Brass Man

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Though ... Peeking at their steam profile they have games played the last few days. Odd that that is shown despite them seemingly being set to offline/invisible.

I'll poke them. Maybe they'll say hi. Worth a shot!


And good luck :)

GM Stargin wrote:
As a GM what I enjoy about combat is all the monsters get to do fun things. All four of the monsters got their 'specials' off, dust for the broom, aid for the wisp, clinging on for the abomination, trip for the skeleton. And then you guys had pretty iconic responses, crits, heal bombs, fire arrows etc.

I enjoy the combat so far :)

Erytheis is a bit miffed by being broomed but she'll be fine ^^

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MordredofFairy wrote:

My intent was for Phil to essentially have been captured and "sold" when she was still very little. Certainly there's people paying for curiosities like caged sprites, not really caring that they are sentient creatures.

Perp was an elf of few words clad in green. Also wanted for several cases of pottery vandalism :p

I'm not sure what the not-core experience will entail. But usually - in my opinion - I find that simplified rulesets to mostly be a disservice when trying to learn something new that's 80% similar to something old. You'll just end up trying to remember 3 systems instead of 2 :p


Also, could you create an empty gameplay thread for us to make a post then delete in? That'll make it show up on the campaign screen :)

Heya! I hope everything is well! And welcome back to the channel :P

I'm quite busy with guests this weekend. I shall read the intro and give it the time it deserves either sunday evening or monday :)

Mm. Hence the quicker litmus test: "will it attempt to murder us asap if I ready an action".

But it doesn't hurt to ask. Hopefully :p

I'm a creature from the frozen north and I know about Arabian legends. Globalism helps though :p

This was my idea, if the command was something vague like "fight" or cause havoc. Hopefully the dice really agree :d

Re free Artistry/Lore - May I pick up profession (gambler) with this rank? Or should I slot in Lore (games of chance) or something similar?

I'm fairly sure profession (gambler) is what's usually used for such things, if they do come up. Picked the Heart of the Fields alternative racial trait so should grow into quite the player eventually :d

Yeah, some information would have been more useful if other information was included as well :p

1) 12-13? I figured Kaio to be about 25 but neglected to include that information :p

2) Was thinking he needed to borrow cash to 'donate' to get Emi a bed in the orphanage ahead of the queue. Or it could just be gambling debts. Either way it's hard to pay anything back when dead, so as long as one makes payments on time I figured they'd be good. In addition to protection tax of course! ("pay x% of your winnings and you can play here without losing your kneecaps")

Scrapper's Hall seems reasonable. A place in a nice enough area one *could* convince oneself it's a good deed to place someone there. And, once you scratch the surface, enough red flags to beat yourself up about it :p

Thanks for pointing out where Eel's End were. I spotted it again in the shop section, so I can have a look at the keyed map as well :)

Yeah Mesmerist is the plan still.

And please forgive the poor formatting. I copy+pasted it from a .odt. I'll make it a bit more readable with paizo's formatting once it's on a profile I promise :)

I'm working on my backstory and such, but might as well throw up what I've got for scrutiny rather then try and hammer it perfect :)

Ten Minute Background – Kaio Felix :
1) A professional card, dice and people player earning his keep in the seedier taverns of Korvosa.
2) His father was a gambler, not unlike himself – though he disdains that term. That's for people with more heart then head in the game.
3) Old man Felix went through the ice last winter. Too drunk? Or maybe finally lost enough to give up. Kaio isn't sure – nor it is anything he'd like to think about.
4) Now responsible for his sister Emi, though he loaned enough money to try and give her a less slimy chance at one of the orphanages.
5) Interested in the occult. If one can read a palm; one should be able to read a face. And imagine the games to play …

