The Long Night Ends (A Traveller T20 Game) (Inactive)

Game Master mdt

Four hundred and fifty plus years is a long time for a colony to be isolated. A lot of funny things happen to people when they are isolated from the rest of humanity for that long. What will become of these people?

SHIPS : Martha McTavish | Hera's Folly | Kerrus Refinium 2383 | Resplendent Commerce Delta Star Class Exploration Vessel

DECKPLANS : Martha McTavish | Hera's Folly


Crew : Crew Roster


Current Combat : NONE
Star Map : Explored Space
Explored Space Data : Data

51 to 100 of 1,588 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | next > last >>

Map | Captain | Stamina 28/28 | Lifeblood 12/12 | AC 16/12/14 | Ref +3 Fort +2 Will +7 | Init +2 |

Ceres spends most of the journey with Ziirka and on comms with the Station, laying the groundwork for their survey. She doesn't see much of the Noble that shares her bunk, since they would be on opposite shifts. But she had arranged for frequent meetings, one at the start and end of her own shift so she could speak to everyone, briefing them on the latest developments.

"About 28000 - so we are soon within range." Ceres replied without looking up from the instruments. The ship was buzzing with activity since everyone was awake. She wanted all hands on deck and ready for this - besides, it would be cruel to let someone sleep trough this.

"Doctor!" she called out, calling Ziirka to the bridge. "I want the first five minutes of scans to be probe only. If you are correct, and that is a warship - it might have come straight from a warzone. I wouldn't want to be liquefied due to point-defence lasers keyed to an active IFF system."

|12/20 Stamina | 11/11 LB | Def AC:11/T:11/FF:10 | R:3/W:6/F:1 | Init +1 | Per:+2 | Academic 3 / Navy 2

"Well, it's not often I hope that I am wrong. Telemetry handshake complete... all systems reading nominal... Probe away!"

Sensors (if needed): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Pilot, Ceres: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

The probe fires out of the airlock, helped along by some air jets. Once outside the ship, attitude thrusters take it back along the path. It doesn't take much to slow it down a few kilometers an hour, so that the probe reaches the derelict first.

The probe reaches it's scan range (200 kilometers) before the derelict reaches the shuttle's sensor range. On the screen, data begins pouring in. The first bit of data on the sensors is radiation, even before it hits the 200km active sensor range, the probe begins pinging gamma and x radiation. However, it's also picking up hot neutron radiation as well. As it get's closer, the numbers begin to climb higher and higher, until it begins to fluctuate in the 2300 to 2800 Sievert range.

As the probe begins to start it's one and only pass along the side of the ship, the visual is fuzzy from the radiation, but the front of the ship looks melted. Not like it was blown up, but as if it were a candle in a wind, with the metal metling back along the armored hull.

It's almost certainly a warship, although it seems to have encountered something that made it's hull melt like wax down it's flanks. Toward the back, near the engines, are obvious weapons damage, massive cuts in tit's flanks, laser damage. The engines are dead, but the as it turns to face them, a few lights here and there indicate the ship still has some power on it somehow. It's not until after the probe passes on beyond that that the radiation count begins to drop again back toward normal.

K/Physics DC 15, K/Medical DC 10:

It takes about 2 sievert's of radiation to give someone a bad case of radiation poisoning, perhaps even death.

K/Engineering DC 15, Prof/Naval DC 15:

The shuttle is rated up to 3200 sieverts for short periods of time (up to 6 hours).

Prof/Naval DC 10, K/Engineering DC 12:

The standard vacuum suits used by the navy are rated up to 1000 sieverts. The hardsuit in the airlock is rated up to 2500 sieverts.

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

i take it we get a running stream of info from the crew and doctor GM.

Annara looks over the images, lights, lights where a good sign. But the front of the ship. It looked like something had melted it. The news of the radiation.
Not good, any poor soul on that thing. Great maker help them.
She leans into the captain saying quietly to her ear.

"Captain, if we could get closer to the area with lights, I could attempt to use my talents to asses if life is there. Ever try and see into the area."

omg my PC is Counsellor Deanna Troy of Star Trek, yikes " I'm sensing some on board cap-tin"

Map | Captain | Stamina 28/28 | Lifeblood 12/12 | AC 16/12/14 | Ref +3 Fort +2 Will +7 | Init +2 |

Ceres lets out a sigh of relief. "No hostile response detected. All good!" Her eyes fixed on the instruments, looking at the readings. "Ensign, open all frequencies and try to hail them - we might get lucky." she commands one of the navy personnel.

Know(Navy): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Know(Navy): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

She nods at Annara, but turns to the doctor. If - if it was possible, she would love to get a closer look.

