Rev DM |

Rev Rosey |

Rev Rosey wrote:Just to let you know, Zerombyr is hoping to join Group 1 (Arishat, Thom, Barel, Lynore and Lanthair) shortly. He may well be posting here with questions about what sort of things would be most help.Heh, I thought we were Group 2...
You are :) I've sent Zerombyr about 3 contradictory messages about group numbers already this evening. Completely accurate about the party itself, just rubbish on digits.

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not only did you send me falsifying info Rev, you also misspelled my name! Hah! For the future I suggest we just call me Zero, its my standard handle
@Lynore - I'm in the Midwest, but not Tennessee, sorry.
@Everyone - This technically will be my first 4E game that I will be playing in, I've read a great deal of PbP stories on the site, and have ran some basic skirmishes for a few interested friends of mine, to show them how it works, but I am very inexperienced here, and playing a Paladin is going to be a great challenge to me. I am also moving this weekend, so I may not actively be able to game until next monday or so, but rest assured my character is just needing finishing touches, and should be ready soon!

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melee's always been my choice, but playing a tank in this system is a bit different, I may ask a few tactical questions to you, Arishat, during combat, which makes sense since you're the warlord and all.
Hopefully you'll enjoy my 2 extra MBA attacks, Virtuous Strike, and Hold Fast
I do notice I'll have to up my defenses a bit more, after I get a bit more gear, course I also am coming in at a level behind you guys, so there's that too, heh.

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Rev, I know you're pretty lenient on rebuilds and the like, but I wanted to ask anyway if I can do a few minor changes to Raya after this battle?
In case this goes through, I'm looking for suggestions as to how to boost my defenses a bit more. I realize that we're actually playing against higher tier monsters than 'standard' and I'm fine with that, I'd just prefer to find a way to bring my defenses up a bit more, maybe even get some shieldplay going as well.
Maybe I just need to fight defensively...

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Nayce, this might not be thread you think it is ;-).
Halls is turning into a new campaign, not Tomb, to the best of my knowledge.
Ha! Too true. Look at me getting my PbP's mixed up!
The post made me think of him, so that must be how I got my lines crossed.
Lanthair, on the other hand, is tough as nails, and needs no revision. Carry on.

Rev Rosey |

Since it will be a start of a new campaign, I know Rev is pretty much okay with whatever we want to change. I know Nayce has way too much "glass cannon" syndrome for my taste. If he survives, I may have to do something about that.
Feel free. He does seem a little fragile at the moment. Unlike Lanthair who is impossible to dispose of.

Arishat |

Rather liking the changes myself. Very neat.
And, I'll note that Arishat is being herself at the moment, and worrying about humans thinking they owe a tiefling an explanation. It irritates her paranoia gland. If anyone dislikes having a paranoid tiefling in the group, I'll tone it down.

Lanthair |

Keep it up. Don't forget, Lanthair is somewhat new to the group himself, so his endorsement of Raya probably doesn't count for much with those who were on since the beginning.
That said, though, he tends to be rather aloof from the suspicions and arguments of the group. He has enemies that need kicking.

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Its all good. I don't mind really, I decided I wanted to play a different kind of paladin anyway, the one who doesn't scream all holy righteousness. Her views, I want to make very subtle. So she'll end up disappointing Arishat's views at least.
Also, I've got myself a few dailies to use up, one says effectively, 'pick an ally, anytime that ally gets injured from an enemy the ally hasn't marked, deal DC damage (15) to em."
I was thinking if Barel's going to play up off-tank, I'll slap that on him, but I do know he can mark, I just dunno if the warden mark is automatic or not, It can always go to someone else as well
I think we're all settled up, shall we investigate further now?

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Apologies to Homestuck.
You're a PARTY LEADER, and as such have a strong interest in PARTY SURVIVAL. You have a knack for having people WORK TOGETHER DESPITE VARYING INTERESTS. You have found yourself surrounded by a RAGTAG GROUP OF ADVENTURERS, none of which have MUCH OF A RELATABLE THEME.
You have approached an ODDLY MISTY LAKE, featuring GOLDEN RUNES and a FOG COVERED VEIL.
You have a FOLDING BOAT in which you can move three party members at a time.
Arishat does not want to ride in the boat with the PALADIN.
Lanthair is alright with STRONG SWIMMING across.
Thom prefers not to get his robes wet.
Lynore does not want the PALADIN to try to SMITE or CONVERT her.
Raya feels Thom's LECHEROUS GAZE and is discomforted by it.
Barel does not want to ride in the boat or swim across.
How do you get all party members across without having to suffer a LAMENT OF DAMPNESS, EYEROLLS from any party member from a PREACHY SERMON, Barel's fragrant "scent", or RUSTED ARMOR?

Lynore |

Lynore, Thom and Lanthair ride the boat across
Lanthair brings the boat back and picks up Arishat and You and then returns to the other side, you take the boat back and slip a drugged milk to Barel and drag his asleep form into the boat A-Team style and whistle as you paddle across the lake back to the group

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found an interesting article about unusual skill uses, and how a person with a trained skill might look at the world. thought you guys might find interest in it as well.
It suggests for using Endurance as I did, to help postpone Mummy Rot, that the penalty for failure would be a healing surge. I think that's a good cost for it too.