The Long Night Ends (A Traveller T20 Game) (Inactive)

Game Master mdt

Four hundred and fifty plus years is a long time for a colony to be isolated. A lot of funny things happen to people when they are isolated from the rest of humanity for that long. What will become of these people?

SHIPS : Martha McTavish | Hera's Folly | Kerrus Refinium 2383 | Resplendent Commerce Delta Star Class Exploration Vessel

DECKPLANS : Martha McTavish | Hera's Folly


Crew : Crew Roster


Current Combat : NONE
Star Map : Explored Space
Explored Space Data : Data

1,251 to 1,300 of 1,588 << first < prev | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | next > last >>

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator


"We have a probed 3 sun system, I think that may help us find more jump points, we may even get a jump back point to Masterson if there is one we need to know about it."

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The ships jump into SG-005, and are met by the sight of three red dwarf stars. One is relatively close, the other two are farther away in different directions. If the three stars were on a clock face, then they'd be at : B (7:30)-> A (center of clock dial) -> C (3:15)

How do you want to explore the trinary? Same as last time, starting with A? Split up the ships and send one to B and one to C while one stays in A? It's a four week trip to B, and a 5 week trip to C.

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

"Ok lets passive scan for signals, get ready to split the fleet up and go looking for jump points and anything of interesting in this system. We will also have Full passive drone deployment. Whats the possibility of jump points Astrometicis, I want a full report for the captain."

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

"Ma'am? We don't have mass readings on the stars, or the planets, yet. And with a trinary system, we'll need a full mass spectrum analysis on all three systems before the computers can crunch the numbers to get likely warp point junctions. So all we can say for now is.. a lot?"

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

"Just a reminder everyone, we are talking possible roots of action here, I expect a needs and eta on full mass spectrum analysis to be presented by your team here, Given the nature of the system what do you need from the fleet, please do that now. Form other teams anything you think is relivent offer up. We will look over risk then?"

She waits to be filled in by the teams

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ynja would know, to get a full mass spectrum analysis requires at least a good solid passive read on every major mass object in each of the three systems, and a good solid reading on the suns. Basically, they need to know the mass and layout of the three systems. How big is the sun, how big is each planet, how dense, the basic makeup of any asteroid belts (light rocks, dense, mix) so they can calculate a total system mass and orbital gravity lensing matrix. If you remember last time you encountered a binary system, you had to put out remote drones to the secondary system and scan both systems to figure out likely warp points.

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator
Ynja Eva Ragnavold wrote:
"Ok lets passive scan for signals, get ready to split the fleet up and go looking for jump points and anything of interesting in this system. We will also have Full passive drone deployment. What's the possibility of jump points Astrometicis, I want a full report for the captain."

Err GM, she has asked for that, she said lets put the drones out and scan, EG find the info needed, so they can report to the captain, she also said get ready to split the fleet up but did not say do it yet. She asked how may jump points they thought where out there they said 'lots', I think there may have been a misunderstanding going on here

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

I know, but until the scans are done, they can't give information. I asked if the ships were going to split up to escort the drones sent to the other two systems, and gave the time it would take them to get there. In other words, I'm still waiting to find out if drones are sent to the other two systems by themselves, or with a sentient keeper. The stars are several far enough apart that the round trip on communications would be about 20 hours to the closer sun, and 23 to the farther one. So I'm trying to find out if you're sending the parasite ships with the drones to cut down on the turn around time for control of the drones.

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

arr got you, ok if no local radio is picked up from the systems then yes, ships will be sent with drones.

"our lesser ships in the feeet will go with the drones to cut down in system control time, this is s big set of systems so we need all the data we can get, 1st sign others are here you call home, scan to be passive until we have to go active.

Engineer | Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 9/9 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | Ref +5 Fort +1 Will +9 | Init +3 | Per +13

"So, whom wents which sun?" Cat grins and points at the screen displaying the system. "Send the mein fleet to E, then Ynje end I teke C end B?"

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

"Ill take the closest your ship is faster, also we go full crews, Ill take four crew with me, techs and Astrometicis"

Captain | Stamina 25/25 | Lifeblood 11/11 / Psychic 15/15
AC 14 T 11 FF 13 CMD 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +7 | Init. +1 | Perception +12

"Good. Run silent. Renew your status codes and RPs (Rendez vous Points). Good hunting."

Male Lysandran 1 Noble 1 Merchant 2 Rogue* [Stamina 27/27 | Lifeblood 13/13 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | Fort: 2 | Ref: 6 | Will: 4 | Init: +3 | Per: 8 | Stealth: 10 | Bluff: 10 | Dip.: 10 | Sense Motive: 8] [Inspired 1/1]

Ivan looked over the reports he had been preparing for the Merchant Marines. Part of his contract was to report to them any finding of possible material or strategic value, as the MM defined such things, and considering all of their lucky finds, Ivan was finding himself preparing more and more reports.