"Doctor? The shuttle will stand up to the radiation - but even the hardsuit can only manage the low-rad pockets. Can we pull up the ship closer - and how long before radiation damage sets in if we catch a burst?"

Vathan finds his element in the four days of relative boredom. He has had lots of practice in the army. Never far from Annara, he spends his time getting to know the rest of the crew to at least a last name basis. He learned this from his father out hunting to socialize in the travel before the business of waiting for the kill. Vathan gets the other crew to talk about the themselves, which is always a popular topic, and to find some connection of interest or experience between them, however small. He gambles with some, shares army stories with some, talks weapons with others, or whatever seems to work. His purpose is to subtly assess their training, capabilities, experience, and temperament. He wants to know these people if something bad happens and refuses to die with strangers. He doesn't probe for any secrets or childhood experiences, because he honestly does not really care.

Diplomacy take 10+5=15
Sense Motive take 10+5=15
Perception take 10+10=20

When they arrive at the derelict spaceship, Vathan is quite awestruck. While a dream to be here, he has not adjusted to the suddenness of the whole situation. There is the quality that he feels that he is watching an entertainment show about the situation, as opposed to actually living it. He closely listens to understand what is going on.

|12/20 Stamina | 11/11 LB | Def AC:11/T:11/FF:10 | R:3/W:6/F:1 | Init +1 | Per:+2 | Academic 3 / Navy 2

Can't fail the Medical roll, and...weird, I didn't take T/engineering.

The doctor adjust knobs on the viewmaster thing that no one else on the bridge seems to have covering his screen.

He responds,"Those readings are more than a thousand times higher than the human body can stand. If you get hit by a blast, it depends on how much. Less than 2 Sieverts is treatable, you will survive for several years. More than 100 Sieverts, and the most likely result is instant painful death. There is a small possibility that the result will be several hours of unimaginable suffering." Ziirkaa makes an ency weensy gesture as he finishes his sentence... "Potassium anyone?"

"Perhaps another probe is in order? Look for radio signals for any functional wireless networks. Addapt it to make a bridge with our computer, get what information we can. That's a warship, it will have radiation protection too... This could be external, and the levels are lower inside.

We should be able to bring the Dawn closer, considering how close we got to the star this ship has a margin of protection. I will keep an eye on the radiation monitors. Try to keep them in the 2500 Sievert range, yes?"

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

Lady Annara ideates that Vathan and Gomez should follow her down below.
Once there and if they follow she says.

Vathan and Gomez:

[b]"From what the good doctor has just said we'er heading into a highly radioactive area close to that ship. Vathan I need you to help me put on my Vacc suit, helms we can carry for now. I don't expect us to have to space walk here, but having another layer of rad protection I think right now my be a very good idea, even on this ship. We have about 6 to 8 hours and I really want children one day."[/ooc]

She pulls her Vacc suit out of the locker and starts to put it on.

[ooc]GM is this ok to do, she just a bit worried about radiation.

Vathan follows Annara as ordered.

Annara and Gomez:

Vathan starts to help Annara with her suit and looks at Gomez to help. "Lady Annara, I think you are over-reacting. There's a cockpit full of space experts up there who are not wearing their vac suit. They certainly would not endanger themselves. We should return to the flight deck as soon as possible to avoid missing something important."

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

Annara, Vathan and Gomez:

K/Medical DC 10 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Knowledge (Engineering) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Knowledge (Engineering) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

"With the information just given, that there could be unpredictable random radiation spikes. I may be over reacting but as the saying go's Vathan, it's better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it. I am insisting on this Vathan, we suit up. How ever I do agree with you, as soon we are suited, we head back up as fast as we can."

Annara and Gomez:
"Yeah, no. I'm not trained in vac suit and will only put one on if I have to. Gomez has been practicing for the past four days, so he can join your fashion show. See you on the flight deck."

Vathan returns to the flight deck.

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

Annara and Gomez:

She looks on as Vathan departs, he was like that sometimes. She was just worried about him that was all, the big bone headed galoot. But that did not take away from them man. It was his call on putting on the vacc suit or not. She finished off doing up the suit then slowly made her way back to the flight deck. She expected them to make comments but she did not care. This craft could take 3200 sieverts for about say 6 hours, They maybe in the hot area of space over that time. She had no idea how much the suit stopped but it would stop some.

The Lady Annara comes back to the flight deck, in her vacc suit, she has her helmet in one hand.

"Don't worry I'm not planning a space walk, just felt safer with a little extra radiation protection."

She stays out of the way and observers.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Out of character, you'll need to make a decision. IC, Ceres makes the decision.

As the probe's data is downloaded, and analyzed, the probe falls away, still transmitting, but now long out of it's own range. The shuttle reaches it's maximum sensor range, and it's passive sensors begin to register radiation.

