Aredil Sultur

Aramis Ramirez's page

146 posts. Alias of Jubal Breakbottle.


Captain | Stamina 25/25 | Lifeblood 11/11 / Psychic 15/15

AC 14 T 11 FF 13 CMD 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +7 | Init. +1 | Perception +12

About Aramis Ramirez

Age 33 Height 1.95 m Weight 80 kg
Hair Dark Brown Eyes Gray

He stands relatively tall and lean. He is clean shaven with short dark brown hair forming a widow's peak. He wears his Navy dress blue pants with the academy red line down the side in high black boots. Over a nice but casual white shirt, he wears a dark brown leather jacket that hung to his waist with patches sewn all over it among them one from the psy corps.

Aramis is fulfilling his dreams and passion exploring the stars.

He is very easy going and naturally charming. For those that know of psychic abilities, some people suspect that he uses them to get his way. In fact, he uses his psionics sparingly and relies more on his guile and intuition.

If backed into a corner, he does not hesitate to fight, but he prefers to avoid it.


Universit & Navy term (1st and 2nd terms)
Two terms of Scouts (3rd and 4th terms)
Siege description

Aramis Ramirez grew up in the wilds of Telthani and dreamed of the stars. He grew up in a close family with an especially tenacious and over-protective older sister Leonora who forced him to excel. His village became famous as the hometown of O’Cyrus Vathan who one of the first to reconnect with the empire and subsequently became a movie star. The extra attention brought tourists and focus from the government and PSI Institute. Aramis demonstrated significant psionic potential and earned a scholarship to university after basic training at the PSI Institute. Early on at school, he enlisted in the Navy Officer Training Corps, so he could get to space as quickly as possible. He majored in Interstellar Law, in order to learn everything that they knew about the empire before losing contact. His psionic potential in telepathy taught Aramis how to read and to deceive people without using his psychic powers (Witty Repartee & Suspicious traits). Further, he learned to use knowledge of the law to get his way (Academic Lecture).

After graduation and officer basic training, Aramis was appointed to the Judge Advocate General (JAG) corps of the Navy as an Ensign and assigned to a navy commander as a legal counselor. Aramis quickly became a center of attention and learned the harder side of negotiation when arguments did not go his way (Natural Born Leader & Brawling). Ensign Ramirez was intimately involved in a confrontation with Speciesists, that is, a group of people who objected to the Mylthani being given the Masterston Colony. It came to armed insurrection at one point but didn't quite break into complete warfare this time. Instead, there were embargoes and trade restrictions on the clans involved. The siege was basically a prolonged military backed embargo that eventually resulted in some concessions about the Mylthani (not allowed to own land on Telthani, and Telthani being paid 10% of the Masterston GPD for 100 years).

At a ceremony commemorating the siege with officers and family members, Aramis’s older sister Leonora and Lieutenant Vathan saw each other. After several awkward conversations, Aramis finally met his father. Leonora admitted to actually being Aramis’s mother instead of his sister. The relationships were not all wonderful and became a work in progress. Vathan discovered Aramis’s shared dream to explore the stars, so he pulled some strings to get Aramis transferred to the newly resurrected Interstellar Scout Service. After four years building the organization, Aramis was assigned to the McTavish which was dispatched to the various recently found systems only, with the job of doing scans and furthering the scanty knowledge that the McTavish had previously gathered. Besides finally operating a starship, he voraciously learned a tremendous amount about a broad range of subjects from his fellow crewmembers (Vessel/Starships & Jack of all Trades).

Aramis has just returned to Telthani after a four year tour on the McTavish.