Hmm, this is all well and good, but maybe we can do better... We have plenty of unused cargo space in this ship, and I can't imagine what we'd actually do with it, especially as we continue to run through our food stores... Maybe a meeting with the Captain is in order.

Finishing his report, he then dictated a message to be sent to the Captain requested a some brief time to discuss a proposal.

- - - - -

Ivan prepared himself internally as he walked towards the Captain's office. Sure, he could have arranged for this to be done on the bridge, but if things went badly, then better to save face in front of the other officers.

Remember, stay friendly, don't kiss up to him, and let him come around tot he idea naturally.

He stopped, rubbing his knee and catching his breath, before hitting the button next to the door requesting entrance. The door opened quietly and he stepped inside, giving a general "Ah, 'ello Captain, thank you for giving me thius time. I 'ave come today because a thought hit me as I vas looking over some of the packing efficiency reports."

Ivan did not retrieve the reports, but he did have a summary of them being displayed to him in his monocle, which he adjusted for better focus. "As ve continue to use our supplies, ve leave more and more spayce unused on the ship. I vas just thinking that, especiahlly since fuel is rarely a problem for us, may'aps ve could find a better use for the empty room?"

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

Ynja went to find Ivan. Finding him looking over some of the empty stock rooms she came in.

"Iven, I slotted my ship for 4 crew on this trip, I will need stores for the 4 others possibly 5, mine are on ship. because I can take a 5th, if you want to get some exploration exportation this is your chance.. I am not asking out of kindness, its the fact you classed as Pilot trained on the crew listing, I need a Co-Pilot and I can't take one of the others, they will be flying this ship or one of the others, so your it, you want to come name a moon after yourself?."

She waited to see what he would say.

Engineer | Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 9/9 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | Ref +5 Fort +1 Will +9 | Init +3 | Per +13

Earlier, target meeting

"Reesoneble. I'll need two more to run full shifts and probebly one extre. Someone thet cen wrengle the probes if needed. End thenk you Ceptein!"

Captain | Stamina 25/25 | Lifeblood 11/11 / Psychic 15/15
AC 14 T 11 FF 13 CMD 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +7 | Init. +1 | Perception +12

Aramis welcomes the quartermaster into his personal quarters that were a bit larger than the others, because they doubled as his office with a second chair for personnel meetings. He closes his captain's log and says, "Have a seat, Ivan. What do you have in mind? And why wouldn't we implement your idea?"

Male Lysandran 1 Noble 1 Merchant 2 Rogue* [Stamina 27/27 | Lifeblood 13/13 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | Fort: 2 | Ref: 6 | Will: 4 | Init: +3 | Per: 8 | Stealth: 10 | Bluff: 10 | Dip.: 10 | Sense Motive: 8] [Inspired 1/1]

- - @Aramas - -

Ivan nods at the Captain and moves towards a chair, speaking as he sits. "Vell, I vas just thinking that it seems like such a shame to keep visiting and scanning these vorlds vithout 'aving anything to show for it except for sensore data and maybe some... let us say pretty pictures."

Ivan leans forward slightly, tenting his fingers, as if in trepidation. "I vas thinking, if ve collect vatever mineral samples vould be convenient, then the brass back 'ome might 'ave an easier time knowing vich vorlds to prioritize. After all, two planets may 'ave equal mineral density but very dif-rent conglomerated forms. A canyon of platinum is much more useful than the same volume found in an ocean of aqua regalis, after all"

And if I take the form of the 'slick' and greedy merchant, will the Captain ignore it or take offense? If he takes offense do I then push for the scientific values to throw him off, or do I come to a fake misunderstanding to throw him off? Hmm, maybe it is better to go ahead and throw off his concerns...

He opens his hands, exposing his palms in an honest gesture, adding "As for vhy you vouldn't do this, vell, it is more time spent gathering materials from potentially dangerous planets. Nothing that our crew haven't been trained to handle, of course, and not in situations that vould be too dangerous. I'm not suggesting anyone risk themselves for some rocks, or for this to be hard protocol, but merely something to keep in mind as ve continue our explorations."

- - @Ynja - -

Ivan looks down at this datapad, thoughtful, for a few moments.

Vell, the reports are pretty much running on their own at this point... And unless someone starts stealing again the schedules are in place for the next few weeks. Engineering's maintenance plans were submitted and scheduled a week ago... As were the watch and duty routines from security.

With a smile and a nod, he looks up and replies "Vell, since it looks like everything is in order I should be available. And it would be good for me to get some experience behind the, er... stick?... of these newer vessels."

He grins and takes a slight bow as he adds "Besides, I vould be delighted to spend some time vith such a lovely pilot."

Captain | Stamina 25/25 | Lifeblood 11/11 / Psychic 15/15
AC 14 T 11 FF 13 CMD 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +7 | Init. +1 | Perception +12

@Ivan Sense Motive DC 20 (Ivan's take 10 Bluff): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Aramis listens intently. Something is up with this scheme. I'm not getting the whole story. Let's play along. "The idea has merit. Why don't you work with the scientific crew to create a selection criteria to identify the best possible candidates. Then, we can perform a risk analysis on the highest pots (potentials) when we find them. And if you want to join one of the lady pilots, feel free to ask them. While I command the mission, they own their ships."

