Erik Annadar |
Erik, being somewhat of a klutz without an instrument in his hand, can only look expectantly at his party members after the last devil goes down.
"Perhaps your moral quandaries can be put on hold for a moment? Ceara, all we ask is that you help us. We can explain our situation to you another time and I have several lovely fables to help illustrate the finder points of virtue, but for now these poor people are suffering immensely and I lack the coordination to aid them."
Ceara |
Erik, being somewhat of a klutz without an instrument in his hand, can only look expectantly at his party members after the last devil goes down.
"Perhaps your moral quandaries can be put on hold for a moment? Ceara, all we ask is that you help us. We can explain our situation to you another time and I have several lovely fables to help illustrate the finder points of virtue, but for now these poor people are suffering immensely and I lack the coordination to aid them."
I just want to point out I *am* helping. I was the first person, in fact, to make a roll to help :)
Rev DM |
OK, so we have one successful roll from Hobbes and a successful aid from Ceara, which can be added to another roll.
You need another three successes please to lower the captives. If you want to use other skills to help out, feel free to offer them up along with a reason for doing so.
A faint voice from the roof floats down.
"Are you really helping us?"
Bartholomew Hobbes |
Hobbes sighs. "I'm sorry for the bribe, Ceara. Your 'practical' nature and your inherent lack of scrupples makes it hard for me to know exactly what I need to say to motivate you. You are asking me to explain compassion and altruism to you but then you don't understand my answers. I told you, I serve the Goddess of Love. She bades me to help those less fortunate than myself. So when I see someone hurt or in trouble, I have a divine mandate to do something to help. Also as someone who has needed help myself before in the past, I can sympathize with those who need it now. I help people now because I hope that when I need someone, the gods or the universe will remember that I helped others and bring me someone to help me. It's fuzzy, I know. Helping people without thought of gain is the truest definition of love in action. If more people helped each other than tried to hurt each other, this world would be a safer place. And a better place. And yes, before you say it, a more boring place." He smiles at that last comment.
actually, when Ceara said she was helping, she meant she was making an acrobatic check like me and Kel. So we have three sucesses. one of the others needs to make a successful check to free the prisioners.
Bartholomew Hobbes |
Hobbes looks up and says to the "choir", "We're working on it. It is much more complicated than it looks." He runs a hand through his hair. "And.. if we fail, you could all die. So we need to make sure to do this right. I know you're hurting and we will get you down. It will just take a couple more minutes."
Bartholomew Hobbes |
Perigia, Brujo, Kelgan and Erik (and Rev, if you want)
Ceara |
Hobbes sighs. "I'm sorry for the bribe, Ceara. Your 'practical' nature and your inherent lack of scrupples makes it hard for me to know exactly what I need to say to motivate you. You are asking me to explain compassion and altruism to you but then you don't understand my answers. I told you, I serve the Goddess of Love. She bades me to help those less fortunate than myself. So when I see someone hurt or in trouble, I have a divine mandate to do something to help. Also as someone who has needed help myself before in the past, I can sympathize with those who need it now. I help people now because I hope that when I need someone, the gods or the universe will remember that I helped others and bring me someone to help me. It's fuzzy, I know. Helping people without thought of gain is the truest definition of love in action. If more people helped each other than tried to hurt each other, this world would be a safer place. And a better place. And yes, before you say it, a more boring place." He smiles at that last comment.
actually, when Ceara said she was helping, she meant she was making an acrobatic check like me and Kel. So we have three sucesses. one of the others needs to make a successful check to free the prisioners.
Hobbes is right. I'm making a full effort, not an assist.
"I can understand a divine mandate." she says, though as the 'choir' whines about the time it's taking, she glances up and glares at them.
Rev DM |
OK. Rolling for Kelgan.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 - strength
Teamwork prevails and with some careful coordination, the winches lower their pathetic burden to the ground.
Of the twenty hapless victims, the trauma has been too great for five of them, and of the remainder only two seem conscious enough to speak. A woman, wearing the remains of priestly garb grasps at the hands of her saviours, and a man in a scholars robes manages to whisper his thanks.
Kelgan the Strong |
"Why look. A priest and a mage." Ceara says in a rather amused tone. "Both sorts of people who know how to summon devils and demons. Yes, they certainly seem innocent to me." She goes back to studying the winch, impressed by it as a torture device.
"He's the one who summoned them." Kelgan points back at the man they killed minutes ago. "So, what happened here?"
Rev DM |
A long look at Kelgan's grim face is enough and the whole story pours out.