Male Solomani Mix
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Experience 20,000
Class Academic 2 / Navy 2 / Scout 2
Favored Class Scout
Initiative +1; Senses Perception +9

AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor +1 Dex)
Stamina 25 (4 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +7
Armor Masterwork Mesh (TL 7): AC 3/Max Dex +5/ACP 0 kg/Speed 9m
Defensive Abilities

Speed 9 m
Melee Unarmed +3 (1d4) 20/x2 Bludgeoning
Ranged Masterwork Snub Pistol* +4 (1d10) 20/x2 Piercing, Range 18 m
Ranged Masterwork Laser Rifle+ +4 (3d10) 20/x2 Piercing, Range 60 m
Special Attacks
- *Laser dot pointer +2 to attack at close range
- +Telescopic sight doubles range

Str 11, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 12, Edu 16, Soc 9 Psi 15
BAB +2, CMB +2, CMD 13

World feat – Vessel (Ground/ Wheeled)
Human 1st level bonus – PSI Training
Academic start – Research, Skill Focus (Knowledge / Intersteller Law)
Navy start – Armor Proficiency (Light & Vacuum Suit), Weapon Proficiency (Marksman & Laser),
Academic 1st level bonus – Academic Lecture
Academic 2nd level bonus – Legal Eagle
Navy 1st level bonus – Natural Born Leader
Navy 2nd level bonus – Brawling (& Improved Unarmed Strike)
Scout 1st level bonus – Vessel Proficiency (Starships)
Scout 2nd level bonus – Jack of all Trades
1st level – Life Detection
3rd level – Telempathy
5th level – Telekinesis

Witty Repartee (Combat) You are quick with your tongue and have always possessed the talent to quickly admonish your enemies. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks and Bluff is a class skill for you.

Suspicious (Social) You discovered at an early age that someone you trusted, perhaps an older sibling or a parent, had lied to you, and lied often, about something you had taken for granted, leaving you quick to question the claims of others. Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you.

50 ranks = 2x8 +2x6 +2x4 +6x (1 Int +1 Human) +2 favored class
+11/+15 Bluff (6 rank +3 class +1 Cha +1 trait) +4 (using Academic Lecturer)
+4 Bribery (0 rank +3 class +1 Cha)
+4 Craft (any) (0 rank +3 class +1 Int)
+10 Diplomacy (6 rank +3 class +1 Cha)
+6 Driving (1 rank +3 class +1 Dex +1 background)
+4 Gambling (0 rank +3 class +1 Int)
+3 Gunnery (0 rank +3 class +0 Wis)
+4 Forward Observer (0 rank +3 class +1 Int)
+15 Knowledge (Interstellar Law) (4 rank +3 class +3 Edu +2 Legal Eagle +3 Skill Focus)
+6 Knowledge (any other) (0 rank +3 class +3 Edu)
+10 Leader (4 rank +3 class +1 Cha +2 Natural Born Leader)
+6 Linguistics (0 rank +3 class 3 Edu)
+6 Navigation (0 rank +3 class +3 Edu)
+9 Perception (6 rank +3 class +0 Wis)
+5 Pilot (1 rank +3 class +1 Dex)
+6 Professional (Administration) (1 rank +3 class +0 Wis +2 Legal Eagle)
+4 Professional (Survey) (1 rank +3 class +0 Wis)
+3 Professional (Knowledge related) (0 rank +3 class +0 Wis)
+0 Professional (any other) (0 rank +0 Wis)
+8 Recruiting (0 rank +3 class +3 Edu +2 Natural Born Leader)
+4 Ride (0 rank +3 class +1 Dex)
+10 Sense Motive (6 rank +3 class +0 Wis +1 trait)
+3 Survival (0 rank +3 class +0 Wis)
+8 Technical (Communications) (1 rank +3 class +3 Edu +1 background)
+8 Technical (Mechanical) (1 rank +3 class +3 Edu +1 background)
+6 Technical (any other) (0 rank +3 class +3 Edu)
+3 Use Alien Device (0 rank +3 class +0 Wis)

+11 Telekinesis (6 ranks +3 class +2 Psi)
+11 Telepathy (6 ranks +3 class +2 Psi)

Armor Check Penalty* none

Languages Common, one,

Academic Lecture
* Benefit: The academic may add a +4 synergy bonus when using a related Knowledge skill towards a Bluff skill check rather than the normal +2 synergy bonus, in an appropriate situation.