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

She looked away, she could not blush but even inside this shell of a body she was still human. She looked back,

"Thank you Ivan that is kind of you, and we will not be alone, we have science and probe techs with us. It will be cramped, remember my scout is armed, its a navy scout, so even less room. alight then Ill make the estrangements. You will be second in command, so welcome to the crew 1st officer Lazarev, not that we take much note of ranks, but the records will show, and so on. We will have a crew briefing at 20:00 hours, see you on the ship then. Ill have made a request for your transfer of duty by then"

She left then and let him get on with getting ready for the trip.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The ships break up, and head out. Each smaller craft escorting a dozen probes (I'm assuming you want to make sure you have enough since you don't know what the system conditions are).

While they are travelling, the main ship and it's probes get a good scan of the A system.

SG-005 A
Star Type : Red Dwarf Size V2, Spectral Class/Color M/Red
Warp Points : 3 Located
Orbital Specs
Orbit 0: (Habitable Zone) Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Average) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 4
Orbit 1: SGG - Small Gas Giant, 50,000km, 1.25G Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Orbit 3: Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Dense) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 6
Orbit 8: Planet - 3200 km Very Low Gravity(0.1875 G) Density (Light) Axial Tilt (30 degrees) Rotation (2 months) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (165 Years S)
Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 4
Orbit 15: Planet - 1600 km Very Low Gravity(0.125 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (0 degrees) Rotation (2 months) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (121863 Years S) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Orbit 16: Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Average) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 9
Orbit 17: Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Light) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 4

With less time, the two parasite ships have only overviews of their systems.

Star Type : Red Dwarf Size V2 Spectral Class/Color M/Red
Warp Points : ??? 0 to 3 possible
Orbital Specs
Orbit 0: (Habitable Zone) Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Average)
Orbit 1: Planet - 1600 km Very Low Gravity(0.125 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (20 degrees) Rotation (Tidally Locked) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (0.25 Years S)
Orbit 3: Planet - 3200 km Very Low Gravity(0.25 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (20 degrees) Rotation (2 months) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frigid ) Avg Temp (-35 C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (1 Years S)
Orbit 4: Planet - 11,200 km Average Gravity(0.875 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (0 degrees) Rotation (80 hours) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Chilly ) Avg Temp (0 C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (2 Years S)
Orbit 5: Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Average)
Orbit 7: SGG - Small Gas Giant, 50,000km, 1.25G
Orbit 10: Planet - 3200 km Very Low Gravity(0.25 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (0 degrees) Rotation (1 months) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (678 Years S)
Orbit 12: LGG - Large Gas Giant, 90,000km, 2.5G
Orbit 14: LGG - Large Gas Giant, 90,000km, 2.5G
Orbit 19: SGG - Small Gas Giant, 50,000km, 1.25G

SG-005 C
Star Type : Red Dwarf Size V9 Spectral Class/Color M/Red
Warp Points : ??? 3 to 5
Orbital Specs
Orbit 0: (Habitable Zone) Planet - 4800 km Very Low Gravity(0.28125 G) Density (Light) Axial Tilt (0 degrees) Rotation (40 hours) Atmosphere (Standard) Hydrographics (No large land masses. Water or Fluid World) Climate (Very Hot ) Avg Temp (55 C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (0.1 Years S)
Orbit 5: Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Average)
Orbit 6: Planet - 4800 km Very Low Gravity(0.1875 G) Density (Very Light) Axial Tilt (50 degrees) Rotation (Tidally Locked) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (12 Years S)
Orbit 12: Planet - 4800 km Very Low Gravity(0.28125 G) Density (Light) Axial Tilt (40 degrees) Rotation (4 weeks) Atmosphere (Very Thin) Hydrographics (20% surface liquid) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (5395 Years S)
Orbit 13: Planet - 9600 km Low Gravity(0.75 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (50 degrees) Rotation (3 weeks) Atmosphere (Thin, Tainted) Hydrographics (50% surface liquid) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (15244 Years S)

SG-005 C is the most unusual of the 3, the very bright little red dwarf, nearly orange in color, has a habitable planet in it's inner most orbit. One entirely covered in liquid water. The surface temperature is hot (55 Celsius, 130 Farenheit), although the temperatures at the poles drop to a chilly 40 Celsius (103 Farenheit). There's no discernable life on the planet, but the planetary boffin thinks it could easily be seeded with ocean life. Long range sensors find the oceans are salty, and seeding with plankton and algae would be a worthy experiment.

It will take another week to survey B for warp points, and two to survey C.

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

Ynja came into the crew area, every one was there,

"Well I have some grate news. Cathrine found a word they think can support life. Its a water world close in but other than that fine. So it looks like we have another new world. Now the bad news, A and B if what you have told me may have up to 3 jump points. So we are staying another week to find them. If we get one we drop a probe in and see whats on the other side I hope, fleet leader will have to ok that. So more work ladys and gents."

