicted (late and in need to clean up afterwards), Audi ibn Jad nods his acceptance of Thumper duty.

Survival (Wis) DC 16: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 2 = 27

Their water tech will mean a 20% tax, but still 80% is better than sand.

The Trapper smiles under his protective gear, as he races a bit closer to the comm unit to set up the Thumper.

Once set up, Audi races back to help cover up any tracks, traces, cigarette butts left behind....

Trailbreaker (Ex):

A transporter constantly works to obscure his trail. He increases the Survival DC to track him, or a group of which he is a part, by an amount equal to half his ranger level (minimum 1). This does not stack with similar abilities, such as a traceless operative’s trackless ability.

This ability replaces wild empathy.

As the thumper starts you all work to get the bodies in the two still-body bags. Picking them up they shuffle away from the site. Its going to take you about a hour to get the sietch. Your 20 mins into the sand work when you hear that sandworm comes. It slammed into the rock bluff the techs where working on.

You hurry on, soon the sound of a thopter cans your way, but now your in the rocks and you come to the sietch.

Red Shallow dunes Sietch

As you get close you note you are being observed. Soon a single freman comes to stand before you. It calls out the greeting.

"Who walks the sands to Red Shallow dunes Sietch?

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Keeping focused and silent while they stuffed the bodies in the bags, Borak grabs the front end of the second bag, as he was the smallest and weakest member he asked the strongest. "Audi, grab the back, you can 'wipe' the path as we go."

Hefting it up in unison with his friend, while they make good time across the rocks he says a silent prayer to Shai-Hulud. Giving a light smile when they hear the little maker crashing into the arrea where the comm unit had been. Hearing the thopter he pauses with the others as it makes a wide sweep, but soon presses on towards The Red Shallow Dunes Sietch. Nice image!
Known they would be being watched by more than one set of eyes, Borak carefully lifts the hand he isn't using to carry the filled bag. Looking towards the others he hopes one of them will speak. After what seems like hours of waiting for someone else to say something. He gestures to put the bags down. Still keeping his hand raised, he moves to the head of the bag he was carrying. Unzipping the bag he reveals the face of the dead outworlder.

Looking back towards the Freemen he answers, "Those who would trade water." He gestures towards the doors, "Yours was the closest water extractor we were aware of. Shai-Hulud was gracious to us today, would you trade with us, or should we move on?"

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Ghir studies the man for a long moment and considers if they need to give their names in order to win his trust. He's careful for now to make no moves that could be considered hostile.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 8 + 1 = 24

He also considers where else they might go, if they find no welcome here.
Kn: Geography: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Male Human Ranger (Transporter/ Trapper) 3 Initiative+3 AC 15 HP 39/39 Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 Senses Perception+8(+1 Traps) Sense Motive+9 Conditions

Audi ibn Jad does as he is bid. The Ranger was used to taking orders. His brief time spent at the Wild Freman Village of Crapswept Cliff taught him much of his current knowledge of Arrakis, and how to survive it.

Hearing the Maker's arrival, disgust and departure, Audi only continues his carrying and sweeping as they trudge through the landscape.

At the Red Shallow dunes Sietch, the Transporter only waits for permission to enter.

He is a tribe counselor, by the looks of the water rings on his belt.

SUBAKH UL KUHAR: "Are you well?": a Fremen greeting. SUBAKH UN NAR: "I am well. And you?": traditional reply.


He is still not 100% you can be trusted but the talk of water has interested.

He holds his open hand out,


He calls to you, accepting you are freman.

"What water do you speak off?"

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Having met the traditional reply, Kasit answered ”Offworlder red, extractor needed.” He then added ”Brought them before they were to go to waste into a worm’s maw.”

Agreed love the image

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Nodding at the greeting Borak rezips the 'still-bag.' As Kasit gives more explanation Borak extends his hand and responds, "Subakn un nar."

Touching the shoulder strap of his pack, indicating what he speaks of is inside. "We also acquired tools and equipment that may be of use."

The tribe counselor walked up and looked at the body.


He said walking ahead of you, soon making you way into the main entrance,
Your scanned as you get there to check your not concealing explosive in your body. As you do four Freman come up and take the bodies off you. After he show you into a water scelled room.

"I am NIlic, You can break water discipline here."

Two woman come in with spice coffee and food, A woman and younger girl
you suspect they are his wife and daughter.

Once his still suit is off, he sits and indecates you should.

"So speak you tail, who are the offworlders and how can gaind such a gift"

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Ghir acknowledged Nillic with a nod, but when he spoke he answered a different question, one he felt was more important, "I am Ghir son of Dranor. This water is a gift from Shai-Hulud, and so it shall appear to anyone who cares to look, the little maker left quite an impression. As for us, our passing was as light as the wind, there were no witnesses and we left no trail to this place."

This wasn't because Ghir was being evasive, or rude, it was just his way. If the others wanted to fill in the gaps he would be pleased, and also pleased if they chose not to.

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

"Two fools who stepped with all the care of offworlders near a worm." Kasit added. "We claimed the bounty in their veins, lest it be swallowed in whole by the land their feet polluted. No reason to let such wealth go to waste" He left out their own role in the nearby worm being summoned, speaking the technical truth. "As my cousin said, we ensured no trace of our passing was left behind."

Nillic nods to his daughter, she slips away,

"That is too be seen, but we did see a little maker before you came."

He offers some spice bread. Its is cutom to you eat before he dose.

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Another diplomacy?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Kasit graciously accepted, as was custom. With an easy going smile he responded ”What is to be seen will be.” With the ease of someone unburdened by guilt or subterfuge he looked their host in the eye and added ”I am glad that we are here, to break bread with you and to share in this bounty of water.” Eating first, he finally added ”And while we are here to trade, as a physician I would also be honored to practice my trade if any here are in need.”

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Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

"Cousin, I would be honoured to assist if anyone needs your aid." added Ghir. Kasit was the master healer, but Ghir was trained and knew how to help, together they were better than the sum of their parts.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Removing his pack and the stillsuit, Borak sits with the older man. Letting Kasit do most of the talking, Borak helps himself to a small piece of bread. As they talk he realized the elder had asked who the men were, so chiming in "You asked who, they were technicians of the vile House Jarrlo."

Realizing the man had offered food and it would be polite to offer something in return, Ratel reaches for his pack. Digging around inside he draws out the pouch with the raw spice, opening it he offers, "Shall we have a little coffee at their expense?"

Male Human Ranger (Transporter/ Trapper) 3 Initiative+3 AC 15 HP 39/39 Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 Senses Perception+8(+1 Traps) Sense Motive+9 Conditions

Audi ibn Jad dutifully follows along. The Trapper's blue eyes noticing the layout, people and body languages being displayed at their approach.
Sense Motive (Wis), favored enemy: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 9 + 2 = 14

Speaking only when directly spoken to, Audi does make any ritualistic greetings, gratitudes expected of another Freeman.

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