Research (Interstellar Law) The character is skilled at sifting and analyzing data and information from various sources for the clues and evidence needed to close a case. Allows the synergistic use of Knowledge and other information-related skills together with Gather Information skill.
* Benefit: Add +2 to all Gather Information checks when conducting research.

Natural born leader The individual has the type of attitude, confidence, and natural leadership that draws attention and inspires loyalty.
* Benefit: Add +2 to all Leader and Recruiting checks.

Brawling The character is familiar with fighting without weapons (i.e. using punches, head butts, kicks and other natural weapon attacks), or makeshift weapons (bottles, pool cues or chairs).
* Benefit: When fighting unarmed, the character may add +1 to attack rolls and will inflict d4 damage, or may use makeshift weapons without the normal penalty (see below). Normal: Without this skill, characters only inflict d3 damage when fighting unarmed; and d4 damage when armed with a makeshift weapon. When a character without this feat uses a makeshift weapon, he suffers a –2 penalty to any attack rolls.

* Benefit: Any class skill (from any class the character has multi-classed into) the character is not currently trained in may be treated as if it were an “untrained” skill. This means the character may attempt to use these class skills as if they had a skill rank of 0. Each subsequent selection of this class feature improves the character’s effective skill rank in these untrained class skills by +1. So a character with JoT +3 would make such skill checks as if they had a skill rank of 3. Cross class skills may similarly be used, but at a skill rank equal to JoT rank –1.

LIFE DETECTION Sphere: Telepathy
Rank: 1
Cost: 2
Duration: Up to 60 seconds
Benefit: The Psionicist can detect the presence of other minds. This ability enables a character to sense the presence of other minds, the number of minds present, the general type of minds (animal, human, Vargr, etc.) and their approximate location.

TELEMPATHY Sphere: Telepathy
Prerequisites: Life Detection
Rank: 2
Cost: 2
Duration: Up to 60 seconds
Benefit: The Psionicist can sense and communicate emotions and basic feelings. Telempathy allows the character to read the emotions and feelings of both animals and members of their own race. The character may also send emotions such as love, hate, fear, trust, and others to influence other animals and members of their own race.

TELEKINESIS Sphere: Telekinesis Rank:
Varies Cost: Varies
Duration: up to 60 seconds
Benefit: A character can manipulate (use) any item or object as if he or she were physically touching it, but is not subject to any physical danger, pain, stimuli, or other consequences that would normally befall anyone in contact with the object.
Weight Rank Cost Duration 1 gram 1 2 60 10 grams 2 3 60 100 grams 3 5 60 1 kilogram 5 8 60 10 kilograms 8 12 60 100 kilograms 10 14 60 1000 kilograms 14 16 60 10,000 kilograms 18 18 60

Starting Cash
1,000 Cr = Starting funds of Academic
10,000 Cr = Mustering out from Navy
30,000 Cr = Mustering out from Scouts
41,000 Cr = total

TL 9 : Normal 80% Price, MW 150%
TL 10 : Normal 100% Price, MW 200%
TL 11 : Normal 150% Price, MW 300%

(300+500 Cr) Leather jack [Masterwork Mesh] (TL 7): AC 3/Max Dex +5/ACP 0 kg/Speed 9m - 1 kg
(960 Cr) Inertial Locator (TL 9) – 1 kg
(80 Cr) Short Range Communicator (TL 7): radio capable of 10 km range (much shorter underground or underwater). Three separate channels. At tech level 7 reduce the weight to and it becomes hand-held. – 0.3 kg

Personal Locker
Worn in right hip holster
(225 Cr) Masterwork Snub pistol (TL 8): RoF 1, Range 18 m, DMG 1d10 (x2), Size Small, Piercing, Recoilless, Ammo 15, Ammo 0.075 kg, 25 credits / clip - 0.25 kg
- (250 Cr) Laser Dot Pointer (TL 8): Only any use at very short ranges, a laser pointer puts a red dot where the round will go, greatly simplifying aiming. This gives the firer an advantage in rapid point-and- shoot situations. This equates +2 to hit in T20, but only at close range. Dot pointers can be fitted to any firearm. - Weight negligible.