Engineer | Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 9/9 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | Ref +5 Fort +1 Will +9 | Init +3 | Per +13

"Hey guys, I found e gient seune! Heh... Cat out."

Will be out of touch for 36-48h, sorry for the short heads-up!

Captain | Stamina 25/25 | Lifeblood 11/11 / Psychic 15/15
AC 14 T 11 FF 13 CMD 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +7 | Init. +1 | Perception +12

Aramis orders the Stargazer to help survey C. Without any signs of sentient, he enables active sensors.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Star Type : Red Dwarf Size V2 Spectral Class/Color M/Red
Warp Points : 2
Orbital Specs
Orbit 0: (Habitable Zone) Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Average) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 2
Orbit 1: Planet - 1600 km Very Low Gravity(0.125 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (20 degrees) Rotation (Tidally Locked) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (0.25 Years S) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 5
Orbit 3: Planet - 3200 km Very Low Gravity(0.25 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (20 degrees) Rotation (2 months) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frigid ) Avg Temp (-35 C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (1 Years S) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 7
Orbit 4: Planet - 11,200 km Average Gravity(0.875 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (0 degrees) Rotation (80 hours) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Chilly ) Avg Temp (0 C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (2 Years S) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 1
Orbit 5: Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Average) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 9
Orbit 7: SGG - Small Gas Giant, 50,000km, 1.25G Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Orbit 10: Planet - 3200 km Very Low Gravity(0.25 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (0 degrees) Rotation (1 months) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (678 Years S) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 6
Orbit 12: LGG - Large Gas Giant, 90,000km, 2.5G Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 9
Orbit 14: LGG - Large Gas Giant, 90,000km, 2.5G Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Orbit 19: SGG - Small Gas Giant, 50,000km, 1.25G Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 7

SG-005 C
Star Type : Red Dwarf Size V9 Spectral Class/Color M/Red
Warp Points : 5
Orbital Specs
Orbit 0: (Habitable Zone) Planet - 4800 km Very Low Gravity(0.28125 G) Density (Light) Axial Tilt (0 degrees) Rotation (40 hours) Atmosphere (Standard) Hydrographics (No large land masses. Water or Fluid World) Climate (Very Hot ) Avg Temp (55 C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (0.1 Years S) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 5
Orbit 5: Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Average) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 9
Orbit 6: Planet - 4800 km Very Low Gravity(0.1875 G) Density (Very Light) Axial Tilt (50 degrees) Rotation (Tidally Locked) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (12 Years S) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Orbit 12: Planet - 4800 km Very Low Gravity(0.28125 G) Density (Light) Axial Tilt (40 degrees) Rotation (4 weeks) Atmosphere (Very Thin) Hydrographics (20% surface liquid) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (5395 Years S) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 2
Orbit 13: Planet - 9600 km Low Gravity(0.75 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (50 degrees) Rotation (3 weeks) Atmosphere (Thin, Tainted) Hydrographics (50% surface liquid) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (15244 Years S) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 6

Male Lysandran 1 Noble 1 Merchant 2 Rogue* [Stamina 27/27 | Lifeblood 13/13 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | Fort: 2 | Ref: 6 | Will: 4 | Init: +3 | Per: 8 | Stealth: 10 | Bluff: 10 | Dip.: 10 | Sense Motive: 8] [Inspired 1/1]

- - Aramis - -

Ivan smiles at the Captain, stands, and bows, adding "Thank you, Sir, four considering my proposal. 'opefully, it vill asseest us in furthering our endeavors."

- - Ynja - -
Ivan grins at Ynja. "Despite such conditions, I am sure it vill be a most pleasant experience. See you soon, Captainess Ragnavoid."

- - - - -

Ivan arrives early, his new outfit quite closer fitting and less accented than his normal uniform. He smiles at Ynja and bows. "If you vould permit me a moment, Captainess, I 'ave a question. Does your form permit the consumption of alcohol?"

He reaches into a pocket of his uniform and produces two small metal cylinders, one of which he offers. "It is a tradition of mine to 'ave a drink vith the command crew before piloting or commanding a new vessel. Please though, do not comprohmise yourself four my own silliness."

Feel free to respond in spoilers if we want to keep this out of the main thread.

- - At hearing of the habitable planet and the extended stay - -
Ivan nods his head a few times at the news. "That is a very interesting find. I am sure the egg-'eads back 'ome are going to be very excited. And I 'ave no reseurvations at an extended cruise. This ship is MUCH more fun to pilot than those slow cargo cruisers I'm used to. Thank you again for the opportunity, Captainess."

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Once the warp points are identified, the standard two drones per are sent through.

GM stuff:

Random: 1d100 ⇒ 43
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 65
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 83
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 35
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 17
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 17
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 40
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 66
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 49

Several hours after being sent through, they begin coming back and broadcasting visuals.