"We didn't think we were doing anything wrong! They promised us we'd cure the Spellplague! Nephigor promised that. He was our priest. We didn't know he was under the thrall of the devils! It wasn't meant to be like this, I promise you," the man's voice rises in panic and the woman gasps in pain and continues.
"I was Nephigor's novice. I helped him call the Earthmote to us, but I didn't know it was full of devils or that they'd be doing their best to promote the Spellplague. None of us knew. None of us. And now any of us that are left are here or dead or changed. Please, I beg you. Help us. We were foolish, but we're not evil."
Rev DM |
"Oghma. We sought knowledge, innovations, ideas - not this!" pleads the woman.
The man nods. "Truly, we sought only to help. We don't know how to drive this thing - only Nephigor knew that. Please, try and believe us. There's a sword they hid away, I can tell you where it is," he babbles pathetically.
Sincere and very, very shocked.
On the loot front: Nephigor's whip is worth taking.
Lullaby Weapon
Level: 9
Price: 4,200 gp
Enhancement: +2 attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +2d6 damage
Power (Daily • Sleep): Free Action. Use this power when you hit with the weapon. Make a secondary attack against the target’s Will defense, with an attack bonus equal to the level of this weapon plus its enhancement bonus. If this attack hits, the target is slowed (save ends). If the target fails its first saving throw against this power, it becomes unconscious (save ends).
There is also a holy symbol, deliberately defaced, marked with Oghma's scroll.
Nialla was wearing a cloak you might like.
Gloaming Shroud
Level: 8
Price: 3,400 gp
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: +2 Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Property: Gain an item bonus to Stealth checks in dim light or darkness equal to the shroud’s enhancement bonus.
Power (Daily • Zone): Minor Action. Create a zone of dim light (close burst 10) that lasts until the end of the encounter. Bright light created or brought into the zone is reduced to dim light while within the zone.
The scourges are just ordinary.
Military one-handedmelee weapon
Cost: 3 gp
Damage: 1d8
Proficient: +2
Range: -
Weight: 2 lb.
This lightweight flail has leather thongs inlaid with sharpened bits of metal or bone.
Off-Hand (An off-hand weapon is light enough that you can hold it and attack effectively with it while holding a weapon in your main hand. You can’t attack with both weapons in the same turn, unless you have a power that lets you do so, but you can attack with either weapon.).
Bartholomew Hobbes |
"I believe you. What's so special about this sword? And who else might be here on the Earthmote? Was Nialla really the ringleader or did she answer to someone else? Are their more devils in the other rooms?" Hobbes asks as he gathers the magical equipment off the dead bodies.
we'll sort the treasure out later, after we've dealt with the prisoners
Rev DM |
The man points to a block in the wall, half hidden behind a shredded tapestry.
"Behind there."
He slumps, his wounds beginning to overcome him once more.
Pulling aside the tapestry and sliding the block away reveals a niche containing a glinting longsword, etched with notes that Erik instantly recognises.
Level: 12
Enhancement: +3 attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus
Property: Bards can use this weapon as an implement for bard powers and bard paragon path powers.
Power (Daily): Minor. One ally within 5 squares of you gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and all defenses until the start of your next turn.
The ex-acolyte takes up the tale as she pulls herself together and moves among the limp figures of her former congregation binding wounds with strips torn from her robes.
"When we found out what Nialla was and how she had deceived us, Ingulf tried to lead a revolt. That was his sword. They took it. We don't know what happened to him, but he must be dead. I hope he's dead," she shudders.
"The rest of us stayed in the other wing, but that is no better. There are plagued things there, seeking converts. They are not gentle in their preaching. As for Nialla - she was an accomplice, not a leader I think. Something is happening to make devils and spellplagued unite."
Bartholomew Hobbes |
"Well, looks like we'll have to keep going to figure this out and stop whoever is behind it all." Hobbes says matter of factly. "We're going to cleanse this place of everything evil that lurks here. Demons, devils, spellplagued, whatever. The safest place is one where we've just been. You can stay here, if you like, but otherwise you should head back to the entryway. There is a broken down tower. You could hide in there if you like. I could seal the door behind you so that none of those creatures could get in. But the choice is yours."
Hobbes is not as happy to be helping these guys since he found out that they were aiding the bad guys, even if it was unwittingly. Ceara must be getting to him. He will not give them all food and equipment, but he will seal the door to the other tower if they want to hide there.
Rev DM |
The former acolyte looks straight at Hobbes.
"I am Olwyn. Can you help us get to shelter?"
Unless they get some kind of medical attention, they're likely to be dead fairly soon. Only Olywyn can walk unaided and there are five bodies to deal with.
What is your own plan - extended rest or further exploration?
