Pat o' the Ninth Power's page
786 posts. Alias of pat512.
Rev, we know you don't do this lightly. We also all know that family comes first.
Keep in touch!
She's been completely swamped by her multiple jobs -- happens every December, but is a bit more intense this year.
Lyan doesn't think so, but he also may have just absented himself from a fight! (The non-consensual one ;)
I would note that Shoso hasn't mentioned the name Ballian, or said why we were going to a brothel. So Lyan figured it was the obvious reason :).
EDIT: On re-read, that might sound like a sulk, and I didn't mean it that way. Lyan's got little reason so far to take Shoso seriously at all, and his player has been barely present the last few weeks due to family issues, so it just worked out this way.
Rev got in touch with me, and she asked that I let all her games know she is still struggling with computer woes. Rather than keep everyone waiting each time, she's declaring a PBP hiatus until Oct 16.
Rev got in touch with me, and she asked that I let all her games know she is still struggling with computer woes. Rather than keep everyone waiting each time, she's declaring a PBP hiatus until Oct 16.
Rev got in touch with me, and she asked that I let all her games know she is still struggling with computer woes. Rather than keep everyone waiting each time, she's declaring a PBP hiatus until Oct 16.
Rev got in touch with me, and she asked that I let all her games know she is still struggling with computer woes. Rather than keep everyone waiting each time, she's declaring a PBP hiatus until Oct 16.
Rev got in touch with me, and she asked that I let all her games know she is still struggling with computer woes. Rather than keep everyone waiting each time, she's declaring a PBP hiatus until Oct 16.
More computer woes for Rev -- a crashed hard drive. She hopes to be back online today, but not guaranteed.
More computer woes for Rev -- a crashed hard drive. She hopes to be back online today, but not guaranteed.
RPoL is, as you know I believe, a great toolset for PBP, but note that it does not actually have a mapping facility. Still need a third-party solution.
That's "being in his face so you get the OA when he casts a ranged or area attack"
We're ok on water-breathing, via ritual.
Did that one months ago :)
Lots of odd vocabulary, yes!
Oklu are the blue/red dudes, awaiting the return of the masters. They tend to mimic people. I think the masters have been indefinitely delayed. Kadrana seems to be their deity.
Oma is a term of respect that we've been given by the north-wall oklu, and Cronin's found it buys some diplomacy points. Except when Don moves his lips.
Don't know about Malisillix -- is that someone the trignotarb group knows about?
Wrath, the Crushing Guardian bonus is specific to damage rolls, so it would not stack with damage that doesn't involve a roll. And the question of its application to minions is moot, as any roll will kill them.
And "a missed attack never damages a minion," so no Hammer Rhythm either -- it would have to convert the miss to a hit to work.
I'm traveling to South America this week. I should have access most of the time, but Sunday and Wednesday are the travel days, so it will be spotty at least then. Please NPC as necessary, here and in Lost City!
Those are the done with the ooc tags. [ ooc ] blue text [ / ooc ], without all the spacing.
You can get most at-wills as a multiclass power one way or another, but as an encounter for you. If you want somebody else's at-will as an at-will, yeah, hybrid.
Endorsing Rev's nudge part, especially. The waiting game -- everybody waiting on somebody else -- kills PBPs. I believe the GM has the responsibility to push, even in combat. If the GM has delays, that's ok as long as notice is posted, but if the whole game is silent for four of five days with no warning, the players will drift away.
I'll do the same, I think. Bold is easier to type in.
My lady needs a day out, so I'll be AFK today, possibly into tomorrow. Hence moving the proposal to OOC for more detail. What do people think of splitting, both IC and OOC? There are, frankly, a *lot* of us for a PBP, and if Rev doesn't mind two groups, it might be practical. Conveniently, there are two of us in each role, I believe.
Leaders: Cronin, Dram
Defenders: Greeg, Kevaras
Strikers: Nayce, Don
Controllers: Guldarin, Andaros
If we do this, at least one Goliath should probably go to the Giant-speaking market. Other than that . . . Cronin's ok with whichever.
Ha! Yeah, my list of alii is long enough -- I tend to reuse.
Understandable, and, echoing Rev, far better that it be called than you just disappear.
Thanks for the ride while it lasted!
Oh, lordy, I remember dragonsnails . . .
(sorry I've been quiet lately -- major work deadline impending. Should ease soon)
It was an 80s RPG, actually. Maybe a boardgame later. I remember it as completely bonkers . . .