SG-006 is a binary system composed of an F Dwarf (Light Yellow) and an M Dwarf (Red).

SG-007 is a Red Dwarf.

SG-008 is a binary system composed of a G Dwarf (Yellow) and an M Dwarf (Red).

SG-009 is a Red Dwarf.

SG-010 is G type Dwarf Star (Yellow).

SG-011 is a Red Dwarf.

SG-012 is a Red Dwarf.

SG-013 is a small dim Red Dwarf.

SG-014 is a binary system composed of a huge F type Giant (FIII Light Yellow) and a companion M type Dwarf (Red Dwarf)

Captain | Stamina 25/25 | Lifeblood 11/11 / Psychic 15/15
AC 14 T 11 FF 13 CMD 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +7 | Init. +1 | Perception +12

The second parasite craft had docked with the Stargazer an hour ago giving the crew a bit of time to update take care of their business and freshen up. Aramis sat down when the last of his command crew arrived with his fresh cup of stimcaf. He had made sure that the large room display showed the current tri-star system with a list of the nine additional warp points.

He wanted to make a methodical search of these systems, but these multi-point systems made things complicated. Plus, Ivan wanted to land on some of the planets before moving on. They had decisions to make.

"Welcome back to the Gazer. Please have a seat. We've done a great job so far surveying the systems. We've had efficient use our consumables and found some good rocks and a ton of new warp points. Ivan has suggested that we visit high potential planets to get a better look and potentially bring back some souvenirs. So I want to discuss that course of action versus continuing as is, because we have a ton of warp points to explore. Ivan, how much unreplenishable (not fuel that we scoop from gas giants) consumables do we have left in the fleet? Then, feel free to make your case to the command crew."

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

You had 1 years supplies. You've been at this for about 3.5 months, so you have 8.5 months of supplies left.

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

Before mission

"I am sorry, it dos not, I drink only water, but I will drink water with you."

After mission

"My vote is we explore each system, Its a whole new area of space. Starting with SG-010, SG-011, SG-012, SG-013. Loking at the start maps, I have a feeling there is a high chance of a back door, jump point to old known space. If there is we have to know about it."

Engineer | Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 9/9 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | Ref +5 Fort +1 Will +9 | Init +3 | Per +13

"Thenk you Ceptein!" Cat grinned at took a seat, swinging her legs up on another unoccupied chair. ARE YOU NOT GOING TO SHOW YOUR MIND READING TRICKS SOON? 123123123123123 She takes a moment to unleash her customary scattered thoughts in an attempt to prod Aramis, but after a minute or so she refocuses on the actual task.

"Hmm. We heve three systems that ere good cendidetes as further nodes. Et this point, I think the number of potential werp points ere only going to grow exponentielly with every new system surveyed. I meen, if ell the others ere deed ends those three ere still going to produce probably et the leest ten more points. End some of those is going to split further end you ell know where thet goes! So, I suggest we only do reel quick scans of the suspected deed ends so thet we don't miss enything spectecular - probes will probebly do. Then we try to get e good look on es meny node-systems es we cen while supplies lest!"

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

"I agree with Cathrine, with the only caveat being we look at SG-010 to 13 1st."

After the meeting

It was her one day off, she spent it cleaning it, having five others in such a small space. Now cleaned, wast and rubbish taken out, kit stowed away again, Crew rooms back to how they should be. Reyic-filters all replaced. Power units charged, and all systems given a once over. With a final look around the outside for Micro-Meeter hits. Once she was happy she sat on her her Cyberntics bay, giving her own systems a full once over. Her left leg had inexplicably stopped working on the 2ed day out and seemed to have fixed itself. but she wanted to know why. Now she found way, a bad micro hub. She took her time and replaced it with a spear she had on ship. So far she had used up only a few parts, of her spears stock. But she had been doing little more than swishing out parts that seem to be at fail point. She headed to her cabin and slept, it had been a long trip but made better with good company.

Male Lysandran 1 Noble 1 Merchant 2 Rogue* [Stamina 27/27 | Lifeblood 13/13 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | Fort: 2 | Ref: 6 | Will: 4 | Init: +3 | Per: 8 | Stealth: 10 | Bluff: 10 | Dip.: 10 | Sense Motive: 8] [Inspired 1/1]

Huh, this totally ate a post of mine. Will attempt to get it back up shortly.

Male Lysandran 1 Noble 1 Merchant 2 Rogue* [Stamina 27/27 | Lifeblood 13/13 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | Fort: 2 | Ref: 6 | Will: 4 | Init: +3 | Per: 8 | Stealth: 10 | Bluff: 10 | Dip.: 10 | Sense Motive: 8] [Inspired 1/1]

Whew for writing things off-site!

Ivan nods at the Captain and replies "Yes Sir, food supplies are our big limiting fac-tor, and it seems that ve have enough to go for about another 8 and a 'alf months before ve run out, give-n our current consumption level, so probahbly 6 and a 'alf before ve should 'ead back 'ome. Maybe a little longer if ve ration more strictly towards the end."