Erik Annadar |
Erik takes a moment from tending to the wounded with his magic song to study the sword.
"I don't believe it," he says in a half-whisper. "The odds of finding another blade such as this is a rare thing indeed, and in a place like this. The gods must surely favor us to find such a rare gift."
Reaching his hand out, the blade on the wall and the one at his side start to hum in unity, and a smile spreads across Erik's face.
Bartholomew Hobbes |
i vote extended rest. if these guys weren't the big boss, the big boss is going to be tough. So far we've had enemies who could shift damage to us, enemies who could control us, and enemies who restrain us at range. Whoever the guy behind this is, he's going to be extremely tough. i will tend to the wounded, but I will need Kel's and Erik's heal checks to help. I will use my new daily power to heal the worst one.
Hobbes searches the wounded for the worst one and starts to sing as he waves his arms over him. The wounded man is healed, but weary.
my majestic word gives healing surge +1d6 +5, which should bring an NPC like him back to full.
"Erik, quit admiring your new sword and give over here and help. We are going to get these people stabilized and then move them to the other burned out tower. I'll seal it with my nail of sealing and they'll be safe. Kel, can you help, too?"
Rev DM |
Sounds like extended rest after you stash the latest set of rescuees away in the other tower. Are you taking any precautions before settling down?
Olwyn looks at the party as they help her tend the worst wounds. "You think us fools and weaklings to be mislead, I see it in your faces. But to cure the Spellplague, I thought I would do anything ... Now, I'm not so sure. There may be worse things."
Erik Annadar |
Erik's song of rest helps heal the wounded better than his unskilled hands could.
"Bandages and balms are not my forte," he adds simply.
"Devils and demons are no way to solve anything. Untold numbers of tales make this quite clear. They don't make up everything in stories you know."
Surveying their growing numbers Erik can only shake his head.
"This is going to be rough going, everyone. It will become difficult to continue feeding everyone if we're going to be here for any length of time."
Erik then adds preemptively, "And no Ceara, we're not going to kill them to save food. That would be very messy. Please find something more productive to do with your blades."
Ceara |
Erik's song of rest helps heal the wounded better than his unskilled hands could.
"Bandages and balms are not my forte," he adds simply.
"Devils and demons are no way to solve anything. Untold numbers of tales make this quite clear. They don't make up everything in stories you know."
Surveying their growing numbers Erik can only shake his head.
"This is going to be rough going, everyone. It will become difficult to continue feeding everyone if we're going to be here for any length of time."
Erik then adds preemptively, "And no Ceara, we're not going to kill them to save food. That would be very messy. Please find something more productive to do with your blades."
"I haven't killed any of them. I've just proposed more efficient answers to your issues. If you want to keep them alive, do so."
Rev DM |
The friends help the latest batch of victims to the other tower and mend the most grievous of their wounds. Olywn in particular seems thoughful as she watches the work, helping where she can.
"Where will you go next? If I can help you, I will - although I'd understand if you didn't trust us. I'm not sure I'd trust us any more."
Also still need to know if you're taking an extended rest and what precautions (if any) you will be making during that time.
Bartholomew Hobbes |
"No, Olywn. Your place is here, with the others. We'll take care of everything and come and get you when we're done. It's safer for everyone that way. I don't want to be worried about you when the next battle happens." Hobbes says to the novice.
there's a double meaning in that. one, she's probably worthless in a fight from being tortured all this time. two, she is probable hell-bent on revenge and thus a wildcard. and three, if she isn't, she could be setting us up for a betrayal. I'm going to put them all in the stairwell, seal it up. Only Erik, Kel, or myself can open the door. I'll give them some rations, enough for a day. And then prepare for a rest. none of these rooms are very defenseable. perhaps in the corner of the hallway? post guards looking both ways. Cassie will be one of them. She can stay awake all night and watch one direction. Anything comes and she'll scream bloody murder. Do the doors in the hallways open into the hallway or into the rooms?
Bartholomew Hobbes |
Rev, I was thinking more of T-W, 34-37. But that might be too close to the bad guys. In the entryway, we have some distance which might allow us to get enough sleep. I got a bad feeling about this, but we need to replenish our surges and dailys. I had a wicked little idea. The bad guy from the "choir room" used chains, right? Is there enough of the bad guys from that room to stick into their own torture device and raise it up to display them for their allies to see? I am thinking if they decide to investigate their "missing" colleagues, the sight of them in their own trap would be somewhat intimidating. And because they're already dead, we don't have to worry about doing it carefully. Let me know if that's feasible. If not, I want to use the one guy's chains to hang the succubus and the devils from the lowered cage. Not as intimidating but easier to do.