Worn on left hip
(80 Cr) 4 magazines for snub pistol - .300 kg
(16 Cr) Cold Light Lantern: A fuel cell powered version of the electric torch, but will last 3 days with continuous use. Produces a wide cone of light up to 1 8 meters away with a radius of 6 m at the end of the beam. Also capable of producing a tight beam of light up to 36 meters away with a 1 meter radius or be used to illuminate a 10 meter radius. - 0.25 kg

Hidden in right boot
(225 Cr) Masterwork Snub pistol (TL 8): RoF 1, Range 18 m, DMG 1d10 (x2), Size Small, Piercing, Recoilless, Ammo 15, Ammo 0.075 kg, 25 credits / clip - 0.25 kg
- (250 Cr) Laser Dot Pointer (TL 8): Only any use at very short ranges, a laser pointer puts a red dot where the round will go, greatly simplifying aiming. This gives the firer an advantage in rapid point-and-shoot situations. This equates +2 to hit in T20, but only at close range. Dot pointers can be fitted to any firearm. - Weight negligible.

Hidden in right boot
(100 Cr) 4 magazine for snub pistol in left boot - 300 g
(15 Cr) Masterwork Lock Pick Set (TL 5): Allows picking of ordinary mechanical locks. Picking a lock takes 3 rounds and requires a successful T/Mechanical skill check (DC based on the type of lock). Lockpicks are illegal on worlds of law level 8+; on such worlds the cost rises to Cr100 or more. - 0.25 kg

* (3,200) Artificial Gill (TL 8) – 4 kg
* (160 Cr) Cold Weather Gear (TL 1) – 4 kg
* (120 Cr) Combination mask (TL 5) – 1 kg
* (3,200 Cr) Artificial Psionic Shield (TL 8) – 1 kg
* (240 Cr) Metal detector (TL 6) – 1 kg
* (200 Cr) Radiation counter (TL 5) – 1 kg
* (60 Cr) Binoculars (TL 9): Allows the user to see further. At TL 8 electronic enhancement allows images to be captured; light intensification allows them to be used in the dark. 50x Magnification – 1 kg
* (400 Cr) Light-Intensifying Goggles (TL 7): Permits the user to see normally in anything less than total darkness by electronically intensifying any available light. Range is 18 meters.
* (1,875 Cr) Masterwork Field Medical Kit (TL 8): +5 on T/Medical – 10 kg
* (800 Cr) Medical Drugs (TL 8): (10 doses) Heals 3d6 Stamina, 1 d4 Lifeblood. If the Medical Drug is taken more than once in a 24-hour period there is a high risk of overdose. The user must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC20) or immediately fall unconscious (reduce Stamina to 0) and suffer 3d6 Lifeblood damage.
* (3,000 Cr) Masterwork Electronic Tool Set (TL 7): +1 on T/Electronics – 5 kg
* (1,500 Cr) Masterwork Mechanical Tool Set (TL 5): +1 on T/Mechanics – 20 kg

* (80 Cr) Flak Jacket (TL 7): AR 4/Max Dex +6/ACP 0 kg/Speed 9m – 1 kg
* (13,500 Cr) Masterwork Vac Suit (TL 9): AR 4/Max Dex +0/ACP –4 Speed 6m – 8 kg