1) His sister is now missing, despite everything... Or is it because “everything” was barely anything and he should never had let her out of sight? Regardless; finding her is priority number one (actually quite refreshing for that not to be himself. Quite terrifying as well!)
2) Playing a high stakes game with the movers and shakers of Korvosa. In a beautiful hall, surrounded by glamour and elegance – looking down at the city instead of up on the splendor.
1) Kaio can't remember his mother. Nor Emi's, whom his father claimed were the same. But... There's a good ten years between us?
2) Though he doesn't show many genuine emotions – literally his job not to – Kaio wishes he could be a bit more open, a bit more warm. Maybe that'd make it easier to make close friends? For now though; food was more important.
Three people
1) Sammy the Ham – The massive man is certainly not the brightest of Lamm's goons, but probably the kindest. When playing at the tables of Eel's End, he's a handy friend to have around in case things get rowdy. Though he doesn't gamble Sammy loves card tricks and “magic”.
2) Disella Sacer – the orphan keeper entrusted with Emi. Kaio's perception is certainly tainted by the glaring lack of said sister, viewing the woman as a wicked, greedy and selfish creature he'd sew into a sack of rocks and throw into the bay if he only could. Maybe it's that simple. Maybe not.
3) Tris ol'Tree – Medium, grandma-substitute and what passes for healthcare in Old Korvosa. Weather bitten and a bit forgetful, Kaio has known her since he was … three? Something around that; he had a nasty cough and needed more care then the hovel in the Shingles could provide. Finding each other surprisingly agreeable, he spent many more late evenings there waiting for his father to return from his gambling sprees. In the meanwhile, he learned a trick or two in exchange for minor chores and a set of young eyes.
1) Skating with Emi and his father one cold winter day. A cherished memory of an happy family.
2) The thrill of his first big win. His s&$! eating grin and the adrenaline of fleeing from the older kids seeking to reclaim their losses.
3) The wiff of exotic spices just unloaded in the docks, the dream of one day being the recipient of such wonder.

Regular Background:
Kaio Felix – I ain't a gambler, unlike my father. I love to play. Not losing. If you are good enough, your marks drunk enough, it's a living. Had I owned a coat nice enough to get into The Heights, I'd be rich by now. Life ain't a meritocracy though. The suckers around Eel's End doesn't have much to their names. And they're really sore about losing. That's how I became 'acquainted' with one Gaedran Lamm. Generous fella, willing to lend some muscle for a cut. Even spotted me a loan when needed. Sours a bit he'd stick a knife in my back, but I don't think he cares. Or knows.

Emilia Felix – sister

Lil Emi, my sister barely half my age. Our fathers one good deed, a little sunshine in a grimy slimy world. Loves carrots, cats and being an adorable little s#~#.

Disella Sacer – [need to pick one of the orphanages here]'s orphan keeper

I've never been much of a caretaker, just barely a passable brother to Emi. My work, the sleazy taverns and rowdy players, is not a place for a child. My life is not a suitable place for a child. Hells know, not suitable for anyone. So when father drunkenly stumbled down the docks for the last time, I had to figure out something. Taking loans I shouldn't I could just afford Emi a spot at that place Disella runs. So she'd be safe, so she'd be warm. That was the plan at least. Worked for a while too. But I guess that hag of a woman figured out I had no more money, nothing to give or donate. They said Emi just got up and ran away. Liar, cheats – I know my sort – and their cursed hunger for gold!

They're a bit redundant with eachother and the later isn't nearly done, but the first should be a brief glimpse of the idea and the second the main plot hooks asked for right now.

Going for the "missing child/sibling" trait story wise, though it may need minor tweaking? And an orphanage for it, I'll look over the 5 options again. Or see if the GM has a nudge :)

Haven't quite nailed down a place to live yet, but probably somewhere in Old Korvosa. (I'm sure I've read somewhere where Eel's End is actually supposed to be - but I can't seem to find it again?)

Nor the love for the city, other then vague ambitions to rise to the top. I'll elaborate if I can - but the other bits seems more critical right now.

Need to work on a personality and a look, though I tend to try and find the first by rp-ing and the second by looking at available portraits.