He runs a hand through his hair before nodding and adding "As for my proposal, ve mostly found planets vith nothing on them, minus the extraordinary finds of those vith sustainable life. From that one I vould recommend ve retrieve a few gallons of ocean vater from different parts of the planet, just for the egg-'eads to play vith."

"Ve also spotted a few asteroid belts vith some surprisingly dense mineral scans. I'm more ambeevalent about those, but if ve 'ave the time, either as ve vait for probes or refuel, it might be vorth it to send out the parasite craft and look and see if they can spot specific mineral structures, or to even get a few easy to reach samples."

He grins and nods. "Of course, as stated, I am not so concerned about those."

- - - - -

Ivan nods as Cathrine and Ynja suggest their plans, adding "I can agree that... it seems like a good way to use our resources. In addition, ve vould hate to leave a path unexplored and be ambushed later on our return journey."

Captain | Stamina 25/25 | Lifeblood 11/11 / Psychic 15/15
AC 14 T 11 FF 13 CMD 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +7 | Init. +1 | Perception +12

"Done. We'll finish the survey of this system. You two pilots can flip for who gets to collect Ivan's soup. Then, it's off to SG-11. It's yellow, and closer to Masterson."

Telepathy on Cat to hear her: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM



Captain | Stamina 25/25 | Lifeblood 11/11 / Psychic 15/15
AC 14 T 11 FF 13 CMD 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +7 | Init. +1 | Perception +12

"And Cat, please stop repeating 123. It's tiring." Aramis says with a mischievous smile. "Let's get to work."

Engineer | Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 9/9 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | Ref +5 Fort +1 Will +9 | Init +3 | Per +13

"I call heeds!" Cat quickly conjures a coin and flips it in the air ...

"Ooooh..." She let out an impressive whistle at the Captain. And changed tactics - instead of numbers she now pictured the Captain himself. In a pink easter-bunny suit jumping around in the ship... "It reelly *does* work! Whet em I thinking now?"

Cat calls head: 1 on a 1d2 :P You wanna roll Ynja?

Captain | Stamina 25/25 | Lifeblood 11/11 / Psychic 15/15
AC 14 T 11 FF 13 CMD 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +7 | Init. +1 | Perception +12

how long is the duration of the previous roll and expenditure of Psi points?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Long enough to get the image of Aramis in a easter bunny suit jumping on the bridge

The ships rendevouz, restock, refuel, and transit to SG-011.

Probes are fired off, and ships move under radio silence into the system.

Star Type : Main Sequence (Dwarf) Star Size V
Spectral Class/Color G/Yellow
Warp Points : 4

Orbit 1: LGG - Large Gas Giant, 90,000km, 2.5G (3 moons) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Orbit 2: (Habitable Zone) SGG - Small Gas Giant, 50,000km, 1.25G (4 moons, no life bearing)Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Orbit 4: Planet - 4800 km Very Low Gravity(0.1875 G) Density (Very Light) Axial Tilt (10 degrees) Rotation (2 weeks) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (2 Years S)Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 2
Orbit 5: Planet - 12,800 km Average Gravity(0.5 G) Density (Very Light) Axial Tilt (10 degrees) Rotation (8 hours) Atmosphere (Very Thin, Tainted) Hydrographics (20% surface liquid) Climate (Frigid ) Avg Temp (-35 C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (8 Years S)Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Orbit 11: Planet - 9600 km Low Gravity(0.375 G) Density (Very Light) Axial Tilt (80 degrees) Rotation (8 months) Atmosphere (Trace) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (1911 Years S)Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 1
Orbit 13: LGG - Large Gas Giant, 90,000km, 2.5G (8 moons) Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 7
Orbit 17: Planet - 11,200 km Average Gravity(0.875 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (0 degrees) Rotation (25 hours) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (974728 Years S)Resources: 1d10 ⇒ 3

The gas giant moons are fairly rich in resources, however, the rest of the system is pretty poor. The system would make an excellent fueling point with all the gas giants available to skim fuel off of. The planetology wonks are shocked that there's two gas giants so close to the sun, and want to do some full on study of the phenomenon.

Captain | Stamina 25/25 | Lifeblood 11/11 / Psychic 15/15
AC 14 T 11 FF 13 CMD 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +7 | Init. +1 | Perception +12

Back at the command crew meeting, Aramis looks at Cat, "A bunny? Really? Alright. Dismissed."


Aramis orders probes to the 4 warp points while completing the survey of SG-011.

Engineer | Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 9/9 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | Ref +5 Fort +1 Will +9 | Init +3 | Per +13

"Eester-bunny!" Cat quickly corrects him and blinks. "Wouldn't went enyone to get the wrong idee! Thihihhi..."