* (5,250 Cr) Masterwork Laser Rifle (TL 9): The standard high energy weapon, firing energy bolts in the same manner as the laser carbine. Heavier, the laser rifle is also capable of longer sustained action, and is somewhat sturdier. The power pack can provide 1 00 shots before recharging. As in the laser carbine, the laser rifle is connected to the power pack by a heavy-duty cable. Power packs are not interchangeable between the two weapons, however. RoF 1, Range 60 m, 3d10 (x2), Medium, Piercing, No recoil, Clip 100 rounds, 4 kg, 240 Cr – 6 kg
- (2,400 Cr) Electronic Telescopic Sights (TL 9) Electronic sights combining the capabilities of both electronic and telescopic sights. They are still rather fragile. Electronic sights with image enhancement and light intensifications capabilities are available to provide the capability to see and hit in the dark. Treat any low-light conditions as normal lighting for weapons equipped with such sights. These sights are treated like telescopic sights for damage and reliability, and function similarly, but do not increase the weapon’s range increment. A weapon equipped with such sights effectively doubles its normal range increment. Telescopic sights are delicate, however, and may be jarred out of alignment by any violent action (such as being left untended in a moving truck, a close explosion, or being dropped) on a basic check (DC12). When the sights go out of adjustment, the basic throw to hit should not be revealed to the firer, and he or she will always miss. – 1.8 kg
* (1,200 Cr) 5 magazines for laser rifle - 16 kg

Total Spent : 40,186 Cr

Personal Load 2.9 kg = Light Load

Personal Capacity 45.1 – 90 kg for Medium Load

Currency 814 Cr


4th - +1 Wis

A comprehensive examination will take two weeks time, cost Cr5000, and at the end of which the character will be provided with a comprehensive measure of their psionic potential. It should be noted that psionic potential severely declines as one gets older. The earlier someone is tested and trained, the more potential they are likely to have. Some charity is available for the truly indigent who apply (Referee’s decision, then have the character make a Charisma check (DC18) to be given a free examination). Characters being examined by the Institute due to selecting the PSI Training feat have this fee waived. The Examination: The character determines his psionic potential by rolling 3d6, subtracting -1 for every 4 years of age (or fraction thereof) he is over the age of 18. For example, a 54 year old character being tested would roll 3d6-9 to determine his psionic potential (54 - 18 = 36 / 4 = +9).
If a character has previously taken this exam, they do not roll again. Instead simply use the previous potential. If the character has aged a year or more since the last examination, the effects of age still apply and may reduce their potential if enough time has passed.

Once it has been determined that a character has a psionic potential of 1 or more, he must be trained in the use of that potential immediately or it will continue to degrade with age. The only way to avoid the loss in potential with age is to be trained. The Institute of course offers such training for a fee of Cr100,000. The training takes 4 months of intensive study and training, during which time the character will be unable to attend to anything other than his basic needs. Characters attending the Institute by selecting the Psi Training feat have this fee waived. Extremely gifted individuals (Psi score of 12 or higher) may apply for a scholarship if they cannot otherwise afford the training. In such cases, the Institute will take 95% of the character’s assets and possessions and waive the remainder of the fee. Once trained, the character may now record their psionic potential as their actual PSI score, and need no longer worry about the effects of further aging on their psionic ability.

PSI represents the total psionic power a character is able to call upon before become too mentally exhausted to continue using their psionic abilities. Psionic feats, called talents, require a specific cost in Psi to empower its effects. When a talent is used, the cost is applied against the character’s current PSI score. If the cost of using the talent would reduce the character’s current PSI rating to less than 0, that talent cannot be used at that time. If the use of a talent ever reduces the character to exactly 0 PSI points, the character will immediately fall comatose for the next 2d6 hours. The character can make a Will save (DC15) to cut this time in half. It will be impossible to wake the character during this comatose state. After the given number of hours, the character will awaken from the coma on his own, with the effect of having had the equivalent of a full night of rest and recovery. Recovery: A character will recover 1 PSI point per hour of standard activity (i.e. no combat or use of other psionics). A full night of rest will fully restore any expended PSI points. Note: PSI is not an ability score. A character’s PSI score cannot be improved except through the use of psienhancing drugs.