I have a sheet I'm filling out, but the crunch should be quite fast once the fluffy bits are nailed down. Doesn't take nearly the effort :D

While reading up on setting info I noticed that the Temple of Aroden bit in Places of Interest seems to have minor plot spoilers

Aye aye sorry, have been busy sadly. Throwing up a post though to let you know I'm still on this earth :)


Pondering if Mesmerist is a fun class to play, might help on the social front. Of course such a character probably aren't the most trustworthy of types, so having someone respectable with Diplomacy would still be handy.

Dot! I don't have an idea just yet, hoping to look into things this weekend.

And hello everyone :)

Mm it's been neat :)

Mm good question. Introductions are fun, but sometimes they too take time in pbps.

Maybe something super vague for familiarity and then a leap into action?

Ehhmhm tbh either works fine. Helpful I know :p

Mm sounds good. And we know how to make 2e characters now :p

The pf2 thing that rhymes the worst with me is that monsters and PC no longer use the same system and aren't really compatible. Even if compatible is a bit strong of a word to use with pf1s class+hd system, it existed, and it looked nice and felt symmetric and fair.

But I only had to build 2-3 monsters/NPCs per year tops. I don't GM much if at all.

So I recognize that my feelings of neatness isn't the 1st priority. Nor should they be. Doesn't make me feel any less entitled though :p

>.> <.< >.>

Someone said 'cool campaign idea'? :p

It was helpful, fun. Seems great for pbp. Perhaps a bit time consuming on the GM's part? That's not a player problem though :p

There were some 'glitches' where certain features referred forward to things not yet explained, mainly the feat things, but other then that I can't think of any problems.

pf2 feels a bit more boxed in then pf1, for better or worse. Not a comment on bloat, I foresee pf2 getting that in a few splatbooks too, but on a more limited character building. It's probably harder to make a totally deadweight pf2 char then pf1 :p

It feel weird, it's a pf character all right but some things look all wrong. Not unpleasant though. Just weird.

Process was fun though :)

I have now successfully filled in the crunchy bits :)

Edit: Theoretically, this link should contain a commentate version of the pdf. If it cooperates.

I'd appreciate a quick glance to see that things look vaguely correct :D

Options options options :D

I filled in most of the things as I went, using what I knew at the time, so I shall sit down and make sure its correct. Probably this weekend :)

Oh that's true!

Oh oh oh! We're winning! I grin and glare at the beetle, the sweet taste of victory already on my lips. Just a simple shot and ... *BLINK* Oh that's bright, I should learn that!

Fortitude!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

But I had more tricks as well! I call upon my magic to guide the next shot. Concentrate. Visualize the target. Slather it in magnetic magic. And shoot!


Starlit Span!:
You let loose a projectile that flies true and leaves the blazing trail of a meteor behind it. Make a ranged Strike, ignoring the target's concealment and reducing the target's cover by one degree for this Strike only (greater to standard, standard to lesser, and lesser to none). If the Strike hits, the meteor trail hangs in the air. This gives the benefits of concealment negation and cover reduction to any attacks made against the creature (by anyone) until the start of your next turn.

Attack!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 Minus any glare penalties :)

Damage?: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Happy new year!

I blink away the sweat pouring down into my eyes. Darn. Bree had always said to be careful with fire magic - and I really didn't know where that flaming arrow went. The stinky beetle breath and clickety claws up so close didn't improve things. And I was supposed to be the hero? I-i got this! Yes, keep it together!

First! A Shield spell, put something of substance between myself and the beast. Then another shot; I still believed in the flaming bowshot. If I could just get both the magic and archery right ... A flaming arrow right down the belly of the beast!

Actions: 1 Shield, 2&3 spellstrike Produce Flame

To Hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Damage? (bow; P): 1d6 ⇒ 2

Damage? (p fire; f): 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

"Yes!!" I cheer as the shot strikes true. Though ... Maybe I should have put more juice into it... Still better then last time!