"But now killer-plenet? Awwww...." Cat teases the science team.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Just to give you an idea, imagine Jupiter in Venus's orbit, and Saturn in Earth's orbit, to give you an idea of how odd the system is

Male Lysandran 1 Noble 1 Merchant 2 Rogue* [Stamina 27/27 | Lifeblood 13/13 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | Fort: 2 | Ref: 6 | Will: 4 | Init: +3 | Per: 8 | Stealth: 10 | Bluff: 10 | Dip.: 10 | Sense Motive: 8] [Inspired 1/1]

Ivan looks over the planetary report for SG-011 and hmms for a moment before sending a message to the Captain:
Captain Ramirez, I couldn't help but notice the interest these two planets have generated. While we wait on the next set of probes to return maybe we should send in the parasites to get some closer readings. Maybe some mineral samples, both precious and simple, from the moons, or some gas samples from the planets themselves could help the egg-heads in figuring out how this system was formed?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Sorry folks, updating. I'm assuming you only want to probe 3 of the warp points, not all 4, since one of them leads back the way you came. :)

GM Stuff:



Star Type : Red Dwarf Size V
Spectral Class/Color M/Red
Warp Points : 1

Orbital Specs
Orbit 0: (Habitable Zone) Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Light)
Orbit 3: Planet - 1600 km Very Low Gravity(0.0625 G) Density (Very Light) Axial Tilt (0 degrees) Rotation (Tidally Locked) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (1 Years S)
Orbit 4: Planet - 8000 km Low Gravity(0.46875 G) Density (Light) Axial Tilt (90 degrees) Rotation (20 hours) Atmosphere (Thin, Tainted) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Warm ) Avg Temp (35 C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (2 Years S)
Orbit 11: Planet - 9600 km Low Gravity(0.5625 G) Density (Light) Axial Tilt (40 degrees) Rotation (50 hours) Atmosphere (Trace) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (1911 Years S)
Orbit 16: Planet - 3200 km Very Low Gravity(0.125 G) Density (Very Light) Axial Tilt (40 degrees) Rotation (Tidally Locked) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (344639 Years S)
Orbit 19: Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Average)


Random: 1d100 ⇒ 86
Random: 2d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 3) - 2 = 7
Random: 1d10 ⇒ 4 4 Million
Random: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5 B (Shipyards)
Random: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9 Naval
Random: 2d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 3) - 3 = 6
Random: 2d6 - 7 + 4 ⇒ (3, 4) - 7 + 4 = 4 Rep Democracy
Random: 2d6 - 7 + 4 ⇒ (4, 1) - 7 + 4 = 2 Low Law
Random: 1d6 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 9 TL 9




Star Type : Main Sequence (Dwarf) Star Size V
Spectral Class/Color G/Yellow
Warp Points : 2

Orbital Specs
Orbit 0: Planet - 4800 km Very Low Gravity(0.5625 G) Density (Very Dense) Axial Tilt (70 degrees) Rotation (2 months) Atmosphere (Very Thin) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Torrid) Avg Temp (61 or higher C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (0.1 Years S)
Orbit 1: Planet - 6400 km Low Gravity(0.75 G) Density (Very Dense) Axial Tilt (50 degrees) Rotation (3 weeks) Atmosphere (Trace) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Torrid) Avg Temp (61 or higher C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (0.25 Years S)
Orbit 2: Planet - 6400 km Low Gravity(0.5 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (80 degrees) Rotation (4 months) Atmosphere (Very Thin, Tainted) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Torrid) Avg Temp (61 or higher C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (0.6 Years S)
Orbit 3: (Habitable Zone) Planet - 9600 km Low Gravity(0.9375 G) Density (Dense) Axial Tilt (20 degrees) Rotation (1 months) Atmosphere (Standard, Tainted) Hydrographics (50% surface liquid) Climate (Cool ) Avg Temp (-15 C) Biodiversity (Active) Planetary Year (1 Years S)
Orbit 6: SGG - Small Gas Giant, 50,000km, 1.25G
Orbit 10: Planet - 4800 km Very Low Gravity(0.1875 G) Density (Very Light) Axial Tilt (20 degrees) Rotation (3 months) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (678 Years S)
Orbit 12: Planet - 1600 km Very Low Gravity(0.09375 G) Density (Light) Axial Tilt (50 degrees) Rotation (Tidally Locked) Atmosphere (Trace) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Cold ) Avg Temp (-25 C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (5395 Years S)
Orbit 14: Planet - 9600 km Low Gravity(1.125 G) Density (Very Dense) Axial Tilt (40 degrees) Rotation (60 hours) Atmosphere (Thin, Tainted) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (43096 Years S)
Orbit 19: Planet - 3200 km Very Low Gravity(0.1875 G) Density (Light) Axial Tilt (30 degrees) Rotation (Tidally Locked) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (7797464 Years S)
Orbit 20: AB - Asteroid Belt



Star Type : Red Dwarf Size V
Spectral Class/Color M/Red
Warp Points : 4

Orbital Specs
Orbit 0: (Habitable Zone) Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Light)
Orbit 9: SGG - Small Gas Giant, 50,000km, 1.25G
Orbit 15: SGG - Small Gas Giant, 50,000km, 1.25G