T/Computer: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

One of the Naval Recruits who's doing analysis on the probe readings finds the following.

The radiation does drop off near the engines. It's still instantly lethal without protection, but it might drop as low as 1500 seiverts.

Maneuvering to get in skin contact with the runaway ship will consume sufficient fuel that the window will be reduced by 4 hours and a quarter hours (give or take 10 minutes), basically cutting it in half.

Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 12/12 | Init +6 | AC17 T14 FF13 | BAB +2 | F +4 R +7 W +3 | Perc +7

Annara and Vathan:
"Hey Vathan, I'm not navy guy but I've read a few books about space. I think Doña Utoxier-Lee has the right idea. Let us Don every fiber of protection available and not trifle with fate."

|12/20 Stamina | 11/11 LB | Def AC:11/T:11/FF:10 | R:3/W:6/F:1 | Init +1 | Per:+2 | Academic 3 / Navy 2

Ziirkaa continues working furiously...Now that we are closer, are we picking up any sort of man made radio signals?
Sensors: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Communications: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

When Lady Annara makes her pronouncement, Ziirkaa looks up for just a moment commenting, "If we are getting closer to the ship, M'Lady has a point. Every bit of radiation protection will help. The "official" rad ratings are not always accurate." Then turning back to the readouts.

Map | Captain | Stamina 28/28 | Lifeblood 12/12 | AC 16/12/14 | Ref +3 Fort +2 Will +7 | Init +2 |

"You may suit up if it eases your mind - and as long as it wont impair your skill."

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Ziirka looks through the scanners, but the radiation is seriously hashing the radio spectrum. There's nothing he can pick up except perhaps a few random pings here and there that might be a bit of navigation radar that's being hashed up by the radiation.

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

She looked on as they talked, the two ships getting closer.
From the back she asks.

"Than you doctor, some here felt it a wast of time."

Then she adds

"Could you call out the approximate distance between our ships. It will help me greatly."

Female Lieutenant Commander [2 Professional / 1 Academic / 2 Navy*] [Stamina 18/11 | Lifeblood: 11/11 | AC: 15 | T: 12 | FF: 13 | Fort: 0 | Ref: 4 | Will: 10 | Init: +2 | Per: +4 | Comb. Eng.: +11] [Easy Recall: 1/1 | Inspired: 1/1]


Ophelia, who had been relaxing in her quarters, hears the alarm and the call for lockdown.

Could this be another smuggler attack? But how would they have gotten here? Either way, they’re calling for armaments…

Quickly donning her armored jumpsuit, Ophelia grabs and inspects her weaponry and shield.

Normal ammo for now. The ships hull could should be able to take my fire, but better not to chance it.

Ophelia, loaded for combat, checks in with the guards in the hallway before returning to her quarters, waiting to see what happens.

- - - - -

But when she hears her name to report to the shuttle, Ophelia is surprised, and just a little worried. The captain didn’t make any call for security though, so she calms some and starts thinking about her gear.

I can leave my rifle, if I need one it will be provided. And surely they’ll swap out the generic tools for my own… Crap! I could be going with the diplomat, which would call for formal dress… but I don’t want to be late… I think I can reason this away as proper precautions.

Ophelia secures her rifle in her quarters, but keeps her sidearm. She puts several loads of plastic explosives in her satchel, slings her shield over her back, grabs her gear pack, and is about to leave before she remembers that she had been cleaning her tools beforehand. Taking a moment to clean herself up, she finally grabs her some of her tools and heads to the shuttle, checking out with the hall guards as she leaves.

Arriving at the shuttle, Ophelia approaches the loading crew and says ”Ensign Holt of the Engineering Core, reporting for duty!”, before checking in her gear and getting her bunking assignment, cabin 6B.

- - - - -

Ophelia had no idea what this mission was about, but when she learns of the events taking place, it is difficult for her to hide her excitement.

This… this might mean that we might be able to jump to other systems! A whole galaxy of planets to see, of places to go! And the technology that must be out there… It must put the stuff at The University to shame!

The next few days are fairly uneventful, with Ophelia taking every opportunity to learn as much as she can about the ship. She is quite happy that the some of the crew seems to share in her excitement, especially the doctor! And when the time comes for possible contact, Ophelia does everything she can to make sure her equipment is in top shape, just in case she may have a chance to check out the dilapidated wonder first hand.

Vathan continues to observe the science fiction story play out before him. He has vicariously lived through entertainment and dreamed of this day his whole life but has not yet adjusted to actually accepting and living it, so he falls back into his training and experience.