There are five possible spheres of influence that a psionicist may be capable of manipulating though it is very unlikely that anyone would be capable of activity in all spheres. When the character receives training at a Psionics Institute, it will be determined which spheres the character has an affinity for. A character will always have an affinity for at least one sphere, but which one is not necessarily up to them. The character may list which of the spheres they would prefer to have an ability in, from most preferred to least preferred. If the character is a natural talent and already has one sphere of influence noted, the character will skip that sphere and list the remaining spheres as previously described. Starting with the character’s first choice on the list and consulting the Sphere Affinity table. the character must rolls 1d20 against the DC listed for the appropriate sphere. If the roll is successful, the character may develop talents within that sphere. Continuing down the character’s list, each sphere is similarly checked to see if the character may also develop talents within these spheres. A cumulative modifier of -2 is add to each roll after the checking the first sphere on the character’s list; -2 for the second roll, -4 for the third roll, and so on. If the last sphere on the character’s list is reached and no other spheres have yet to be gained, then this will be the one and only sphere the character has an affinity with. Otherwise, check for affinity normally.

Psionics is very much a mystical art rather than a precise science. Thus training at the Institute can merely acquaint the character with basic concepts and theories of control over his newfound gifts. As little as the training really is, it provides enough knowledge to allow the character to begin actually developing his abilities.

The talents available to a psionicist are divided into five different spheres of influence: Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Awareness, Telekinesis, and Teleportation. A psionicist develops his capability within a given sphere, but the number of different spheres of influence a psionicist may control limited to those acquired during training at the Institute. SPHERE DEVELOPMENT Once a character has an affinity with a sphere of influence and has been trained, he may list and develop it as if it were a normal cross-class skill, except that the character’s skill rank in the sphere may never exceed his Psi score. For example a character with a Psi score of 8 could not develop any sphere higher than a skill rank of 8, regardless of his actual level. The skill rank of a character within a sphere of influence determines which of the Talent feats the character is eligible to learn. If a Talent feat has a skill rank requirement of 7 and the character only had a skill rank of 6 within that talent’s sphere of influence, the character could not yet select that talent. Note that a character with the Natural Talent feat will always have an effective skill rank of 2 higher than their actual skill rank within their natural sphere of influence.

The things a psionicist can do with his or her mind are called talents. A talent is similar to a magical spell in other d20 games. Indeed, to folks of lower technology levels, psionics may appear to be evidence of real magic. However, a psionic talent has no necessary ‘components’ of any sort. A psionicist merely need to think of doing something and will it to be done, immediately. Each talent must be selected as if it were a normal feat, and the character must have a skill rank in the appropriate sphere of influence at least equal to or greater than the rank of the talent itself before it may be selected. The character must also be able to satisfy any other prerequisites that may be listed for a talent.

Each psionic talent has a cost associated with the range at which it is used, in addition to the base cost listed for the talent itself. Consult the chart above to determine these costs.
Each talent follows the same format as described below.
Sphere: A character must have at least a skill rank of 1 or higher within the listed sphere of influece for that talent. Prerequisites: Some talents require the possession of other lesser but related talents before they may be taken. Rank: Each talent lists the minimum skill rank that a psionicist must have in order to use that talent. For example, a psionicist trained in the Telepathy sphere with a skill rank of 7 could not use the Probe (Rank 9) or the Assault (Rank 10) talents. Cost: To use a talent, the psionicist must temporarily expend their Psionic Strength (PSI) to empower it. If a psionicist does not have sufficient PSI remaining to empower a talent, he may not use it at that time. Duration: Some talents are immediate in effect, other may last for seconds, minutes, or even hours. Each talent details the amount of time the talent will be remain in effect.
A descriptive text will follow the statistics of each talent.

Telepathy is the ability to communicate directly with other minds. In its most basic form, telepathy allows a character to detect or project feelings and emotions only. In its more advanced forms, telepathy allows for direct transfer of mental images and thoughts, or even a psychic assault against another mind.

Sphere: Telepathy
Rank: 1
Cost: 0
Duration: Always in effect
Benefit: All Psionicists trained in the telepathy sphere are taught how to erect a mental shield, protecting them against unwanted outside telepathic interference. This shield is in force at all times and requires no effort or expenditure of Psi Strength to maintain it. The shield will stop any type of telepathic talent short of an Assault, when directed against the psionicist. Of course, the psionicist may lower this shield at any time to allow another telepath access to his or her thoughts, if so desired.