Just to be clear, Lyan's steamed, not his player -- Rothel's right, but Lyan's not likely to admit it. . .
LoC? Lords of Creation?
<-- possibly slightly out of touch
Rev DM wrote: I'm pretty proud of that. And well you should be. Vel is one I tell war stories about, and Tutavak has his own place in my memory. But characters don't thrive in a vacuum -- this has truly been a grand joint effort.
Thank you, Rev.
"Points of Light" just means the setting assumed in the core books -- towns and cities are points of light in the vast dark (wildlands). So PHB deities are the safe bets.
Sorry to hear. Best of luck to him and you.
Rev Rosey wrote: I've fractured a finger. Posting will be slow until I can get the thing properly splinted. Apologies. Rev asked me to alert that her finger is healing but that it will likely be mid-week before she can type easily enough to participate.
Rev Rosey wrote: I've fractured a finger. Posting will be slow until I can get the thing properly splinted. Apologies. Rev asked me to alert that her finger is healing but that it will likely be mid-week before she can type easily enough to participate.
Rev Rosey wrote: I've fractured a finger. Posting will be slow until I can get the thing properly splinted. Apologies. Rev asked me to alert that her finger is healing but that it will likely be mid-week before she can type easily enough to participate.
Rev Rosey wrote: I've fractured a finger. Posting will be slow until I can get the thing properly splinted. Apologies. Rev asked me to alert that her finger is healing but that it will likely be mid-week before she can type easily enough to participate.
Rev Rosey wrote: I've fractured a finger. Posting will be slow until I can get the thing properly splinted. Apologies. Rev asked me to alert that her finger is healing but that it will likely be mid-week before she can type easily enough to participate.
Rev Rosey wrote: I've fractured a finger. Posting will be slow until I can get the thing properly splinted. Apologies. Rev asked me to alert that her finger is healing but that it will likely be mid-week before she can type easily enough to participate.
Rev Rosey wrote: I've fractured a finger. Posting will be slow until I can get the thing properly splinted. Apologies. Rev asked me to alert that her finger is healing but that it will likely be mid-week before she can type easily enough to participate.
The most obvious things are Toughness (10hp) and Improved Defenses (+2 F/R/W). They're not flashy, but they're good.
And 70hp is quite low for our level.
Rev, can we buy rituals above our level from the Emir?
I'm thinking specifically of Far Sending (level 16, 4200gp).
EDIT: Also, Guldarin will need to take Shadow Walk and (Far) Sending, as Cronin doesn't have Arcana. I'll still track the expense from the kitty.
Versatile Expertise is from PHB3:
Quote: Benefit: Choose a weapon group and an implement type. You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls both when using a weapon from the chosen group and when using an implement of the chosen type. The bonus increases to +2 at 15th level and +3 at 25th level.
Special: You can take this feat more than once. Each time you take this feat, choose a different weapon group and a different implement type.
I'd try to keep CON 14 or higher -- a surge value below 6 is very low indeed. If you go with:
S 16
C 14
D 10
I 17
W 12
C 8
That keeps your Will up a little higher, keeps your SV at 6, leaves 1 pip for D, W, or C, and lets I go up at level 4. Just brainstorming.

I gave the sheet a quick look. My first reaction is to try to get your INT and/or STR up. 18 is expensive without a racial bonus, but even a 17 means you've got hope of getting to 18 before level 8. The real issue is that +3 is not a great attack, particularly vs Fort (as most cold attacks are). Fort is often a monster's highest non-AC defense. Similarly, +4 vs AC isn't great.
I'm trying to think of recommendations that don't violate the concept. One is to lower that CON and WIS and try to increase something else -- STR would help the hammer attack. Versatile Expertise would help all of your attacks, but without the leather, AC 14 is very low to be in melee.
Ah, it just occurred to me-- you likely aren't aware of the errata that races more flexible. A dwarf now gets +2 CON and +2 to either STR or WIS. So you could move that WIS to STR and be better off with your hammer.
The other idea would be to be a hybrid wizard/fighter, but I do not recommend that for a new player!
Hope this helps.
Greeg, all magical thrown weapons return. Even a 360gp +1 Javelin will do the job.
Rev Rosey wrote: You all have an automatic +3 to defences and damage at level 14 by the way. Still starting at 13, yes?