No, a vacuum suit won't ease his mind and will impair his skills, such as they are as a bodyguard. His role on this mission is to continue to secure Annara from personal harm. Radiation does not fall into his bailiwick, so he ignores her ladyship's comment about waste of time.

Vathan realizes that this mission is one of those that you have to make up as you go along, everything new and constantly changing. He hopes the captain has the confidence and nerves to assess the situation and make good decisions, even not making a decision is a decision. He pushes the bad memories of failed missions from his mind to stay positive.

He forces himself to stay frosty as his old sergeant used to say and survey the flight deck, even away from the dizzying control panels.

Perception take 10+10=20
Sense Motive take 10+5=15

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM


Vathan senses nervousness, excitement, and curiosity, as well as some fear.

There are too many crew to have everyone on the small bridge, considering it's only got 2 stations. The crew are spread out over the ship with the conference circuits engaged. Ceres asks for recommendations, and various people offer various suggestions.

Finally, she makes the decision. It will cut their time at the ship in half, but if they can make it onto the ship, even just one or two for a short time, the information could be worth it.

Ceres gives the order to suit up and strap in, as approaching close to the ship may expose them to a sharp spike of undetected radiation. Once everyone is suited up for the approach, Ceres takes the ship off autopilot and begins attempting to match trajectories with it.

Pilot Ceres: 1d20 + 10 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 2 - 4 = 10 +2 Agility, -4 sensors scrambled by radiation

Ceres let's out a yelp as the ship suddenly lurches, and there's a scraping sound as she misjudges where the derelict is and the two ships slam into each other.

Collision Damage: 4d6 + 10 ⇒ (4, 6, 4, 1) + 10 = 25

Hawk structural integrity 75/100

Alarms go off, atmosphere begins to vent from the cargo hold, and the bulkheads slam down to protect the rest of the ship.

Pilot Ceres: 1d20 + 10 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 2 - 4 = 26 +2 Agility, -4 sensors scrambled by radiation

Ceres, white faced and white knuckled, works feverishly to correct her course and bring the ship in behind the derelict. The earlier mistake seems to have focused her mind like nothing else could have, and she manages to bring the small ship in behind the derelict, centering it between the two arrays of four engines.

A small docking bay, usually used for cargo tugs in port, lays nestled there. But it can be used by the smaller scout ship as well.

Pilot Ceres: 1d20 + 10 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 2 - 4 = 22 +2 Agility, -4 sensors scrambled by radiation

Ceres manages to maneuver into the docking collar, which apparently has enough power running to it to clamp down on the ship's hull. There's a near deafening clanging sound as the docking collar locks itself in.

The mission clock has been spinning down rapidly as fuel is used to maneuver. The clock reads 3:15:48, the scrape on the hull having caused extra maneuvering, and cutting down the mission clock more than expected.

The external radiation meter is averaging 1800 sieverts, give or take a hundred. Only the hard-suit vacuum suit is rated for that high a level of radiation. It's rated for 40 minutes at that level of radiation, and requires a 30 minute flushing cycle in the airlock before it can be used again.

Those in the hold are stuck there until the leaks can be repaired and the room flushed of radiation. The flushing can't be done until the ship is in a low-radiation area. Sealing the hull would prevent further radiation buildup.

Radiation count in the cargo hold hit's Random 1d4 * 100: 1d4 ⇒ 3 300 sieverts by the time the ship is docked in the cradle.

Female Lieutenant Commander [2 Professional / 1 Academic / 2 Navy*] [Stamina 18/11 | Lifeblood: 11/11 | AC: 15 | T: 12 | FF: 13 | Fort: 0 | Ref: 4 | Will: 10 | Init: +2 | Per: +4 | Comb. Eng.: +11] [Easy Recall: 1/1 | Inspired: 1/1]

Ophelia was a bit dismayed when she first saw the radiation reading from the probe, but she double checked and triple checked the data, and it seemed accurate.

We'll never get on board that ship. It'll kill us instantly... But we can't just let an opportunity like this slip through our fingers!

But then she saw it, the weaker radiation around the engines.

Some of the engine shielding must still be intact, protecting the engine rooms from radiation from the rest of the ship, instead of the other way around...

Ophelia is quite happy when it seems that, at the least, someone may be able to board the ship and see what they can find, even if it wouldn't be her. And when the order is given to suit up, Ophelia heads to the closest vac suit and readies herself, quite aware of the dangers ahead, despite her excitement.

- - - - -

When Ceres clips the ship Ophelia begins to head towards the damaged section, so used to being in charge of repairs, but she stops when she realizes the futility of it at this point.

And then Ceres manages to navigate and land the shuttle inside of the ship. But when Ophelia hears the docking clamps she begins to worry.

Uh oh, if those malfunction we're going to have a hell of a time leaving here.

