About Prof Andy McMilligonProf Andy McMilligon
Short Description: Personality: Ranks in order.
Crunch numbers:
Psi-Points MAX [09]
Lifeblood 12
Experience Level 5 cap, [21,000xp in total]
--Hand to Hand-- Hand TH+3 DMG 1d6+0 (NL) Foot TH+3 DMG 1d6+0 ---ON-SHIP----
+knife + Taser MW Survival Knife 50Cr
Feats and Traits:
Starting feats Human Feat x1 1: 1: 2: 3:Vessel (Starship) Academic:
SCOUT Starting Feats
Scout Level Bonus feats x2
2: Jack of all Trades X2 [+1] [ooc]World Feats]/ooc]
2: Drawbacks: Race human.
Alternate Racial Traits: Human Skills:
: Starting Skill Points: Levels 2x[8+3] + 3x[3+4+1]= 46 Fever class +3 [Scout] Skill points 45 Ranks 32 used +2 Acrobatics(+2dex, +0rank)
Profession (cascade) Skills [+3Int +0Ranks] Unless Ranks
+7* K/(ALL) (+6Edu,+1*rank) Unless Ranks [feats]
Technical (cascade) Skills ALL [Stat+6] if no Ranks
NOTE: With 1d10 Minutes use of her PDA, gets +2 item added to K\X rolls from Knowledge and trained DB software Class Academic L2:
Skill Points per Level: 8 + INT modifier ACADEMIC CLASS SKILLS Craft (any) (INT), Decipher Script† (INT), Driving (DEX), Gather Information (CHA), Knowledge (any) (EDU), Navigation (EDU), Professional (Knowledge Related) (WIS), Read/Write Language (none), Speak Language (none), Technical (any) (EDU), Use Alien Devices† (WIS) academic term 1
Continue employment DC2 1d20 ⇒ 7
lecture tour 1d20 ⇒ 12
Continue employment DC2 1d20 ⇒ 1 let go
Class Scout L3:
Joined scouts
Mission 1d20 ⇒ 17
scout term 2
Base 1d20 ⇒ 8
scout term 3
Mission 1d20 ⇒ 15 the one they are on now
Well thats cool, he did not do well as an academic in the public sector
Weapons Locker
Other Items
350c 0.3 kg Belt Monoculars Cr25 1 kg
PDI-Hand Computer (TL 10) [Computer/1] min to use 3000Cr
Database: [Specialist books DB] [+2 Kn-skills, 1min use time] A database is a large store of information topics that can be searched with a Computer check or using an Agent.
The TL 9 version just provides a near-real-time translation.
Combat Drug x5 [TL7] 3,250Cr
Slow Drug x2 [TL8] 10,000Cr
*Medical Drugs (TL 8):
Andy was a good student getting his PhD in Space reserch and planet explration. He helped design an new kind of Lab ship but was let go when his funding was cut. He was hired buy the new scout servise to carry on his work and as done so, even being given command of a new Scout Lite-lab ship. NEW Scout Lite-Lab-ship deck plans NEW Scout Lite Lab Ship:
The lite scout Lab ship is biult around the old Safai class small
Crew of 5,