+3! That's what the sheet says at least; 1 from level and 2 from trained I guess

Initiative!: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Aha! The terrible ravager is too slow for my keen reflexes. Going first I nock an arrow and draw my bow. I'm sure my aim will be true! But it isn't all I have in store for the vicious creature; no not nearly enough. With my voice strong and clear I call for Fire to aid me. Burn evil beetle burn!!

Action: Spellstrike /w Produce Flame

To Hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Damage? (bow; P): 1d6 ⇒ 4

Damage? (p fire; f): 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

With my arrow flying I cautiously Stride away from the beetle. After all, I had a bow and it had nasty mandibles I don't want to get near!

"Sure I will Bree sure I will!" I grin and nod and do remember that I've already buggered her into inviting me for soup tomorrow. Kinda miss the musky warmth of the hut already though. But a hero had to make sacrifices and overcome tough challenges; like hard wanderbread or hauling their ass over to the human village for some quests. "I'll make us proud."


"You!!" My eyes narrow and expression turns fierce as I see the great green beast. This one rampaged all over Brees herbs last summer; ate a whole patch of strawberries it did. That was *my* plan! I readied my bow and arrow, taking care to get nothing tangled in the undergrowth, and pondered if I should roll initiative!?

Also look up the stats for a bow :p? And just shoot it ...

Edit: The bow to use seems to be a Shortbow, so that's a good first step at least :D It has the following stats:
Damage 1d6p Bulk 1 Hands 1+ Range 60' Reload 0 Traits - Deadly 1d10

Heightened spells also seems to be something more built-in to the system? Kinda like how some psychic spells in 1e worked.

Edit: summon Animals is, for example, just one spell that seems to be castable at all levels.

Or perhaps that was just how they decided to present it to save space :p

I'd say the cantrips looked much juicier now as well. Very neat.

I bet - with system mastery or splatbooks - that getting your class to draw from the "wrong" list is possible. (Think I even saw occult sorcerers mentioned?)

God Jul goes perfectly here! Happy times to you as well :)

Oh I see I see. My key ability choice is what gives the stat boost, they're not two choices. Reasonable :)

I'll take a peek at medicine and see!

The skill progression idea is very neat.

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I put the boost into Str, so it's neutral at least.

Also had to pick a key ability modifier - which *looked* like I could pick either - so I picked dex for that one. So whatever class features I get scale off it? Didn't see any of those yet though :p

I'm thinking it'll be a slightly more magical (fey-like if you will!) version of a ranger. With fairy fire bowshots, prestidigitation for shenanigans and magical snowballs :D

(I didn't actually look at the Ranger ranger. Maybe I should have and it had a better fit ... but historically ways martial classes trade into any bit of magic involves kneecapping and I don't wanna wait :p)

So I'm thinking the magical side will be covered by my herbalist master - or perhaps a witch further up the hierarchy? Plus general fey culture training in being sneaky, annoying and prick bullying mortals with bows.

It was delightful to see that skills seemed free/not tied to a class. I wanted acrobatics + stealthy for shenanigans, diplomacy to be somewhat helpful and then I was left with one pick to build on the actually helpful side of the herbalism. In the end I slotted medicine there; hoping mundane healing is a bit shinier in pf2 then pf1 :p But nature/survival were the contenders. Would probably have depended on party composition tbh, they're all pretty close.

Anyhow rambling aside! I envision the Root Magic evolving into real magic. Not quite as focused on it to the exclusion of other things like a witch or shaman, but that'll still be what "I" grew up doing :)

Oh and a bow would be the weapon of choice.

