Tomb of Horrors (4e) - Group 2, Part 2

Game Master Rev Rosey

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M Hobgoblin Battlemind/Quicksilver Demon 17 (Foe Killer)

Thanks, Zero!

The Exchange


huh, this is weird

Commander's Strike is a melee weapon attack. Because of this, it has the range of the Warlord's melee weapon reach. Normally this will be one square but weapons such as longspear may increase this. The target of the Commander's Strike must be within melee reach of both the Warlord and the chosen ally who will make the basic melee attack.

Who'd think yelling at someone to take a swing would be a melee attack?

The Exchange


*thumbs through PHB, reading basic character concepts in the Race section*

*gets to the Human section*

*eyes a reference to Thom the Wizard*

*twenty second pause*

"I'm doing a dungeon crawl with someone famous!"

"Ahh thank you...Thank YOU! Would you like my autograph?"

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18
Zerombr wrote:

huh, this is weird

Commander's Strike is a melee weapon attack. Because of this, it has the range of the Warlord's melee weapon reach. Normally this will be one square but weapons such as longspear may increase this. The target of the Commander's Strike must be within melee reach of both the Warlord and the chosen ally who will make the basic melee attack.

Who'd think yelling at someone to take a swing would be a melee attack?

There's Direct The Strike which lets you do it at range. It doesn't give you the benefit of +Int damage, mind you. I assume that part of it is a distraction to make the opponent open to an attack.

Thom Verikal wrote:
"Ahh thank you...Thank YOU! Would you like my autograph?"

"Only way I'd do that would be if we had a tattoo artist to make it permanent afterwards."

The Exchange


when you pull someone to a square near you, it has to be to a full on square right, not say, hazardous terrain, or even only partial terrain such as not having enough room for the person? Is that accurate?


Depends on the exact wording. Unless the power specifically states that you can't force move a creature onto difficult or hindering terrain, I think you can. My home bard has had some success pushing enemies off cliffs before now.

The Exchange


hmm, I was looking at Knightly Intercession, like say...oh dropping Mog man down a pit or such after a good smack


He can fly and has hover, so not likely to make any difference to him. Good thought though.

The Exchange


I believe Raya is six squares from Moghadam, right? So the actual damage/daze part of the aura isn't close enough just yet to get her?


Oops, you are quite right. I'll amend it if I'm in time for the edit window.

Rev Rosey wrote:

Barel's arrival does not stir much interest in Moghadam. Even less so when the blow glances off him.

"Dwarf. Not amusing."

If only Guldarin was there. It's such a great line for him. Not so much for Arishat.

The Exchange


I wish Don was in that last battle solely so he could follow up with that latest cryptic comment from Guldarin

The Exchange


I was considering starting up a LoC game on here, I wanted to give the players here a heads up first, in case any of you have an interest in such a thing. My game will probably be limited to 6 players, and have an actual win condition as well as a focus on the mortal side of creation. I figure since we're already in at least one game together, it'd be cool to try out another as well!

LoC? Lords of Creation?

<-- possibly slightly out of touch

Just to be clear, Lyan's steamed, not his player -- Rothel's right, but Lyan's not likely to admit it. . .

The Exchange


affirmative Pat, Lords of Creation, the forum version, not the actual 80s boardgame

It was an 80s RPG, actually. Maybe a boardgame later. I remember it as completely bonkers . . .

The Exchange


never played it, just had to clarify. I have, however, considered adding LoC to a Risk game I'm developing...

The Exchange


**looks at Lyan's page for a moment in curiosity**

Ahh Mummy Rot, heh. Join the club.


Don't know LoC at all. Got any useful links?

The Exchange



here's an OOC thread about it that has some of the basics listed

The Exchange


I can't help but see how this is relevant to our current situation


The link takes me back to this thread ...

The Exchange


ahh I must've miscued the flux capacitor's timing chain. >.>

edit: okay so it doesn't like to hotlink, but copy/pasting seems to work

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Zerombr wrote:


here's an OOC thread about it that has some of the basics listed

It seems interesting. I'd like to know more.

The Exchange


okay, I try pretty hard to not metagame situations, but I am faced with a conundrum. Do I let Raya run headlong into a pit because no one has said anything about them and my perception isn't high enough, or do I assume I've been alerted to them due to the style of PbP?


I think it's a safe bet that Lynore would call out a warning when she sees Raya heading that way.

The Exchange


Lookit! We now can send private messages, oh hurrah!

The Exchange


and we also have those titles that tell our class and paragon path. Pretty keen!