Pulling up a comms link directly to the acting Captain, Ophelia says "Captain, this is Ensign Holt, Naval Engineer, asking permission to express a concern."

Assuming yes...

"Captain, I am concerned about possible malfunctions with the release of the docking clamps. It might be a good idea to manually release the clamps as part of the last exploration, to ensure no problems with departure."

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

Once the order was given to strap down Lady Annara had headed to her bunk, fixing the webbing in place she lay back, Helmet on. The Ship manoeuvred, she could feel the thrust’ers pushing them closer.
All the time chatter over the Comm’s . Then suddenly the impact, it came as a shock, worried voices calling. The sound of Bulkheads closing and alarms, she felt a sense of sadness, this would be the moment of her death. Images of her life came to mind, but she had been trained. Trained to even face death, this she now did. Biting down on the capsule in her mouth, a shot of Boost hit her system. Everything slowed, sight and sound became heightened and her mind expanded. She held it back concentrating on the now waiting until she could expand it.
Autohypnosis taking 10+10 =20
Her mind came into sharp focus, then talk on the comm’s, the ship was damaged but still working, they were coming into dock. The sound of docking clamps, systems powered down, they were no long moving. Then a crewmen asking to about the docking clamps, something about them de-docking later. She was still holding her mind tight to her. Now was the time, at this moment wile everything was still and others where webbed in. She closed her eyes and let that inner eye out, feeling the space around her, the hard walls and vacuum of space not in any way impeding her mind as it expanded. Then bright mots of light, minds lighting up In the shadowy view around her. The Crew, close and this side of the large craft, still her mind went out as there others, others on the craft they had just docked with, the minds of survivors?.

Talent Detect Life use:

"detect life"*
1 shot of booster +5 PSI [One hour]
Detect life [conscious or unconscious, Range 500m Radius from her point on the ship. Time up 60 mins] Cost 5PSI [all from boost] [2pp Talent Cost + range 500m cost 3PSI]

She has had 1 douse of PSI drug.

The aim is she should get most of the two ships with this and the areas where live can still be detected. I think this is the most conservative and affective use of her power.

PSI left 14/14

Map | Captain | Stamina 28/28 | Lifeblood 12/12 | AC 16/12/14 | Ref +3 Fort +2 Will +7 | Init +2 |

"Affirmative Ensign Holt. Ready the blowtorch and cutter charges just in case."

Ceres voice is strained, but focused. She sits a moment in the pilot share, gathering her wits. That had been too close! With a deep breath she stands up and turns around, barking orders.

"Okay then people - listen up! We're docked, but we got a minor leak. X! I need you to strap into a hardsuit and patch it up. The rest of you, get ready."

I assume there would be very few people in the cargo hold. However, the only access hatch is there too. I assume that is where we are docked ?

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

after a short wile her mind fell back, she waited a moment, letting her thoughts settle. Then she said over the open line the caption had set up.

"Caption Cares with the exception of our ships crew. I can tell you that there is no others alive unless PSI shielded within a 1/2 a Km radius of us. My feeling is none of the crew or others survived the cataclysmal that befell that ship. If you wish me try and remote view into specific locations within the wrecks hull, please let me know."

Then she relaxes letting her breath in and out.

Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 12/12 | Init +6 | AC17 T14 FF13 | BAB +2 | F +4 R +7 W +3 | Perc +7

"I thought these navy people were supposed to be good at flying" Fernán scowls and nervously chatters to Vathan. "I hope their routines and their regulations don't kill us before we even get a chance to do act. I wonder what sort of clamps they use? Some sort of magnet? Electrically actuated robotic arm? I bet could fix it if someone gave me the chance. Can't be too much more difficult then fixing the undercarriage on a Minkosha, eh Amigo?"

"Dunno. I don't think I can do much of anything wearing this sack of potatoes." Vathan replies feeling useless in his vac suit.

Map | Captain | Stamina 28/28 | Lifeblood 12/12 | AC 16/12/14 | Ref +3 Fort +2 Will +7 | Init +2 |

"No life. Makes sense. With damage on this scale, the sensible thing would be to board the escape pods ..."

She nods to herself, a bit disappointed.

"When we enter the ship, I want to find access to the data system. Logs would be invaluable - nav intell to find the jump point and notes as to what waits on the other side!"

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

Lady Annara gets out of her crash webbing, then over the comms to Gomez,

"Gomez, did you hear, we have a leak down here, some where in the cargo area, if your fully suited, do you think you could find it and fix it? If so I'm going to ask the caption to open your door and let you try, what do you say."

Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 12/12 | Init +6 | AC17 T14 FF13 | BAB +2 | F +4 R +7 W +3 | Perc +7

"Doña, it would be my most humble pleasure to assist." the man replies, happy to have something to do.

