Full Name |
Arishat Prioska Kutrigur |
Race |
Tiefling |
Classes/Levels |
Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18 |
Gender |
Female |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
23 |
Alignment |
Unaligned |
Languages |
Common, Goblin |
Occupation |
Aristocrat |
Strength |
21 |
Dexterity |
11 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
21 |
Wisdom |
9 |
Charisma |
17 |
About Arishat
Group benefits:
Initiative; +5 bonus; from Combat Leader/Combat Commander
Action Points; If you can see Arishat and spend an action point to make an attack, you get a +14 bonus to your damage roll, or if all attacks miss you get 12 temporary hit points; from Resourceful Presence
Flanking; +5 damage bonus when flanking with Arishat; from Infernal Pincer
Reroll; Arishat can spend an action point to allow you to reroll an attack roll; from Felling Action
Saving throws; +2 bonus to saving throws against Fear; from Helm of Heroes
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Arishat Prioska Kutrigur, level 18
Tiefling, Warlord, Infernal Strategist
Build: Resourceful Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Resourceful Presence, Tactical Presence
Background: Society - Noble, Recent Life - Mercenary Work (+2 to Diplomacy)
Str 21, Con 14, Dex 11, Int 21, Wis 9, Cha 17.
Str 16, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 14.
AC: 31 Fort: 30 Reflex: 30 Will: 31
HP: 111 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 27
Athletics +18, Intimidate +22, Diplomacy +24, History +19
Acrobatics +9, Arcana +14, Bluff +19, Dungeoneering +8, Endurance +10, Heal +8, Insight +8, Nature +8, Perception +8, Religion +14, Stealth +10, Streetwise +17, Thievery +8
Level 1: Improved Resources / +2 bonus to resourceful presence
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Greatspear)
Level 4: Spear Expertise; +2 to attacks when using spear, +2 to damage rolls when charging. (retrained from Weapon Expertise (Polearm) / +1 to attacks)
Level 6: Hafted Defense / +1 to AC/Reflex when using polearm
Level 8: Saving Inspiration / Inspiring Word grants saving throw
Level 10: Lend Might / gives +1 attack bonus when Arishat grants attacks
Level 11: Fight On / 1 extra use of Inspiring Word/encounter
Level 12: Combat Commander / Combat
Level 14: Improved Defences
Level 16: Superior Will
Level 18: Inspiring Word target gets +2 to next attack
Warlord at-will 1: Viper's Strike / Standard; +22 vs AC; 1d10+10; Effect, if target shifts before end of your next turn, provokes opportunity attack from selected ally
Warlord at-will 1: Commander's Strike / Standard; ally makes MBA with +3 to hit and +7 to damage
Warlord encounter 1: Vengeance is Mine / Imm React; trigger, Arishat gets hit; Arishat makes MBA versus triggering enemy, and one ally within 5 can move their speed and make MBA with +2 to hit and damage against triggering enemy
Warlord daily 1: Lead the Attack / Standard; +22 vs AC; on hit, 3d10+10 and you and each ally within 5 gets +6 to hit target until end of encounter; on miss, 1/2 damage and you and each ally within 5 get +1 to hit target until end of encoutner
Warlord encounter utility 2: Adaptive Stratagem / Minor; until end of your next turn, ally gets +5 power bonus to damage and +3 power bonus to saving throws
Warlord encounter 13: Blade Burst Trap/ Immediate Reaction; close Burst 5; target, one ally adjacent to the triggering enemy; trigger, an enemy in the burst hits you or an ally with an attack; effect: the target makes a melee basic attack as a free action against each adjacent enemy with a +2 bonus to hit and damage- if the attack hits, the enemy is also dazed until the end of the target's next turn.