Plopped down Magus in my sheet. Summary:

key modified: dex
+9hp (8+con bonus)

T in perception
E in fort, T in ref, E in will
T in arcana + 4 more (2+ int mod): acrobatics, diplomacy, medicine, stealth
T in simple, martial and unarmed weapons
T in light, medium and unarmoured armour
T in arcane atk/dc

Arcane Cascade, Spellstrike class features
Hybrid Studies/Conflux Spells - Starlit Span/Shooting Stars
Spellbook (8 cantrips, 4 level 1): Dancing Lights, Infectious Enthusiasm, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Aura, Shield, Produce Flame, Tanglefoot; Colour Spray, Snowball, Summon Animal & True Strike

Pew that was actually kinda meaty. Lots of neat stuff moved to cantrips, which is nice. Can't shake the feeling though that magic still wears the options crown? (Though plenty of magic seems quite minor, so that's nice/fairer then 1st ed :p)

I'll readily admit I'm slacking a bit, don't want to finish up too quickly :p (98% chance it'll be magus though)

It is and has been fun. The crunchy bit of my mind chaffs a bit at bit knowing all the things, but that's fine for learning :)

Still pondering classes, looking at the magus. They've got some subclass? stuff for shooting people and that might be fun.

Lore:Herbalism: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Sheet says +5 but it also thinks I'm level 1 instead of level 0, so that makes sense :)

"Mm." I frown in concentration and get my tools. The bronze knife used for scraping should be all right. Carefully I'll get to work. I've always been better at remembering then actually doing, so this is the real trial.

"I think ..." I briefly consider saying I might need it for his lectures. Might save that one for later though! "It's Restful Bark. We could brew wakefulness tea of it."

"We should harvest some I think."

I take a moment to catch my breath. It'll give me a precious moment to think - and I'm fairly sure my master feels a bit smug about outflying me. I'll race you one day old man! Darn. My precious moment was wasted daydreaming instead ... I don't regret it though.

"Mhm." I reach out towards the specimen. Think back to the tree we had ascended, any parasitical growths we've recently talked about. Since I'm asked about it, I'm sure I've heard about it. But also - since it is so high - I doubt I've seen it *in the wild* before. Perhaps dried in one of the beautiful glass jars?

Yes I should definitely try and recall my masters teachings.

Lore?: 1d20 ⇒ 19

I think I plop down +Int, because any tricksy magic seems likely to want it, and +Dex because being sneaky about it may come in handy. Also I'll be quite tiny and the other two physical stats are harder to envision :p

With that I think I am ready to proceed.

Though I yearn to see the wider world, I haven't traveled far from my village yet. I still have my apprenticeship to our shaman to finish. We don't always see eye to eye - I may be a tad bit impatient at times. But I do enjoy learning about plants, potions and most of all magic.

Root Worker:
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 49
Some ailments can’t be cured by herbs alone. You learned ritual remedies as well, calling on nature spirits to soothe aches and ward off the evil eye. Taking up with adventurers has given you company on the road, as well as protection from those who would brand you a fake—or worse.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.

You're trained in the Occultism skill, and the Herbalism Lore skill. You gain the Root Magic skill feat.

Hmhmmhmmmmhm options. Lots of them ...

I skip happily along the path. The human didn't seem *that* miffed about the prank - which meant it may be a good one. And chatting with strange folks was entertaining. "Big wings are for big heroes! And small wings can grow into those." I look back and flash a grin. "Grandma thinks so at least. Mom says only my head will grow if I think about it too much!"

Sorry to hear work's murder. Hope it eases up :)

"*Gasp!*" I hop down a branch. Yes, maybe I've seen this one before. Maybe. I don't play much attention to the humans - when they're around I have mostly jokes on my mind - but maybe I should.

"You were so close! So very close. But it's a snowball! Half wrong!" A wrong answer gets the tiny snowball from Tara! (Of course, so would probably a hundred percent right answer...) I wait a moment to see how accurate the throw is. Then I hop down along the branches towards the path.

"But you were half right too!" That meant she should get some sort of reward. Another snowball? Fun, but unlikely the human would enjoy more pranks then. "Hmm..." Watching the human struggling with the torch gave me a bright idea - literally! With a little bit of concentration I started to glow and encouraged my friends to do so too with a gesture. "As a prize - we'll light your way! Come!"

I skipped down the path. Of course, I had no idea where the human lived. But it was probably at the other end of the path; they worked like that. Otherwise what was the point of even having a path?


Deception!: 1d20 ⇒ 15

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