Map | Captain | Stamina 28/28 | Lifeblood 12/12 | AC 16/12/14 | Ref +3 Fort +2 Will +7 | Init +2 |

"It is a radiation leak - it might not be an obvious hole. Probably merely a notch in the outside shield. Bring a geiger counter and one of the spare sheets of lead." Ceres adds

Stamina 26/26 | Lifeblood 12/12 | Init +6 | AC17 T14 FF13 | BAB +2 | F +4 R +7 W +3 | Perc +7

"Sure thing cap'n" He'll go and scrounge up a blowtorch and the rest of the gear, and then try to figure out the operating end of a geiger counter. He heads towards the damaged areas.

T/Mechanics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15(+2 attempting to repair, construct, or sabotage a piece of equipment.) - applicable penalties.

Vac Suit:
So I was trying to work off the penalty for the vacuum suit earlier - I have the feat from merchant, but lack the experience to use it.

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

She was a little worried about Vathan.

Sense Motive1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

He seem to be a little over come by the events of the last few weeks.
She keyed him on a direct comm line, just them in the loop.

"Vathan, what's you feelings on the situation? I picked up no life on that ship. Could there be any other risks on there do you think?"

Vathan stops nervously adjusting his vac suit to shrug and reply to Annara, "I don't know what life you can detect. Can you detect bugs or plants? Then, there are driods. A ship that size would need an army to maintain, so there're probably droids. And some probably have some offensive capabilities."

He pauses for a couple seconds before continuing, "Can we locate exactly where the lights and power sources are? Is there anyone smart enough to guesstimate the likelihood of where we want to go by the structure, so we can plan and prioritize our search? Where exactly are we interested in going? Central computer for astrogation and technical data that we've lost; engines, weapons, shields, and medical for examples of equipment that we've lost; I don't know but that's off the top of my head."

He restarts nervously picking at his vac suit.

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

She heard Vathan out, this is why he was the head of her security. Vathan had already been working out what they needed.

"I can only pick up minds Vathan, plants and mechanical forms I can't detect. You have a very good point about drones and robots. I'm going to put is back on the main comms look. I think the caption need to hear your views on this. The good doctor may be able to give us the info on the lights"

She flicked them back into the comms loop everyone was on.

"Caption, Vathan has some views on that ship I think you should hear. He's extremely experienced in risk assessment in unusual situations. Vathan could you out line to the Caption you’re the risk assessment you just gave me and your comments of getting data on the lights"

Vathan never left the flight deck, so there's no need to repeat posts.

Psionic Noble L3 Zhodani lineage | Stamina 12/12 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 11/11/10 | R+2 F+1 W+4 | Init +1 | Per: +1 | PSI 14/14

"Forget that Vathan I just relished your still on the flight deck and not in a bunk."

|12/20 Stamina | 11/11 LB | Def AC:11/T:11/FF:10 | R:3/W:6/F:1 | Init +1 | Per:+2 | Academic 3 / Navy 2

"Hmmmn. Lets see if there is any sort of telemetry, computer or communications handshake with the docking cradle... Hello? Is anybody there?" Dr Ziirkaa turns back to the computer in his bulky suit.

Computers: 1d20 + 10 - 5 ⇒ (2) + 10 - 5 = 7
K/Imperial Technology if appropriate: 1d20 + 11 - 5 ⇒ (8) + 11 - 5 = 14

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Holt squeezes into the tiny airlock, strips out of her ship vac suit, and clambers into the hard-shell suit. Storing her ship suit in the tiny storage bin, she opens the outer door, and immediately her rad counter goes nuts, pegging from near 0 to over 1800 sieverts. The suit immediately kicks in cooling to counteract, but it's playing catch up as the suit's temperature climbs to the upper 90's before it catches up and starts dropping it back down. Stepping out gingerly, Holt can see the clamps holding the ship, as well as the docking collar that extended out to meet the hull of their ship. However, it was obviously designed for a different type of ship to dock here, as the collar is pushing against the side of the ship back where the lounge is.

Fortunately it's only 100 ft from the docked ship to the where the docking collar leads, and like any standard docking collar, there's a secondary airlock next to the tube that the collar extended on. That will let her get inside.

Pilot: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 8 - 4 = 19

Holt's knowledge of piloting, combined with her familiarity with the vac-suit means it's relatively easy for her to use the suit's thrusters to send herself gently arcing toward the ship's airlock.

Hitting the hull lightly, her boots and elbows clanging down as magnets engage, she's locked tight to the hull mere feet from the airlock. Spider crawling over to it, she anchors her feet to the jutting metal shelf provided for just that purpose, and unlimbers her tools from her toolbelt. Fortunately for her, she brought her own tools, rather than the default set the suit came with.

