Ynja is currently living in London and working as a Mystic.
Ynja Eva Ragnavold is of the Ragnavold Banking Dynasty, She looks 30-ish, Well dressed tall American [6'3"] Woman, Blond hair, Eyes Blue. She says her size is down her Swedish Viking heritage. She can have an off-putting Swedish/American directness but striking looks. She has a slight scar on her forehead from some childhood injury. Always well dressed in a mix of both male and female clothing.
OTHER [Race +13 Mp
Sanity = [92][-1-2]
Mp = [32/32]
HP = [32/32]
Luck = [16/16]
Looks like normal Human, but tall than the average height, and have small horn on their head. [Removed at birth] Gain +13 more Mp, +10 Pow, +10 Siz, +10 App, if The Spell Sanity loss, is no more than 1d6, lose no sanity, gain Bonus die to Occult, Folklore, or Religion, and can speak High Speech 200 years old.
Talents 1:Psychic Power: [General Talent]
May choose one psychic power (Clairvoyance, Divination, Medium, Psychometry, or Telekinesis). Note that occupational and/or personal interest skill points should be invested in this skill (see Psychic Powers).
-:Clairvoyance [75%/38/18]
Allow Psychic to gain information about object, person, location, or physical event, identify rough where about of missing person or object, and detect where certain event take place, The Psychic spend 1d6 rounds of concentration focusing on thing they wish to know about, spending 1d6+1 Mp in the process and making a Clairvoyance Roll, you can push but need to spend another 1d6+1 Mp, a sucess mean you perceive some relevant information, if outside force does not want to be "read" then the difficulty of the Roll is raised, Certain objects may assist in the Roll. A success means the psychic is able to perceive some relevant information. The nature and detail of the information gained are the purview of the Keeper. Often such information will be vague or incomplete. If an outside force (another psychic, monster, etc.) does not wish to be “read” then the difficulty level of the roll is raised. Certain objects may assist in a reading, such a photograph of a missing person or an object personal to the clairvoyant hero. In such situations, the Keeper may reduce the difficulty of the skill roll. If the psychic reads and senses a Mythos presence, or somehow connects with the alien intelligence, they must make a Sanity roll, losing the usual amount for that monster. Other situations may also call for Sanity rolls at the Keeper’s discretion.
Enlighten Soul [Heritage Talent]
Gain 2 Phenomena Magic, and Magical Nexus spell, you can cast these spell without losing Sanity, and pay Mp and Pow in Luck instead, can only cast 3 spells a day.
Magical Nexus
Create a Magical Nexus that gather 1d4 Mp every hours, last for 1d10 hours. [10 Mp, 1d3* sanity, 1 hour]
Discreet Summons
The caster can summon an magical object or Faerie to their service [2d6Mp, 1d4* sanity/2 rounds]
Supernal Sight
Can see the magical residue, and magical imprint, last for 5 minutes. [1d10 Mp, 1* sanity, instant]
Spells[Sorcery 75%/38/18]
Bless Blade
Make a blade capable of harming creatures invulnerable to mundane weapons. Enchantment is lost if the blade is broken.
[5 Pow, 1d4* sanity, 1 Hour]
Heals 2d6 HP, [Touch, 12 Mp, Optional Pow, 1* sanity 2d6 rounds]
A seeker of the hidden and the unseen realm. Book-learned academics, shamanistic healers, circus diviners, visionaries or more who all pursue knowledge of forces outside the natural order.
- Core Characteristic: POW
- Add 100 Bonus Points divided between the following skills: Art/Craft (any), Science (Astronomy), Disguise, History, Hypnosis, Language Other (any), Natural World, Occult, Psychology, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Psychic (If the psychic talent is taken, you may allocate points to a psychic skill) Folklore (any), Folk Medicine (any), Religion (any), and Sorcery.
- Talents: As Race (May take the Psychic talent)
Occupation Dilettante[250***]
Art/Craft (Any), Firearms, Other Language (any), Ride, Intimidate, Unarmed Combat, Dodge, Credit Rating.
MYTHIC [Bonus die to Occult, Folklore, or Religion]
Sorcery. [15+60]30*30**
Psychic.[Clairvoyance] [20+55]55**
Cthulhu Mythos [0+5]5*
Occult [5+15]10*/5**
Library Use [20]
History [5+5]5*
Folklore (any) [5+5]10**
First Aid [30]
Folk Medicine (any) [1]
Medicine [1]
Natural World [10]
Psychoanalysis [1]
Psychology [20]
Hypnosis [1]
Meaningful Locations: Rock-Gold Ranch Texas Ranch, Reservation, building and Stables 1 Town, 28,246 acres.
Old Family Lord Ragnavold Estate, Sweeden,
Rented Flat, London, England.
Treasured Possessions:
Her 1911A1 engraved pistol, her father gave her for her 31st birthday.
Classy, Irrepressible, wealthy
Injuries & Scars: (Leave Blank)
Small old scare on her forehead.
Phobias and Manias:
Arcane Tomes, Spells & Artifacts: (Leave Blank)
Encounters With Strange Entities:
Her Family
A friend who she lives with
Ynja Eva Ragnavold is the wealthy youngest 30-year-old daughter of the USA/Swedish Ragnavold banking Dynasty. Being linked to Atlantean nation, some have 'gifts' to see the future and that in Human banking gives you a winning edge. Ynja was Born in the USA midwest some 43 years ago, As a child her father paid for her horn to be a removed. Him making money from Ranching and oil. Her father moved to NYC back in 1912 and controlled the bank. Ynja went to a local school to get the basics, Heading back to the ranch. She discovered she was Bi-sexual having a love affair with a female ranch hand. It was also here she met a local Apache nation tribe who she suspected new about the family. But as the family respected and protected the tribes land rights. The welcomed her. She learned to fight with the braves, Shoot a gun, ride and fight hand to hand with Axe or Blade. She was tough and that went well for her. They also respected her abilities to see the spirit world and dream walking. Spending happy years with the tribes in her youth. But again if you live a long life others start to notice so she moved again. Her younger brother takning over the ranch. Having come back form Africa. and she moved to Sunny old England to attend Newnham College - Cambridge. She studded culture and cults, being rich no one cared and she came out with a 1st class honours degree. By chance he meet Billie and they become friends. She moved in with her 2 years again and entertains herself as a sudo-Mystic come privet detective for the family but also selective clients. Ragnavolds are very secretive so she hides the face she is rich, acting as a well off a banker. But always careful with her money.
Ideology and Beliefs
Traditional belief in the supernatural and the power of nature. Nature explained everything in life for the Apache people. The chief deity of the Chiricahua Apache is Ussen, whose will governed all. Ussen existed before the creation of the universe. He created the first Mother with no parents who sang four times, a sacred number to the Chiricahua Apache. Her singing began the creation of the universe.