Sphere: Telepathy
Rank: 1
Cost: 2
Duration: Up to 60 seconds
Benefit: The Psionicist can detect the presence of other minds. This ability enables a character to sense the presence of other minds, the number of minds present, the general type of minds (animal, human, Vargr, etc.) and their approximate location.

Sphere: Telepathy
Prerequisites: Life Detection
Rank: 2
Cost: 2
Duration: Up to 60 seconds
Benefit: The Psionicist can sense and communicate emotions and basic feelings. Telempathy allows the character to read the emotions and feelings of both animals and members of their own race. The character may also send emotions such as love, hate, fear, trust, and others to influence other animals and members of their own race.

Prerequisites: Telempathy
Rank: 4
Cost: 3
Duration: Up to 60 seconds
Benefit: The Psionicist can read the thoughts of other (sentient) individuals. They may read and comprehend the active, current thoughts of a subject who will (if not herself psionically talented) remain unaware of the action. If the subject is psionically talented, their thoughts cannot be read due to their natural shields, and they will immediately be aware of the attempt.

SEND THOUGHTS Sphere: Telepathy Prerequisites: Read Surface Thoughts Rank: 5 Cost: 3 Duration: Up to 120 seconds Benefit: The Psionicist may send thought messages to anyone, though psionically talented individuals may choose to shield out such thoughts if desired.

PROBE Sphere: Telepathy Prerequisites: Read Surface Thoughts Rank: 9 Cost: 12 Duration: Up to 10 minutes Benefit: The Psionicist may question a subject using Probe and easily determine deliberate untruths that may be told (or thought). Probe cannot be used on a shielded mind.

ASSAULT Sphere: Telepathy Prerequisites: Send Thoughts Rank: 10 Cost: 14 Duration: 2 seconds Benefit: An assault against an unshielded mind will reduce the target to 0 Stamina, rendering them immediately unconscious and will additionally inflict 2d6+6 points of Lifeblood damage. Against a shielded mind, the attack must make an opposed PSI check. If the target has the higher PSI check roll, there is no effect from the assault.

CLAIRVOYANCE SPHERE Clairvoyance is the ability to sense events occuring or ‘see’ items located out of the direct view of the character. Early ability with this sphere is restricted to vague and basic ‘views’ at very limited range, and grows in range and capability with the increased development.

SENSE Sphere: Clairvoyance Rank: 2 Cost: 2 Duration: Up to 30 seconds Benefit: A character will become aware of the most basic characteristics of a location when using this talent, such as ‘a room containing four dogs’ or ‘an open plain with a single tree’. Generally the most interesting or important features will be sensed.

CLAIRVOYANCE Sphere: Clairvoyance Prerequisites: Sense Rank: 5 Cost: 3 Duration: Up to 30 seconds Benefit: The character can view the activity and features of a specific distant location.

CLAIRAUDIENCE Sphere: Clairvoyance Prerequisites: Sense Rank: 5 Cost: 3 Duration: Up to 30 seconds Benefit: The character hears the any sounds and noises occurring at a specific distant location.

COMBINED CLAIRAUDIENCE AND CLAIRVOYANCE Sphere: Clairvoyance Prerequisites: Clairaudience and Clairvoyance Rank: 9 Cost: 3 Duration: Up to 30 seconds Benefit: Imparts the benefits of both talents.

AWARENESS SPHERE Awareness deals with the sense and control of one’s own body.

SUSPENDED ANIMATION Sphere: Awareness Rank: 2 Cost: 5
Duration: Up to 7 days Benefit: The character can enter a state of suspended animation similar to cryosleep, but without the dangers, and remain suspended without need of food and water for up to 7 days. An external stimulus is required to awaken the sleeper, such as an alarm clock, or a friend).