T/Electronics (disable): 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 = 26

It takes her only a few minutes to disable the airlock security systems. They aren't in great shape to begin with, but at least they do have power. The airlock cycles, and Holt enters. The inside of the airlock looks much nicer than the one aboard the Dawn and much bigger. Four people could fit in this one. The docking collar extends to her left, pressed up against the hull of the Dawn, where it expected an airlock to be. To her right is the entrance to the ship.

T/Electronics (disable): 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 = 13
T/Electronics (disable): 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 = 14
T/Electronics (disable): 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 = 12
T/Electronics (disable): 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 = 21

The interior security panel is in much better shape than the one on the outside door, and it takes her ten precious minutes to override that security panel. Once she's done, however, the airlock fills with air and the interior door cycles.

Stepping into the ship, Holt finds that gravity is not on, and the interior of the ship is.. not pretty. The small area she's in is a vestibule with lockers for the engineering crew. Looking beyond that, she see's the main engineering deck. The air is filled with bits of black flaky dust, like a smutty black snow. Also there are stylus's, shattered glass and plastic, bits of metal, and other odd bits of detritus floating around.

K/Medical DC 18:

The 'black snow' is boiled human blood, cooked by the radiation, obviously from dead bodies yet to be located.

Holt's chronometer clicks down to just under 15 minutes remaining on her suit, and it will take at least 2 minutes to get back to the Dawn's airlock. However, the security panels are overriden, so future trips will not require bypassing them again.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM
Doctor Ziirkaa wrote:

"Hmmmn. Lets see if there is any sort of telemetry, computer or communications handshake with the docking cradle... Hello? Is anybody there?" Dr Ziirkaa turns back to the computer in his bulky suit.

[dice=Computers]1d20 + 10 - 5
[dice=K/Imperial Technology if appropriate]1d20 + 11 - 5

There should be, but nothing. The cradle should also have a hard-wire connection, but it seems it's not set up for this type of ship. Either that or it's also broken.

Map | Captain | Stamina 28/28 | Lifeblood 12/12 | AC 16/12/14 | Ref +3 Fort +2 Will +7 | Init +2 |

"Ensign Holt, do you copy? What do you see?"

Ceres calls into the microphone. The radio is set to play the answer on the loudspeakers, so that everyone can hear.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Sorry, thought I said this. Holt's suit is sending telemetry, including visuals. So the ship can see what she can see, although the radiation and hull are making the picture fuzzy. If Holt can find the engineering console, and if the telemetry packages are working on the ship, she could uplink to the ship and rebroadcast, which would clear up most of the interference.

Female Lieutenant Commander [2 Professional / 1 Academic / 2 Navy*] [Stamina 18/11 | Lifeblood: 11/11 | AC: 15 | T: 12 | FF: 13 | Fort: 0 | Ref: 4 | Will: 10 | Init: +2 | Per: +4 | Comb. Eng.: +11] [Easy Recall: 1/1 | Inspired: 1/1]

When Holt hears her name called to go explore, she is both excited and nervous.

I’m actually going to go into a ship that was designed, built, and flown here from outside of our system!... But the radiation will kill me if I make the slightest mistake… This is sooo cool!

When the Dawn’s airlock doors open, the radiation alarms in the suit kick on instantly, screaming at her about such high levels, and Holt has to turn the volume down just to be able to concentrate. She is amazed by how quickly her suit heats up, and how badly the suit is cooling itself down, feeling herself beginning to sweat.

And then she kicks off, floating into the air. This is the first time that she has ever been in real zero gravity. Sure, she had spent lots of time in the simulation pools and the simulation flights, but she wasn’t prepared for exactly this level of disorientation, and it takes her a moment to steady herself and begin using her thrusters to move over to the airlock.

Looking back at the Dawn, Holt takes in the positions of the clamps, still concerned about them. But there will be time for that later. Turning back to the airlock, it was simple to pop the already damaged panel open and get the pneumatic arms to disengage, allowing the doors to be manually opened.

But the inner doors of the airlock are much trickier. The damage is a little less, and these are designed against intrusion, so she has no way to manually disengage the doors. She pops the panel open again and begins trying to trace out the circuitry, trying to find the channels that will control either the doors movement or the data comms for security verification. The designs are different than what she is used to, and the heat of the suit is making her sweat heavily. More than anything at this point she wishes that she could just wipe the sweat from her eyes.

But the door pops open, finally, when she manages to find the motor controls and runs a series of common control codes through them, until one seems to work.