We can? How?

The Exchange


click on their profile, it gives the 'send PM' option under the name

My loot breakdown...

Fantastic Recuperation x 3: Raya
Abjure: Raya
Consult Oracle: Raya
Magic Circle: Thom

Staff of Storms +4: Thom
Ioun Stone of Perfect Language: Arishat
Guardian's Cape Level +4: Lanthair
Black Lotus Extract: Lynore

Gems: split
Residuum: split between Thom/Raya
Statue: ?
Portrait: ?


Don't forget Ruinblade.

I still need to type out the stats for it.

Oh, I thought Raya sacrificed....err...volunteered to take ownership of that surly blade, he he.

The Exchange


I will, as soon as Lynore pipes up, it'd be tacky to move on at such a point without her. I don't have ritual caster, but I do have Religion trained of course, I assume I just need Thom present and active to use it?


The rituals are all scrolls, so anyone can use them.

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18
Thom Verikal wrote:

My loot breakdown...

Staff of Storms +4: Thom
Ioun Stone of Perfect Language: Arishat
Guardian's Cape Level +4: Lanthair
Black Lotus Extract: Lynore

Gems: split
Residuum: split between Thom/Raya
Statue: ?
Portrait: ?

I approve of that distribution. As for the statue and portrait, I suggest we try and find buyers and distribute the cash. Arishat has a few things she wants to buy.

I think Thom would like to trade in his Master's Accurate Wand of Dire Radiance +3 for some additional protective gear, but I am not sure what he should aim for here. Any suggestions?

The Exchange


I'll state again my thoughts on defense. Items that can interrupt in Rev's games are worth a lot more than specific defense, since these monsters hit harder and more often. I can't remember ever having my shield or my improved defenses saving me from a hit yet ^_^

Good point Zerombr.

After looking at the list of gear for sale in the CB...I decided on the Brooch of Shielding +3 (17000gp) which is exactly the price of the Master's Accurate Wand.

Rev, let me know if that item is available thanks.

You can have that Thom.

I don't know who has your loot list, but you should be reasonably well off financially as a group.

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

On my count we've approximately 46,500gp, if we can sell all the gems and the statue for full value. Plus whatever we have in Residuum, over 20,000 I think. Barel and Raya probably have priority for spending, since they haven't got any of the recent loot.

The Exchange


the only treasure I've annotated is the 3,333 gp worth of gems, aside from the miscellaneous residuum, rituals and such. Right now I'm considering a Ring of the Dwarf Lords or Featherfalling maybe. Tempted to sell my shield, and just carry a mundane one. Battleforged may be a decent ability but no one generally stands next to me. -.-


Arishat's looks about right - even a little low. I'll take a look and get back to you.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Grr... My Insider subscription lapsed. It may take me a little longer to sort out what Lanthair needs.

The Exchange


Rev, what do you think about the alternative magic items, such as favors and such? Would such a thing need to be in a more cosmopolitan place? How about tattoos?

I'm looking at these ones from the DMG2, Hasty Resurgance or Blinding Strikes, one gives effectively another use of Reactive Surge once a day, the other gives you the ability to use 2 MBAs at -2 to strike, once a day.


I love the notion of alternative rewards and that has given me an idea. Let me stew on it overnight.

The Skullbreakers can do tattoos. They all wear them.

The Exchange


okay here's a list of misc. items I've added, I enjoy little trinkets and such, none of which are too unusual or rare I think. Feel free to kibosh anything.


Bag of holding
2 Elixirs of Speed (+2 movement for encounter)
3 Glowstones (expendable, throw it, and any undead that starts their turn in its zone takes radiant damage equal to its vulnerability)
1 Kinetic Oil (heroic)
a Life Shroud (doesn't let undead touch corpses, could be useful!)
Nail of Sealing (does an Arcane Lock on any sort of portal)
4 Nightmare Tongue Dust (consumable, anything hit by my encounter powers of lvl 5 or below, of which I have one)
3 Oil of Flesh Returned - because petrification sucks
2 Potion of Resistance, paragon tier
2 elixir of water breathing
5 sweet waters
2 elixir of flying (paragon)
Unseelie candle - consumable, reveals invisible items and things within one square of it
power jewel -(i can totally understand if you don't want this one hanging around, it lets you regain an encounter once a day)


Sorry to be slow on this. You can have the following:-

the life shroud,
the sweet waters x 4
potions of resistance x 2
Bag of Holding
Nail of Sealing
glowstone x 1

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