Star Type : Red Dwarf Size V
Spectral Class/Color M/Red
Warp Points : 3

Orbital Specs
Orbit 0: (Habitable Zone) Planet - Asteroid Belt No Gravity(0 G) Density (Light)
Orbit 5: AB - Asteroid Belt
Orbit 8: AB - Asteroid Belt
Orbit 10: LGG - Large Gas Giant, 90,000km, 2.5G
Orbit 12: AB - Asteroid Belt
Orbit 14: LGG - Large Gas Giant, 90,000km, 2.5G
Orbit 16: LGG - Large Gas Giant, 90,000km, 2.5G
Orbit 19: Planet - 3200 km Very Low Gravity(0.25 G) Density (Average) Axial Tilt (0 degrees) Rotation (10 hours) Atmosphere (No Atmosphere) Hydrographics (No free-standing liquid. Desert) Climate (Frozen ) Avg Temp (-41 or lower C) Biodiversity (NONE) Planetary Year (7797464 Years S)
Orbit 20: Empty

The three probes launch to SG-015, SG-016, and SG-017.

Approximately 15 minutes after it transits to SG-016, the probe returns transmitting a view of a yellow and red binary system and broadcasting "ALERT! TRANSMISSIONS DETECTED! ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! TRANSMISSIONS DETECTED!"

It broadcasts a sample which it recorded for 5 minutes. Some of it's encrypted, a lot of it is open broadcast things like very attenuated radio station and television broadcasts. The broadcasts vary from news shows to what look like entertainment and educational shows. The radio broadcasts seem to be commercial, talk, and music.

It did not pick up any gravitational readings indicating gravity drive ships.

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

Runs to the fight deck, and jumps in the main flight seat, she runs over all systems and brings up tatical, over the comes she says,
"All flight crew, to positions, parasite ships, pilots in and prep, I want full report of readyness. Tatical report,"

Then she calls the captain,
"We have a yellow alert, captan, crews readying"

Engineer | Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 9/9 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | Ref +5 Fort +1 Will +9 | Init +3 | Per +13

Cathrine nearly falls out of her bunk once Ynja's voice rings trough the internal comms. The probe wasn't scheduled for quite some time yet and she had taken the opportunity for a quick nap. What's going on?!

Still struggling to get her pants back on she manages to stumble to the bridge of her small craft and slam the communication unit to broadcast.

"Cet here! The Thunderchild is ready to trensfer euxiliery crew and detech, if needed! Whet is going on?"

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

"Hold at yellow cat, run a systems check for debark, we have a yellow alert from our probe, to SG-016, seems its a inhabited system, so its alert till we see if it was followed. Sorry I have no time frame on stand down until we get the boys to check the probes readouts. Its hold and hope time, Ill link you into command chatter, so you know whats going on, Ynja out."

She waited now for the tech boys to give them info from the probe, the Captain would be here soon and they they could make a call on what to do next.

As the data from the probe comes in she relays it to cat.

"Some of it's encrypted, looked military, a lot of it is open broadcast things like very attenuated radio stations. The radio broadcasts seem to be commercial, talk, and music. Then television broadcasts. The broadcasts varying from news shows to what look like entertainment and educational shows. The tech boys says the probe did not pick up any gravitational readings indicating gravity drive ships. Interesting, could be locked system."

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

The tech wonks clean up the broadcasts some more, but they are confused. The language appears to be standard... but they aren't understanding most of it.

That is, they understand the words, although they are badly attenuated, but with such a small sample, they can't figure out what the shows or radio stations are talking about.

" ya'll is gonna be a humdinger of a ho-down number.."

" with Marshall Dillinger, and his humdinger tale on killin' off dem damn spinies that stampeded through Neoflagaff..."

"..ill be shippin back a load 'o crap from Cinder, 'less they all kill'd theyself.."

They also managed to clear up a couple of visuals.

Marshall Dilinger

Entertainment show(?) with no audio

Cybernetic killer (Wanted criminal? Entertainment show heroine?)

Male Lysandran 1 Noble 1 Merchant 2 Rogue* [Stamina 27/27 | Lifeblood 13/13 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | Fort: 2 | Ref: 6 | Will: 4 | Init: +3 | Per: 8 | Stealth: 10 | Bluff: 10 | Dip.: 10 | Sense Motive: 8] [Inspired 1/1]

Upon hearing Miss Ragnavoids comms, Ivan sends orders to put more security on active duty. Another set is send to the grunts to double check fuel and ammunition counts. Finally, a request is sent to engineering to increase the priority on full inspections of the ships engines and weaponry.

- - - - -

Ivan is standing on the bridge, projecting new supply projections and timelines based on their new state of caution, when the scientists send over the cleaned up transmissions. As the last frame rolls to static Ivan smiles and adds "I dyon't know vhat that is, but I like it."

He then grins at Cathrine and points to the still image of the 'cyborg' and says "'ey, that one looks kind of like you, don't you think??"

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