When she enters the wreckage, the sight is both mesmerizing and horrible, and Holt can’t help but spend a moment staring, taking it all in, before she is interrupted by the Captain’s voice. Holt starts navigating towards the secured lockers while responding ”Copy Mam. I’m in the Engineering Bay and it’s not in good shape. There is no sign of anyone and there are broken electronics everywhere. But there is power. I’ve got 11, maybe 12 minutes left before I need to return. I was planning to check the secure lockers to grab some documentation, or maybe another suit. Do you have other priorities for me Captain?”

|12/20 Stamina | 11/11 LB | Def AC:11/T:11/FF:10 | R:3/W:6/F:1 | Init +1 | Per:+2 | Academic 3 / Navy 2

"Ensign, would you be so kind as to confirm the radiation levels in there, and check if the air is breathable... From your movements it looks like there may be some pressure inside that section.

Female Lieutenant Commander [2 Professional / 1 Academic / 2 Navy*] [Stamina 18/11 | Lifeblood: 11/11 | AC: 15 | T: 12 | FF: 13 | Fort: 0 | Ref: 4 | Will: 10 | Init: +2 | Per: +4 | Comb. Eng.: +11] [Easy Recall: 1/1 | Inspired: 1/1]

mdt, is my suit reading anything that would answer the Doctor's questions?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Interior is heavily irradiated, but it's in the 750 sievert range inside the ship, the hull seems to have stopped a lot of it.

K/Physics DC 20:

It's hard to guess, without the specs of the ship's hull, but based on the outside radiation level and the interior radiation levels, the ship likely was exposed to over 20,000 sieverts of radiation for an extended time. Could have been as high as 50,000.

There is atmosphere, but the suit's sensors read toxic levels of coolant mixed into it.

|12/20 Stamina | 11/11 LB | Def AC:11/T:11/FF:10 | R:3/W:6/F:1 | Init +1 | Per:+2 | Academic 3 / Navy 2

K/physics: 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (8) + 8 - 5 = 11

This Vac Suit is intolerable, how can anyone think confined this way! Ziirkaa thinks to himself.

Female Lieutenant Commander [2 Professional / 1 Academic / 2 Navy*] [Stamina 18/11 | Lifeblood: 11/11 | AC: 15 | T: 12 | FF: 13 | Fort: 0 | Ref: 4 | Will: 10 | Init: +2 | Per: +4 | Comb. Eng.: +11] [Easy Recall: 1/1 | Inspired: 1/1]

Holt responds to Ceres with an ”Understood Captain.”

Holt also radios back to the Doctor, saying ”There is an atmosphere, but my suit says that the air is toxic. Too much aerated coolant. The radiation levels are down inside the ship, about 750 Sieverts, but getting to here from the Dawn will still require a hardsuit.”

Concentrating on the task at hand, Holt goes up to the lockers, hoping to find the technical manuals for the ship components there. She pulls out her lockpicks, which are definitely not a standard issue engineering item, out of her tool kit, and begins to fiddle with the locks...

T/Mechanical to disable the locks: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 - 4 = 29 Sweet!

If Successful and things are found...:
Knowing that her time is limited, Holt rifles through the lockers quickly, grabbing anything that looks electronic, like it could hold information, or that Holt just doesn't recognize, and putting them into a bag for transport.

If a spare vac/hard suit is found…:
Holt tosses the suit towards the door, planning to grab it on her way out.

If there is time left:

Holt rushes back to the Engineering console, bringing out her tools and attempting to make sense of the damaged controls, hoping to bring the comms and computers back online, in that order.

This check could be important. Using my Easy Recall reroll. Clearly also using Miracle Worker.
T/Electronics: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 2 + 2 - 4 = 18
T/Electronics: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 2 + 2 - 4 = 21

Assuming that the doors stay open, I'll stay in there until there are three minutes left, and then return directly to the Dawn. If I think I just need a little bit more time, I'll push it until there is 2:30 left. No matter what, at that point, I'm out of there.

Map | Captain | Stamina 28/28 | Lifeblood 12/12 | AC 16/12/14 | Ref +3 Fort +2 Will +7 | Init +2 |

"Understood." Ceres frowns and thinks for a moment. "See if you can find another hardsuit. Then we could ferry people over ... "

|12/20 Stamina | 11/11 LB | Def AC:11/T:11/FF:10 | R:3/W:6/F:1 | Init +1 | Per:+2 | Academic 3 / Navy 2

"Captain, I don't mean to overwhelm the Ensign, but it is possible that the Airlock collar could be re-positioned to align with the Dawn's Airlock. There may not be sufficient time to determine if it is possible within her current window of activity... The Doctor's eyes loose focus for a moment but it is possible there are compatible air-tanks in an equipment locker to lengthen that window..."

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