Tomb of Horrors (4e) - Group 2, Part 2

Game Master Rev Rosey

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91/111hp Dark Reckoner Warlock

For all you amazing people:
Just wondering if any of you would be interested in a Free-form pbp that I (& some others) are playing in. It has a steam-punky theme, with no rule-set and is alot of fun. A World Without End Basically the premise is that we are a bunch of nobles trying to escape the machinations and clutches of an Evil Baron and his associates.

Feel free to pop into the Unofficial paizo chat room and talk to us. {Especially with paizo's scheduled down-time from 10am}

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

hey, I take offense to that. Raya does NOT preach to others, I have pointedly gone against that paladin stereotype!

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

It's not about preaching, which Raya has been good about avoiding (she's not stupid, and knows when she's going to be ignored). It's in the attitude to the world that I notice similarities. Mind, I may be misreading Raya.

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair shakes off the effects of his massive dose of heroin and is ready to go.

91/111hp Dark Reckoner Warlock

So off the heroin and on with the heroism. Whilst James would like some more time with on of the heroines.


(Please don't dock me XP or HP for the jokes) ;P

91/111hp Dark Reckoner Warlock

By the way if anyone thinks of a good theme for James?

I would note that Shoso hasn't mentioned the name Ballian, or said why we were going to a brothel. So Lyan figured it was the obvious reason :).

EDIT: On re-read, that might sound like a sulk, and I didn't mean it that way. Lyan's got little reason so far to take Shoso seriously at all, and his player has been barely present the last few weeks due to family issues, so it just worked out this way.

91/111hp Dark Reckoner Warlock

Do you need a good reason for the PC's to wander off to the brothel? :P

Lyan doesn't think so, but he also may have just absented himself from a fight! (The non-consensual one ;)

F Tiefling 1 Bard

all part of the charm to not explain myself!

The Exchange


so...we having issues again, Rev? Just curious

She's been completely swamped by her multiple jobs -- happens every December, but is a bit more intense this year.

The Exchange


ahhh I see, makes sense

91/111hp Dark Reckoner Warlock

Well I hope you are being well compensated for it Rev Rosey and we'll be here as and when things calm down.

And with some luck, it might be hectic but I hope there is a hint of pleasure in there too.

91/111hp Dark Reckoner Warlock

Off to Richmond for Christmas Office meal. Should be fun, if a bit posh.

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

I keep away from my workplace's christmas parties. I do not need that sort of drama in my life! Have fun at yours though!

91/111hp Dark Reckoner Warlock

No, it was great as we went to the Station, an open court restaurant.
The food was excellent, but it was a small during the day do - so no drunken/political revelry.

Since it was during work-time and an hour drive away, we did a bit of networking with our local associates and basically spent the entire day there.


Dear all,

I've broken all my most fondly held beliefs about communication but the time has come.

I need to take a long break from the boards - as I'm sure has been obvious to everyone but me for a while now.

Work is stupidly busy, and that I can deal with. What I can't deal with is the current hand being dealt my son. Gaming here was a necessary outlet and relaxation but become another source of guilt and pressure so I need to just accept that I can't do this at the moment.

Wishing everyone well, hoping to see you all again at some point in the future and thank you all for a marvelous four years of fun and friendship.

Rev, we know you don't do this lightly. We also all know that family comes first.

Keep in touch!

The Exchange


tsk, you shouldn't feel guilty for having to postpone any games here, we understand, Rev. Just as long as you occasionally log on to say hi on this thread. I've had a blast playing 4E with you and the others, and hope to see any of you in a game later. You're all welcome at my table.


Thank you, and I shall try and stay minimally in contact at least. Hope everyone had a good Christmas.

Yes, Christmas was lovely. The first not hosted my parents, seconded everything Zerombr said. Thank you for accepting me into your games it has been lots of fun.

Zerombr, I hope you'll stay on the boards. I'd love to play with you in some other games. Of course, I'd love to play with all of you amazing players.

The Exchange


I was here before Rev's games, I'll be around, even if just to read a bit. I should dust off my Lords of Creation ruleset I worked on and start up a game of that again

The Exchange


also, if any of you fine players/GMs have an opening for a 4E game, let me know!

91/111hp Dark Reckoner Warlock

Unfortunately, I'm only playing in Pathfinder, Star Wars & Free-form games at the moment. And running Dresden Files.

If you fancy Star Wars (revised edition) or Free-form we might have spots open {although I am not the GM}

The Exchange


played Dresden Files at GenCon. I love the series, but the metagame style of the RPG is not as enjoyable. the flux dice are pretty nice though

Yeah, the style of play can be very interesting. It does lead to a different style of role-play and optimisation.

We actually have a slot open up in the Star Wars (d20 Revised Edition).

Unfortunately, I don't have quite enough time (or map-making experience) to run anything. :(

The Exchange


Talked to Rev today! She's still off the boards but says things are on the mend slowly. It'll be a while before she ever really can devote time here, but she was happy to hear we're still thinking of her.

I'm really glad to hear that. That's truly made my day.

I hope things get better & every day is better than the last.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I am glad to hear it! Thank you for passing that along.

The Exchange


I'm surprised anyone checked this thread actually. all of my 4e stuff is in the 'previous campaign' sections.

glad to have been of service. I still hope to get into another 4e game but they seem to be in short supply here.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I tend to check my PbPs by viewing the Online Campaigns section in "focus" mode to look for new posts. That's how this thread came up.

As CH has said, that is how I saw this thread. Glad to see Rev is doing much better!

The Exchange


Out of curiosity, I am checking interest for something. Let me give some backstory.

Recently I ended probably the best campaign I ever put together in Palladium Heroes Unlimited. It was a lot of fun, I really understood all that was involved, and I thought it had some amazing cinematic moments, but there was a lot that COULD have happened that did not. I was considering using the same campaign elsewhere, and considering the nature of the adventure, 4E may work out for it well!

If anyone has interest, and if I am actually up to GMing something! It would be this somewhat Homestuck related.

What I'm NOT using:

If this happens, it's not about trolls really, its not about INTERESTS and OTHER ENDEAVORS, nor is it about sylladex issues or memes. not a one, no memes. What I like using is the game itself, in its own way...

For those not in the know, consider it a young teenage modern game with a virtual reality game played within it (that's ALWAYS more than it appears) filled with goofy situations at times, high drama, and quite frankly, a lot of fun!

Let me know if there's any interest, I'm asking you all first of course to see if I should try it!

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