PSIONICALLY ENHANCED STRENGTH Sphere: Awareness Prerequisites: Suspended Animation Rank: 4 Cost: Varies Duration: 60 minutes (peak effectiveness) Benefit: For each PSI point spent using this talent, the Psionicist may temporarily add 1 point to his or her strength score. This effect will last for 60 minutes, after which it will begin to quickly return to normal at a rate of 1 point per minute.

PSIONICALLY ENHANCED CONSTITUTION Sphere: Awareness Prerequisites: Suspended Animation Rank: 5 Cost: Varies Duration: 60 minutes (peak effectiveness) Benefit: For each PSI point spent using this talent, the Psionicist may temporarily add 1 point to his or her constitution score and 1 point to Lifeblood score. This effect will last for 60 minutes, after which it will begin to quickly return to normal at a rate of 1 point per minute.

REGENERATION Sphere: Awareness Prerequisites: Psionically Enhance Strength and Psionically Enhance Constitution Rank: 9 Cost: Varies Duration: Immediate Benefit: For each PSI point spent using this talent, the Psionicist may recover 1 point of Lifeblood damage and 10 points of Stamina damage. Healing occurs immediately. This talent includes the ability to growing new limbs and organs to replace lost ones, and may also be used to heal old injuries suffered before the character was trained. This talent cannot counteract the effects of aging.

TELEKINESIS SPHERE Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate objects without physically touching them. There is but one talent associated with this sphere; Telekinesis. How large and object and how long it can be manipulated is based on the PSI rating and skill rank of the character.

TELEKINESIS Sphere: Telekinesis Rank: Varies Cost: Varies
Duration: up to 60 seconds Benefit: A character can manipulate (use) any item or object as if he or she were physically touching it, but is not subject to any physical danger, pain, stimuli, or other consequences that would normally befall anyone in contact with the object.
Weight Rank Cost Duration 1 gram 1 2 60 10 grams 2 3 60 100 grams 3 5 60 1 kilogram 5 8 60 10 kilograms 8 12 60 100 kilograms 10 14 60 1000 kilograms 14 16 60 10,000 kilograms 18 18 60

TELEPORATION SPHERE Teleportation is the ability to instantaneously move from one point to another, without regard to intervening matter. Like telekinesis, there is only one talent within this sphere; Teleportation. How much weight one may move and how far are based on the PSI rating of the character and his skill rank with this sphere.

TELEPORTATION Sphere: Teleportation Rank: Varies Cost: Varies Duration: Instantaneous Benefit: If the Psionicist can see the destination at a distance, is already familiar with the destination, or can have the mental image of the destination implanted into her mind by a telepath, she may use this talent to move immediately to the destination location.

Chemical means are available to enhance a character’s psionic strength on a temporary basis. Booster: The basic psi-drug, available in a small onedose pill. It will temporarily increase the user’s PSI score by 5 if the user is at full psionic strength, otherwise it will only increase the PSI score by 3. The effects will last one hour. Additional doses taken during that hour will have no effect. Double: A more potent form of Booster, available in the same small one-dose pill. Double will increase the user’s Psi score temporarily by +8 (+5 if not currently at full psionic strength). The effects will last one hourAdditional doses taken during that hour will have no effect. Special: The rarest of psi-drugs, special is only available in liquid form and must be taken by injection. Once taken the user’s PSI score will gradually increase to 18 at the rate of one point per hour. It will remain at 18 (if unused) for four hours, and then slowly begin to wear off, again at a rate of one point per hour. There is a danger when using Special, of permanently losing one point from the user’s PSI score (Con save vs. DC5 to avoid this effect)

The abuse of psi-drugs can lead to the loss of psionic ability and physical debilitation. If a character takes 3 doses of any psi-drug within three days, there is a chance (Con save vs. DC6 to avoid) of an overdose within six hours of the last dose taken. If an overdose occurs, the character becomes seriously ill, lapses into unconsciousness, and takes 3d6 Lifeblood damage from the effects. If the character recovers, they will have permanently lost 1 from their PSI score (Con save vs. DC16 to avoid the loss).