Warlord daily 5: Stand the Fallen / Standard; +22 vs AC; 3d10+10; Effect, each ally within 10 can spend a healing surge and regain +3 hit points
Warlord daily utility 6: Stirring Speech / Effect: during a short rest, grants +1 to attack rolls and +1 to saving throws for next encounter, until ally is bloodied
Warlord encounter 17: Hail of Steel / Standard; +22 vs AC; 2d10+10 and each ally within 5 can make a basic attack against the target
Warlord daily 15: Infectious Determination / Standard; +22 vs AC; 2d10+10; effect, any all within 5 can make a saving throw with a +7 bonus; secondary attack, +20 vs Fort; 1d10+10, target is knocked prone, any ally within 5 can spend a healing surge and recover an additional +3 hit points as a free action.
Warlord daily utility 10: Instant Planning / Minor; Until the end of your next turn, you and allies within 5 get +3 power bonus to attack rolls, or +3 power bonus to speed, or +5 power bonus to all defences
Warlord Encounter Utility 16; Warlord's Banner / Standard; Close Burst 5, target: each ally in burst; each target can spend a healing surge, until the end of your next turn each target gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls.
Infernal Strategist encounter 11; Deceiver's Ploy; Standard; +22 vs Will; 2d10+10, and target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn
Infernal Strategist encounter utility 12; Flexible Authority; Imm react; close burst 10; one ally within 10 spends an action point to take an extra action; Effect, choose one benefit, target regains 10 hit points, gains +2 to attack rolls, gains +12 to damage rolls, or can make a basic attack or take a move action as a free action but give combat advantage until the end of his/her next turn
Infernal Wrath; Encounter, Imm React, when an enemy within 10 damages Arishat that enemy takes 2d6+5 fire damage
Inspiring Word; Encounter (special, 3 per encounter); burst 10; effect, target can spend a healing surge and regain 3d6 extra hit points and make a saving throw at +2
Melee Basic attack, Greatspear +3, +22 vs AC, 1d10+10 damage
Ranged Basic attack, Javelin +1, +19 vs AC, 1d6+6 damage, range 10/20
Adventurer's Kit, Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (20),
Mantle of the Golden General +3, when you use a warlord power to grant a saving throw, that saving throw is at +2 (included above in Stirring Force and Inspiring Word)
General's Greatspear +3, encounter power, minor action, extend reach by 1 till end of next turn
Magic Hide Armor +3,
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), +2 to damage rolls
Battle Standard of Healing (heroic tier), encounter, healing, zone 5, when an ally within the zone spends a healing surge, all other allies within the zone regain 1 hit point
Golden Circlet of Battle Command, when you use a warlord power to grant a melee attack to an ally within your sight, that ally gains a +2 bonus to the attack rolls and the damage roll
Helm of Heroes (heroic tier), Daily, Free Action, when you grant an ally a basic attack that ally can take a standard action. Currently off; now sold
Magic Dagger +1,
Distance Javelin +1, B.R.A. +19, 1d6+8 damage
Acrobat Boots (heroic tier), +1 to acrobatics, At-Will, Minor, stand from prone
Potion of Regeneration (heroic tier) (3) - spend a healing surge and gain Regeneration 5 while bloodied till the end of the encounter.
Elixir of Vitality (Paragon tier) - spend one healing surge, recover 25hp and make a saving throw against one effect a save can end.
Gravespawn Potion (2) - spend a healing surge to gain resist 5 poison and resist 5 necro teo encounter
Everburning Torch, this torch sheds light but not heat
Ioun Stone of Perfet Language daily, Insight check, free action, you treat the check as if you rolled a natural 20
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Items she'd like to pick up. Not, frankly, in any particular order other than they were the things I remembered and looked for, or came across as I was going along.
Amended list:
Screaming Hide Armour +4
Displacer Hide Armour +4
General's Greatspear +4
Chieftain's Greatspear +4
Dread Greatspear +4
Battlemaster's Greatspear +4 lvl 19
Iron Armbands of Power - level 16
Gloves of the Healer - level 12
Mantle of the Golden General +4 - level 17
General's Belt - level 15
Battle Standard of the Stalwart - level 19
Boots of Spider Climbing - level 5