About Aramis RamirezDESCRIPTION
He stands relatively tall and lean. He is clean shaven with short dark brown hair forming a widow's peak. He wears his Navy dress blue pants with the academy red line down the side in high black boots. Over a nice but casual white shirt, he wears a dark brown leather jacket that hung to his waist with patches sewn all over it among them one from the psy corps. PERSONALITY:
Aramis is fulfilling his dreams and passion exploring the stars. He is very easy going and naturally charming. For those that know of psychic abilities, some people suspect that he uses them to get his way. In fact, he uses his psionics sparingly and relies more on his guile and intuition. If backed into a corner, he does not hesitate to fight, but he prefers to avoid it.
Universit & Navy term (1st and 2nd terms) Two terms of Scouts (3rd and 4th terms) Siege description =======================================================================
After graduation and officer basic training, Aramis was appointed to the Judge Advocate General (JAG) corps of the Navy as an Ensign and assigned to a navy commander as a legal counselor. Aramis quickly became a center of attention and learned the harder side of negotiation when arguments did not go his way (Natural Born Leader & Brawling). Ensign Ramirez was intimately involved in a confrontation with Speciesists, that is, a group of people who objected to the Mylthani being given the Masterston Colony. It came to armed insurrection at one point but didn't quite break into complete warfare this time. Instead, there were embargoes and trade restrictions on the clans involved. The siege was basically a prolonged military backed embargo that eventually resulted in some concessions about the Mylthani (not allowed to own land on Telthani, and Telthani being paid 10% of the Masterston GPD for 100 years). At a ceremony commemorating the siege with officers and family members, Aramis’s older sister Leonora and Lieutenant Vathan saw each other. After several awkward conversations, Aramis finally met his father. Leonora admitted to actually being Aramis’s mother instead of his sister. The relationships were not all wonderful and became a work in progress. Vathan discovered Aramis’s shared dream to explore the stars, so he pulled some strings to get Aramis transferred to the newly resurrected Interstellar Scout Service. After four years building the organization, Aramis was assigned to the McTavish which was dispatched to the various recently found systems only, with the job of doing scans and furthering the scanty knowledge that the McTavish had previously gathered. Besides finally operating a starship, he voraciously learned a tremendous amount about a broad range of subjects from his fellow crewmembers (Vessel/Starships & Jack of all Trades). Aramis has just returned to Telthani after a four year tour on the McTavish. Male Solomani Mix
Suspicious (Social) You discovered at an early age that someone you trusted, perhaps an older sibling or a parent, had lied to you, and lied often, about something you had taken for granted, leaving you quick to question the claims of others. Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you. ==SKILLS==
+11 Telekinesis (6 ranks +3 class +2 Psi)
Armor Check Penalty* none Languages Common, one, ABILITIES
Research (Interstellar Law) The character is skilled at sifting and analyzing data and information from various sources for the clues and evidence needed to close a case. Allows the synergistic use of Knowledge and other information-related skills together with Gather Information skill.
Natural born leader The individual has the type of attitude, confidence, and natural leadership that draws attention and inspires loyalty.
Brawling The character is familiar with fighting without weapons (i.e. using punches, head butts, kicks and other natural weapon attacks), or makeshift weapons (bottles, pool cues or chairs).
LIFE DETECTION Sphere: Telepathy
TELEMPATHY Sphere: Telepathy
TELEKINESIS Sphere: Telekinesis Rank:
TL 9 : Normal 80% Price, MW 150%
TL 10 : Normal 100% Price, MW 200% TL 11 : Normal 150% Price, MW 300% Worn
Personal Locker
Worn on left hip
Hidden in right boot
Hidden in right boot
* (3,200) Artificial Gill (TL 8) – 4 kg
* (80 Cr) Flak Jacket (TL 7): AR 4/Max Dex +6/ACP 0 kg/Speed 9m – 1 kg
* (5,250 Cr) Masterwork Laser Rifle (TL 9): The standard high energy weapon, firing energy bolts in the same manner as the laser carbine. Heavier, the laser rifle is also capable of longer sustained action, and is somewhat sturdier. The power pack can provide 1 00 shots before recharging. As in the laser carbine, the laser rifle is connected to the power pack by a heavy-duty cable. Power packs are not interchangeable between the two weapons, however. RoF 1, Range 60 m, 3d10 (x2), Medium, Piercing, No recoil, Clip 100 rounds, 4 kg, 240 Cr – 6 kg
Total Spent : 40,186 Cr Personal Load 2.9 kg = Light Load Personal Capacity 45.1 – 90 kg for Medium Load Currency 814 Cr ADVANCEMENT:
4th - +1 Wis PSIONICS:
A comprehensive examination will take two weeks time, cost Cr5000, and at the end of which the character will be provided with a comprehensive measure of their psionic potential. It should be noted that psionic potential severely declines as one gets older. The earlier someone is tested and trained, the more potential they are likely to have. Some charity is available for the truly indigent who apply (Referee’s decision, then have the character make a Charisma check (DC18) to be given a free examination). Characters being examined by the Institute due to selecting the PSI Training feat have this fee waived. The Examination: The character determines his psionic potential by rolling 3d6, subtracting -1 for every 4 years of age (or fraction thereof) he is over the age of 18. For example, a 54 year old character being tested would roll 3d6-9 to determine his psionic potential (54 - 18 = 36 / 4 = +9). If a character has previously taken this exam, they do not roll again. Instead simply use the previous potential. If the character has aged a year or more since the last examination, the effects of age still apply and may reduce their potential if enough time has passed. TRAINING
SEND THOUGHTS Sphere: Telepathy Prerequisites: Read Surface Thoughts Rank: 5 Cost: 3 Duration: Up to 120 seconds Benefit: The Psionicist may send thought messages to anyone, though psionically talented individuals may choose to shield out such thoughts if desired. PROBE Sphere: Telepathy Prerequisites: Read Surface Thoughts Rank: 9 Cost: 12 Duration: Up to 10 minutes Benefit: The Psionicist may question a subject using Probe and easily determine deliberate untruths that may be told (or thought). Probe cannot be used on a shielded mind. ASSAULT Sphere: Telepathy Prerequisites: Send Thoughts Rank: 10 Cost: 14 Duration: 2 seconds Benefit: An assault against an unshielded mind will reduce the target to 0 Stamina, rendering them immediately unconscious and will additionally inflict 2d6+6 points of Lifeblood damage. Against a shielded mind, the attack must make an opposed PSI check. If the target has the higher PSI check roll, there is no effect from the assault. CLAIRVOYANCE SPHERE Clairvoyance is the ability to sense events occuring or ‘see’ items located out of the direct view of the character. Early ability with this sphere is restricted to vague and basic ‘views’ at very limited range, and grows in range and capability with the increased development. SENSE Sphere: Clairvoyance Rank: 2 Cost: 2 Duration: Up to 30 seconds Benefit: A character will become aware of the most basic characteristics of a location when using this talent, such as ‘a room containing four dogs’ or ‘an open plain with a single tree’. Generally the most interesting or important features will be sensed. CLAIRVOYANCE Sphere: Clairvoyance Prerequisites: Sense Rank: 5 Cost: 3 Duration: Up to 30 seconds Benefit: The character can view the activity and features of a specific distant location. CLAIRAUDIENCE Sphere: Clairvoyance Prerequisites: Sense Rank: 5 Cost: 3 Duration: Up to 30 seconds Benefit: The character hears the any sounds and noises occurring at a specific distant location. COMBINED CLAIRAUDIENCE AND CLAIRVOYANCE Sphere: Clairvoyance Prerequisites: Clairaudience and Clairvoyance Rank: 9 Cost: 3 Duration: Up to 30 seconds Benefit: Imparts the benefits of both talents. AWARENESS SPHERE Awareness deals with the sense and control of one’s own body. SUSPENDED ANIMATION Sphere: Awareness Rank: 2 Cost: 5
PSIONICALLY ENHANCED STRENGTH Sphere: Awareness Prerequisites: Suspended Animation Rank: 4 Cost: Varies Duration: 60 minutes (peak effectiveness) Benefit: For each PSI point spent using this talent, the Psionicist may temporarily add 1 point to his or her strength score. This effect will last for 60 minutes, after which it will begin to quickly return to normal at a rate of 1 point per minute. PSIONICALLY ENHANCED CONSTITUTION Sphere: Awareness Prerequisites: Suspended Animation Rank: 5 Cost: Varies Duration: 60 minutes (peak effectiveness) Benefit: For each PSI point spent using this talent, the Psionicist may temporarily add 1 point to his or her constitution score and 1 point to Lifeblood score. This effect will last for 60 minutes, after which it will begin to quickly return to normal at a rate of 1 point per minute. REGENERATION Sphere: Awareness Prerequisites: Psionically Enhance Strength and Psionically Enhance Constitution Rank: 9 Cost: Varies Duration: Immediate Benefit: For each PSI point spent using this talent, the Psionicist may recover 1 point of Lifeblood damage and 10 points of Stamina damage. Healing occurs immediately. This talent includes the ability to growing new limbs and organs to replace lost ones, and may also be used to heal old injuries suffered before the character was trained. This talent cannot counteract the effects of aging. TELEKINESIS SPHERE Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate objects without physically touching them. There is but one talent associated with this sphere; Telekinesis. How large and object and how long it can be manipulated is based on the PSI rating and skill rank of the character. TELEKINESIS Sphere: Telekinesis Rank: Varies Cost: Varies
TELEPORATION SPHERE Teleportation is the ability to instantaneously move from one point to another, without regard to intervening matter. Like telekinesis, there is only one talent within this sphere; Teleportation. How much weight one may move and how far are based on the PSI rating of the character and his skill rank with this sphere. TELEPORTATION Sphere: Teleportation Rank: Varies Cost: Varies Duration: Instantaneous Benefit: If the Psionicist can see the destination at a distance, is already familiar with the destination, or can have the mental image of the destination implanted into her mind by a telepath, she may use this talent to move immediately to the destination location. PSI DRUGS